nyxcreate · 1 month
No the anon is not me both are not me but the person is saying even if you don’t have it in the ‘physical’ you still have it because you were aware of it but how does it work ? Like money, how does it work ? you can’t say yes I have it even tho you don’t
Yes but @onlyhere-onlynow 's answer is what matters, not what the anon said
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nyxcreate · 1 month
the reliance on an AI bot (or on anyone/thing for that matter) seems so counterproductive. a thought appears that says "i don’t understand", you identify with that thought and take it to be true, and then look for ways to resolve that thought because you consider it to be your problem that you now have to deal with. you think you don’t understand, you think you’re not there yet, you think you’re not fully realized and you act accordingly; you go to different sources, asking questions, seeking answers, collecting more useless information. but how do you know you "don’t understand" besides the thought that tells you so?
in reality, there’s nothing to understand because what you are cannot be understood. you can only be that. and you already are it, all the time.
the thought that you do understand, and the thought that you do not, are both equally illusory. the key is to do nothing* about any thought. stand apart from them. leave them alone. you act on the thought "i don’t understand" because you take it to be you, you self-soothe and read more, you think "now i understand" and are relieved momentarily, that thought eventually passes too, and then you’re back to square 1. stuck in a constant loop. thoughts are baseless. meaningless. they appear, then disappear. they are harmless. the only power (reality) they have is that which you give them by taking them to be true. you’re a slave to empty things that you have given authority to. 🫰wake. up. 🫰
there is absolutely zero knowledge to be gained. no more reading to be done, nothing. here and now, you are totally ready. you are at your full potential right this very instant, in every instance. at every moment you are choosing the experience. you are absolutely no-thing right now, dressed up as "this person" in "the world". you have the option to be any person in the world, to go beyond this illusory world to another one for that matter, to be/do/have literally anything… but you keep choosing the same experience out of habit and convincing yourself you’re "stuck" as this. you’ve got so used to what you’re doing that you don’t recognize it anymore, you think it’s forced upon you, that this is the life you were born into, but i promise you it’s all your choosing. investigate it just a little and see.
searching for more and asking more questions is totally useless. you are a dog chasing it’s tail. you can do absolutely nothing to become what you are seeking, because you are already that. act accordingly.
"you need not stop thinking. just cease being interested. it is disinterestedness that liberates. don’t hold on, that is all." —Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
*in case it’s not obvious, by "do nothing" i do not mean don’t eat/drink/walk/talk etc. you can never do nothing. even the act of doing nothing is doing something. staring at a wall all day is still a doing. continue to tend to your tasks, look after the seeming body, socialize with family and friends — just fix your attitude. don’t get involved. don’t be pulled in any direction by any thought. be like a calm sea, unstirred by whatever happens. know yourself to be beyond it all. when a thought arises, and the impulse comes to act on that thought, study it. inquire about it. peel it back. break down your beliefs. you will soon see how "reality" naturally follows your lead, bends to your will, moulds to fit your ideals, because it is all just you. you have always had total dominion.
Well said, thank you💯🕉️
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nyxcreate · 2 months
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nyxcreate · 2 months
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Here's me and my avatar 😇
Thanks to @iamthat-iam , I copied you but I'm still proud 🥰 😙
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nyxcreate · 2 months
by Dawa 🎑 + translation
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nyxcreate · 2 months
Desires arise because you don't remember your true nature. 
Let's say you found a beautiful stone on the street. To make it yours, you need to bring it home. 
Do you collect things, people at home, because that's the only way they can be yours by right?
But you are not a person in the world, the world itself is in you. 
You are the home for all seeming things and people. Their creator. 
So, every stone in the illusory world belongs to you. It is not necessary to carry it home to indicate belonging.
There's nothing to want when you know that the whole world belongs to you. 
And, watching everything from this position, you notice how things and events that you once seemed to want suddenly happen to you. Effortlessly. 
Any thought finds a place in an illusory "physical" reality, because there is no difference between "mental" and "physical". 
You let go of control of the world, and it begins to obey you. 
Take away the resistance and be happy.
Go with the flow just for the sake of experiment. See what happens.
— Neo
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nyxcreate · 2 months
Do not try to bend the spoon , that’s impossible instead realize the truth that there is no spoon 🥄
-> Matrix (1999)
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nyxcreate · 2 months
Validation 🎬🥇
Lamar has been in the LOA community for years. It has always been a magical experience to read everyone's success stories, and to share some of his own. Everytime he successfully "manifested" something, he felt like "HIM." He felt like That Guy.
He couldn't wait to run to social media to brag about getting his SP back, and them moving into a beach house together. He couldn't wait to talk about how he met his favorite rapper, J Cole, and was invited to a party after one of his concerts.
"Wow that's insane!" People commented. "Congrats man! That's crazy!"
He didn't know what felt better, actually "experiencing" his manifestations, or the validation he got from sharing his success stories. Either way, he felt pretty damn good all the time.
Then, one day, he came across some ND/AV posts on Twitter that humbled him in ways he didn't think were possible. "Everyone and everything is you," "There's no manifestion, it's just an imaginary concept to explain how reality works," "All experiences are the same. No difference between physical and imagination," are all quotes that stood out to him.
This made him question everything he thought he knew about his own life, how reality works, and manifestation. If everyone was him, that means his girlfriend is also him, and everyone in his life? He's just been sharing his success stories with himself? If all experiences are the same, what was the point of waiting for everything to show up in the 3D? What's the point of it all? He needed to find answers soon before he drove himself crazy.
He found a NDtwt account that was willing to take DMs and sent a lengthy message about his concerns.
"Hi Lamar, thanks for messaging me!" The ND 'teacher' greeted him. "The first thing I want to explain is how 'everyone is you.' Everyone is not the PERSON you think you are, everyone is not Lamar. However, your true nature, the awareness behind everything that appears, is everyone and everything. You may have labelled the phone in your hand a "phone", but in reality it's just you. Same thing with the objects in the room you are in. Same thing with anything you can think of."
"Okay so I am one with everything, that makes sense," Lamar typed. "What about all experiences being the same? This whole time I've been waiting for things to show up in the 3D for nothing? Is it pointless to share success stories?"
"You got your GF back, you're living in a beach house and you met J Cole, I completely understand why you'd want to share that with others," the ND 'teacher' began. "However, once you've collapsed the duality between physical and imagination, you won't need that validation anymore. You know your true nature, you know that everything is you, so you know that no experience is seperate from you. That's the difference between LOA and ND. In LOA, there's someone here in lack to get something. In ND, there's nothing to get. You simply experience whatever you want without labelling it 'physical', 'imagination', 'dreams' because there's no such thing. No one can validate or invalidate your experiences because seeming others are also part of the illusion."
"Okay, I kinda get it, could you give me an example?" Lamar inquired.
"Suppose you were aware of being a famous rapper, and you had tons of fans. Then you open your eyes and everything appears to be the same. You try telling your family that you are a famous rapper, they all look at you like you're crazy. What happened here was you were perfectly aware of being this famous rapper, then switched to an illusion where you are not a famous rapper, and tried to get validation from people in the illusion where you aren't a famous rapper. Do you see where I'm going with this?" The ND 'teacher' asked.
"So it would be pointless to tell them I'm a famous rapper if I already experienced it myself, and them looking at me crazy doesn't really mean anything," Lamar guessed.
"Correct!" The ND 'teacher' replied. "Also, when you were aware of being a famous rapper, the old life and old you did not exist. This is because there's no objective reality here. There's actually nothing here, only your awareness of being, or " ."
This made Lamar feel better about this whole situation. There's no need for validation from seeming others when everyone and everything is you. Your success story is your ability to appear as anything or anyone.
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nyxcreate · 2 months
Real vs Unreal 🤯
Jade has been in the LOA community for over a year now. It opened her up to many different possibilities, such as shifting to the MCU (Marvel Universe) where she is a superhero with super strength, super speed, and the ability to fly.
Everyday when she wakes up, and before she goes to bed, she does an intense visualization of this reality. Each time she does it, her "current reality" seems to disappear, until she opens her eyes. She knows that she's so close yet so far from shifting there! She decides to go on Tumblr and ask for advice.
She comes across some intriguing ND posts that say "You must collapse the duality between physical vs imagination and real vs unreal" and "All experiences are the same, no matter the label. Seeing a car in a 'daydream' is no different than seeing one 'in real life.'"
This seems to be different than what she learned from LOA, with the existence of a 3D/4D and 'fulfilling your imagination until it shows up in the physical.' She sends a blogger a question out of curiosity.
"Hi! I know that this is not a shifting blog, but I wanted clarification on a few things. For over a year now, I've been trying to shift to the Marvel Universe, where I'm a superhero with powers. Everyday I do a visualization where I am experiencing these things. I just saw your post that says all experiences are the same, and how seeing something in imagination is the same as real life. Does this mean the whole time I was visualizing myself in that reality, I was already experiencing that? It was real? I also want to know how imagination and physical are the same. Thank you." She inquired.
The blogger responds with, "Yes you already experienced it. The reason why there's no physical vs imagination is because your awareness, your true nature, is present during all appearances that come and go. We've just labelled certain appearances real or not real based on certain ideas we picked up through life. For example, many people think that experiences are only real when you are awake and you seem to be living through the 5 senses. They were also taught that things like fairies, dragons, supernatural abilities aren't real, so when they hear stories about people experiencing those things, it's a huge shock for them. But in reality, nothing is objectively real or unreal, all experiences are possible for awareness. You (as awareness, THAT, or " ") are the ONLY thing that is truly real. As the ultimate authority, only you can decide what is "true" for you or not."
Jade decides to take some time to really think about what this blogger said. Everything they said is a complete 180 from what Jade thought she knew about life and how reality works. So that means this entire time, she was already in the MCU? And the MCU is apparently just as real as what Jade calls "real life?" That is truly an interesting concept to ponder! The one thing that has Jade stumped, however, is the fact that she opens her eyes and continues to see her old life. She goes back to the blogger to ask about this.
"That's really interesting how I already experienced being in the MCU! So this technically means I can tell someone I "shifted" there, and they couldn't accuse me of lying? Also, I'm a bit confused on why whenever I open my eyes after visualizing, I still see my old life," She questioned the blogger.
"To answer your first question, no, they can't accuse you of 'lying' because that was a valid experience for you. The idea that you have to experience "shifting symptoms" or enter the void state to "experience another world" is limiting, and creates a barrier between you and whatever you want to experience. This is no disrespect to that community, if they want to "shift" or "enter the void state" to experience things, that is totally up to them. But ND is about not labelling experiences, and not treating them as if they are separate from you. All experiences are yours. It's natural for you, as an omnipotent being, to experience whatever you want instantly. As for why your "old life" continues to appear, there is no old life. There's no experience A turning into experience B, it's all nothingness. You said you visualized being in the MCU, have you noticed that the "old life" seems to disappear and you're totally focused on the visualization? That's because the "old life" never was in the first place!" The blogger explained.
That response made everything click for Jade. She finally feels free enough to experience the MCU universe or any other universe whenever she wants! "Thank you so much! This was very helpful and empowering!" She thanked the blogger.
And so Jade became the superhero she always wanted to be.
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nyxcreate · 2 months
i wish i could turn off this illusion sometimes, like a tv, you know. like it can be here in a second and the next it fades away… i wish it really were as palpable as you all say
but apparently it seems all i can do is be aware of it and be present in the moment… like i can’t ‘escape’ it. it’s like i’m stuck w this illusion somehow. it feels so limiting and contradicting
i’m not even “trying to change it” anymore i just wish it’d all stop. but it feels like none of these 2 options are possible so fuck me ig
🥲😭 i’m so tired
Yeah you are already but you keep thinking you're stuck in something and experience continuity because you think there is one
"I can't escape it" it doesn't exist
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nyxcreate · 3 months
I hate words, I hate words. I'm tired, I'm tired of going around in circles and not knowing how to stop because of words. "enlightenment", "there is no enlightenment", "do this to achieve", "there is nothing to achieve"… Like what should I do? It's all me, but I wanted help, but apparently I can't. Are you confused? I know you are, I'm sorry, but I'm really tired of everything
I started this for my father so he could get better and not need surgery, because I only have him as a relative. Sorry El, I just want to lie down and hibernate. I tried back to LOA, but it’s so strange when you already know dunno sorry
Anon. Breathe in, breathe out.
I know this need to change things because of the potential relief, I’ve been there too, but this is not about having this or having that.
This is about going beyond, about realizing that you never needed anything.
My advice is that you give up the trying, the chasing… Believe me, there’s nothing to try or chase. It is all here now, you just have to notice.
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nyxcreate · 3 months
You say that you don't need to do "anything" but you also say to give up on desires, do self-inquiry to let go of the ego, observe, and so on. Isn't there really anything to do?
Never said this, I maybe have said you'll see you have no need to desire because you are everything already. You do what you want.
Have you not read my description ? Never said to let go of ego because Idc about someonthing that is already non existent. There is no let go to do.
Have you not read my lasts posts ? I said you don't need to get rid of anything to see yourself ?
Have not seen my posts where I say there is no effot to observe because you're doing it right now ? Is is that hard to know you exist and focus on that ?
Not doing anything = no action and effort needed because it's instant to notice, to have direct experience .(the words themselves means instantly experiencing: directly). Nothing to change because you already ARE YOU.
Why come on someone's page and send ask like this before even knowing what the blog is talking about and assuming stuff on your own, and then blame me ? Maybe you took my words and overcomplicated them, that may be my fault for not using the right words so sorry if that's the case, but pointers are here to point to yourSelf, it's instant. So please if you see me talking about doing efforts or some action don't listen, don't limit yourself. :)
And for self-inquiry, I never said you HAVE to do anything, I only recommand to observe and see yourself so you know by yourself.
Again instant : are you aware ? Yes. Ok you are that awareness only. Done.
And even to drop labels it takes less than 1 min to observe as if language doesn't exist. It's automatic to see how all is made of nothing but you're aware of them.
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nyxcreate · 3 months
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nyxcreate · 3 months
You’re anxious, scared, hurt and the aching in your heart is unbearable and seems too real, but it’s not, and I know exactly how you feel. What, did you think everything was perfect for other bloggers and I before noticing “IT”? That I didn’t shed my own good amount of tears and wanted to end it all?
If you want to cry until you can’t anymore, please do so. If you feel like resting all day, please do so. If you want to scream at the top of your lungs out of frustration, please do so. The only thing I ask you is to stop being so damn rough on yourself. You are no victim neither a lost cause, doesn’t matter what is seemingly happening.
Don’t deny this seeming feeling and just let it be, without judgement. I know it can be uncomfortable and you don’t like it, I’ve been there, but just let the tears flow and breathe without assigning any label to what is happening. It still is all you, just an illusion; just " ". Nothing is happening, it’s just a silly dream; a dramatic play!
Where there is a catastrophic storm and rough waves, the ocean remains untouched. Where there are dark clouds and heavy rain, the flower remains untouched.
This is a love letter to you from you, and you’re free to come back and read it again whenever you want to. You are eternal peace and endless love, my dear. Take a deep breath and go back to the silence, you never left it.
I love you ♡
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nyxcreate · 3 months
There is no desired reality (DR) or current reality (CR). These terms are seen a lot in the shifting community and it is because of the misidentification that who they are is the person trying to go somewhere else.
In nondualism we see that this is false as there is no difference between cr or dr because there is no going anywhere, this is all there is. And by this I do not mean the illusion / hallucination (that by default cannot exist without awareness), I mean the "screen" against which seeming images are set, but honestly even that can't explain it quite well.
To sum it up,
There is no going from point A to point B, there is only the illusory appearance of it. Point A = Point B because they are made up of the same thing, SELF / THE VERY BEING.
As the extremely popular example goes, water can take form of any-thing. Water can be made into ice, it can be boiled, it can be used to make sculptures but it is still just water.
The same way, Self can take form in the seeming appearance of a world with animals and people or it can be a world with centaurs running about; there is no difference. If you see what is appearing as an apple and an orange, there is no difference except what thought "says". Without labels, what is happening?
Lastly, " " is anarchy as said by many blogs on here. There is no second power and there is no listening to anyone or anything because well there is only oneness going on. There are no rules, there is ESSENTIALLY NO-THING, IN THE MOST LITERAL WAY POSSIBLE. Who is there to say NO NOT LIKE THIS when there is just ONENESS?
Whether you like it or not, this is IT. There is no going anywhere, there is no reaching anywhere, there is no reading 5 more books (although you can, i enjoy it personally) & there is definitely no trying to get something. It is your perception that what you "want" isn't "here". Everything already just is.
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nyxcreate · 3 months
Hi, I always end up with silence but it’s like we learn about "  " but we only have peace ? I mean how you guys experience whatever you want ? Like waking up as a millionaire ? Because I feel like it’s just for "peace" that we notice that we’re " "
What do you understand by " "?
" " isn't a feeling, or a thought or a experience,
" " is everything/nothing.
It's like when you are dreaming, you interact with people thinking they are separate from you, yet you wake up and realize it was all made by your mind, and all of them were you.
Now, if you become lucid in the dream you notice this, you notice everyone and everything is you made by and of you. Now you can do bend this dream however you want.
It's the same with this seemingly real life, you just believe this is real because you are labeling it as real, this life have the same veracity a dream have.
The moment you observe you are a millionare you are already being so.
You are being the person being a millionare, the millions, the feelings, and the thoughts (you are aware of them = awareness can not be separate from these = they are one and the same), the thing is that you are adding one thing more in this equation; the desire.
You are not only being aware of the person being a millionare, you are also aware of a person desiring to be a millionare. You see how much of a powerfull omnipotent being you are? You are being multiple things all at once with no effort at all!
You just have to let go of the idea of there being a process, or you need to wake up as, you already are it! Stop forcing yourself to be a star when you are the whole universe!
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nyxcreate · 3 months
What would you say to the "past self" who just stumbled upon the teachings of Advaita?
Hi :)
I would say there is no “past self” and there is no “future self”
There is no future
There is no Past
I will share a post written by: Being_is_IT
( i know it’s long sorry )
I know that the past and future does not exist. I know that all things and events seem to come and go but there is actually only stillness. I know that whatever is moving is just the movement of the Mind. So, I only need to live in the present now and enjoy every bodily feeling of the current movement. I still have a confusion as to whether this "I" is actually the awareness of the world? I always bring that awareness into my body and associate that awareness with the bodily "I". I seem to get stuck with this association. I seem to get stuck with my bodily thinking so that I am not able to live in the present. What is the real self? Is the world the same as the real self? Did I create the world? Or is the world just self ("I")?
A: "Living in presence" are just words to you. Every word in this sentence is just conceptual knowing. From the questions you ask, I can see that there are a lot of conceptual assumptions made by the Mind that are not established as valid. Let's talk about your questions:
The feeling of "I" is the energetic effect of Infinite radiant energy. Just like awareness is the energetic effect of Infinite radiant energy, the feeling of "I" is just a different label for feeling of awareness. The feeling of "I" arises together with the feeling of awareness, there cannot be a feeling of "I" without being aware at the same time.
Here is my caution to you, please do not analyze what is the feeling of "I" and what is awareness and try to comprehend their relationship. If you try to make this analysis, it's like sinking into the abyss of the Mind, it's like lost in the ocean of words and concepts. Yes, you have been stuck in trying to connect dots between two conceptual words, i.e., "I" and "awareness". Please notice! They are only words to you and words are concepts that don't actually stand at all. When you try to understand the association between two concepts that themselves don't actually stand at all, it is like trying to catch wind with a net, you will get nowhere. How can you not be frustrated?
What is "I"? What is "awareness"? Other than concepts defined by the Mind, I cannot definitively tell you what they are. I can only use a pointer to point to that which is beyond words: Both the feeling of "I" and the feeling of "awareness" are the energetic effects of Infinite Radiant Energy which cannot be described in words. However, for the sake of convenience, you can temporarily use the Mind to imagine that Infinite Radiant Energy is much more than physical energy taught in Physics classes. This Radiant energy is infinitely intelligent so that it can simultaneously appear as myriads forms of physical energy, space and time, separate objects and events, individual feelings of "I", personal feeling of awareness, and the effect of personal thinking (i.e., the Mind). All of them are simultaneous or synchronous effects of the same Infinite Radiant Energy. From the perspective of personal thinking, i.e., the Mind, all the above-mentioned energetic effects appear to be separate and independent of each other as if they are in different dimensions. For example, you think that the feeling of "I" is separate and independent of the feeling of "awareness"; you think that "space" and "time" are separate and independent properties; you think that the feeling of "time" is separate and independent of the feeling of "I" as if you can feel the passing of "time" without feeling the sense of "I".
Actually, you cannot feel the passing of "time" without feeling the sense of "I". They are of the same feeling!
Actually, you cannot feel the sense of vast "space" without feeling the sense of passing "time". They are of the same feeling!
Actually, the feeling sense of "I" is exactly the feeling sense of "thinking". They are not 2 separate effects independent of each other!
Actually, the feeling of "awareness" is none other than the feeling of "space" and "time" and "I". You cannot have one without the others.
Actually, the feeling of objects and events is the same feeling of "space, time, and I".
Now, can you see how many conceptual labels that the Mind has defined to portray the same Infinite Radiant Energy? Every word you express is nothing more than Infinite Radiant Energy - THAT! But as far as the Mind sees, these expressions may seem like talking about a lot of separate things and stories. Not so, all you can ever talk about is THAT, THAT, THAT and THAT.
What is the feeling of "I"? Other than an effect of THAT, I cannot tell you what it is.
What is the feeling of "space"? Other than an effect of THAT, I cannot tell you what it is.
What is the feeling of "time" and "now"? Other than an effect of THAT, I cannot tell you what they are.
What is "awareness"? Other than an effect of THAT, I cannot tell you what it is.
What are "objects and events"? Other than an effect of THAT, I cannot tell you what they are.
What is "thinking" and "the Mind"? Other than an effect of THAT, I cannot tell you what they are.
Infinite Radiant Energy (i.e., THAT) may manifest an infinite number of effects. The effect of thinking Mind is just such an effect of THAT. If you assume that you are your Mind, then, you appear to see myriads of objects, events, expanding space, passing time, and feeling of "I". All these concepts only seem to make sense to a thinking Mind. In other words, the Mind interprets the effects of THAT into words and concepts as if they are real existence.
Please take every opportunity to taste all these myriads of effects, the more you taste these effects, the more you will discover automatically that all effects are just effects like that in a dream and they are completely and absolutely insubstantial. If you take any effect of THAT as actuality, it will be like falling into the plotline of a dream, you will have to endure the feeling of suffering. Although such feeling of suffering itself is just a seeming effect which is insubstantial as well.
What is the only substantiality? THAT! which is your SELF, for the sake of convenience, you can temporarily think of THAT as Infinite Radiant Energy.
You cannot see THAT, you cannot touch THAT, you cannot experience THAT, all you can see, touch and experience are an infinite number of effects of THAT! How ironic! Do you need to seek THAT? No, you don't. Because the current seeing, touching, feeling and experiencing are all THAT already. As long as you don't take whatever shows up as separate and independent reality or entities, you will realize that you are THAT and THAT is you already. There is no need for improvement and conversion. You are by default THAT already. Not a tiny bit of effort is needed, THAT is YOU by default.
If you see from the perspective of the Mind (which is an effect of THAT), it is like seeing from the Mind of a fictitious character inside the story of dream, you are mistaken to assume you are that character in that storyline. Of course, based on such mistaken perspectives, all kinds of suffering seem to rise.
You complained about "I am not able to live in the presence". Please notice, there is not an "I" that can live in the presence just like a dream "I" in your dream last night is not able to live in the presence. What is a short cut out of this quandary then? The short cut is immediately finding out that there has never been a separate and independent "I" living anywhere. The short cut is immediately discovering that the feeling of "I" *does not* mean there is a person called "I" living right now. Such feeling of "I" is just an energetic effect of Infinite Radiance Energy very much like that a dream is just an energetic effect of Infinite Radiance Energy.
No, you don't need to deny the feeling of "I". Such feeling is like dreaming a dream. Such a feeling is not harmful as long as you see such feeling is just like a harmless energetic effect that's coming and going.
Who is living in presence? No one! Let's go a little further, this is not actually "living" at all, this is THAT alone. The idea of "living" is a secondary concept coming along with the first concept of a person being born and living his life. There was no one getting born and there will be no one dying, so the concept of "living" is just an illusional concept supporting the illusional concept of "persons". Once you transcend these illusional concepts, you don't talk about living and dying. You don't need to express it anymore because all there is - is your own perfection.
What is the real self? If you get what I have said above, you will get that there is no need to define "self" because you are SELF already. Being SELF is enough. There is no need to make sense of "SELF" in any conceptual way. SELF is not an entity that can be described in words, ideas, concepts and definitions. So, your question cannot be answered. Your question is based on a subtle assumption that the so-called "self" is a separate entity that can be found and defined. Your question is based on a false assumption; thus, your question is not valid.
Did I create the world? Of course not! The idea of "creation" is a false assumption that does not have any meaning. THAT is an infinite energy that is not created and has no ending. THAT is a synonym for INFINITY which means no beginning and no ending. The feeling of "I" rises synchronously with the feeling of "world", both are just the same energetic effects of THAT. "I" is not an actual entity called "I" and the world is not an actual entity called "world".
Yes, the "world" is just an energetic effect of THAT (i.e., SELF) very much like the dream last night you experienced is just an energetic effect of THAT (i.e., SELF). There are no 2
Hence Non duality/ NOT TWO
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