nyxityidv · 2 months
i shld get back into wrtiing stuff for this blog and its like nightmare's character day so i shld probably do sonmething abt him since hes the closest thing i have to a main so uhhh
what does nightmare do better than the newly released shadow?
the newly released killer and nightmare are both teleport mobility hunters, who can use a peeper's adjacent abilities to delay generators, teleport to them, or for midchase aura reading, while having chase that is situationally weak, i think bcuz i might just need to get good with ivy to realise her chase potential is actually way higher than i'm assuming idk (also fur the record i 100% beleive somebody on the design team played sadako dbd pre-rework bcuz there are Alot of similairites i enjoy :3)
for one thing, differnces in their chase functionality means that alot of the survivors nightmare is good against and ivy are good against will be differnet, and im nyot expiernced/focused enough to actually list all this out so trust me™ (my guesses which may be fundamentally embarresingly wrong is that nightmare will be better against smaller form mobility enchancments like acrobat and close-range stunners like enchanter, and still works good at punishing tight/vanilla kiting mistkes, while ivy won't care abt vaulting faster's effect as mewch and be better against longer-range stunners and involve less tight-kiting in general, having a different set of mistakes involving awareness for survivors instead that will probably be ironed out eventually)
but nightmare's bird not requring controlling a second character will make him remain Much better at applying it to ciphers midchase, and make teleports / detection a more "convient" action for him, and bcuz of this he'll remain as having really strong exit gate blocking, while ivy's ostracions are more potent once deployed, and can be teleported to multiple times and in chain, giving her stronger map pressure, closer to a dream witch, which is also what her camp can kinda occupy where as nightmare's camp isn't viable enough to be your primary go-to strategy i think nightmare's teleport intp hit is stronger since birds remain centered on the survivor, while ivy applying corruption to survivors after second presence is really strong for her post teleport chase :3 also nightmare can do wu-chang style midchase teleports (better) but i have yet to habitise those well enough since i try using birds as cipher detection/slowdown/ teleport spots primarily >w>
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nyxityidv · 4 months
me if the new survivor turns out to be annoying to play against or is nothing like playing mechanic or encroaches on the territory of mechanic to an "invalidating mechanic's viability" degree
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nyxityidv · 5 months
wax artist is so cool i wish he was playable on pc ;-;
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nyxityidv · 5 months
trying a new theme (on desktop), bcuz having the primary background colour be a white feels anemic with colour highlighting and idk how to properly modify the base theme otherwise sowwy vwv
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nyxityidv · 5 months
i like stickers bcuz semi-nonverbal communication is good fur my mental state but i also dislike them because i do nyot understand what ppl are communicating with the newer ones ;w;
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does the russian first officer player think i was being mean? is he offended bcuz of that or is he defending himself from being critisied by a fucking nightmare player? idk ;w;
(he popped it while i was walking towards his (injured) cipher, having just sent a bird to the second of the three ciphers, and immidately watching, which forked me into either struggling to chase him under watch for atleast 30 seconds, with bird on cooldown, or sending a bird to the other exit gate notably late while walking towards the other one and praying neither opened in time)
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nyxityidv · 6 months
me if the new survivor turns out to be annoying to play against or is nothing like playing mechanic or encroaches on the territory of mechanic to an "invalidating mechanic's viability" degree
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nyxityidv · 6 months
as a player of both idv and dbd i compare the games alot and since i've started actively playing dbd again [and the recent code that gives alot of iridescent shards bcuz of some milestone] i've unlocked hag and honestly, having some expiernce playing soul weaver and like 3 games on hag hag feels alot more like, being a spider honestly? the aspects of not really being as focused on chase and putting more effort into building and maintaining your web, and the oppurtunisticness from teleporting to traps feels alot more "spider" than soul weaver's webs,
having tried this for a few matches, and adding in my knowledge on soul weaver, you Really just don't seem to have the thread to accomplish area control across a few ciphers like hag can, and i think webbing actually fades over time? i can't find any data (like every part of this game because i have yet to learn where to find stuff like this ;w;) but it definately Feels more transient than i thought it was
asside, isn't this like more what axeboy does actually? i haven't learned how to properly play axeboy but if you actually place your trees properly he has like, way wider area control actually, though it is like alot less kinda? thinking abt it is axeboy actually the latest released hunter with any form of lasting area control that isn't specifically cipher based? if you have the cut off afer like naiad abyss long and count gamekeeper's traps's being added later with him i guess >w>
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nyxityidv · 6 months
buff ideas for the conventially seen as weak characters i main (that probably aren't actually neccesary fur mechanic but i thought of lore and i wannya write it down)
Nightmare - Plot Twist: A sort of built in trump card, like clerk+wax's built in confined space, keeping it as a one time use would make some builds that want hyperflexibility keep trumpcard, it could also be hidden, referncing the "twist" aspect, but that would force two seperate buttons to be used, and maybe feel unfair? It could either be an external trait, or be tied to presence, seeing as it would likely be a latergame ability anyways. The name refences his writing motif / novelist connection, which is otherwise missing from his abilities, and the effect is inspired by the fact he has variantions of blink, teleport, and peepers built into his kit already.
Mechanic - uncertain: Raises the time she can spend on chair by 5% to 10%, either nestled into Mech Master, or appended like first officer's Lost Paradise into one of MM or Cowardly, mentioning that she calms in the presence of machinery. Inspired by the fact that mechanic's a mechanic and also that operating doll on chair is half of what makes her viable and this wld make that a little stronger, and would also serve as an instructive effect, pushing less experinced survivors to leave her on chair, and 10% would be a mewre standard number but putting her in the company of embalmer and mercnary might be too much, and after the mind's eye buff its clear they're willing to use wacky numbers.
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nyxityidv · 6 months
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this gave me such bad whiplash ;w;
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nyxityidv · 6 months
with how many characters identity v pretty much every character can be defined as "like character y, but!" with a few characters as initial starting soil to give some examples, seer can be described as 'giving gardener's effect to a teammate regardless of range', while "psychologist" somewhat does the same with 'selfhealing', with similar downsides (taking time of stillness to preform, having to regain uses via staring / healing, making your own abilities 10% weaker), and then postman repackages female dancer like this, but more split up, and with a cooldown (and old novelist does urgent letter but stronger with outline >w>)
and then on the hunter side compare smiley face, a character with a [potentially infinite] fast dash with full turning that can damage survivors with less hitstun and break pallets, and has antiheal or a way to speed himself up with breaking wheel, who has a no time limit wheel form with limited turning that can apply an effect that equals damage that can be used to instadown removing some of the value of healing with pallet breaking, and an ability to speed himself up
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nyxityidv · 6 months
just got called a noob by a salty explorer for not camping as nightmare
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nyxityidv · 6 months
i use the idv wikia alot bcuz i don't keep the game open on my computer 24/7 to look at data but the tips they give are,,, so so so bad
"The flashlight can be used to secure balloon rescues." how literally how nyo explanation given and maybe this is skill issue but i'm like 100% certain more people have unassisted gardener balloon rescued this week than have balloon rescued with thief in the past three years
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nyxityidv · 6 months
somewhat insightful, goes on a little long but the abridged and full replays really examplify the thesis
(honestly i kinda think the "don't rescue at 5 ciphers" adjadge is a bit of a punitive measure for the survivor being bad? with tide even a literally 0 second to rehit rebound kite gets ~30 seconds for two survivors to decode so having a cipher penalty survivor rescue after 20s is pretty much always good?)
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nyxityidv · 6 months
probably bad patient / psychologist team composition concept
this uses the duo as main and backup resuer, so both should probably have tide, but psychologist acts as the primary resue, using the synergy of stress and tide's health effects to an extreme, so patient should actually drop tide? the two other survivors need to have good rebound kite ability
when a survivor is chaired, psycholgist rescues, being hit once before the chair gets stress going immediately, but it should still take effect on being rescued without tide anyways?, psychologist then bodyblocks twice for the rescueed survivor, and then psychologist gets chaired because the other survivor is too hard to valuably chase?
then upon being rescued optimally by patient, she takes two hits to be downed, and has the benefits of patient dash thingy as assisted kiting :3
this strategem wld fall apart insantly given a hunter with nonstandard damage, or one who's dangerous /ineffective to bodyblock, so one of the other survivors should also bring tide, probably
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nyxityidv · 6 months
i love playing percy ["undead"] which given how wildly hit or miss playing him can kinda suck but he also kinda sucks to play because i can feel like almost time i bring him into quickplay and then do well it like its not really because i did well so much as the survivors just don't know what percy does
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nyxityidv · 7 months
tldr of suvivors i play post since that is kinda incomprehensible >w>
higher decoding: explorer, mechanic, lawyer, postman
rescueing: first officer, batter, mechanic, doctor, lawyer
assisting kiter: batter, postman, thief bodyblocking: doctor, mechanic coincedentally also healing other assisting: postman, gardener, thief
kiting: thief, batter, gardener
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nyxityidv · 7 months
Survivors I play and like a single sentence on why
bcuz i kinda exhausted myself talking about rescues and rescuing so mewch with a post abt rescues [that,, deffo needs revision >w>] into a post abt first officer vwv [going in order of percieved usage which is inaccurate to actual usage due to having usage from bfore hiatusing]
mechanic so anyways i might cut that whole tangent out but i love mechanic because shes like playing two survivors at once :3 and becuase her stacking decoding penalty and ability to be decoding while chaired justifies really self destructive bodyblocking and rescueing :3 i play her as: all rounder/decoder? she can give heals, or body block with one body while using the other to decode, she can be a first rescuer w/ tide bodyblocking while using bot to decode, when she is downed / chaired, she can decode, and in non-camping hunter situations she can self-rescue, she can self heal, she can decode with both bodies (tbh i only start decoding with bot when someone is injured >w>), having a sub-par fifth survivor is just really useful in alot of ways and it happens most are to keep someone decoding
explorer explorer has the best stealth of any survivor, reliable hunter detection [though lower range w/ no aura reading or secondary benefits], and flexibity with ciphers which gives resistance to alot of cipher delaying effects / tactics i play him as: decoder, he has no ability to assist kiters and the only benefit he has when rescuing is "probably uninjured", he can contain for some time as a kiter in some areas on some maps but he doesn't have Any reliability if he isn't in those areas or able to getaway
first officer hes a rescuer he has lower drawbacks than mercenary i like the pseudo invicibility i use him as a rescuer please don't make me talk mewre abt him im already in the middle of writing something abt himmmm ;w;
thief flashlight silencing is good against the characters that are otherwise good against most of my played characters, and flashlight's stun is fun to use running backwards and flexibility is a little nice benefit that makes me get terrorshocked when not thief sometimes, painfully :3 and he has two time-saving for whole team passives and he's standard decoding speed with minimal timesinks i play him as: kiter, though he definately has pretty notable assist kiting capabilities i just haven't captured how to use yet he is notably teammate dependent w/ his lockpicks
batter batter has an ranged aimed semi-reusable knockback, which if used without immediately regrabbing ball gives the hunter the "female dancer break box for future viability but let transistion" choice, With the choice for batter of making it stun and/or reseting cooldown but beaking ball on contact, 20% vaulting speed which under rampage becomes 40% and,,,, altruism is,, altruism is so much fucking movement, using altruism is so exhilirating, and so useful for getting into assist kiting positioning and is also incredible for escaping i play him as: an assist kiter, or rescue, hes also Good at kiting should he be first chase against some hunters when you don't fuck up massively ;w;
gardener im not remotely good at her but breaking rocket chair makes it waste hunter time repairing And makes it last longer without having to be near that area when it happens, vaulting speed + veterancy's boost + the shield i hnstly haven't learned are all nyice for extending chase, and i also just find movement speed boosts like veterancy really nyice i play her as: kiter with passive assist, she Really does not function as a "balloon rescue" (harrasser is a word i've seen but idk the extact definiton ppl r using for it so i've been avoiding it here >w>), atleast without assistance and she probably Is the only character with any business playing secondary "harrasser" which is maybe interesting to try actually :3
doctor doctor is kinda like, a pressure release valve, somewhat soft counters every chip damage hunter, is very effective in games where resetting/healing occurs, and is also just really useful for slamming yourself between the kiter and the hunter to bodyblock and then leaving with veterancy to heal up :3 [her vaulting speed down is painful sometimes though ;w;] i play her as: healer / assist kiter, and secondary rescue, i'm not really a fan of being the focused kiter with her but she Can heal up for that anyways
lawyer i honestly like never play lawyer but he fits between these two and as a fan of itemless/light kiting and veternacy and decoding quickly he fits in here but even though hes the best itemless kiter late game and able to hide i just will usually pick explorer over him if the decoding looks neccesary i play him as: decoder, though he IS much better than explorer for rescueing
postman being a mapwide assist is just helpful and being able to give a permanent 10% vault up is just useful, alongisde being able to boost decoding, and dogs are useful :3, but i don't play him enough to honestly say "how" i play him past "trying to give decoding to someone not being chased or give letters to help the main kiter and then help the rescue with bravery and if being chased or near the main kiter dogging the hunter" but thats just the character
antiquarian the survivor i don't play at all who i think i shld pick up the most since shes very handily able to kite + assist kite, has normal decoding, and has part of explorer's stealth (less trail + using jump to vault) , but i've just never play her but think i shld enough to mention
also lucky guy hes a veterancy user and his options allow for alot of different styles and reactive play but the main thing that makes me think about using him is that he can do "doll stuff" that mechanic isn't really able to afford to do but i feel like i need to learn him more to use him in any regard
since i mentioned little girl in the much better tl/dr shes map wide teleport which is good for healing and pages that is useful for assisting kite and connection that is obvsly useful for assisting kite and lets you bodyblock + speedboost and lets you Only think about pages and shes also like half the size of other survivors making some loops function kinda like tall walls that otherwise don't :3
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