Being an introject of a friend's OC is so awful and awkward. Like, YOU did this. Thank you for creating me I suppose but what the hell. Can you make my family normal instead
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i accidentally wrote erotica, and now i have a new OC. i think my own kinks showed up and that's why. i relate very strongly to my oc. we both want a boyfriend who will collar and control and use and breed.
i am so very sorry.
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actually dont be sorry to that recent confessor, you reminded us of a rule we needed to make!
Nsfw confessions are allowed!
We'll be tagging them, so this is your warning to block that tag for the future if you need/want to! Thank you!
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just realized, being kin from spiderverse, people are probably gonna assume my name is short for Symbiote. it is not. it’s short for Sympathy, my name is Sympathy Parker.
(well, it was short for Sympathy in my canon, but now that i’ve adopted my old name again i have decided it’s now also short for The Sims 4 because that’s really funny and also The Sims 4 is one of my other sources so it’s a double reference or something i dont know. still, it was Sympathy, not Symbiote. my timeline didn’t survive long enough for any venom-related events to even take place so i didn’t even know what the hell a symbiote was.)
- Sym Parker, 🔥🎇
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marcel and i were best mates, and i guess technically queerplatonic partners, but we had no romantic feelings for each other. that being said, it definitely LOOKED like we were dating at times, and i would not mind if people shipped us. it’s the only ship within the band that wouldn’t be problematic (tommy was 13 when we met her and romaine is aromantic so they’re both off the table), and honestly we would’ve made a really damn good couple. we weren’t one, but i wouldn’t mind if anyone wanted to imagine we were. i’d read romantic marcel/static fics on ao3 i wouldnt even care. i bet there’d be some really good ones. well, if a single writer on ao3 knew and cared who the hell we are. yknow what maybe one day i’ll actually make something out of this silly little found family band story and it’ll blow up, and someone will find these anonymous tumblr asks and like some sort of ancient relic and then they’ll never look at the source media the same way again, blessed (or cursed) with the secret knowledge that one of the main characters themselves WROTE IT. this kinda went off the rails anyway what i meant to say was i would voluntarily seek out and consume fan material shipping me and marcel, if it existed, even though the ship wasnt canon, just because it would work so well if it was.
- Static Grayson,🔥🎇
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This wasn't supposed to happen. I wasn't supposed to start feeling like the version of Bill for a crossover that I had an idea for. I wasn't supposed to start having phantom shifts of these wings snd tails and talons. I wasn't supposed to start to despise Fir. I wasn't supposed to miss Bilby terribly. I wasn't supposed to want to make Thula pay for how she treated me and Bilby. I wasn't supposed to want to bring Bilby back from the dead. I wasn't supposed to be terrified of being trapped in that amulet. I wasn't supposed to feel like my headcannon designs for a species. I wasn't supposed to have these memories. Yet, here I am, having a kintype from a crossover that I had an idea for a while back. (This kintype is the version of Bill Cipher for a Wings of fire-Gravity falls crossover I'm wirking on) (I'm pretty sure that would count as OC kin but I'm not 100% sure)
-Decipher / ⚠️🐉
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im not gonna name names but. im kin with a fancharacter i made for someones webstory and one of the characters was my sibling. i hardly have any memories (besides cheering him up by giving him some candy on halloween because he was upset about having a prosthetic leg + not being able to trick or treat when we were kids) but i really miss him..., T_T wherever he is in this life i hope hes doing ok -🌻🌦🐛
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the destruction of my universe happened not very long after gwen had to flee hers so we were both coping with heavy emotional baggage. kudos to hobie for somehow dealing with both of our shit at the same time.
… i miss you guys
- Sym Parker (Spiderverse, 🔥🎇)
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His isn't really like a confession but I have a question. So, my OC, Ray the red panda could be called an OC and also not. It started off as an OC but it might have been me interpreting this kintype as a cool concept I randomly came up with for an OC. I later discovered that this was a kintype so my question is, would this be considered OC kin?
We're not experts on kin things, but I would consider it one! That certainly sounds like how we've discovered a couple of our fictives. You're absolutely welcome to confess things about this kin, if that's what you were worried about :)
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That moment when you just wanna be some animatronic in the big friggin pizzaplex teaching kids to play your favorite arcade games and chill with a big friggin DJ spider. Deff couldn't be me /sar
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cant have real candles in our jack o lanterns bc it's a "fIrE hAzArD" like DUH. fire is my THING. UGH. i know im not fireproof in this timeline but cOME ON. i miss my arson !
- atticus "the firebringer" warbler of #nw💫
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im an introject of someone elses oc that i dont know but the oc is like. super popular (to the point where some ppl straight up thought i was canon. haha i wish) and idk how to feel???
i like being me but it feels weird using someone elses creation to define me. is that weird?? i guess its like... not much different from being introjects of canon characters, i guess its just that i dont KNOW this person. I dont KNOW if theyd be ok with the fact that i exist at all. Idk
(not tagging fandom cus i dont want fans seeing this, if thats ok)
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I don't even know why I'm upset. A god communing through someone is still deigning to give you attention. Am I so selfish that I thought a god would continue to visit me as himself instead of through someone else? Does the presence of a vessel make our time together less real? It feels different, but I don't know why it upsets me.
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I was hit with a wave of kin memories today during ELA. We had to write a Who Am I poem, basically finishing sentence starters like “I wish” and “I pretend” and “I wonder” in a poem format. All my initial answers were Walter’s memories; the fire, the cell, the overwhelming self-hatred, the praying for forgiveness, etc. I made a separate poem for him that I won’t turn in just to get those emotions out. I knew my other life was depressing but damn…I almost cried….
— Walter Whimms
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every other spidersona’s backstory: “my name is so and so, i was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the past x amount of time i’ve been this universe’s spider-person.”
my backstory: “my name is sym parker, i killed the spider and broke everything, my universe was destroyed before i even got a chance to BE spider-whatever.”
(for the record, killing the radioactive spider was an accident and i’m very sorry.)
- Sym Parker (Spiderverse), 🔥🎇
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Hate being trapped in this meatsuit so much istg
Like no I'm supposed to be an incorporeal being that's vaguely human and wanders the woods at night guiding those who have lost their way
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i’m not usually the jealous type, but seeing the entire sims community crushing on MY spouse… yeah. mmm.
i mean, i cant even be mad. i totally get it. morgyn is the whole package, i would know! but left and right i am surrounded by content of them shipped with other people’s simselves or that guy from the vampires game pack (why?).
i think part of it is that no one knows about me, so no one will ever acknowledge our relationship.
but let it be known that i was lucky enough to actually marry morgyn ember, sage of the untamed, and yes, it was as wonderful as all of you imagine.
- Lantern Ember-Snowdragon (The Sims 4), 🔥🎇
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