offearandlyrium · 2 years
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offearandlyrium · 9 years
Life Happens
It is still absolutely my intention to work on Cullen’s journal.
However, life has interfered.
We’re in the middle of some major home repairs (new septic tank hell) and the Air Conditioning unit the attic decided it needed to start spewing water through an interior wall space and soak some electrical lines in the basement.
So. Yeah. My house not burning down > Cullen’s journal.
But it IS on the agenda, and it IS pretty high on the list, so don’t fear. It is coming.
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offearandlyrium · 9 years
This is Kath! Found ya! Wooooo! It's a shame you don't live closer I literally have all the supplies you need.
You found me! Yay! Once I got talking to the Husband about the Plan, he started digging out all the supplies I needed. Every time I come up with a reason to go the art store, he whips out three more things I can use. He’s ruining all my fun.
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offearandlyrium · 9 years
The Other Blog
Most of you found my main page - themarydragon - if you dig deep enough you’ll find some fairly personal rants, so be careful what you wish for.
The OTHER blog I’ve got on tumblr, which is still in its infancy but I’m going to start spending a lot of time on is http://mythalfightclub.tumblr.com/
My little brother and I have been arguing back and forth about what’s actually going on with the Thedas religions, and I think I’ve got it figured out. I’m trying to be very careful about citing the things we’ve been *told* and labeling my theories as just that, which is why it’s taking some time to piece together. But I’m really proud of my theories and I’m about 90% confident they’re the actual canon we’re going to see in future games.
Again, the comments are open - to anon as well, if you don’t want to put your name to your thoughts - and I love thought experiments.
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offearandlyrium · 9 years
The Plan
Since you all jumped on this bandwagon... 1. I have ordered the notebook Eisen pointed me at. It will eventually become the journal you have (successfully) petitioned for. 2. This is a multi-stage process. First, I have to go through everything I’ve written and figure out exactly when the journal started and what sorts of things were likely written. Then I’ll make some drafts. And then I’ll write in a practice journal. And THEN I’ll write in the actual book.  3. In the meantime, I have to work out what the handwriting should look like and how to achieve some of the effects I’ve written about.  4. Then we’ll throw in the extras: missives from others being used as bookmarks, the specially-patterned message tubes, what might be on the periphery of the photo for each journal page.
So this is going to happen. But don’t expect the first entry - the final version of it, at least - until August at the very earliest. Don’t forget I’m going to be out of the country the entire month of July. It is very likely this will end up being my winter project this year.
I’ll put updates here as they happen. <3
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offearandlyrium · 9 years
I hear it's bad in Australia too. I'm so spoiled, I even get a gaming convention in my town. (PAX East, woo!) I wonder if it would be cheaper for one of us Americans to ship you things direct, instead of the big corporations charging limbs?
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Screen test. Cullen’s Journal is written to be black-leather bound. Option 1: Black leather. Pages are lined. Option 2: Brown leather. Pages are lined. Option 3: Brown leather. Pages are au natrel and sexy as hell. Option 4: I go shopping.
Chime in!
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offearandlyrium · 9 years
WE HAVE A WINNER. Thanks Eisen! $25 is actually on the low end of the ones I've been looking at.
Where are you that makes shipping so high? You mentioned reading 40K in German, so now I'm intrigued.
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Screen test. Cullen’s Journal is written to be black-leather bound. Option 1: Black leather. Pages are lined. Option 2: Brown leather. Pages are lined. Option 3: Brown leather. Pages are au natrel and sexy as hell. Option 4: I go shopping.
Chime in!
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offearandlyrium · 9 years
omg you guys. Are you all on some kind of crusade to make me cry? <3
Reblog if you’ve ever read fan-fiction that actually set the bar higher.
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offearandlyrium · 9 years
Oooh I like the seal. Ive definitely got wax around here somewhere. And the tube would be cool. How about a raven feather? The actual raven is a little tough to come by.
Peer Pressure
You drove me to this. I hope you’re happy with yourselves.
(Who am I kidding, I KNOW you’re happy with yourselves.)
I’m putting up some initial test shots. Please chime in with opinions. This will be as good as you force me to make it.
…I need to find a quill-type pen… and a pot of ink… and real beeswax candles… and some more stoneware… maybe have Brian make me a philter…
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offearandlyrium · 9 years
The plan is to actually *write* it, yes. And it's going to take a LOT OF TIME so keep your patient hats on.
Also, it seems the hubbs has everything I need. Hooray for marrying an artist.
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Screen test. Cullen’s Journal is written to be black-leather bound. Option 1: Black leather. Pages are lined. Option 2: Brown leather. Pages are lined. Option 3: Brown leather. Pages are au natrel and sexy as hell. Option 4: I go shopping.
Chime in!
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offearandlyrium · 9 years
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Screen test. Cullen’s Journal is written to be black-leather bound. Option 1: Black leather. Pages are lined. Option 2: Brown leather. Pages are lined. Option 3: Brown leather. Pages are au natrel and sexy as hell. Option 4: I go shopping.
Chime in!
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offearandlyrium · 9 years
Peer Pressure
You drove me to this. I hope you’re happy with yourselves.
(Who am I kidding, I KNOW you’re happy with yourselves.)
I’m putting up some initial test shots. Please chime in with opinions. This will be as good as you force me to make it.
...I need to find a quill-type pen... and a pot of ink... and real beeswax candles... and some more stoneware... maybe have Brian make me a philter...
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