officiallyglamourous 11 months
Do you love Nubert? Everybody loves Nubert!
Of course I love Nubert!
Everybody loves that guy.
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officiallyglamourous 11 months
[We apologize for the delay in the responses, it seems Alphys borked with the time space continum there for a bit.]
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officiallyglamourous 11 months
Don't jump off a bridge, you can fall off
I've done it before but luckily there was water underneath
Why else would there be a bridge.
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officiallyglamourous 11 months
yes, i would? if everyone's jumping off, the bridge is very likely on fire. i don't like those chances. sorry.
That's not...
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officiallyglamourous 11 months
Because everyone else is getting one apparently.
If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you?
Then you wouldn't be ORIGINAL, darling!
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officiallyglamourous 11 months
Mettaton would you accept a cat.
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Missed opportunity, darling.
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Mettaton we threw a steel chair at a child.
??? Why???
Was it for ratings?
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S-Sans, I'm the royal scientist, I-I went through all of the underground! Whatever i-i-it looks like, I'll understand!
[The lizard is tapping her claws nervously, waiting on a gues she is expecting. But unlike before... she is not looking forward to it.]
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Oh... um... would... you mind if I, um, take a look...?
[The lizard is tapping her claws nervously, waiting on a gues she is expecting. But unlike before... she is not looking forward to it.]
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...You have every right to be mad at me g-g-giving up on you, though.
I... I could have helped... I was just so used to losing everyone...
[The lizard is tapping her claws nervously, waiting on a gues she is expecting. But unlike before... she is not looking forward to it.]
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...I... I understand, Sans... I'm tired too... I'm tired of everything g-going wrong... [Alphys finally sighs, her seeming tired as well. As usual when stressed, it seems she hadn't slept the night before.] I'm tired of being a failure...
[The lizard is tapping her claws nervously, waiting on a gues she is expecting. But unlike before... she is not looking forward to it.]
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Did I ask for you to cover for me?!
I know what I did wrong, Sans! I inow I should've tried my damndest to save you still until I was sure!
Wh-What do you want from me?! [She threw her hands up.] Do you want me to grovel and beg because I didn't try to save you when I should have?! Because that would be right, I SHOULD HAVE.
B-B-But as far as I knew, you were dead!! And a mistake I made would've killed one of my closest colleagues and one of the smartest people I knew!
And do you know what?!
[She was shaking, and had tears, but she was more angry than upset.]
Th-Th-That fucking sucked! I'm not perfect under pressure, and never have been!
If you want to 'punish' me with your self righteousness, then go ahead!!
I'm sorry I gave up on you, but not from trying to save everyone from a grief that was already consuming me! I would have been DAMNED to w-w-watch my other friends fall to the same fate, Sans...!
I would never have let Frisk shed a tear! Or watch as Papyrus threw h-h-himself into DENIAL, saying you'll come back home any day!
How would that have been better?!
[The lizard is tapping her claws nervously, waiting on a gues she is expecting. But unlike before... she is not looking forward to it.]
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{Alphys be playing with fire rn}
- Ace
[She probably is.]
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I... I don't know, but... but isn't it better for them to think you're ALIVE somewhere than dead ajf gone, Sans?!
That would've killed Papyrus! At least then he thiught you were 'being a lazy bones' and on a vacation instead of in the ground!
[It seems Alphys is repeating her past sins...]
[The lizard is tapping her claws nervously, waiting on a gues she is expecting. But unlike before... she is not looking forward to it.]
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You would've wanted me to tell Papyrus his brother was gone...?
To tell Frisk their favourite "Duncle" died, Sans...?
[Alphys looks genuinely shocked.]
...And here I thought I was the coward, haha...
...If you hated me for giving up on you, I could respect that.
I'd... I-I-I'd deserve that...
...But hating me because I didn't have the idea to tell the people we care for that you 'died'...
...God Sans... what happened to the person who wanted to p-p-protect everyone from heartache...?
[The lizard is tapping her claws nervously, waiting on a gues she is expecting. But unlike before... she is not looking forward to it.]
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