offthefl00r · 3 years
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OSMO Patch acts as a natural and effective joint pain relief. It helps relieve swelling by reducing joint inflammation and pains related to soft tissue joint injuries without using any medication, steroids, or having to undergo painful and invasive procedures. Conditions treated by OSMO Patch OSMO patch helps to treat several musculoskeletal conditions, including: 1. Elbow bursitis These pains are caused by: • Repetitive straining of the elbow caused by lifting lots of weight, relaxing the elbows on hard surfaces for a long time and also playing sports • Natural wear and tear of the elbow joint • Pre-existing inflammatory conditions • Signs and Symptoms of elbow bursitis are: • Swelling of the elbow as a response to irritation • Intense pain while resting your elbow on hard surfaces • Difficulty in extending your arm or straightening your arm If you have all these signs and you feel pain in your elbow, use the OSMO patch since it's the best treatment for you. Place the OSMO patch over the infected area before going to bed. The OSMO patch will remove fluids from the elbow, stimulating a continuous blood flow, reducing the swelling and relieving the pain. 2. Shoulder bursitis It's an inflammation of the bursa in the shoulder that causes pain, redness, and swelling. Shoulder bursitis may be caused by: • Lifting heavy things over your head repeatedly • Performing heavy tasks while kneeling, like scrubbing of floors for a long period • Shoulder injury or trauma • Bacterial infection of a bursa Signs and symptoms of shoulder bursitis are: • Sharp pain when lying on the affected side of the shoulder • Shoulder stiffness • Pain that gets worse when lifting your arm • Pain on top of your shoulders 3. Hip bursitis It's an inflammation of the bursa at the outside point of the hip. Hip pain is commonly caused by irritation of the bursa, making the hip inflame, hence bringing discomfort to the lower part of the body. Hip bursitis is more common in women and older adults. Other causes of hip pains are: • Lots of activities and work causing intense pain around the hip • Standing for a prolonged time • Poorly positioned joint and hip bone • Previous surgery around the hip Signs and symptoms of hip bursitis are: • Pain on the outside of the hip, thighs and buttocks • Discomfort in the hip even while resting • Intense pain when walking, running and jogging 4. Wrist and hand pain Wrist bursitis is a form of arthritis mainly brought about by joint inflammation. Wrist and hand pain can be caused by: • A sudden impact on the hand • Straining injuries due to lots of tasks • Natural wear and tear of the wrist joint • Pre-existing inflammatory conditions The signs and symptoms of wrist bursitis and hand pain are: • Pain in the wrist when bending the hand backwards • Swelling of the hand that appears as a lump on the wrist • Continuous wrist pain even while resting If you are looking for the best treatment regime for this bursitis, you should consider OSMO Patch. Sunbury chiropractor has shown a special interest in using OSMO Patch since it's well known to be a natural treatment that's so easy to use and has no side effects. In addition, OSMO Patch stimulates blood flow in the applied areas. OSMO Patch is also the best for you if you are looking for a pain-free drug.
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offthefl00r · 4 years
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The complete guide to low back pain and sciatica treatment
Low back pain is a common occurrence, with studies showing that almost 80% of people experience it during their lifetime. Sciatica on the other hand refers to pain radiating along the sciatic nerve path. This path branches from the lower back to the hips and buttocks, and down each individual leg. Sciatica usually results in pain and sometimes numbness on the affected leg. While some of the treatment popular methods may include spinal surgeries, steroid injections, or painkillers, they may be harmful, or even ineffective. A better and alternative solution for low back pain treatment and sciatica is to consider chiropractic treatment.
A chiropractor uses spinal manipulation methods or other alternative treatments to treat back pain and sciatica. A reason why this is highly effective is that when the spine or any other musculoskeletal part of the body is correctly aligned, then the body heals itself without the need for surgery or medication. Spinal manipulation restores mobility to joints that may be restricted by injury to the tissue as a result of repetitive stress, physical injury, illness, or posture among other reasons. While chiropractic care is primarily used as a treatment alternative for back pain and sciatica treatment, it may sometimes be used in conjunction with other medical treatment options.
A chiropractor will first evaluate your medical history and perform some tests such as physical examination or lab tests to determine the appropriate treatment for your back pain and sciatica. The treatment plan will generally involve manipulation of joints to ensure correct alignment. A chiropractor may also recommend an exercise and nutritional plan to aid in your rehabilitation. The main goal of chiropractic care is to restore functionality, relief back and sciatica pain, and also prevent further injury. It may also be used to treat other types of musculoskeletal pains.
One of the main advantages of seeking chiropractic care for your back pain and sciatica is that it is an effective and safe treatment option. While you may visit a chiropractor for some specific treatment, he/she considers every aspect of your body and works in partnership with you to ensure you achieve optimal health and wellness. A chiropractor recognizes various factors that may affect your overall health such as diet, sleep, posture, nutrition, and family history among others. Therefore, chiropractic treatment can be considered as holistic caresince it also focuses on ensuring you stay healthy, rather than only treating what you are suffering from. Since chiropractic care does not involve invasive surgery or pharmaceutical drugs, it is a natural treatment option that stimulates the systems in your body to coordinate better to aid in healing.
When you visit a chiropractor, you will undergo thorough evaluation to ensure the treatment is right for you. This is because patients with inflammatory arthritis, spinal cord compression, osteoporosis or those taking blood thinning medication are not allowed to undergo spinal manipulation. Furthermore, patients with a history of cancer are recommended to seek clearance first before undergoing the process.
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offthefl00r · 5 years
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10 Frequently Asked Questions About Whiplash
What is whiplash?
This condition involves the movement of your head in one direction as it gets back quickly to its original position. Neck pain, headaches, dizziness, and aching in the arms and shoulders are some of the most common effects of whiplash. In other cases, some patients continuously feel the symptoms while undergoing recovery.
 How long can the pain last?
On average, it can last from a few weeks to 2 years. When it comes to older people or people who have pre-existing injuries, it can last for a longer period.
 How long can one get better after undergoing treatment?
Most people get better after a few days or weeks. There are those who can take months because everyone has a different recovery plan. Most people can go ahead with their daily activities since being active helps with recovery.
 How can you describe the condition?
Most people describe the feeling as getting a constant headache, pain in muscles between the shoulders and the neck, or pain in the neck. As days go by, the pain extends to the mid-section of the spine, specifically the area around the shoulder blades. Severe injuries cause pain to be felt in the hands, chest wall and over the rib cage.
 Can it cause pain in the legs?
When an object hits you from the back, the propelling force can cause an upset in the lower back and vertebral discs. You will most likely feel sciatica pain which is in the legs.
 When should you visit the hospital?
When the injury happens, a medical checkup will be conducted to prescribe the right treatment. You will not undergo X-rays and other tests. Once questions about the pain and the information regarding your discomfort are collected, the details will help in finding a solution. Ask for advice on how you can undergo your daily activities as you recover.
 What kind of effect does it have on a person’s life?
Your day to day life can be affected greatly if more body parts are affected by the injury. One of the common impairment is the difficulty to carry and lift objects. For instance, you can have a difficult time carrying shopping bags. You can also find difficulty when reaching for items that require the back to bend. The challenges you will face can pose a challenge in getting back to work safely.
 In case I find out that I have the condition, what should I do?
Firstly, you need to avoid any strenuous activities. Do not assume the condition and go ahead to engage in tough activities. Even if you do not feel much pain, seek medical attention. This process is important if you want to make an injury claim.
 Can a cold or heat pack work?
The pain is caused by lots of soft tissue movement. In the early days, you can use heat over the neck and shoulders. In case a heat pack is not helping, use a cold pack.
 What sort of exercises can one do?
You have to undertake gentle exercises when you have an injury. Be cautious in the approach of every exercise.
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offthefl00r · 6 years
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Pains treatments options in physiotherapy
Sporting activities are associated with possibilities of injuries but in some cases, the playing opponents may intentionally attack you as a player in efforts to stop a move that would allow you make a score. Injuries may be severe or just minor.
 However, players in different games suffer from distinguished possible injuries. For instance, football players suffer from legs and head related injuries while rugby players may suffer from various injuries such as backbone related hands and head injuries. Every player requires physiotherapy for both treatment and prevention of injuries which are highly associated with pain. Fortunately, the sports and spinal physiological pains can be controlled.
One of the best and modern ways to get quick treatment is through a physiotherapy consultation. The physiotherapist work towards making your injuries recovery quicker and offering the best approaches to pain management. Treatments methods by these experts include utilisation of the following physical agent’s modalities.
 • Therapeutic exercise
If you have some physical impairment in the body, they can be addressed through corrective exercise. The exercise is well tailored to ensure that you are treated to maximum restoration and correction of your normal body status. The treatment offers an adequate remedy for back pains, shoulders and knees problems.
 • Ultrasound
Pain relief is one of health stability factors every athlete looks for. With physiotherapy treatments services involving the use of an ultrasound machine, all you can expect is the best. The machine uses a high frequency that effectively sends sound waves over the applied area at a range of 0.9 MHz to 3 Mhz. The waves work on the body tissues with a goal of reliving the pain.
 • Joint manipulation
Any joint problems are treatable through joint manipulation. Typically, the process involves subjection of the joints to a faster movement than usual. The process has been efficient in releasing a joint that seems to have a problem or contraction; as an athlete you may fall and unfortunately experience pains during the joint movements. The manipulation can be useful in this case if the problem does not involve a fracture occur.
 • Acupuncture
The process involves the use of needles in treating and controlling pain. It is usually referred to as dry needling since they are not used to inject any medicinal components to the body. However, they trigger the various targeted points to release any contraction on the affected muscles. The method is useful for back pains, joint problems, and head related pains, especially for athletes.
 • Lumbar stabilisation
Injury prevention is better than the treatment. That method is used for both prevention and treatment. The process involves protection of spine from injuries as well as the management of back related pains through; the strengthening of the muscles in those areas where weak muscles endanger your spine to many injuries.
As an athlete you are exposed to injuries and possibilities of pains. In most cases, the kind and effectiveness of treatment option you will take as an athlete determine the healing period. At Turramurra Sports and Spinal physio, the athlete can get various treatments and pain management service options.
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offthefl00r · 6 years
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What is Heart Rate Variability?
Also referred to as RR Variability, Heart Rate Variability(HRV) is a condition where there is a variation in the rates of a person’s heartbeats. Heart Beat Variation is measured by simply taking note of the variations in beat-to-beat intervals. This phenomenon is sometimes also referred to as Cycle Length Variability.
Methods Used To Detect Heart Beats
There are numerous ways doctors use to detect your heartbeats. Some of them include;
• Ballistocardiograms
• Blood Pressure
• Photoplethysmography
• Electrocardiography commonly known as ECG
Electrocardiography( ECG), is a method that involves placing of electrodes on one’s skin and recording the electrical activity of the heart over a certain period of time. It is considered by many specialists as one of the most effective methods. This is because it provides clear waveforms which makes it very easy to exclude heartbeats that do not come from the sinoatrial node.
Benefits Of Heart Rate Variability Monitoring
• To Prevent Overtraining
Overtraining is when people stretch their bodies beyond their limit during physical activities. This phenomenon is common among athletes. While doing they end up damaging their bodies. With HRV monitoring, you can discover your body’s limits so that you do not end up damaging it.
• Improved Health
Numerous health benefits come with monitoring your heart rate variability when carrying out physical activities. One evident benefit is that you can easily maintain your blood pressure at an optimum level. It is also known to be an efficient means of reducing stress.
• To Check One’s Recovery Status
HRV monitoring is a critical tool for checking one’s recovery status. This is especially important for injured athletes preparing for competitions. This is to help them know what activities they can do or not do as their bodies try to recover.
HRV And The Chiropractic World
It was until the late 1990s that HRV monitoring was incorporated into the chiropractic world. This is because as it measures the heartbeat rate, it also shows the rhythms and patterns of your heart beats which a chiropractor can use to analyse the activity of your nervous system. Apart from analysing your nervous system, the chiropractor can also tailor treatment according to the specific observations noted.
There are also other reasons why chiropractic centres prefer the use of HRV monitoring to any other methods. Some of the reasons include;
• Non Invasiveness of the test. This simply means that the chiropractor does not need to draw any blood or insert objects into your body in order to carry out the test.
• Reimbursable By Insurance
• Ease of Use
• Relatively Low Cost Of Equipment
• Legal Defensibility
• Ease of Explaining Results to Paints
Monitoring the variations in your heart beats is very critical and goes a long way in helping you maintain a healthy lifestyle. HRV monitoring is also used in numerous medical fields like in chiropractic treatment and care. If you wish to seek further assistance on chiropractic services and HRV, visiting a Bathurst Chiropractor could be of very great help especially if you live in Australia. All in all, it is clear that monitoring your HRV is very important and you should incorporate it in your day to day life.
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offthefl00r · 6 years
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What are the Signs and Treatments of Snoring?
Snoring is a common condition that affects women and men. Just like all other sounds, it's caused by vibrations that make particles in the air form sound waves. While you're asleep, turbulent airflow can make the roof of your mouth (tissues of the palate) and your throat to vibrate and make you snore. The sound can be loud, the loudest snore recorded is 87 decibels. That is louder than a hoover and nearly loud as a mower: that can disrupt a good night’s sleep. Causes Drinking alcohol, particularly before going to sleep, as well as certain medications, contributes to being a snorer. Also, cigarette smoking irritates your throat, causing you to snore. The condition can worsen when you sleep on your back when you have a small lower jaw or a blocked or narrow nose. Being overweight contributes to this condition. Also, carrying excess weight around your throat or neck can cause you to snore. When you snore, it can be frustrating to your partner. Additionally, the condition can be a sign of a serious condition such as obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea, abbreviated as OSA, is known to be a potentially serious sleep disorder. OSA causes breathing to stop and start repeatedly when you are sleeping.  There are various types of sleep apnea, but obstructive sleep apnea is the most common one. OSA occurs when the muscles of your throat intermittently relax, blocking your airway when you are sleeping. OSA has serious implications for anyone's health; it's essential excluding the disorder as the one causing you to snore before you decide on the treatment. Symptoms  The primary snoring symptom is unmistakable, often loud hoarse or harsh noises that you make during sleep. Other symptoms are waking up with a dry mouth or a sore throat. If you are experiencing the following symptoms, you could be having obstructive sleep apnea. • You snore loudly disrupting the sleep of your partner • Chest pain at night • High blood pressure • Choking or gasping at night • Restless sleep • A sore throat upon awakening  • Morning headaches • Difficulty concentrating • Excessive daytime sleepiness • Witnessed breathing pauses while you are asleep • In children, poor performance in school, behavioural issues or poor attention span Treatment  It is time to see your dentist when you see the aforementioned signs. If your are a snorer and it's a sign of OSA, you will have to seek treatment for the disorder. There are many treatment options used for OSA. Avoiding smoking and alcohol is recommended. You should also avoid medications that relax your CNS (central nervous system) such as muscle relaxants and sedative. Weight loss is recommended if you are overweight. CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), as well as mandibular advancement devices (MAD), are often used: they are equally effective. Exercising, even without weight loss is known to improve sleep apnea. Sleep apnea treatment often works for snorers too. Snorers can also be treated with other techniques such as radiofrequency ablation, laser surgery and placing implants in their soft palate. You can also use anti-snoring mouthpieces that Westside Dentistry designs to help you with the condition. Sleep Awareness Week Sleep Disorder Awareness Week aims at increasing the awareness about sleep disorders. The main objective of the campaign is improving the country's knowledge about the symptoms, signs, complications, diagnosis as well as treatment options for sleep apnea, parasomnias, circadian rhythm disorders, narcolepsy, RLS and insomnia.  Sleep Professionals around the nation will provide life-saving information during the Sleep Awareness Week.
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offthefl00r · 11 years
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offthefl00r · 11 years
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offthefl00r · 11 years
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