ofluminance-a · 6 months
this blog has officially been archived because this hellsite hates me! come find me over at @ofluminance !! but same url!
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ofluminance-a · 6 months
in the next few days i may do a small blog move just because this lovely hellsite has eaten like, all of my tags. every single one. i don't know why or how. but-- it's driving me bananas. that, and, I think it's time for a small refresh anyway.
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ofluminance-a · 6 months
"Ah... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you..." Lyney sits at the end of Lynette's bed looking a little sheepish as he notice he has drawn her from her slumber. His own eyes are ringed with dark smudges, ones that he will hide artfully with the rising sun but for now allows to rest upon his face. The night has been uneasy with memories of the past haunting him, drawn forth with their latest task. "Please, go back to sleep, I'll leave you be..." He knows the words are pointless, he would never leave her were the situations reversed.
she's always been a light sleeper. perhaps it was her past leaving her with issues she still hasn't quite yet come to terms with. but mostly, the reason she awoke so quickly was because lynette was used to spending half the night waiting up for lyney or watching over freminet. tonight, was the occasional, cat nap.
a gray ear flicks at the creak her bed makes when lyney sits upon the edge of it. judging alone by the smell, she knows it's him. lifting her head, lynette pulls back the covers and opens violet eyes to find her twin, looking worn and worse for the wear. her heart drops at the sight of him.
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" lyney.. " worry creeps in, even when she can see her brother safe; clear as day before her -- but, she knew him better than anyone.
shaking her head at lyney, a hand lifts from beneath her blanket towards his own, towards him. " no. " adamant, lynette sits up and pats the empty space beside her on the bed with her free hand. " you need to sleep too. just.. come here and lay down. "
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ofluminance-a · 6 months
what tarot card are you?
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the sun.
light follows behind your heels. the daylight yields to your shining face. it is difficult to compare such radience to anything but the sun. bright and warm, people seem to gravitate toward you for your neverending optimism and the positivity you exude. but it tires you, doesn't it? the constant smiles, the ceaseless extension of yourself? does it not make you burn? do not allow yourself to fizzle out.
NUMBER: 19 UPRIGHT: positivity, fun, warmth, success, vitality REVERSED: inner child, feeling down, overly optimistic
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the star.
there is something wonderful stirring in the depths of your being. something within you– something latent– is sleeping there, in the cradle of your mind. creativity comes naturally to you, just as breathing or blinking. you have the capability to extend yourself through art. but are you afraid of it? creating something– terribly afraid that it will never be as good as you hope? it will never be made unless you use your own hands.
NUMBER: 17 UPRIGHT: hope, faith, purpose, renewal, spirituality REVERSED: lack of faith, despair, self-trust, disconnection
tagged by: @daybreakrising <3 tagging: anyone who hasn't done it yet & wants too!
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ofluminance-a · 6 months
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" jeez! talk about random! " laughing, lucy sets her pen down ontop her notebook at her desk, and looks at loke, who's stretched across her bed. mirroring his action, she leans her own head into her hand, thinking on his question. " well -- at first, i mean.. you did have horrible timing. " laughing, lucy reminisces on the countless times he'd always seem to pop in unannounced just at the absolute worst times. who needed a private life?? " but, i think as we got to know one another better, i always appreciated it when you opened your own gate.. " adjusting in her chair, lucy crosses her arms and twists her body towards him, crossing one leg over the other.
" if i think about all the times that you opening your gate really helped me out in a pinch, those moments really outweigh the others. honestly? i'm so used to it now, i don't even bat an eye! " there's that laugh again, but with it this time, is a warm smile.
" loke, we're partners, right? " she gives pause to let her words sink in. " then as your partner, let me tell you now that you never were or ever will be a bother to me. got it? i'm so grateful to you, the celestial spirit king, and to all of the celestial spirits for aiding me and helping me out when i need it! you all mean the world to me, and i could never ever be upset at you for something like opening your own gate, "
‘ Tell me something – ’
A curious eyebrow raised in question, head leaned against the palm on his hand and a hum left his lips. Many times he had used his own power to welcome himself to the joys of the human world, for many years in fact. Only some owners in the past were more strict with his usage, take Karen as an example. Though, Lucy ( @ofluminance​ ) had no conviction on it. Even if timing were to get the better of them, he’d stop his tasks to full into line. Yet, he wondered her true feelings on the matter. 
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‘  Does it bother you that I use my magic to open my own gate?  ’
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ofluminance-a · 6 months
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what they were all going through.. it wasn't something that normal teenagers should be. but, they weren't normal teenagers, were they? -- no. they were heroes with provisional licenses, and at this point, most of the pros considered the young talent of classes 1-a and 1-b, to be heroes already.
to say that the war was trying and difficult was an understatement. it was.. eye opening, painful, and horrible to watch unfold, let alone be apart of it. and as young heroes, they were only on the sidelines.
but, regardless of all of that-- ochako's feelings for neito had never changed. for too long now they'd been teetering between friends and something more. and while ochako watched the events of the war unfold, she couldn't stand by much longer ignoring the truth of what her and neito both knew, but were too scared to say.
when neito kisses her, ochako's more than surprised by the action, but does her best to reciprocate the action when she kisses him back, soft and meaningful. " i -- " a nervous hand lifts, adjusting stray brunette waves. " i'm -- sorry. i just sorta said all of that, and i wasn't thinking -- i .. " swallowing thickly, ochako's the one to drop her gaze this time. it falls on her hands, that are fidgeting with a ripped section of her hero costume on the side of her stomach. " i'm just.. " her eyes lift back towards his slowly. " i just wanted you to know, in case -- in case anything happens, y'know? "
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@ofluminance said: ❝  i don’t need your permission to fall in love with you.  you don’t gotta love me back,  but it isn’t gonna stop me from being here when you need someone.  ❞ / best for last! monochako<3 Conversational Sentence / Emotionally Charged Starters || Not Accepting
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There are words on his tongue that fall silent in the veil of truth. She's delivering blows to his psyche he isn't sure he knows how to comprehend, let alone explain to his heart. This rapport that's developed between the two of them had long since betrayed the thought of strangers and crossed the line of friends the moment their lips danced across one another's skin. They were playing with an uncertain fate and an awkward chemistry neither could ignore.
But to call it for what it was so blatantly?
"…" The blond is speechless, a word he'd never associate with himself had the brunette not given him reason to. Blue eyes fall to the side as if crestfallen by the idea that he hadn't the words to express himself. It's difficult to put what he feels into words but he wouldn't let her misunderstand and walk away from him a third time. A swallow before he takes her gaze into his own finally, leaning in to press his reply to her lips in truth— in vulnerability.
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ofluminance-a · 6 months
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the more and more i use them, the more and more i miss my older icons. i love the style of blockquotes and all that, but as someone with a multimuse who has so many muses it is so time consuming to edit each individual icon. and then i find less time to write. so, for the foreseeable future, if you see me using 100x100 icons or ones in the above style. i'm just lazy and i have all these already finished.  😂
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ofluminance-a · 6 months
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" of course i do! duhhhhh - who do you think organized it all?!?! " rolling her eyes, mina still hasn't let go of sero's hand as she pulls him along behind her, which leaves passerbys snickering because he's nearly half her height. looking over her shoulder, mina waves a hand at him, dismissing his doubts. if she could have thrown acid on them, she would have. " well-- have you ever tried too?! " finally at the gym mina releases his hand, and claps her hands together as she turns towards sero excitedly. " maybe, it's time you learned? "
STARTER CALL. // @ofluminance (requested the roulette wheel!) (you get sero for mina! )
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"You do remember you assigned me to tech squad last time there was a dance, right...?"
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There's a sense of hope in his tone - outlandish as it may be - as Sero is tugged towards the gym by his enthusiastic friend. Admittedly on the previous occasion he had also volunteered himself, having no desire to hold the foreground when he could be of more use backstage, but that didn't mean he needed to know how to dance. He preferred watching Mina's choreography anyway. "Just because I'm good in the air, doesn't mean I can replicate it on land, all long limbs you know?"
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ofluminance-a · 6 months
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everything that kazutora said, was true. he wasn't a predator, he was the prey. all his life, all he's ever done is run from danger and cry when something goes wrong. he wasn't a fighter. not in the slightest. most days, he truly asked himself just what it is he's gotten himself into, and then, he remembers hina and the future timeline, and somehow-- even if it's his life on the line, it all makes sense again.
just when he thinks he's in for it, takemichi braces himself for an onset of blows, that never make contact. slowly, blue eyes open from his place on the ground just in time to catch the tiger stepping over him. as if, he wasn't worth the time and effort to even punch. ------ wow. suddenly, takemichi doesn't want to move. maybe he deserved to just lie here? was he truly that pathetic? was this how everyone saw him?
pity party aside, he does sit up and eventually stand; though, kazutora's unspoken words do more to takemichi's confidence than he cares to admit.
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when kazutora turns his back, takemichi should walk away. what else is there to do? he should know when his help isn't wanted. yet, stubborn as always, takemichi just stares at the space between kazutora's shoulder blades and shoves his hands deep into his jean pockets, eyes narrowing as he goes against every last one of his principles. " toman or not, you're still someone that i've come to care about. and even if i don't matter, you're someone that mikey still cares about.. how, can i not help you? "
after a long moment, takemichi takes a few long strides to come and stand beside the tiger. he tilts his head towards him, not saying much as he gathers the rest of his thoughts. " if you really don't want me here, fine. leave if you want." he says stubbornly, coming to sit on the same bench he'd already fallen over. " but, my head hurts from when i tripped. so, i'm going to sit here a while anyway, "
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   Really, he’s pathetic. Kazutora watches without any visible reaction, black voids simply peering down as Takemichi falls over the bench and railing. He doesn’t even need to do anything. But that’s never stopped Kazutora before has it? He moves forward, watching the hands fly up like he’s begging for mercy to a creature who doesn’t even know the meaning of the word.
   A hand places itself on the railing, and then Kazutora leaps over it in one graceful movement to land standing over Takemichi.  “  Yeah. You’re not a fighter are you? You’re like a bunny in the open.  “  He grins, all teeth and malice. But….Takemichi wouldn’t be fun to beat up. He doesn’t like to fight those who won’t fight back. Kazutora has no problem with taking down hyenas and street mutts. But something that can’t do anything to him? It won’t help.
   So he allows for Takemichi to stand, rage coiled white hot in his gut and with nowhere to go.  “  You?  “  Kazutora laughs, harsh and aggressive.  “  Why would you want to help? You’re Toman.  “  He doesn’t trust kindness, and he especially doesn’t trust kindness when there’s no apparent reason or gain from it. In other words, exactly like this. He turns away from Takemichi to kick a nearby rock, sending it flying into the distance just as some minor expulsion of the anger under his skin.  “  Don’t need it.  “  So he claims even when it couldn’t be further from the truth.
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ofluminance-a · 6 months
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Diluc's pov. 🌻
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ofluminance-a · 6 months
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two meow meows showdown!!
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ofluminance-a · 6 months
❝ may i have this dance ? ❞ (but imagine wriorinde listening to music in his office !!)
when wriothesley holds a gloved hand out towards her, clorinde narrows violet eyes ever so slightly as she glances towards it. does she take it? does she let him into this part of her past?
slowly, her gaze lifts, and the duelist swallows thickly. he means well. he's being kind, polite, ---a gentleman. it wouldn't be very lady like for her to refuse such an offer ( and there came her finishing school mindset. ) taking a hesitant step towards wriothesley, experimentally, clorinde settles a white handed glove overtop of his own. what was the harm in one dance?
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" i suppose one dance isn't out of the norm for people of our station. " she answers, lifting the hat from her head and setting it aside. " though, the last time i danced, i was practicing sword stances, i may be a tad rusty. " she teases, releasing the utility belt at her hip and setting it with her hat. clorinde takes the next step forward and pulls wriothesley into hold; it was like riding a bike.
" one dance. " she reminds him, a challenge behind violet eyes. " hope you can keep up, " when the next song starts, clorinde starts to float across the floor of his office, like she's done a thousand times before. years of finishing school, and proper etiquette training came with many, upon many, of dance lessons that clorinde mutated in the late hours of evening when she was supposed to be working on needlepoint, into sword stances.
actually dancing with someone, it was.. different. unlike how she remembered it as a young and coming lady in society. this dance, well, it was ... easy; effortless. and being within wriothesley's arms was simply an added benefit. who knew that her knight in shining leather was beneath fonatine's seas all this time? oh! was she staring? laughing, clorinde shies her gaze away into the crook of his neck as she comes back from a spin. " and here i thought I'd be the one outdancing you, monseiur. you never cease to amaze me, wriothesley. "
as the song ends, clorinde is reluctant to escape from the hold he has on her. instead, she looks up, violet searching his pale gaze. " i take it this wasn't your first time dancing? you certainly have some skill and experience. "
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ofluminance-a · 6 months
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love their little family! <3
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ofluminance-a · 6 months
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Hanging out after work at the Knights of Favonius headquarters
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ofluminance-a · 6 months
it's g.enpact day with hubby! & our 1 year wedding anniversary 💕 so i've been spending some much needed time with him today! i might be around later tonight, but i'm off work tomorrow also! i'll be around when i can, happy sunday!! 😘
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ofluminance-a · 6 months
it's rare that clorinde is so vulnerable. even with how at ease the champion duelist does feel around wriothesley, it's not an emotion she expresses frequently. then again, it's not every day that they fight off fontaine's prophecy.
his concern was genuine, sweet. it made clorinde smile, despite the few shivers here and there. but, already from the short time she'd been wearing his coat, she'd felt immensely warmer. a smile pulls at the corner of her lips, violet eyes lifting towards wriothesley as he shushes her. " yes, of course, your grace. " she adds in a teasing tone. " we certainly can't have anything tarnish it, either. "
laughing and rolling her eyes, clorinde tucks herself further into the coat. in doing so she realizes that it smells nice, like him. perhaps she needed something of his to take back with her to the overworld? a thought for later, if she quite remembered to ask him. there was quite a lot that happened today, after all.
when he closes the gap that lies between them, clorinde relaxes even more. her hand squeezes inside both of his. the other, reaches for his cheek where a thumb brushes against thin stubble. violet eyes find his own, and clorinde gives wriothesley the warmest smile she can. " i was always okay, " she answers swiftly, but follows up with. " but, i am always better with you around. " leaning forwards she places her forehead against his own to ease his worries. midnight damp blue hair cascades around them both falling in little droplets on the fortress' floor.
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" no, that won't be necessary. miss sigewinne has other more critical patients to tend too. " the hand at his cheek finds his jaw, and a cool thumb brushes against it, pulling his focus towards her own. " wriothesley, you are all i'll ever need. " the warmth she feels in the pit of her stomach helps to create the push she needs to lean forwards and pull wriothesley towards her and into a deep kiss.
the hand at the base of his neck falls onto his chest and it slips it's way into his dark hair. against his lips, clorinde sighs before she goes in for a second kiss. the kisses she gave were emotional.. filled with strength and pressure, but also a desire and want for this moment to not end. they were filled with all the things she wanted to say: she was grateful they were okay, she was happy he was the one here with her now, and she was more than pleased to know, that he was okay, too.
breaking the kiss only to breathe, clorinde leans forward and meets wriothesley halfway, coming to stand in his arms. against his chest, she lays her head and shivers at the feeling of his hot skin against her own cool. he's so warm, it's inviting. and, without waiting a beat, clorinde tucks herself into his arms with his coat still around her shoulders. it was one way to get warm. " thank you. if there is anyone i want standing beside me when fontaine's prophecy finally comes to light, i always want it to be you. "
@ofluminance sent: after the recent events regarding the fortress of meriopede's evacuation, seeing and working together with wriothesley after such a long time of being apart has stirred and awakened emotions within clorinde she long thought were dormant; locked and hidden beneath fontaine's seas, never to resurface again.
yet, when wriothesley sought her aid to help another, who was she to deny his request? so long as someone was there to protect her archon, clorinde could leave furina's side, even for a little while. little did clorinde know, however, just how arduous this request would be.
within the backs of her lungs, the champion still felt the burn of the salt from the primordial sea. no matter if she was on her second cup of wriothesley's herbal tea or not, she still did not feel quite like her usual self. perhaps, she should stay a few days to ensure her good health per the head nurse's instruction? ungloved hands were settled around the warmth of the tea cup, holding it close, in hopes to remove the prune from her skin. if she was this cold, clorinde wondered how the boy she'd found was fairing under sigewinne's care.
a feeling of something heavy is settled over her shoulders just as she sets her cup down after a sip of tea. it's black, fur lined, warm, big and cozy -- it also smelled of tea, a faint tinge of metal. the color was black and gray, and when clorinde pulled the warm fabric taut against her shivering body, she realized just who'd set it upon her shoulders, noting that they were finally alone.
shoulders sagging, clorinde wrapped herself tight in wriothesley's coat and sighed heavily. it was as if with his office door closed and the sweet sound of silence, she could let down her guard and simply.. rest and relax after such a trying day. lavender eyes open slowly to meet the warden's gaze with a hint of a smile upon teasing lips. " how very kind of you, it would seem you do have a heart, after all, your grace. " / shit i'm already trash for them what have we done
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He settles against the edge of his desk, as close to her as he can get without actually touching her. Pale eyes fix upon her features, scanning for signs of distress, discomfort - anything that might require the urgent care of his head nurse. He therefore sees the exact moment she lets go, her body relaxing as the ever-present guard is lowered, and he smiles. There she is.
His arms cross over his chest, his gaze warming with a fondness only ever reserved for the privacy of a closed - locked - door. Just as she feels able to relax her guard, so does he. There's no need for appearances here, not with her. She knows him inside and out, has seen the very best and the very worst of him. He has nothing to hide from her.
"Shh." He brings a finger to his lips and winks. "I have a reputation to uphold, you know." Oh, he has a heart. A heart that would rule his head if he let it.
He blames the lingering adrenaline rush for the clench in his chest, the quickening of his pulse, but he knows it's just an excuse, a way of burying the truth just as he did years ago. It's easy to forget when they're apart, when he can absorb himself in his duties down here in the Fortress. She came when you called, a voice inside his head tells him. Of course she did, he responds, because that's what we do.
Finally, he reaches for her, laying a gentle hand upon hers. He can feel the chill of her skin even through his glove wraps, despite the warmth of the cup recently held within her grasp. In an instant, her cold hand is cradled between both of his, offering her the warmth of his body as well as his coat.
"Are you okay?" Gone is the tease in his tone, replaced instead with concern, his expression turning more serious. "Shall I fetch Sigewinne?"
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ofluminance-a · 6 months
❝ i didn’t realize how late it was. ❞ (Freminet to Lynette)
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with a quick glance at the clock, lynette makes a noise at the back of her throat. something almost akin to a growl. it was really late, wasn't it? where had the time gone?
violet eyes lift to find her brother and lynette nods her head with the swish of a gray tail. " let's get some rest then, we can pick this work up for ' father ' in the morning. " standing with ease, lynette offers a hand to help freminet up. it's followed by a small smile and cute little yawn as lynette stretches her other arm in the air. " i guess i was more tired than i thought, " with a look to the dark night sky out of their window, lynette had to wonder -- where was lyney? why wasn't he back yet?
but, so not to worry freminet, lynette keeps her same expression and leads the way to their room hand still outstretched for him if he wants it. " come on, freminet. let's go. "
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