ofspaceandearth · 2 months
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"April's fools? The act of foolishness by mortal kind could not be contained to a singular day, no- it would be that of every single day since they were given proper autonomy. The very first time they were allowed to form a proper thought was the beginning of the end for their downfall. A tragedy in the making before they even knew it, and yet the gods were inept enough not to see them in action and believe they did not need further guidance. Perhaps that is because they are as foolish as the very creations they claim to nurture through inaction. A laughable, disgraceful choice without any forethought or reflection as to what could come from letting them do as they wish. Do they not understand the consequences of their actions? The folly of their decisions? I, Zamasu, would deem this as their greatest flaw the second I had observed the multiverses' supposed deities take no action in correcting how mortals behave, and ignoring how ignorant, violent, and despicable they had quickly proven themselves to be. To not nip the root of the problem in the bud is unforgivable and only a testament as to how the very gods should not have been given power to use incorrect as they have. Only I, Zamasu, could hope to understand the importance and the severity of my actions and hope to bring peace and understanding to the multitude of universes as they so properly deserve! Both mortal and deities take part in such inane and flawed actions, so only that which is without flaw should be the one to correct them and establish an unending utopia that may yet heal from the damage inflicted on it by fools and the ignorant! There is no one else that could be so understanding as to what the multiverse needs, what will truly ensure that peace may be established, and how to absolutely secure this peace other than the one true being that has the compassion to do what must be done!"
"That being is none other than I, Zamasu!!!"
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ofspaceandearth · 2 months
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"You- You're not actually listening to a thing I'm saying are you? I'm not anything like a super hero, I'm part of an intergalactic force! Pretty sure that ranks way higher than that claim of yours! Maybe you should be the one trying to join, not the other way around--"
Deep inhale in, deeper exhale out.
"I'm sure the challenges Earth has to offer can get stale after a while. Getting off planet could really do you some good! It'd really prove just how formidable you are!"
@saviorsatan from here?
Twiggy? Pipsqueak??
Oh, that irritated him real fast.
He was just trying to give this supposed champion that people were coming to Earth not to destroy it, but to see if all this commotion surrounding him really lived up to the hype.
And now he gets these comments about his optimal stature??? Unacceptable!
He looks up at this condescending champion and squints.
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"You clearly don't know who you're dealing with! I'm not a pipsqueak, or a twig, but an elite officer of the Galactic Patrol! And although I'm wasn't here for a fight, I'd suggest you watch yourself before you say something we'd both regret!"
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ofspaceandearth · 2 months
@saviorsatan from here?
Twiggy? Pipsqueak??
Oh, that irritated him real fast.
He was just trying to give this supposed champion that people were coming to Earth not to destroy it, but to see if all this commotion surrounding him really lived up to the hype.
And now he gets these comments about his optimal stature??? Unacceptable!
He looks up at this condescending champion and squints.
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"You clearly don't know who you're dealing with! I'm not a pipsqueak, or a twig, but an elite officer of the Galactic Patrol! And although I'm wasn't here for a fight, I'd suggest you watch yourself before you say something we'd both regret!"
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ofspaceandearth · 2 months
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Then they kissed
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ofspaceandearth · 2 months
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"Really?" She was so surprised by the offer that her voice raised up in pitch. Of course, Launch really wanted to pet the other woman, but it was a common occurrence for strangers to not really be too keen on the woman invading other's personal space regardless of intent. This was a rarity on her end, and she did not want to squander the chance to engage in petting such adorable and fluffy looking ears! Her expression becomes that of a smile as she slowly goes to make her move, keeping in mind that these were attached to Tater and not merely decoration.
She's eager to touch, but her grip remains gentle and cautious. It was true that Launch was known for not being the most careful of individuals, but she could be mindful if she really put effort behind her attempts. Her fingers delicately run up and down the sides of her ears, humming to herself as her smile only grows wider and wider.
After what must've been several minutes, Launch pulls her hands back and clasps them together, utterly delighted by the experience. "Oh my, I could do this forever! You're just so soft, it almost makes me want to give you a hug!" Her voice contained nothing but pure excitement in it, but she refrains from giving a sudden hug or cupping the woman's cheeks. That question about that course of action would come up another time. "I really do hope you didn't mind! It's not very often I have an opportunity like this. But I know you've probably got things you'd want to do, and I really shouldn't hold you up any more than I have! If there's anything I could do to repay you, please, let me know!"
Launch is simply staring at Tater, saying nothing for a few minutes as she seems to be in some sort of trance as she says nothing-- Eventually, she takes a step forward, and then another, curiously approaching Tater with her hand reaching towards her before she stops herself, the bluenette's eyes meeting Tater's own before she takes a step back in surprise.
"Oh! I'm sorry! I just saw how adorable those long fluffy ears of yours were! I almost tried to pet them before I remembered they were attached to a person, I hope I didn't concern you! The rest of you looks adorable as well!"
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The bunny just blinks while returning the stare, rather confused by what the other woman was doing. Did she need something? Did Tater have something stuck on her face? She blinks again when the blue-haired one steps closer before her attention trails down to the hand that was reaching up.
The apology and proceeding compliments had her freckled cheeks turning pink as she smiles bashfully. "Ah, thank you. It's quite alright, I'm used to that sort of thing. I do appreciate your consideration, though. Since you're being polite about it, you can touch my ears if you want to."
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ofspaceandearth · 2 months
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ofspaceandearth · 2 months
@age733 continued from here!
There's a bit of silent contemplation on how forthright she wishes to be on the matters of her sudden departure, and what exactly was going through her head at the time. As soon as the possibility of opening up internally comes up, she's quick to shut it down.
"Had to go my own way for a bit. I could only stand stayin' at that old pervert's place for so long, seein' how shootin' him never seemed to work." She says with a shrug as if she hadn't simply disappeared for literal years without any warning, or that she did end up ditching the convenience of an island home for just hitting the road. But the latter was surely much more reasonable than the former. Either way, if they were going to have this unexpected reunion, Launch figured that she might as well ask something that she had just remembered. A rumor she had heard around, but one she never did too much digging for. Until now, that is.
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"Anyway, I heard ya got a kid now, that true? Ya never know with that media stuff, always a bunch of garbage bein' spouted about famous people like yerself."
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ofspaceandearth · 2 months
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"Nothing but a fluke! A complete and utter improbable outcome that came as a result of my view of you as nothing more than a pest rather than the filth to be cleansed you rightfully are! Should you dare to throw those barbaric fists at me once more, I shall strike you down with the utmost ease!"
Any attempt at holding benevolence to his voice had vanished in the blink of an eye. The sore reminder of how their last clash had gone only drove his irritation up to the surface, the attempt at eloquence had flown out the window as his tone was only laced with venom. His body had tensed to accompany the scowl that was on his face, a hand slowly curling into a fist as the desire to hear his own voice was being combated with a desire to be rid of the clearly inferior fusion before him.
"Mortal might is fallible compared to the unending body of the gods! Know this, Vegito, if you believe that power can overwhelm immortality, your brain is emptier than your components! I am unending, I am unyielding, and I am inevitable!"
"For I am Zamasu!"
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"That is a secret that shall only be known by those that are deemed worthy by none other than me. It should be no surprise that your heathen ears shall be denied that particular piece of information. Consider it my only act of mercy, for the details of my survival are too much for a simple mind such as yours to properly perceive. Though I must confess that this is purely due to the fact what little facilities your brain desires to be fully cognoscente of the retribution I am to inflict upon you."
Despite their previous clash, kai fusion has made no moves to try and strike down the other man, seeming content to keep running his mouth. As if he hadn't received a mean hook in the face for not keeping quiet for five seconds.
"Now, hurry up and beg for my absolute forgiveness for your actions, and I may let you continue your miserable existence for but a few moments more. Otherwise, I shall not be held accountable for what fate is about to befall such a heinous and egregious sinner such as yourself."
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ofspaceandearth · 2 months
❛ i’m not sober enough to talk about this. ❜
-Vegeta to Trunks
200 prompts! - No Longer Accepting!
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"Can't say I'm surprised."
It's somewhat muttered under his breath, but he had caught his father in the act of chugging extremely strong alcohol the night before. Whether it was a celebration or some bad coping skills that was being had, he didn't know, and he knew better than to prod just in case Vegeta felt like seeing how much his son had been slacking off on his training. But that didn't stop him from having his bits of snark here and there.
He holds out a few bread slices to the man, though he feels as if perhaps a whole loaf was needed.
"Here, you probably should've had some of this last night, but bread and water will help soak up whatever's lingering in your system."
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ofspaceandearth · 2 months
❛ you're about as intimidating as a butterfly. ❜/@ jaco if you’re still taking thesee!
200 prompts! - No Longer Accepting!
He'd openly scoff at that, folding his arms as his expression soured a bit. He knew he was small and charming, but being compared to a fragile insect... It was just insulting!
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"A elite patrolman such as myself has to put up a certain air. We have to be approachable, as to not freak out the citizens of the planets we come to assist, we also have to be willing to be somewhat cooperative should the need arise..."
A beat.
"But that doesn't mean I lack any intimidation factor whatsoever! I'm plenty intimidating! Criminals and scumbags alike all shudder when they hear the name Jaco! Even that so-called "Great" Saiyaman, he knows better than to mess with me!"
0 notes
ofspaceandearth · 3 months
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Despite thinking Roshi is a bastard and a creep, she's willing to go to his island and stay there for a few weeks at a time. One part of it is that the cops would never think to look for her on a legendary hermit's island, so she can take it easy. The second part is that she knows the gang likes to reconvene at his place every so often, so there's a chance she might catch them.
She manages Roshi by her usual way of weaponry, and booby trapping her own room. Of course, her other self is just as liable to fall for those traps as he is out of clumsiness rather than perversion, but it's deemed as a necessary move so she can get some peace and quiet during that time.
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ofspaceandearth · 3 months
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"You're a therapist?" Goku did accidentally land before Mei, having read that word on her uniform. "Is that something you can eat?"
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There's a bit of fondness on her face upon spotting Goku. She knew him as the man who challenged Cell, fighting using movements and techniques that the world at large derided as tricks and frauds that were nothing but a bunch of wannabes. That mindset never sat right with her, so she was glad to get this opportunity to see what type of person he really was. And admittedly, she would be amused to hear this supposed faker confuse her profession for a piece of food.
"No, I wouldn't say I have a job as a piece of food. I'd hate to be considered edible by anyone."
She almost considers making an innuendo, just for fun, but ultimately decides against it in favor of not making the man any more confused than he already is.
"To put it simply, a therapist is someone who helps you process and deal with your emotions in a healthy way."
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ofspaceandearth · 5 months
I would die for launch
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"P-please don't!"
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"You sure will!"
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ofspaceandearth · 5 months
Like I said...You have the lower body and you have no upper body, you got a problem building...wait a minute. You have the upper body, and you have no legs, you got a problem building your legs. You have the upper...you have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, the upper body, it is easier to build. So if you have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, it is easier to build the upper body. You have the upper body and you don't have the legs, you got a problem building the lower body... No, you don't understand. You have the upper body, but you don't have the lower body, you got a problem building downstairs. You got the up- legs on the bottom, it is easier to build on the top, so you don't have much as a problem. Yeah.
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She has absolutely no idea what this fool was talking about, actually no clue what the fuck they were saying. And honestly? She really didn't care. All she cared about is that several minutes of her time were wasted by this idiocy, and she needed compensation.
She'd normally just try to get their money and be on her merry way after insulting them. But this was far too annoying to just let go.
So she's resolved to shoot at their feet, maybe a whole clip's worth of them dancing around will make her feel like all that time wasted was reimbursed in this manner. She doubted it, but it wasn't gonna stop her from shooting anyway. If they weren't fast enough, they may get severely injured or die, but she didn't really care.
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ofspaceandearth · 5 months
Hiatus until January 4th
It's been a bit so this may come as no surprise, but I'm making it just clear so no one has to wonder.
I'm putting all my blogs on hiatus until next year at the very least. Honestly, it may extend into an indefinite hiatus.
To make a long story short, I've been insanely stressed the past few months due to things happening in real life, and in this past week my stress has increased much more.
For that reason, it's very hard for me to really get into the mindset of writing anything, and depending how things go in the next week, I just might extend the break from here for the foreseeable future.
I'll be around on discord if anyone wants to chat, but otherwise, I'm not sure if I'm coming back.
Something Witty (or somethingwitty)
Take care, and I hope you all have some happy holidays and a good new year.
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ofspaceandearth · 6 months
lemo, what do you think of the other members of the frieza force like ginyu or zaborn?
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He cannot help but stifle a snicker at the name of "Zaborn" knowing full well who they meant. But he avoids playing coy for the moment, though he'll keep the name in mind.
"Can't say I have much of an opinion of them, not like I personally got to know either one. Probably for the best, all things considered, can't say I'd think they make for good company."
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ofspaceandearth · 6 months
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"Zamasu, I think you should lecture entire Conton city about your wonderful worldview. Lecture those filthy sinners about the only true God." Hands over a megaphone.
"Here. You'll definitely be heard."
Cue her walking to a chair. Sitting down and turning off her sound receptors so she can watch everybody suffer.
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"Did you, a mere insignificant mortal, dare suggest that I, ZAMASU, not have a voice so powerful, so all encompassing that a mere tool made by a sinner's hands could hope to reach those that I could not?" He'd scoff, still taking the megaphone from her hands, looking it over, and then callously throwing it aside as he straightened himself up.
Truly foolish, his voice was perfect. His volume was perfect, if there were those that wished to hear him but simply couldn't, then there was no one else to blame besides themselves. But her words did give him an idea, it certainly had been some time since he graced the eardrums of the insolent with his own voice, it was overdue that he let these fools know that he, and only he, knew the truth of any given situation at any time.
Flying high into the sky, he'd ensure that he was above the very center of the city, and without further ado, he would begin a speech that would last hours.
"Attention all of you foolish and despicable patrollers, I, ZAMASU, have come to make an announcement--"
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