okurappa · 5 years
I wonder. Does Fujiwara still have the small red harmonica he played before?
I haven’t seen it or heard of it mentioned in years. He said he’s not too sentimental when it comes to personal belongings, preferring to take pictures of things and then get rid of them. It’s possible he doesn’t have it. However he also has an extensive instrument collection that he probably wouldn’t purge from. So it all comes down to whether or not it’s a toy or an instrument in his mind.
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okurappa · 5 years
from Oct 2001
Fujiwara and Masukawa’s “Mornings on Tour”
Fujiwara: This guy (Masukawa) has been waking up really early. Really!? Fujiwara: I’m the opposite; I sleep in super late. In the morning my phone rang, and when my hand was just about to reach it, it stopped (laughs). Right then there was a knock at the door, so I go to open it and this guy comes in without saying anything. Masukawa: Because it was morning (laughs). Fujiwara: He came in like a dog coming home from a walk (laughs). Masukawa: I don’t know why but I wake up early when we’re on tour. Like at 7 am. I took a lot of walks in Kyoto. Fujiwara: So, he came in, and then he went to sleep in my bed (laughs). Masukawa: I thought I might fall asleep if I went back to my own room. Even though I fell asleep in Fujiwara’s (laughs).
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okurappa · 5 years
Space Shower Special 2019
How has the band been getting along recently?
Fuji: Thinking about it, I guess our bonds are growing stronger. Some things automatically strengthen, and others automatically weaken. No matter how close we are, no matter how much we understand each other, we have separate minds and separate ways of thinking. We bring them together to face things as one. There are a lot of ways to feel things, to think things! That's alright. But for us, since we're a band, in a way we're closer than friends, closer than family.
I can often understand what one of them is thinking without them having to put it in words. They can do the same to me. Part of me feels like I shouldn't rely on that, so sometimes, even though it's annoying, I'll put what I'm thinking into words.
If I didn't do that, then when we have to talk about something we wouldn't be able to face it – we'd be too afraid to show ourselves or to look at each other. It takes a whole lot of calories, for everyone. But we aren't afraid, and we each understand how necessary it is. We've always been like that to a certain degree, but I think recently we've gotten a bit closer in that way, now that you mention it.
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okurappa · 5 years
If Motoo considered a song like Snow Smile a "man's song" then what is Shin Sekai to him? XD
I haven’t heard his thoughts on that yet but hopefully if I can get one of the recent magazines (unlikely :( ) then I’ll find out ;) I can see how Snow Smile isn’t a love song, technically (although I don’t even know what he meant by ‘man’s song,’ I didn’t know that breaking up with your girlfriend in a cryptic snowy wonderland was a man thing). Shin sekai though, whoa. Is he getting soft? Is he actually in love? Is he singing about something else entirely? That seems most like him. He’ll announce that it’s not a love song and we’ll all roll our eyes.
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okurappa · 5 years
Oh you translated it in the end. I did see a couple of translations. But I think I prefer yours. Thank you for the translations. (・ω・)
Sure, sorry it took so long. When the album comes out I’m planning on posting all the songs on here. At least for me reading them all in English helps me get a better feel for the album
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okurappa · 5 years
This is only what’s on the commercial and isn’t the whole song.
New World
When I met you
I knew the reason for my life until now
I'm not smart but I might be a genius
I get why the world is so beautiful
For example
If I turned a street corner and you were there
Just the thought makes me feel like I'm about to open a present
Crying or angry, I want to be closest to you
That little smudge of dirt? I'll embrace it wholly
Baby I love you, baby I love you
I woke up this morning just to laugh with you
If I go to sleep I might not wake up
That's why the present is so bright
If I wake up, you might not be there
Let me hear your voice
Baby I love you
The goal of a fight is to make up
Let's approach it like a three-legged race
If one of us loses the will to go on
We'll wait for each other
Baby I love you, baby I love you
I remember yesterday sweetly because you were there
Crying or angry, I want to be closest to you
No matter how far apart we are, I'll embrace you across the universe
Baby I love you, baby I love you
Tomorrow will come so that I can be alive with you
I know the reason for my life until now
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okurappa · 5 years
Do you still do requests? If yes then could you translate the lyrics of Shin Sekai? (・ω・)
Yes I do and yes I can, although again I didn’t get an inbox notification so I don’t know when this was sent. If you already read it in English let me know
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okurappa · 5 years
Fujiki 141 [2015]
11/19 My house
It's morning. Actually it's past noon. I woke up three minutes ago. It's pretty cold, and I feel cold easily, so I put on a bunch of clothes to get through it. I'm really sleepy. It feels like winter is here.
Q1. Do you like winter?
A1. I like winter. More than winter I think I like the end-of-year feeling. About halfway through November (right about now, while I write this), the air outside starts smelling like winter. I wonder what it is that causes it to smell like winter, or smell like summer. Christmas decorations are being put up here and there, the trees are wrapped in LEDs, and people are slowly beginning to bundle themselves up in fluffy clothes. I start to get excited, and feel a little rushed. Everyone seems so busy. With work, maybe, or some kind of event.
The closer Christmas draws, the more glittery the streets get, and the more glittery they get, the more excited and lonely and warm and sad I get. It sounds girly when I put into words like this, but I think there are people who feel the same way. The closer we get to New Year's, I get increasingly attacked by a feeling of things coming to a close, and the sadness grows bigger, and I break into a million little pieces. Then I greet the new year with the face of a haniwa*.
I like New Year's for about three days. Three days, and then after that it feels like a long version of the feeling you get on Sunday nights knowing you have to work the next day. I don't like it too much. I like the feeling of the year ending more than I like winter.
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okurappa · 5 years
Hi!! I love all your amazing work with the translations xx Would it be possible for you to translate the Pathfinder Saitama live MC at around 90 minutes? Thank you in advance!
[They’re impersonating effeminate gay men with their tone of voice]
Fuji:There's something stuck to my mic stand. A pretty, shiny… Wasit you? With just this one…
Chama:It's wonderful.
Fuji:It's just lovely.
Chama:Masukawa-san, won't you put one up too?
Hiro:I forgot.
Fuji:Try putting one up,one of these gorgeous things.
Chama:Masukawa-san, won't you put one in your house? Here, it makes it looklike there were only blue ones.
Fuji:It does.
Hiro:But isn't it nice?
Fuji:Isn't it nice? I feel lighter.
Chama:They're all the same, isn't it nice?
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okurappa · 6 years
I firstly wanted to thank you immensely for providing such dedicated translations. Secondly, I was wondering what the band dynamic is like? I understand that they were high school (?) friends but are they still close to each other?
Thanks! They have us believe they’re close. And I mean they are close. But some of that is absolutely cultivated image because that’s kind of their ‘thing,’ to be a band of best friends. Rather than exaggerating their closeness I think they downplay the times they aren’t - the disagreements and the periods where they might not see a lot of each other. So it’s not a lie, exactly, it’s just one side of the story.What I’m trying to say is that it’s not a fairytail friendship like I see some new fans on Twitter believing, but it is about as close of a friendship you can have while still being grounded in reality. Hiro said they’re closer than brothers but less than lovers.
They spend Christmas, parts of New Year’s, and all their birthdays just the four of them. They hang out outside work (Chama/Masu at the Paul McCartney concert a few days ago, Chama/Fuji at a fashion show, all of them at Disney, Fuji/Chama went to Europe etc). They get asked a lot how to keep a friendship going that long and their answer is to always talk about everything. They respect each other deeply as musicians (and if that fails, as people), which is really important and probably why the band hasn’t collapsed on itself, because friendship alone can’t hold a band together for that long. Even as kids they weren’t always together, after junior high (when they were the closest), Fuji was busy being half homeless in Tokyo, Chama was putting 20 hours of work in at culinary school and part time jobs each day, and Hiro was struggling to get into college (there was a long-ish period of time when no one heard from him). And shortly after that, they had trouble getting everyone on board and up to speed with choosing the band as a career path. They managed to get through all of it and they’ve had a rough spot or two since then but I don’t think, after all that, that they’ll face anything they couldn’t get over together. They talk about how they’ll hang out when they’re old men, after all. I rambled but hopefully this answers your question :) I feel like there are a lot of stories that illustrate their relationship but I’ll let other people add them if they want.
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okurappa · 6 years
Chronos Radio 10/16
Chama: Today’s weather across the Tokyo region is cloudy with a chance of sun.  The theme this Friday morning is stories of waking up early, or sleeping in.
Fuji: Ah, interesting.
Chama: Do you have any?
Fuji: Yeah, back in our teens, probably when we were in high school - that’s around the age when we started wanting to stay out all night. And we had a lot of friends who did that all the time. Hiro and I. But staying up all night is extremely unhealthy.
Chama: Of course.
Fuji: The next day you’re really tired, and your parents worry about you.
Chama: It’s not good.
Fuji: So we thought, what if we woke up early.
Chama: Because if you woke up early your parents won’t get mad at you.
Fuji: We said we’d get up early and hang out.
Masu: They might even recommend it.
Fuji: So we decided to wake up early and meet.
Chama: Like 6 am?
Fuji/Hiro: 3 am.
Chama: (laughs) That’s still nighttime.
Hiro: It was pitch-black.
Chama: What would you do?
Fuji/Hiro: ... Talk (laugh).
Chama: You're kidding (laughs).
Masu: Weren’t you tired the next day?
Fuji: Yeah.
Chama: But you guys are amazing. Now they’re calling that morning activity, like workers will get up early and go running or study.
Hiro: It was kind of like that.
Fuji: We might have been ahead of the craze.
Chama: Pioneers. But 3 am is really early.
Fuji: We called them ‘morning meetings.’ Because we meet in the mornings. Let’s have a morning meeting tomorrow, or let’s have a morning meeting tonight...
Masu: Tonight (laughs).
Fuji: Not tonight, tomorrow (laughs). Just to understand it was tonight (laughs).
Hiro: Cause we went to sleep before meeting.
Masu: Going to sleep made it seem like the night was pretty much over when you got up.
Fuji: Back then, though, we only had pagers, so if you overslept or didn’t wake up at all then you were out.
Chama: This is a story about waking up early and sleeping in!
Hiro: It’s a fine line.
Masu: I bet there were days when that happened.
Fuji: One of us woke up and the other didn’t, yeah. The one who woke up just had to give up and go home. After waiting at the meeting place they had to go home.
Chama: Did that happen?
Hiro: It did.
Fuji: All the time.
Hiro: I’d wake up in a panic, and in front of my door - my room was on the first floor - there’d be a cold canned coffee.
Chama: It was Fujiwara’s?
Hiro: And underneath it there’d be a paper that said something like ‘good morning.’
Fuji: Or, ‘maybe next time.’ (laughs)
Chama: What a good guy.
Fuji: The coffee was hot when I bought it.
Chama: You weren’t mad at him?
Fuji: No not at all, these things happen (laughs).
Masu: It went both ways.
Chama: Not even annoyed?
Fuji: No, no, it’s only a different kind of memory he’d given me.
Hiro: I’d apologize at school (laughs).
Fuji: I didn’t mind.
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okurappa · 6 years
We made a promise
Somewhere, sometime, far away
Even if I forget your name
It's an ever-shining light
Easy as breathing
Grab onto the spinning stars
It's all I can do to keep control of this body
At the furthest ends of despair
At the bottom of hope
A sword and shield made of transparent thoughts
Whose story is this? How did this world begin?
Answer with the life that has survived this far
Choose with that heart
Shout with that voice
Don't let your hands go
Of your favorite thing
I found it
I heard it
The freedom I received snatched away my way home
I waited for a while
For the greeting that wouldn't come
At your fingertips
Faintly but surely
The dazzling warmth will show the way
Losing reason, meaning, worth
What are you looking for in front of the mirror?
Come here, break the distance
No matter how cowardly, we're creatures of greed
Choose with that heart
Shout with that voice
Even if you stumble
Shine light on that sign
Memory fades behind us
Things we gather turn to sand and fall
Underneath my fingertips
And ever-shining light
We made a promise
Somewhere, sometime, far away
At the furthest ends of despair
At the bottom of hope
In front of the mirror
Sword and shield
They bring you courage
Whose story is this? How did this world begin?
Answer with the life that has survived this far
Choose with that heart
Shout with that voice
Even if you forget my name
Call me as much as you need
Come here, break the distance
The gaze of Sirius
Creatures of greed
Whose story is this? How did this world begin?
Don't let your hands go
Of your favorite thing
I found it
I heard it
From somewhere
From some time
I'm home
Welcome back
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okurappa · 6 years
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26 notes · View notes
okurappa · 6 years
Hanashi ga shitai yo
I didn't know what to do with my hands
So I put them in my pockets
The time before the bus comes is like a bonus
The sounds of daily life around me are isolating
I'll make my gum my partner
It's the flavor you didn't like
It's ok
The traffic light goes around in circles
Even if we do the same we're still strangers to each other
I wonder how you're doing
What kind of face are you making right now?
What kind of words, how many have you found?
If you were here
If you were here
I want to talk
Voyager has flown beyond the solar system
How many kilometers per second was it again?
It's still going, even now
I don't know why I should care about it anyway
But suddenly
I listened closely to make sure I was breathing
Was it my body or my mind that brought me here?
Both of them are worn out
It's fine
I was given medicine
I won't take it
It's not like wither of us can go back
So I hope we're both thinking of the same thing
The wind that brushes my skin
The bottomless sky
Are similar to that day
Living is forgetting, no point in fighting it
Hey, what words were our meeting?
Forced smiles
Lip service
The smell of an ending summer
I still remember it all
I want to talk
What's happened until now
What'll happen from now on
I truly don't care
Maybe I've said that too much
I've really said it too much
But it's what I wanted to say
It's ok
I understand
I spit my gum in a scrap of paper
The bus stops
The door opens
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okurappa · 6 years
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okurappa · 6 years
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okurappa · 6 years
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