Hey y'all, sorry I know it's been forever since I've been active. My live has been so busy and hectic with college, work, and training my ownbservice dog.
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How to Deal With Suicidal Thoughts #BellLetsTalk 
Thank you to everyone who supported us and made this video possible! 
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Cute Japanese stuffie names!
Hoshi (Star)
Ringo (Apple)
Suika (Watermelon)
Cheri (Cherry)
Keki (Cake)
Banira (Vanilla)
Inu (Dog)
Neko (Cat)
Tori (Bird)
Kuma (Bear)
Ki (Tree)
Hana (Flower)
Hanabira (Petal)
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Reblog if you’re part of the LGBTQ+ witch squad
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Intimacy with an Age Regressor
Im going to be shorthanding Age Regressor/Little as  “regressor” and I will be referring to Caregivers as “CGs”. This post is for CGs to read and learn from primarily, and it applies to both relationships with nonsexual age regressors and with kinkster littles who regress, as well as anyone in between who can be considered an age regressor.
Firstly, the most important thing you need to know as the Significant Other of a regressor, is that you are dealing with someone who cannot always manifest consent. When a regressor is fully regressed, they cannot consent.
By fully regressed I mean that their mental capacity is that of a childs. They may be extremely childlike and unable to care for themselves on their own, or they may be emotionally volatile or easily scared, because in that moment They Are Children. There are lots of different ways that regression comes out but in any case, a regressed individual is a child.
When a regressor is fully regressed, they can be any age. A lot of regressors get all the way down to age 2-4, some are older like 8-10 or even 15-16. But even regressed to an older age, a fully regressed regressor is a CHILD.
As a CG, it is unimgainably important that you are always aware of your regressors mood and whether/how much they are regressed. Whether by asking them directly or with code words, or by engaging with them in a certain way to see how they react, you need to always know where your regressor is in their mind.
A partially or slightly regressed adult can still manifest consent to some extent but may be very sex-repulsed or simply not be interested, in which case its just as important not to push or force them further out of their regression so you can interact with them as an adult. If they are even just partially regressed it can be very damaging to force them out of it for the sake of sexual intimacy, as it can create feelings of shame around regressing and may trigger traumatic memories if they have them.
An adult who is coloring and using a pacifer but isnt regressed can still manifest consent. An adult wearing a onesie and diaper and watching cartoons when not regressed can manifest consent. An adult who is partially regressed can manifest consent for kisses and hugs and such. An adult who is partially regressed may even be able to will themselves out of their regression so that they can be intimate with you.
But it is important not to pressure them or push them while theyre still regressing. If you want to have intimate relations like that, the conversation should open with, “how little are you today, baby?” And you proceed depending on whether or not theyre regressed.
If your regressor is fully regressed, they Can Not Consent. If your partner has a child alter who is currently fronting, they Can Not Consent. If a 15-17 year old alter is fronting, They Can Not Consent. If your regressor is regressed to age 2-4 they Can Not Consent. If your regressor is regressed to age 15-17, They Still Can Not Consent.
I cannot say enough how important it is to not have sex or engage in any sexual intimacy with a someone who is regressed. That is a child, and by sexualizing them you are potentially [re]traumatizing them. Some littles and regressors dont have this problem but even so, it is unsafe to turn regression spaces into sexual spaces, because of the way our minds begin to associate childhood with sex.
Q: what if my regressor gets very sexual when they regress? (Yes this is a thing that happens)
A: then its your job as the Adult in that situation to calmly and gently refuse your regressor, the same way you would refuse a child. You remind them that they are a child and children dont get to do adult things. I cant express this enough: if they are fully regressed you Must Not engage with them in a sexually intimate way, no matter what. YOU are the adult; treat them like a child and refuse them until theyre done regressing.
Q: does this mean I cant do the agepl@y? :/
A: it is one thing to have sex while roleplaying in your onesie; it is a completely other thing to have sex with a regressed individual. Roleplaying isnt the same as regressing and you must not compare the two. Regressing is a complete mental shift and for many it renders them an Actual Child in the psychological sense. Roleplaying is just acting and it doesnt preclude a shift in mental capability. Even if you are roleplaying agepl@y, you are still an adult and both parties are aware of that fact. I dont care what you do in the bedroom as long as its with an adult who can manifest consent.
🚫 this post is free for anyone to reblog but please do not interact with the rest of my blog if you are nsfw 🚫
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If you're fifteen or older an still sleep with a stuffed animal please reblog this.
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toddler regressor things🌈
️ ⚡ toys all over your floor
️ ⚡ lots of laughs and giggles!
️ ⚡ climb climb climb
️ ⚡ must. touch. everything!!!! ️
⚡ playing pretend with your stuffies
️ ⚡ messy coloring! ️
⚡ ”i don’t want that!”
️ ⚡ can i eat that??
️ ⚡ adventures out of everything. going to the kitchen? adventure. jumping over a piece of furniture? adventure.
️ ⚡ eating tiny foods with your hands
️ ⚡ ”im not sleepy!”
️ ⚡ getting excited over tiny stuff!!
️ ⚡ humming tiny songs all the time ️
⚡ skipping around with your teddy!
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♡ baby regression ♡
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♡ soft murmurs
♡ little giggles
♡ super sleepy
♡ lots of cuddles
♡ lots of cute lil sounds!! caus talkin is hard!!
♡ soft colors.. dreamy colors..
♡ blankies n binkies all over
♡ crawlin around!
♡ bright curious eyes
♡ always learning new things..!
♡ bein rocked and held
♡ bottles n sof diapies
♡ dreaming of a safe n cozy nursery
♡ laughing a lot caus everything is silly!!!
♡ shakey shakey shakey!!!!
♡ chew on everything!!
♡ grabby hands n whiny caus need this thing but dunno how to say it!!!
♡ feet kicks
♡ soft calming music
♡ learning toys n soft baby safe stuffies
♡ soft calm voices an lullabies ..
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I'm little and scared.
I feel like I've lost all my friends, no one replies anymore..
My caregiver broke their phone and I can't talk to them or even see them except for weekends.
I hate being so social because now I'm lonely as heck and depression/anxiety is skyrocketing.
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simple rose water spells 🌹
easy spells where only rose water is needed
🌹 a drop of rose water on each eyelid to enhance clarity
🌹 a touch of rose water on each cheek to appear lovely
🌹 immerse a charm in it to enchant it with positive feelings
🌹 pour some out in the dirt and step on it to break a heart
🌹 brush some over the corners of a door and knock to keep negativity away
🌹 a drop brushed over your lips to say only kind and soothing words
🌹 flick droplets over a page to divine from what words they land on
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~The progression of finding out Daddy’s looking at me in the mirror~
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Reblog if other Age Regressors can follow and message you for advice, friendship and to help spread positive vibes!
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A Message for A Sad Little
Little Darling,
I need you to do something for me. Grab a tissue, dry your eyes, take a deep breath. Did you do that? Very good. Stay with me, alright? Now say these words out loud, “It’s gonna be okay.” Even if you don’t believe it. This true for everything from a boo-boo to a dropped stuffie to ‘big’ issues. It’s going to be okay. I pinkie-double-promise. 
Alright, little bit, I need you to know something. You are super duper strong, just like a superhero! You may not have super giant muscles but that’s because they’re invisible!  I know that because your muscles are invisible, that you forget how super strong you are but as your friend, I have to tell you that you truly are superhero strong and you’re able to do so much! Even on days when your muscles feel itty bitty, they’re still there! You’re still just as strong and you’re still gonna do amazing things.
You wanna know what else? You have another magic power! You have a magic force field where people’s mean words can bounce right off! How cool is that? Sometimes people say mean things just to see another person sad, but you have to remember to use your magic powers and make it bounce right off.
Alright little love, its time for me to go. I promise everything will work out in tbe end. Don’t forget to take care of yourself.
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Happy baby-
Needy baby-
Sleepy baby-
“I’m not tired!!”
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daddy: woah baby, you’re super tense! come here
me: *snuggles into his chest*
daddy: *pets my hair* shhhhh.. relax for me, you can do it
me: *melts into him and starts calming down*
daddy: that’s it baby. you’re safe
me: 💖💞💘💕💝!!!
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reblog if your age regression is completely not sexual and your blog is sfw
in light of the new terms coming december 17th.
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age regression tendencies
💛 nonverbal
❤️ grabby hands
💙 grunts
💛 quiet voice
❤️ fidgety body
💙 soft nom bites
💛 rubbing soft blankets against face
❤️ pouty faces
💙 little whines
💛 giggly
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