oloohyeah · 3 months
More quote by Olo
Not all that know you attack you,
But whomever attack you, know you.
• If our world is a simulation then the main theme is reverse logic.
• It's been known that fear smells, dogs can smell fear, since anything that has a smell must have taste, then perhaps somewhere in the universe there's someone that feeds on our fears.
If someone is telling you he loves God, he is absolutely lying. But please do not blame him, it's all because of Stockholm.
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oloohyeah · 3 months
When you massacre innocent people you must-accord the circumstances
Let me be honest and tell you about my grandpa 1950 the Egyptian police came to his textile factory and confiscate it along with his house and his belongings and gave him 24 h before they expelled them out of Egypt you are going to be surprised to understand that he never has a hurt feeling towards the Egyptian people he accept that verdict with love while looking forward to his new future among his people in the newly Jewish country.
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I long to kill the writers block fairy
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oloohyeah · 3 months
The best thing is that I let you guess what the poet meant. It's never ending ways so if you wish to argue about dot. I have a solution for you why don't you paint this dot red and step on it until I tell you to leave dot alone.
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I long to kill the writers block fairy
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oloohyeah · 3 months
And here you hear the morons in his best there is ever end to any story go spread your stupid propaganda with all your kickass moron audience there is never an end to whatsoever stories. Even after your story ends there would be much more run
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I long to kill the writers block fairy
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oloohyeah · 3 months
I wish to prove you all the Fuckt* that lie ( Philistine) always said: that my truth. So let's test this and play a game by asking from all countries to provide us a proof of land ownership by their key figures leaders or famous people order to authenticate their ownership claims on the land they reside. Let's begin with a young country like the USA that is much younger than the Philastinans.
So USA please provide us with three key fingers in your history:
• Abraham Lincoln
• Mark Twain
• Washington Gorge.
Thanks USA now let's go to England that will provide us with three key fingers in their history?
• King Henry -8th
• Shakespeare
• Elizabeth - 2nd
Thank you now let's see France
• Napoleon Bonaparte
• Moliere
• Merry Antoinette
Thanks France you are convincing. Now the last is Israel:
• king David
• Profit Jeremiah
• Profit Ezekiel
• Yehosuha BenJoseph
Well thanks Israel and now please. Let's see the brothers from philastin if they gather their list of key fingers in their history? Well ?!? Ok oh okay ohlo oh I understand few minutes? Oh no problem. Amm guy until the phalastinian will hand over to us their distinguish least we will hear some music...
Ok let's give them a break coz we are a bit afraid of their outrage we are concerned about our citizens well-being Ok the people of Palestine can give us only two key figures of people in their long long... Oh they requested only one?!? It's not the rule of our demonstration... Oh ohh 😲 there are going to be riots hell ohh ohh ok. Only one gives us only One key figure person in your long history ?
Until this moment no one came with a clue.
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oloohyeah · 3 months
Who forgot a distance past?
The third reich is raising. It’s not a delusional thought, neither a dream, but in front of our eyes in a broad day light. it The sinews of his bones were buried deep in the ground for over eighty years. And we didn't understand those bones were climbing up the graves to emerge soon in no time. Yes out of the grave. The zombies were created by the ones that always waited patiently to the right time they were involved in battle, be occupied with war against a cruel front defending their small heaven those that fake a nation and fake a stolen land those people that claim ownership have yet to creat one only one phalastinian figure In their long long long long history. Them you must forget now coz IDF working for you, Jews around The world, you the ones that already forget a distance pass to those prior 80 years ago. And noodles weak can digest that her to swipe it under the rug and let those zombie thug tage you in another cold Cristal Winter Nightmare. Friends, it's either go back to the ghettos, or now and immediately, yesterday even better. We exit to the street and the mission peacefully do not rest or keep quiet, we the Jews here out in the streets to wake up all those who confused, those who don’t know how to ask, those who paralyzed from their fears. We must get to the streets direct eye 2 eye love you too, that’s must be done in order to wake up those day dreamers for their upcoming nightmares. We going to be everywhere, do not even spare nowhere. We must view anything and extras view to nothing we will be on every streets in the valleys, on the hills and in the alleys. In states capital, there should always be someone attended like a candle that shines lost boat at sea remained them the ruff reef ruff forever. Do not let the demon raise its head, RomOr don’t rest, don’t keep quiet, we all going to be in the street, in the alleys and cities in the capital, this time, we won’t let the demon raise its head, Roam-by zombie, returns to Abyss.
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oloohyeah · 3 months
I think you just need to say it louder so the more runs slowly in the back will hear it better. You know it's a new time in which they are attempting a new approach to deny the October 7 event with surreal questions about: Why Israel is hiding the funeral to all the dead, well they continued with half smiles showing their gray teeth. Yhat's our truth sang all the lie people. only then I came to life, but this time not with the Fuckt* I came with the truth that have the support of all our people with stronger than any Fuckt*. Only then I reply them more runs. I said Hamas has already left our people a trauma for generations, any normative people that cherish life won't publish their trauma to you or to any shitty world wide creation we would rather keep it private.
And before I end this with a small request. I wish you all just spread this and that should be enough to shake their shaky structure into pile of demolitions
• To all Palestinians nice names you call your people. It would be acceptable by me, but please, I'm falling on my knees to the ground, please give me only one name of a very important figure in your long long history, you know a great personality, a person who put your name on the map of a great nation among the whole great earth nation in your so many years of history. Only one person.
• Or do you want me to reason? Well then let's start King David, Solomon, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Maccabi even Joshua Jesus. There are many more but let's get the opponent whose multimillion mob of his brothers around the borders drools of jealousy Envy & pure hatred
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oloohyeah · 3 months
Quote by Olo
• If your friend talks bad about the girl you met last night, he really, really likes her
• What costs more, a gram of gold, or a gram of oxycodone pill?
Gold 1g= $65
💊 30mg =$50×33.3=$1665
• Remember always to write the word belive as I wrote it, coz right in the heart of be-lie-ve there a lie in disguise
• Not all who know you will attack you, but whomever attacked you knows you
• No one wants to die, but no one wants to be in hell. Unfortunately we are all inHell-ing hell until our last breath
• Did you know, in order to travel in the universe a shortcut is essential.
• I was looking for ice to break between us. Fortunately you are so hot, the ice is gone, melted.
• If Satan←Natas = נטש = abandon left leave and much more
Then Devael←Leaved
• only God can place our happiness between our legs
• Someone is staring at you? Don't worry he's just busy watching his own thoughts.
• Diamond. A flawless jemstone with grace.
Diamond without its grace is only a stone.
• If Satan represents our cap-fear, then the best is to face our fear.
• Many of my friends will not get along with each other, so each friend is meant for a certain purpose.
• Friends are not forgood (time)
Good friends will appear in times of crisis
• It's better to leave the love of your life then live the life that you hate.
• If the hunger for sex was the hunger for food, I doubt if we would ever feel hungry.
Want Does the butterfly feel better or bitter when he sees a fly without the butter?
• it's better to hear the bitter truth over the sweet lie
•Lie away said: That's my truth. But lies immediately collapsed when the Fuckt* comes around.
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oloohyeah · 3 months
The moral and the solution We are born into the family corporate system. Mother and father sign the marriage document together. And then the children they create are the big bang of the corporate family. Each child has the same job to increase the family name to success. See Michael Jordan God will never make anything perfect, he will always hide a problem that we will have to solve. And here, too, he wanted us to come to a solution on our own And the solution is simple as soon as we all become aware the problem will be solved overnight. Every child from the family corporation deserves 100% of the blessing
Whoever thought that the conflict between Israel and Philistine is on the land, just walking in darkness.
The curse of the firstborn's blessings ☠️
♦ Ismael was Abraham (the father of our nation) firstborn's son from the maid Hagar. Yet Ismael He did not receive the blessing of the firstborn . The one who received the blessing was his brother Yitzchak ben Sarah who received the blessing of birthright. We are guessing that he did not sit down and clap his hands in applause for Yitzchak who received the blessing instead. Ishmael created the seeds of jealousy.
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oloohyeah · 3 months
The last story focuses on all of us the world's families as whole, the core of a group, and this group story was led by the firstborn's as a fuckt* that cannot be revoked or changed and The rest of the brothers received it with love or with jealousy and envy and common to all, they all live with it . The firstborn was the one who received the birthright blessing, it was Yehuda who was born first. But suddenly all the brothers saw a small problem that became very troubling when their younger brother, the eldest, was born to Jacob and the love of his life, Rachel. He, Yosef, without blinking, would go with his ten brothers to Jacob and Leah's house, and tell everyone about dreams that their morals leaves no room for imagination, which is heard by the brothers that he is Yosef, the eldest of Rachel's family, thinking about usurping the birthright. That's the lowly dwarf Immediately all the brothers organized to protect Yehuda's birthright, they grabbed the dwarf Yosef stripped him and Shimon said let's begin to spread his rosie wide guys! leave his ass along you freaking homosapiens Yehuda shouted at him. We are going to sell the dreamer to be a slave to the rest of his entire dreamy life. And what we would tell Dad said Issachar? We will say to Father Jacob that he was eaten by a predatory animal. And the money we receive will buy a camel or a Marlboro!? We Love the idea cried all the brothers in unison
Judah and his brothers are the fruits of hatreds
Whoever thought that the conflict between Israel and Philistine is on the land, just walking in darkness.
The curse of the firstborn's blessings ☠️
♦ Ismael was Abraham (the father of our nation) firstborn's son from the maid Hagar. Yet Ismael He did not receive the blessing of the firstborn . The one who received the blessing was his brother Yitzchak ben Sarah who received the blessing of birthright. We are guessing that he did not sit down and clap his hands in applause for Yitzchak who received the blessing instead. Ishmael created the seeds of jealousy.
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oloohyeah · 3 months
♦Next Isaac. Got twins. Isau & Jacob. Again the blessings awarded to Jacob that stole the blessings from his brother and since stealing the first born blessings was considered as a death wish Jacob escaped to Midian Reagan for 40 years.
We guess that isau didn't cheer for his brother Jacob for doing that.
Therefore isau was the one to plant the jealousy seed that quickly developed into a giant tree. An Envy tree.
Whoever thought that the conflict between Israel and Philistine is on the land, just walking in darkness.
The curse of the firstborn's blessings ☠️
♦ Ismael was Abraham (the father of our nation) firstborn's son from the maid Hagar. Yet Ismael He did not receive the blessing of the firstborn . The one who received the blessing was his brother Yitzchak ben Sarah who received the blessing of birthright. We are guessing that he did not sit down and clap his hands in applause for Yitzchak who received the blessing instead. Ishmael created the seeds of jealousy.
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oloohyeah · 3 months
Whoever thought that the conflict between Israel and Philistine is on the land, just walking in darkness.
The curse of the firstborn's blessings ☠️
♦ Ismael was Abraham (the father of our nation) firstborn's son from the maid Hagar. Yet Ismael He did not receive the blessing of the firstborn . The one who received the blessing was his brother Yitzchak ben Sarah who received the blessing of birthright. We are guessing that he did not sit down and clap his hands in applause for Yitzchak who received the blessing instead. Ismael created the seeds of jealousy.
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oloohyeah · 3 months
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October 7 massacre
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oloohyeah · 3 months
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oloohyeah · 3 months
The sperm bank robbery\ by Tobi Simone
I remember my ex hated to swallow cum, semen. I think it all coz she was working as a receptionist in the sperm bank. I was so frustrated with that, see, for me it’s nothing less than poison, and from childhood I have the perception that woman’s was the waste management of the men’s poison. After all for them women it is a precious commodity. So If she can’t accumulate my poison daily, it means I married a women with balls, it also means that I might emerge as a pussy. I’m not a pushy guy, but I’ll push for the limit. It was a hot summer night while she was working a night shift I decided to do it, yes I will rob the sperm bank. So I prepared all my needs and even went to the flea market to buy a new bandana so my wife won’t recognize me. 5 minutes away already fixed the bandana to cover most of my face leaving a narrowed crack so I could see around. Park my car, open my glove compartment took my 9mm and walk to the bank. I enter inside and walk right to where she was sitting, took my gun the moment we made ex contact I shouted, freeze! it is a robbery do not be afraid, as long you will cooperate all should be fine. Yes, yes sir, she mumbled. I think you came to the wrong bank she said. What do you means the wrong bank? There is no cash here this is the sperm bank sir. oh OK got you. Please get me 10 Test tubes full of sperm. Are you sure sir, that's what you want? Yes ma'am I have never been more confident than this request. Ok, Mr. Semen. do you want right? Yes, I said, and don't repeat it, just come in and bring all the tubes that are full to capacity here. While she inside I saw her lower legs running back and forward and in no time she came out with the order. Here you are sir, she said. Ha ha. Do me a favor and hold the one which is second on the left. OK she quickly picked it now please open the lid ok she quickly opened the lid nice now I want you to swallow the entire content. What sir, she was so surprised. You heard me loud and clear, DO IT NOW & IMMIDIATLEY! That Gluck she swallowed the entire tube contents in no time, I gave her a lot of respect, after all consider the fact in was a stranger. Ok sir. Ok, before I leave, I want you to take all the rest in less then a minute. If you will fail I’ll have no other choice but to send you for another 10. Wow this time she made it less then 1:45 second, she then rush inside and took another 10 and another… on tenth time, before she went to get another 10 she burp and a thick odor of sperm quickly approached me. something happened after she swallowed the last tube I thought she liked it coz she told me that she swallowed the sperm of Albert einstine. How can it be Einstein sperm, he died over 60 years ago? Well he left for us few of his sperm and those sperm are getting better in time, like cabaret suvinion she said. Then she asked me: should I bring 10 more? I think that enough Mena Manusha. Oops, that’s was The way I used to call her, and only me, I saw how she suddenly turned her head, looking like she about to swallow me. I knew she now got me. So before I ran out I shouted you see Manusha
When you MUST YOU CAN.
I Left with the feeling that she might have enjoyed the swallowing of the stranger's sperm. And her Einstein sperm as a dessert. Don't you think guys? 🤔
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oloohyeah · 4 months
I discovered that Jewish and Indian as they wrote in Hebrew are almost identical
Hodi ← Indian Ya-hodi Jewish and the only deferent is that the Jews ha "Ya" God first
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oloohyeah · 4 months
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