omgdeanwinchesterxx · 3 years
( OOC)
Making a new Dean blog <3 
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omgdeanwinchesterxx · 3 years
By this time Dean had asked around and was beginning to pick up on the impression that this was definitely his type of case. The guy didn’t seem to have enemies, people who disliked him, stuff like that. Only one guy had looked pretty defensive and he seemed like too much of an idiot to actually be responsible for this but there was a fragment of guilt in his look so Dean didn’t want to rule him out quite yet.
Figuring he didn’t want another dissapearing act he ended up breaking into the guy’s bedroom at the fraternity, just checking around for clues that might help. He checked under the bed and found something that looked oddly like sulphur. Great. Just great. Smelled like it too. Definitely a demon issue. 
Destiel RP Starter
“Young Man Vanishes From College Campus.”
Castiel frowned at the headline that caught his eye. Could be nothing, he thought, but it could also be his kind of gig. He clicked on the link to the full article. As he read on, he quickly realized something weird was going on. “Probably a spirit,” he muttered to himself.
He quickly packed up his laptop and his go-bag and then he was off to Cedar City, Utah. He didn’t think it would be so soon before he’d be back on a college campus, but there were lives at stake. His past could go fuck itself. He could handle it.
Castiel turned on the radio and settled in for the 10-hour drive south, ignoring the anxiety that twisted in his stomach. He had a job to do and he was going to do it, simple as that.
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omgdeanwinchesterxx · 3 years
He does. I’ve seen them :)))
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Sam and Dean in 1.06 - Skin
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omgdeanwinchesterxx · 3 years
I deeply dislike him sometimes I really do. 
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omgdeanwinchesterxx · 3 years
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omgdeanwinchesterxx · 3 years
Life's like a road that you travel on Where there's one day here and the next day gone Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand Sometimes you turn your back to the wind There's a world outside every darkened door Where blues won't haunt you anymore Where the brave are free and lovers soar Come ride with me to the distant shoreWe won't hesitate Break down the garden gate There's not much time left todayLife is a highway I want to ride it all night long If you're going my way I want to drive it all night longThrough all these cities and all these towns It's in my blood and it's all around I loved you now like I loved you then This is the road and these are the hits From Mozambique to those Memphis nights The Khyber pass to Vancouver's lights Knock me down and back up again You're in my blood, I'm not a lonely manThere's no load I can't hold A road so rough, this I know I'll be there when the light comes in Just tell 'em we're survivorsLife is a highway I want to ride it all night long If you're going my way I want to drive it all night longLife is a highway I want to ride it all night long Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, yeah You're going my way I want to drive it all night longThere was a distance between you and I A misunderstanding once, but now We look it in the eye Oh!There ain't no load that I can't hold Road so rough, this I know I'll be there when the light comes in Just tell 'em we're survivorsLife is a highway I want to ride it all night long (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) If you're going my way I want to drive it all night long A gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, yeahLife is a highway I want to ride it all night long If you're going my way I want to drive it all night long A gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, yeahLife is a highway I want to ride it all night long If you're going my way I want to drive ya' all night long A gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, yeah
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omgdeanwinchesterxx · 3 years
Omfg Case at a Couples Retreat. 
Dean  having to pretend to be a couple with someone. 
I can’t stop laughing 
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omgdeanwinchesterxx · 3 years
Dean inwardly cursed. ‘’Yeah my folks were obsessed with it.’’ He laughed a little. He was always being nagged about changing that name, oh well, wasn’t the end of the world. 
‘‘So yeah..I’ll see ya around, maybe.’‘ 
He grinned at him before heading away, deciding to try and find the guy who’d gone off that quickly. 
Destiel RP Starter
“Young Man Vanishes From College Campus.”
Castiel frowned at the headline that caught his eye. Could be nothing, he thought, but it could also be his kind of gig. He clicked on the link to the full article. As he read on, he quickly realized something weird was going on. “Probably a spirit,” he muttered to himself.
He quickly packed up his laptop and his go-bag and then he was off to Cedar City, Utah. He didn’t think it would be so soon before he’d be back on a college campus, but there were lives at stake. His past could go fuck itself. He could handle it.
Castiel turned on the radio and settled in for the 10-hour drive south, ignoring the anxiety that twisted in his stomach. He had a job to do and he was going to do it, simple as that.
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omgdeanwinchesterxx · 3 years
The older of the two nodded, thankfully it hadn’t been a particularly difficult case this time, still it had been quite dangerous, although that didn’t really make a change from normal.
‘‘Guess your dorkiness is rubbing off on me.’‘ 
Dean teased before laughing a little but he did put the chair back to normal level.
Dean Winchester Nightmare/ OPEN STARTER
Sam was dead. He couldn’t breathe. Dean couldn’t think. Dean could barely move. This was his fault. He should’ve been better. He should’ve protected him. He should’ve been stronger. This wasn’t happening. This just wasn’t happening. He couldn’t be gone. Not Sam, anyone but Sam. He should’ve died instead. 
‘‘You failed me Dean.’‘ 
He could hear John’s voice in his head. Saying he’d failed him over and over and over and over again. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t think. He couldn’t work out. This was just his fault. Every bad thing that happened to Sammy was his fault.
‘‘I..I’m sorry..’‘ He felt his voice break a little bit as tears began going down his cheeks. 
Dean wobbled once more, going over to Sam’s body and bringing him in to his chest. 
‘‘Please.. wake up, don’t leave me. I need you.’‘ 
As more tears ran down his face he closed his eyes, and that was when Dean Winchester awoke from his nightmare, completely drenched in sweat. A scream having left his lips. 
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omgdeanwinchesterxx · 3 years
(Dean Winchester; Open starter)
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Another town had caught fire. A greenish hot, roaring fire that took everyone virtually in seconds. How much longer was this going to be for? He’d had no choice. He thought Sam was going to die. All of this was Dean’s fault. He knew that. He’d released an evil witch to get her to cure his brother. Yet he did not regret it.
People had died, so many people had died and yet Dean knew right now that if the choice was in front of him again with everything he knew then he would still make the same choice. Sam was his responsibility. He couldn’t let anyone or anything hurt him. Even if that meant the rest of the world burning.
Of course he’d not told him the full truth behind it. He’d not told him that he’d been the one to release the witch from her prison. He’d just panicked. He couldn’t handle the thought of something happening to his brother. Watch out for Sammy, above all else. He remembered that, he remembered the words he’d heard every day growing up and maybe this was his issue, maybe this was his weak spot.
The death list was going up, he could see the numbers rising on his phone, more and more people dead, because of him. He slammed his fist into the Impala’s front, leaving a dent in her.
‘‘I’m sorry baby.’‘
Dean muttered before opening the hood a little bit to undo the damage he’d just caused. 
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omgdeanwinchesterxx · 3 years
f u c k 
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omgdeanwinchesterxx · 3 years
(Wincest idea 
Sam getting hurt and being virtually dead so Dean finds a witch to help him cure him. This witch ends up curing him but curses the world and bad shit keeps happening. Yet Dean doesn’t regret a single second of it. 
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omgdeanwinchesterxx · 3 years
{{God I wanna do something wincest inspired of this 
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omgdeanwinchesterxx · 3 years
Oh great. That was fantastic. Still with all these things dedicated to the guy he couldn’t have had many enemies. Yet Dean did want to speak to the guy who’d walked off, seemed kinda pissed. 
‘‘Yeah I get ya. Thanks anyway.’‘ 
A grin went over The Winchester’s lips as he held out one of his fake FBI cards that had his real number on it.
‘‘Call me if you see anything suspicious.’‘
Destiel RP Starter
“Young Man Vanishes From College Campus.”
Castiel frowned at the headline that caught his eye. Could be nothing, he thought, but it could also be his kind of gig. He clicked on the link to the full article. As he read on, he quickly realized something weird was going on. “Probably a spirit,” he muttered to himself.
He quickly packed up his laptop and his go-bag and then he was off to Cedar City, Utah. He didn’t think it would be so soon before he’d be back on a college campus, but there were lives at stake. His past could go fuck itself. He could handle it.
Castiel turned on the radio and settled in for the 10-hour drive south, ignoring the anxiety that twisted in his stomach. He had a job to do and he was going to do it, simple as that.
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omgdeanwinchesterxx · 3 years
Dean commented before yawning a little and stretching a bit. His back hurt from sleeping in the car, truthfully he should be used to it by now but still it often got to him. 
He chuckled a little. ‘’Well it does suit you Sammykins. Just don’t spill stuff on it and that’s just fine with me.’’
That shit was expensive. 
‘‘Don’t take too long, I might get bored.’‘ 
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Mary had gone.
Well truthfully given past experience with parents what had Dean really expected? That was why he didn’t do parents. They all ended up sucking.
It had gone 3AM and he was still outside, just sitting in baby. She was one of the only places he could feel calm in and yet right now he didn’t know what he was feeling. Anger, sadness, betrayal. All of them seemed like a logical option at this moment in time. How could she? Surely any parent would choose their children over..anything? Surely a parent was meant to put them first? Then again they weren’t kids anymore. He still felt angry, because of her, because of John he’d never been a kid, not even for one single second. He didn’t regret taking care of Sammy, he’d never regret something like that but all that pressure still hurt. 
He hit his hands on the wheel as he felt his eyes start to tear up.
After a moment or two he slid out of the car, beginning to slam his fists onto the car, the way he did when he was completely and utterly frustrated and hurt. 
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omgdeanwinchesterxx · 3 years
Dean spoke, holding up his fake ID for a couple of moments before putting it away again. 
‘‘We’re not quite sure just yet, lookin into it.’‘
He ran his fingers through his messy hair as he continued looking at the memorial.
‘‘Did he have any enemies? Anyone that would’ve wanted to hurt him?’‘
Destiel RP Starter
“Young Man Vanishes From College Campus.”
Castiel frowned at the headline that caught his eye. Could be nothing, he thought, but it could also be his kind of gig. He clicked on the link to the full article. As he read on, he quickly realized something weird was going on. “Probably a spirit,” he muttered to himself.
He quickly packed up his laptop and his go-bag and then he was off to Cedar City, Utah. He didn’t think it would be so soon before he’d be back on a college campus, but there were lives at stake. His past could go fuck itself. He could handle it.
Castiel turned on the radio and settled in for the 10-hour drive south, ignoring the anxiety that twisted in his stomach. He had a job to do and he was going to do it, simple as that.
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omgdeanwinchesterxx · 3 years
It was at this time Dean had arrived at the memorial area. He watched a guy storm off. Thankfully there seemed to be another around. Maybe they had known the victim.
‘‘Hey, did you know the guy?’‘ 
He asked as he made his way over to him, keeping his attention half on the stranger and half on the memorial area as though he could tell something about the victim’s vanishing act from it.
Pictures and flowers. Interesting. No one ever did something out of the ordinary when it came to the victims. Dean often wondered if the victims were ever really known or so-called known by anyone until they were dead or missing. 
Destiel RP Starter
“Young Man Vanishes From College Campus.”
Castiel frowned at the headline that caught his eye. Could be nothing, he thought, but it could also be his kind of gig. He clicked on the link to the full article. As he read on, he quickly realized something weird was going on. “Probably a spirit,” he muttered to himself.
He quickly packed up his laptop and his go-bag and then he was off to Cedar City, Utah. He didn’t think it would be so soon before he’d be back on a college campus, but there were lives at stake. His past could go fuck itself. He could handle it.
Castiel turned on the radio and settled in for the 10-hour drive south, ignoring the anxiety that twisted in his stomach. He had a job to do and he was going to do it, simple as that.
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