onceshielded · 4 years
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onceshielded · 5 years
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written by M I R                                                         written by K I A N
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onceshielded · 5 years
[ ϟ ]—–  Upon god’s visage smile remains, the curl of lips languidly falling to set into something much less devious, and much less beaming. More decent, one could say, a stark contrast to the ceruleans that darken momentarily after Steven’s comment. Granted, he deserved the retort, for alluding to both situation and his own very brawny, very destructive part in that, and he offers a slow nod then, broad physique set in motion once more.
The rise and subsequent stretching of arms above his head offers a moment of respite to consider his reply, a fraction of time to narrow eyes playfully at the other.
‘ I suppose I do owe them a sincere apology, and tender future handling and care, to regain a sliver of their trust.’
That other, ever so comforting and much more, infinitely more important matter of having Steven’s trust has him consider the man with warmth in his gaze, and the Asgardian shoulders are rolled then, as if warding of the rush of affection that surged through his being. It staved off only the worst of it however; no matter the subject, or situation, it would come unbidden as a flood of heat spreading through his chest, and unable to help himself he offers large hand with a tilt of golden head.
The gesture, borne upon battlefield in New York, had become the most natural of acts.
‘ Come, a return to the couch is in order. Let us be cautious and away from the tiles for a while longer, I do not trust myself around them still.’ 
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                  THEN CAME THE OPEN PALM, all that led up to the other’s smile that while gentle and little, it was just as BRIGHT—like how his blue eyes just sparkled with that kind of gleam that always gets Steve all tight in the chest. Well shit, when didn’t he get tight in the chest when it came to Thor, really --------- he can just stare at him from across the hall and Steve would feel his insides get all queasy in all the good ways. Right then was not at all different. Leave it to Thor, really. Leave it to him to make it bright. Leave it to him to make it all feel warm. RELIABLE. See? How can Steve not trust him? And so, with his own broad chest swelling against his shirt for his own heave of a sigh, Steve smiled back—easier now. Thank God. Maybe it’s safe to say that he finally won.
                  “—the GOD OF THUNDER taking me by the hand with his greasy own, can’t say no to that…” Steve chuckled as he took it just the same, grunting on as he pushed his heavy body from his chair and swayed towards the other before nodding at the couch. Old. Seen better days. Probably antique. Like him. But damn it’s still here. And so are they as the day ends. “Not unless you plan on throwing me on the couch. It proved itself with our combined weight. But you don’t appease the tiles by taking it on something else for the moment --------- last thing we want is you to make an ENEMY out of it too…” Steve teased on as he took his bottle of beer from the table.
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onceshielded · 5 years
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Everything’s about you to me.
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onceshielded · 5 years
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☆ || @asgardianhammer​
       THOR LIKES POEMS—reading them and writing them. And funnily enough, it was one of the things that Steve wasn’t at all surprised with; though in all honestly, it was rooted more on some amused resignation than actual trust in that kind of truth. At the very start, at least. He is honest where he is stubborn. He is wise where he is weary. He is charming where he is playful… clever where he is sly. Thor is tender where he is vulnerable ------ bright where he is arduous. Thor is a man of his own greatness… that with all that he is and all that he could do, of course he fucking writes poems. And Steve was usual—in his damn LUCK—to be privy to it. He is shit at drawing though—but Steve could always amuse him with it for the both of them. But nonetheless, there it was… it had always been a favorite of his as recommended by his friends. Some sturdy notebook with soft firm pages. Thick enough against the slide of the pen. Definitely perfect for Thor to write on to his heart’s content.
       “I don’t know…” Steve’s broad shoulders hunched from what sigh his chest forced out to steel himself as he looked onto the other. “Maybe this time, after most have settled, you can actually find time for YOURSELF… you could always use some peace and quiet...” nodding on as he let the other leaf through the empty and clean pages ------ save for the second page where Steve took the liberty to write on at the very middle of it.
               ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ʜᴏᴍᴇ
           “------ it had always been one of my SAFE SPACES, maybe it can be yours too...”  
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onceshielded · 5 years
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onceshielded · 5 years
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A little something just for fun with some of my favorite things: tattoos, undercuts, That Beard™ and Steve Rogers. Did I thirst draw this? No one can prove anything. 
+ Shoutout to everyone doing the lord’s work with tattoo!Steve content, especially to @frostbitebakery whose awesome Steve with the good hair helped inspire this.
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onceshielded · 5 years
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onceshielded · 5 years
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Sometimes my teammates don’t tell me things. I was kind of hoping Thor would be the exception.
Steve Rogers and Thor Odinson in Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) (dir. Joss Whedon)
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onceshielded · 5 years
“------ I love it...” Steve played on, form squirming against the other’s lap for a settle while his fingers curled on against the thick of his beard. “Love the face more..” he hummed on, this time pinching at his cheek before his stroke turned gentle. “------love the man most...”
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onceshielded replied to your post “*gives beard scritches*”
“——can’t a guy just give his man a beard rub and not be questioned?” xD
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[ ϟ ]—– ‘ Of course, yet you should know by now I do enjoy hearing you explain yourself.’
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onceshielded · 5 years
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                      —– Make me resilient and mighty as your own arm, Make me unbreakable, you who are Friend of Man.                       —– indie - mcu/myth – thor - ϟ   (prayer) - muscly ray of sunshine – kicking ass since 2013 – giver of hugs and also slaying yo fave with a grin – destroyer of worlds  – makes excellent steaks – picks and chooses from whatever canon because he does what he wants and you can’t stop him  – lives in various verses including american gods
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onceshielded · 5 years
[ ϟ ]—– There was no denying the surge of warmth that suddenly expanded within his chest, a sort of delight that the inventor’s words brought about weaving its way through the mighty form until it bloomed upon his features in a wide-set, beaming smile. Acknowledgement of this fashion, and quite an unintentional one on Stark’s part, touching on something the god and the mortal had known and felt for what seemed ages now.
It is nothing, it is a heartbeat, you’ll never be ready…
Unbidden comes the chortle then, a warm rumbling symphony that is dolloped between the comments, until something playful flashes in the god’s eyes and he leans upon the counter momentarily, ensuring he is heard well. Warm bass is colored with something that sounds overly smug and pleased, eyes never leaving Steven’s features.
‘ I am more of a Dean Martin fella myself, but I am sure by the time you are finally finished I will have grown fond of Sinatra as well.’
The merest hint of a tease, and a foul one at that, considering Stark’s diligence and determination during any sort of project, and after a second of silence it earns the Asgardian a scoff as well.
Honestly, you two deserve each other. Stay safe and out of my hair boys.—–
Breaking the connection was Stark’s way of hauntingly storming out, and what was left behind is that elation humming in the god’s chest, his rest upon the counter continued for a while longer. 
‘ You trust me with your home?’ Bright ceruleans trail a path towards the bathroom then, attention given to the area and a memory of the wreckage in that particular space. ‘ That is comforting.’ 
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            OKAY. FINE. STEVE FELT HIMSELF SMILING at what casual admission that Thor had to throw back at Tony to thwart his teasing. But for someone who found himself in some new world, it was one of the things that he was thankful for; Thor had always been open to learn—even more open to appreciate. And to have someone to share what he liked without it feeling awkward or without having it to feel dreadful for some kind of judgement had always been a welcome RELIEF. Thor. Thor made it easy for him to breathe. And if he was being honest, isn’t that some foundation of trust? That while he could rely on Thor with his life, he’s just… easy to be with around. And with the call finally ending, the beeps brought him back from the sudden and casual eke of reverie. Though he was at least quick enough on his feet to catch the words that Thor teased him back with --------- of course, Steve knew that he wasn’t IMMUNE from it.
            “That’s pretty much why I’m insisting that you stay here,” now that wasn’t much of a hard admission from himself—not when that was the very thing that Steve had been doing the moment he managed to squeeze Thor into the Jeep. “ —I mean, you have your OWN MUG here—and we’re gonna share the same bed,” Steve retorted. And while the latter was something that he had forced as if to make it less of a conscious idea on their end given that they had found themselves tangled on that bed in question far too many times, it gnawed into some little pause, still. Some warmth. A sigh. Then a CHUCKLE. “At the very least I do trust you...” the soldier chuckled on to play it off, coming in with a joke to match since Thor led to that himself already—and it even caused Steve’s cheeks to betray him with their due flush.
            “--------- the bathroom tiles have yet to learn to TRUST you but that’s on them…”
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onceshielded · 5 years
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Chris Evans in The Red Sea Diving Resort available on Netflix July 31, 2019
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onceshielded · 5 years
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Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) dir. Joe and Anthony Russo
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onceshielded · 5 years
[ ϟ ]—– Eyes were compelled to move towards the man, his motions not something the Asgardian would ever be able to ignore easily. At times he wondered if it was partial desire - still - to ensure himself all was well, as some form of validation for overly active, overly concerned mind, that Steven was at ease. For all his brawn it was the unknown that still roused worry within the god, as if something said or something done by him would affect the other deeply. Fury, as decent as the man truly was, had somehow managed to damage, to dent that part of thunderer’s confidence.
Stark’s tone, the ever-casual and reassuring kind despite any mayhem and chaos that may or may not still surround him provoked a small smile from the god, and remnants of yet another bite of pizza was quickly swallowed, massive form hauled from the couch to approach the device.
‘ I am well Stark,’ and a moment of hesitation, a brief pause as he wondered how to reply further. ‘ Settled well enough, and feeling safer already.’ 
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A jest, the joking nature of it made clear in the god’s voice and soft chortle, yet expression held sincerity the inventor could not see.
‘ Har, har, very funny. Let’s see how safe you will feel after Steve picks a fight because you didn’t recycle. Or after you messed up his gramophone player.’ 
            PLAYFUL RETORT WARRANTED AMUSEMENT enough for Steve’s chest to push out with a huff of a chuckle. Exhaustion was far, though the slow grind of the day was a welcome sensation still, all things considered and accounted for. Though Steve’s smiled lingered at the musing of his own thought that was a little temptation for him to reply on his own—that Thor knew how to do the trash, or how to operate Steve’s vintage COMFORTS, since he had been in Steve’s place before. Many times. “---------well I’d trust Thor more with my home than I trust you with an entire floor of a building,” the soldier finally spoke, humming on as he toyed with a slice of pepperoni while he bit down on his lips to keep himself from laughing at the mere fact that it took a couple seconds of pause before they heard Tony finally scoff through the speaker.
            You trust Thor with anything— Tony threw it back quick with a tone that was almost deriding. Steve chuckled in turn as there wasn’t malice or offense in it. It was TRUE. I get it, you hate me. But that’s how it is with the cool guys… like the rest of us here.
            “Too bad I’m ninety and half-deaf—couldn’t hear the half of what you’re saying,” Steve hummed on as he sighed, his face coming a little more serious as he stole at the glance of the sky in the window and nodded on. “But seriously, be CAREFUL—call us if you need anything.”
            Yeah—yeah. Hey Thor, we’ll get this patched up in no time okay? You just stay put there and enjoy Sinatra or something... or Billy Ray Cyrus—Steve’s into that, I think...
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onceshielded · 5 years
never forget that softness is strength, unflinching / against the knife and it is also the knife.
Jess Rizkallah, from “Ghada says,” The Magic My Body Becomes: Poems (via lifeinpoetry)
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onceshielded · 5 years
Anyway, having a big heart is both a blessing and a curse but the pros will always outweigh the cons imo. I’m going to care deeply for the rest of my life and that’s my gift
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