oneanxiousmess · 2 years
Randomly came across your blog while scrolling and want to send you some good vibes!
Thank you so much! 💕💕💕💕🥺🫶
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oneanxiousmess · 2 years
(an offering of a shiny pebble) your blog has good vibes and I hope you are well
Ty! :)
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oneanxiousmess · 2 years
Once a year sick- an Roleslaying with Roman Age Regression Fanfic
Summary:“Hey, I’m really sorry about yesterday...” “What happened?” “I don’t really know, it’s the strangest thing: every year on my birthday I get sick.” “Sick?” “Yeah, I get all emotional and weak...I feel young. It’s weird, man.” “Sweetie, you don’t know?” “Don’t know what?”💜🖤SFW age Regression 💜🖤 Little!Youngblood CG!RomanYoungblood gets sick once a year, but is he really sick?
Roman wasn't supposed to be here, but he couldn't let his friend be alone on his birthday, even if he hates it.
"You hate your birthday? "Roman had asked him. "Why?"
"Not everyone likes being the center of attention, Roman, "He answers.
Which was fair enough, some people don't like crowds. But to spend a birthday completely alone without friends or even a little bit of family?! That seemed horrible.
"So, what do you do?"He asked.
"For what?"
"Your birthday. You're all alone with no family, I just-"
"It's none of your business," he shrugs, his tone neutral.
He always does that, always acts like anything personal wasn't important, even if it clearly was.
And when Roman expressed his concern to his own family, his aunt suggested they make a cake for him. His father on the other hand thought it would be best to leave Youngblood alone and respect his privacy...
So Roman and his aunt patty made the cake to take to Youngblood.
Youngblood had recently moved to the village in a small well-known Inn. He claimed he just didn't want to live in the woods anymore, but Roman wondered if maybe youngblood actually wanted to live there to live closer to him.
Roman walked into the inn and up the stairs to Youngblood's room. Though he knew it was wrong- he just had to make sure Youngblood really wanted to be alone today- he could change his mind? If not, he could just drop off the cake and leave. Simple.
"Hello? Youngblood are you home?" Roman asks. "I know you hate your birthday, and you don't want me here, but I just wanted to wish you a perfectly normal Tuesday and drop off this normal not birthday cake my aunt and I made for no reason at all. Do you like chocolate? You're not allergic or anything are yo-"
Something was wrong...
"...Youngblood? "Roman called.
He heard a whimper and the sound of someone crying.
"Youngblood?! Is everything ok?!"He shouts, running towards the other room.
'Ohnoohnoohnoohno please be ok!' Roman's mind was going a thousand miles per hour, what if his friend was seriously hurt? "Youngblood?!"he yelled louder, silently praying that he was ok.
He found Youngblood crying, hiding under a mountain of blankets and pillows in his room. "Youngblood, are you ok? What happened? "He asked, sitting on the floor next to his little tent.
Youngblood only whined softly in response.
Roman looked him over
Youngblood hid his face with his hands as if that would hide him completely from Roman.
How cute.
"Hey, it's ok. It's me, Roman. I'm your friend. I am not going to hurt you."
Youngblood un-hid his face but still didn't meet Roman's gaze.
"Can I touch you? "Roman asked.
Youngblood shrugged.
Roman moved his hand slowly to cup Youngblood's cheek, rubbing the side of it softly with his thumb. Youngblood flinched, but then leaned into the touch, craving more of his friend's comforting affection. When Romans hand moved away, he whined and starts to cry again as he tried to follow Roman's hand.
"Hey, hey. Whybie, you're ok. Come here." Roman held his arms open offering the little a hug, and Youngblood happily took it.
Roman tries not to smile when he realizes this is the first time he has ever really hugged his friend. "What's wrong, Whybie? Did something happen? Hmm?"
Youngblood didn't answer, only snuggles closer to Roman. He just wanted someone to hold him right now.
Roman held on, rubbing his back in a calm circular motion in order to soothe him.
"It's ok, Whybie. I'm here. You're ok."
Youngblood bit the tip of his thumb in attempt to comfort himself. And Roman honestly wasn't sure whether to tell him not to do that or let him be, that is until he found a pacifier sitting on the floor.
"Are you thirsty, bud? "Roman asks.
Youngblood nodded his head.
"Alright, let's see what you got, "Roman says. He puts the pacifier in his pocket as he starts to get up off the floor, moving Youngblood off his lap, youngblood whines and grabs Roman's shirt in attempt to cling onto him more.
"Whybie, I'm not strong enough to carry you, "Roman tries to explain. But Youngblood doesn't care, he doesn't want to move.
"How about if you hold my hand and follow me to the kitchen? "Roman suggests, "would that be, ok?"
Youngblood thinks about it, and finally grabs Roman's hand, allowing Roman to lead him to the kitchen.
"There we go, aren't you a good little elfling?"Roman coos.
Youngblood blushed a little as Roman helps him onto a chair.
Roman opens the fridge and pours a cup of juice for the youngling. "Here we go, bloodie,"he says.
Youngblood takes it and drinks without thinking twice about it, which was honestly kind of strange for him, Youngblood had always been cautious of everything, did this mean Youngblood actually trusted Roman? Or was this just a headspace thing?
"What do we say? "Roman asks.
"Tanks yu, Ro," Youngblood says.
"You're very welcome, elfling. Thank you for being so polite."
Roman rinsed off Youngblood's pacifier so that when he was done with his juice, he wouldn't have to put his thumb back in his mouth.
"Youngblood, do you know what today is? "Roman asked.
"Mmm, tooday?"He asked.
"Yes, it's Tuesday. But it's also someone's birthday. Whose birthday, is it?"
"Me? "Youngblood asked.
Roman gasped, "you're absolutely right! Good job, Whybie!"
Youngblood giggled and hid is face from Roman.
"Are you a shy baby? "Roman asked, teasingly.
"Mmmm,"Is the only sound he made as he hid himself more and more in his jacket.
Roman giggled. "That's ok, little one. Would you like me to make you something to eat?"
"ooup? "Youngblood asked.
"Soup, ok. What kind of soup?"
"Tomato soup, I can do that. "
"An samitch?"
"Grilled cheese sandwich? "Roman asked.
Youngblood nodded.
Roman looked to see if Youngblood had both bread and cheese before he answered: "I can definitely do that."
Youngblood giggled happily.
Oh, how Roman loved to him happy. "Alright, why don't you go play and I'll tell you when it's done, yeah?"
"Mkay, ro,"he says before running up to his room.
'What a well behaved little, 'Roman thought to himself.
After lunch Roman thought it would be a good time to re-introduce YB to his aunt's special chocolate cake.
"Would you like some cake, Whybie?"Roman asked.
Youngblood shrugged.
"Maybe just a little bit? "Roman suggests, "it is your birthday after all. You deserve a little treat."
"Mkay..."Youngblood mumbles.
Roman grabs a plastic spoon and takes a little bit of the cake from the pan, attempting to feed Youngblood himself-
But alas, Youngblood stops him.
"What's wrong? "Roman asked.
"Birfday cake? "Youngblood asks.
"Yes, it's your birthday cake. "Roman answers.
"But..."Youngblood sighs.
"What is it, elfling?"
"We need to sing first...right?"
"Is that so? "Roman asked.
"Mhm, the birfday song."
Roman offers a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry, Whybie. I don't know the birthday song."
"Oh. C-can I sing it tho?"
"Of course, elfling. I love hearing you sing."
Youngblood smiles, blushing a little as he started to sing to himself: "Happy birfday to me, happy birfday to me, happy birfday to me-ee, happy birfday to me."
"That was beautiful, Whybie."Roman praised. Roman still doesn't quite understand the concept of singing, but Youngblood loves it so much, so every time he sang, Roman found it quite captivating. He couldn't help but smile every time.
Youngblood smiles and blushes a little. "Thanks."
"Is that an elfin tradition? "Roman asked.
"Tradiction?"Youngblood asked.
"Did your Parents sing that song to you? "Roman asked, rephrasing the question.
That seemed to trigger some sort of memory for Youngblood- and not a good one. He spaced out and stared at the wall for a good twenty seconds.
"Whybie?" Roman asked.
No answer.
"I asked..."He explained, "but they always say'd no."
"Oh, Whybie. I'm so sorry."
"Yeah..."Youngblood stared at the wall again but not as long. He seemed to snap himself out of it on his own. "Cake now?" He asked.
"Yes, Whybie. We can most definitely have cake now." Roman takes a piece of cake and hands it to Youngblood. "Would you like me to feed you or can you do it?"
"I can do it, "he says.
"Good job, elfling. Let me know if you need anything."
Youngblood smiles and nods. Then he covers his face in attempt to hide the flushed smile on his face.
But Roman still noticed.
As Youngblood ate his cake, Roman ate a small piece too.
He never asked Youngblood about his parents...
Was that a mistake?
Should he have asked?!
Is or has Youngblood ever been truly, ok?
"Roman? "Youngblood asked.
"Yes, elfling?"
Youngblood stood up and walked over to Roman and hugged him. "You tired, youngling?" Roman asked.
Youngblood nodded.
"let's move to the couch then," he suggests.
youngblood nodded.
He's so cute, Roman can't help but smile. He grabbed Youngblood pacifier and handed it to him.
Youngblood mumbled a very quiet 'thank you' then followed Roman to the living area to snuggle.
Roman sat down first and gestured for Youngblood to sit next to him. He did, but snuggled up close, setting his head on Roman's shoulder.
"Will you sing to me, please?" Youngblood asked.
Roman holds onto youngblood, gently petting his head. "I'm afraid I'm not very good at it."
Youngblood has been giving Roman a few singing lessons but he's still very rusty.
"All singing is good singing," Youngblood says with a shrug.
It's so fascinating and strange to Roman how much Youngblood truly loves vocal cord vibrations.
"Alright." Roman cleared his throat. He starts to hum the simple 'Do-re-mi' Youngblood had taught him.
Youngblood closed his eyes and hummed along with him.
"I will protect you with my life, "Roman whispers, stroking Youngblood's head until he fell asleep.
The next day Roman was helping out his father as promised. Since he completely neglected his chores yesterday- it was kinda fair to do a little extra today, right?
"Hey." Youngblood approached him while he was raking the leaves.
"Hey, Youngblood. What's going on? "Roman asked.
"Listen, I just wanted to apologize for yesterday..."
"You don't have to apologize, "Roman explains. "Would you like to talk about it?"
Youngblood sighed, honestly hoping that would be the end of the conversation. "Ok, sure. I guess..."
Roman sat down on the garden bench, and after a moment of hesitation, Youngblood joined him.
"What happened? "Roman asked.
Youngblood shrugged. "I don't really know, it's the strangest thing: every year on my birthday I get...sick."
"Sick? "Roman asks, wide eyed.
"Yeah, I get all emotional and weak... my head feels so fuzzy like I can't think straight. It's weird."
"Oh sweetie, do you not know? "Roman asks.
Youngblood was a little taken back by the nickname. "Know what?"
"About your regression."
"My...what? "Youngblood asks.
"When you regress to a younger headspace in order to escape certain stresses in your life?"
"No....no no no-tha-that's not what I do, Roman." He chuckles nervously.
"Then what is it? "Roman asks, calmly.
Youngblood thought about it for a second then got up from the bench.
"Roman, I only asked one thing of you-"
Roman stood up and began trying to reason with Youngblood. "I know, but listen-"
"And what was that?"
"Don't visit you on your birthday, "Roman sighs.
"Right, and what did you do?"
Youngblood holds up a finger to silence Roman. "You came to my house with your aunt's weird-ass cake!"
"You hold your tongue! My aunt's cake is amazing! "Roman defends, "and it was chocolate, ok? Not burro!"
"You overstepped..."Youngblood said.
Roman sighs and takes a step back. "Yeah. I know, I know. And I'm sorry."
Youngblood scoffs. "No, you're not. You're not sorry. Because you always do this- I can't believe you would even think to-"
"Youngblood, I realize it was wrong, but you know what? In some ways, you're absolutely right. I'm not really that sorry! "Roman shouted.
Youngblood stopped talking to let Roman finish, he has never raised his voice like that at him before.
"I'm sorry that I betrayed your trust, but you needed someone to be there with you, bloody. The Youngblood I saw in there was not the brave, cunning, beautifully skilled and independent elf I know. But a scared little elfling who just needed a hug- and I was not going to leave you there helpless and scared. I'm not sorry that I was there for you."
Youngblood held his arms with his hands in attempt to comfort himself.
"Whybie?" Roman asked.
A familiar scared expression fell upon Youngblood's face. "Thanks for your help, Roman. I do appreciate it..."
"You know I'll always be here for you, right? "Roman asked.
"But you don't have to-"
"I want to. You've always been there for me. You knew I needed help with the robbery fiasco, and you helped. I didn't have to ask twice. Now you don't either."
Youngblood took a deep breath.
"Is it really only once a year? "Roman asked.
"It's the only time of year I can't really control it..."
"Did you really think it was a sickness?"
"Are you telling me it's not?"
"Yes, Youngblood. It's most definitely not a sickness."
"Roman, normal elves don't-"
"I don't care what normal elves or what normal people do, "Roman explains. "I care about you. Don't you understand that?"
Youngblood licked his lips and sighed. "Okay, "he mumbles. There was no point in arguing with Roman, he cares too much.
"Youngblood?"Roman asked.
"Yes? "He grumbles.
"If you feel the need to be little again, even if it's not your birthday...and if you need someone to be there for you. Don't hesitate to ask me, ok? I'll be there, happily so."
"I won't need it..."he insists. Youngblood starts to walk away but pauses, "thanks."
Roman smiles, and Youngblood smiles back.
Everything was going to be okay... But that doesn't mean Roman was going to stop worrying.
"See you tomorrow? "Roman asked.
Youngblood sighed, "yeah."
He'll never stop worrying, so he'll always be there.
Notes:Random thought came to my mind while reading a post on tumblr that mentioned regressors who only regress once or twice a year, and I was in the mood for an angsty!little cuddle fic!I’m kinda obsessed with RWR (Roleslaying with Roman) Rn, so the idea of RWR Age regression fics really intrigue me. If you want more, or write /wrote some of your own- please let me know ^^As always if you liked this, please comment, they really make my day. Take care of yourselves, byeee!
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oneanxiousmess · 2 years
(i've seen others do this so why not)
giggle a lot and at practically everything
repeat certain phrases or words or tiktok sounds
cuddle my plushie and kiss her nose
idk what it is called but like ill do little seat wiggles or hops when im excited
get sleepy and become a blanket burrito
color very seriously and i shall not be disturbed until im done and then wanna a show my boyfriend
"im not a baby!!"
big sweaters, sweatshirts, shirts and fluffy socks
i have this fluffy headband like the one that people use to keep their hair out of their face and it has a bow and i just have to wear it lol
ice cream obsession(this applies to when im big too lol)
pouting or wining (when i want attention)
tiaras and glitter and rapunzel
oh and im actually very forgetful so i sometimes don't remember much when im regressed so i get embarrassed
texting while half asleep
singing disney songs
still liking horror movies
🌱also remember that no one regresses the same and there is no right or wrong way and however and whenever you regress is unique to you only🌱
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oneanxiousmess · 2 years
Idk what this is but, enjoy! ᵕ̈
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oneanxiousmess · 2 years
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oneanxiousmess · 2 years
Youngblood Ageregression Moodboard
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oneanxiousmess · 2 years
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TS Prompt lists Requests:
🌸Requests open!🌼
Rules: -SFW age regression only- this is not age play, this is not a kink. If you’re here for anything sexual or inappropriate- you can just leave... and go see a therapist or something...thanks
❤️Comment or send me request ! 💜 -Any ship is acceptable from any TS show/videos ( even polyamorous ones) except no shipping siblings aka Roman/Remus (Platonic brother and friend fics are perfectly ok) -Romantic Little/Caregiver is perfectly acceptable but like I said nothing sexual -All TWs will be in the notes before each fic
Characters I’ll write. (If a character you want isn’t here- just ask, maybe I just forgot them.)
Sander sides: -Logan -Roman -Patton -Virgil -Janus -Remus -C!Thomas -C!Nico (will add orange when he comes out)
Cartoon therapy: -Emile -Kai -Lauren (Kai’s girlfriend) -Elliott -Corbin -Sloane
Vine sides: -Remy (Sleep) -Missy (Misleading compliments) -Anton (Antagonist) -Toby (October) -Seth (September)
Other characters: -Dice (Cretic) -C!Joan -C!Talyn -C!Valerie -C!Terence (maybe other C!thomas friends)
Roleslaying with Roman: -Roman -Youngblood -Fast Timmy (Not sure if anyone wants this, but the idea intrigues me.)
Alternative Universes: -Human AU -Classification AU -Crossover AU
Pick as many characters as you want from any Series/Fandom with whatever prompt(s) you want.
💜Prompt list: 1💗
1: (Character A) Finds out that (character B) regresses, after calming them down from a panic attack.
2: (Character A) And (Character B) make cookies.
3: (Character A) runs to (Character B) after having a nightmare
4: (Character B) sees (Character A) in their regression gear for the very first time.
5: (Character A) begins regressing at work, and (Character B) decides to end the day early and take them home to regress properly.
6: (Character A) gets lost while little and (Character B) needs to find them
7: (Character B) invites (Character A) to move in with them
8: (Character A’s) favorite stuffed animal is missing so (Character B) tries to help them find it.
9: (Character A) slips and does something they exclusively do in headspace in front of (Character B.)
10: (Character A) lives a stressful life. So (Character B) suggests age regression so they won’t be so worked up all the time.
11: (Character A) hasn’t had much sleep for one reason or another, and because of this, they’re a little cranky - even if they won’t admit it. (Character B) has the monumental task of getting A to take a nap
12: (Character A) got hurt/sick and now has to deal with (Character B) fussing over them.
13: (Character A) and (Character B) decide to build the most extravagant, most amazing pillow fort they can build in their living room
14: (Character A) and (Character B) go out to have a little day. They visit a park/zoo/movies/carnival/theme park
15: (Character A) suffers from sensory overload in their headspace, and (Character B) swoops in to help.
16: (Character B) buys (Character A) their first stuffed animal
17: (Character A) surprises their caregiver (Character B) with breakfast in bed.
18: (Character B) takes (Character A) to the toy store to buy their first little toy/stuffie
19: (Character A) and (Character B) have a quiet moment and cuddle.
20: (Character A) and (Character B) are traveling: it’s stressful enough that (Character A) regresses accidentally
21: (character A)wants a cookie, but (Character B) is adamant that they need to wait until after dinner.
22: (Character A) needs a hug badly, but doesn’t know how to ask (character B) for one
23: (Character A) can’t talk and doesn’t know how to get (Character Bs) attention so they get frustrated and cry.
24: (Character A) Falls asleep at (Characters Bs) house and gets stuck there due to bad weather. The whole thing is too stressful and they end up slipping.
25: (Character B) watches (Character A) while (Character C) is away. (Character A) is nervous about being little in front of anyone else so they try to force themselves to stay big...which stresses them out so much they get really small.
🌺Prompt list #2.✨
1: “cuddles...?”
2: “I hate carrots.”
3:”what will it take to convince you that I need this too?”
4: “I hate this.”
5: “that’s it, time out.”
6: “It’s ok to not be ok.”
7: “I’m in caregiver mode and it’s Killing me!”
8: “I’m too little to Wake up today.”
9: “help, I’m a little and I can’t get up.”
10: “Why are you so cute?”
11:”I’ll trade you a hug for a cookie, deal?”
12: “it’s ok to cry, you know?”
13:”Why are you hiding under the bed, little one?”
14: “I think you just need to let yourself be little right now.”
15: “I’m not a caregiver, ok? I can’t just...ok fine, but only because you’re the cutest thing ever.”
16: “Baby, please, it’s time to go to bed.”
17:”I can’t be little, I need to fight the magic dragon.”
18: “I pinky promise you’re safe.”
19: “Go to your room, now.”
20: “I want to be your caregiver.”
21:”I cant find my sippy cup!!”
22: “I’m so sad! I need cookies. No wait...two.”
23: “it’s ok to be little, baby.”
24: “do you wanna to build a snowman?”
25: “Don’t call me cute! This is serious.”
🍪Prompt list #3 ⭐️
1: Character B goes to A’s room to grab something, only to stumble upon A’s little gear.
2: character A wants a cookie, but character B is adamant that they need to wait until after dinner. Who comes out on top victorious?
3: Character B stops by A’s place without any prior warning, leading them to walk in on A being deep in a little head space.
4. Character A lives a stressful life. One day B suggests age regression so A won’t be so worked up all the time.
5: Character B has noticed a bunch of A’s little ticks. They decide to slowly start babying them in order to ease them into the whole age regression business.
6: character A is on concussion watch. Person B is helping them any way they can, and that includes when character A regresses due to the pain
7: character A is scared by character B, and character C comforts A when they become little from the fear
8: character A gets character B their first little gear!
9: Character A has gone to sleep while big, but after a nightmare, they wake up regressed.
10. Character A hasn’t had much sleep for one reason or another, and because of this, they’re a little cranky - even if they won’t admit it. B has the monumental task of getting A to take a nap.
11: character A does character B’s makeup while regressed
12: character B listens to music with “adult words” in front of character A.
13: Character A and B decide to build the most extravagant pillow fort they can build in their living room
14: Character A so enthralled by their show/movie/game/toys that they keep putting off a bathroom break.
15: Character A and B decide to do some arts and crafts. Maybe it’s for a holiday, maybe for a birthday, or maybe it’s just for fun, no matter what A makes, B thinks that it’s a work of art.
16:  Character A and B go out to have a little day. They visit a park/zoo/movies/carnival/theme park and have a great time.
17:While shopping, character A gets distracted and loses track of where B is. Unfortunately, they were also teetering between headspaces, and now they’re little and lost.
18: character A is an older regressor (maybe teenager age) and is put in charge of babysitting character B, a much younger regressor
19: character A is sneaking video games after their bedtime
20. Character A is in a rambunctious mood and can’t help but feel a desire to push some limits.
21. Character A and B were watching a scary movie/show when, after a particularly bad scare, A slips into little space.
22: Character A wants to play pretend/dress-up/tea party and ropes B into playing along.
23: Character A is in little space, but is trying their hardest to make sure that B doesn’t know.
24: character A needs a hug badly, but doesn’t know how to ask B for one
25: It’s bedtime and character B is getting A ready for bed.
26: character A gets to go to a museum with B while regressed
27: Character A isn’t a caregiver but reluctantly accepts to watch little character B while C is busy
28: character A and B make a deal to try and drive Person C up the wall
28: Character A and B try to ease character C into diapers after a multitude of accidents.
30: Character A and B are travelling: it’s stressful enough that Character A regresses accidentally
31: Hurt/comfort: Character A gets hurt and regresses from the pain, but Character B is there to take care of them
32: Big get together with lots of regressors and caregivers!
33: It’s the first time Character A is planning to regress with Character B there, and regression is just not happening for them
34: Character A is meeting Character B in person for the first time, after they’ve been helping as a caregiver online for months
35: The snow is covering the door, so Character A and B are taking a cozy day in. Unfortunately Character A doesn’t know character B is a regressor and they’re slipping.
36: Character A needs attention but character B is working but character A knows what to do to get their attention
37: Character A is tired of character B’s favorite movie. But while character B is regressed, they keep begging to watch it again
38: Character A sings character B a lullaby
39: Character A has found out that Character B is also an age regressor, and is trying to figure out how to bring it up
40: Characters A and B are trying to find their little character C when they find a really good hiding spot
41: Character A and character B are getting together for playdate! (Caregiver supervision by Character C is optional)
42: Character A isn’t taking care of themself so Character B decides that it might be time for a break and decides to baby character A for a while.
43: Character A is struggling to stay big during an event (maybe a special dinner or Halliday?)
44: Character A transforms into a baby/Toddler
45: Character A regresses to a teenage headspace and give character B attitude
46: Character A regresses while at the Doctors office but luckily their caregiver character B Is there to help
🌈Prompt list #4 Dialogue prompts: 🌺
1:“You still love me though, right?”
2: “Can you pet my hair just like last time?”
3:”I need attention!”
4:”I’m a kitty/puppy/bunny See my ears?” (Add any animal you want.)
5:”Whats wrong, baby? Can I help?”
6: “I’m scared, but I don’t know why.”
7:”I need all the blankets!”
9:”can I be a princess today?”
10:”Cuddle/tickle attack!”
11:”Will a hug make it better?”
12:”You’re my sibby now!”
13:”I’m not sorry...actually.”
14:”It’s ok to be scared.”
15:”I’ll always love you.”
16:”You‘re never too much.”
17:”Tag! You’re it!”
18:”You can’t catch me!”
19:”It’s ok to feel scared, but I promise I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
20: “I’m magic too, see?”
21: “Will you help me defeat this magical beast?”
22:”Can you sing to me?”
23:”What did I tell you about feeding them after midnight?”
24:”How are you still cold? You’re wearing three jackets?”
25:”a monster probably did it.”
27: “Listen, I’m really sorry about last night, I never wanted to burden you with that”
28:”I’m an age Regressor/dreamer.”
29:”I will give you to the count of three.”
30:”It’s okay, I got you.” -
-Some of these I took from other lists, some I just made up. Feel free to request any of these and add as many details as you’d like.
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oneanxiousmess · 2 years
i wonder what the flag said 🤔
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oneanxiousmess · 2 years
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Making progress on your health and yourself will help your make progress on your dreams too! 🌟
Instagram | Chibird store | Positive Pin Club
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oneanxiousmess · 2 years
Caretaker Sun/Moon Headcanons
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🖍️ sfw only / no l1ttlespace interaction please!🖍️
this was written by another regressor in my system but it wasn't showing in the tags on their blog, so I said it could post it to here!
They're really good at knowing what age a regressor is at with great accuracy, and sometimes before you're even aware of it. You don't need to say anything and Sun will pull out the crayons or Moon will start to hover around you.
Similarly, they're really good with systems. They're similar to being plural and recognize that you're different people and will ask who's fronting. If a few of you are co-fronting, even if you're in the same body Sun would call it a sleep over. They also love seeing drawings of what you look like.
They're programmed to know how much force to use to pick someone up without hurting them regardless of size, so if you want it they'd have no problem picking you up and holding you even if you're bigger.
Moon's job involves getting kids to sleep which can translate very well to calming down a regressor down. It also makes him very good at getting you to regress if you want.
Sun spends a lot of time learning how to be more accessible. If a kid gets overwhelmed he has rooms he takes them to, he has stim toys ready, and he knows sign language. This converts very easily to taking care of a regressor for him.
They'll start to use nicknames, and usually star themed ones. Things like "starbright", "starling", "little star", etc. They also love when you give them nicknames yourself and encourage it.
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oneanxiousmess · 2 years
Could you do something with Logan or Remus stimming/using a chewie/using a cane? I don't care witch one. Only if you want to though! :)
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I did a similar one of Roman so it made sense to draw Remus doing the hand flappy thingy
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oneanxiousmess · 2 years
💖💙🤍SFW age regression 💙💖🤍
Emile picani mood board
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oneanxiousmess · 2 years
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thinkin about how whoever painted this mural included mirabel and wondering how much that meant to her to be included and wondering if she felt guilty about it because it's like a big mural I wouldn't be surprised if it took a long time and it was probably something done to commemorate Antonio's gift ceremony
They probably started with the background and then just judging by how they're layered in the painting they started with abuela and then the triplets and then the grandkids. it doesn't look like something that was designed with the intention to like add onto it as the family grows especially since everyone is roughly the age we see them in the family instead of all being 5
Mirabel has probably watched the entire thing be painted and she wasn't sure if she'd be included she kept telling herself she'd be fine if she wasn't that it'd all be fine and then one day she walks into town and sees her bright round glasses and beautiful curly hair right next to Luisa and it made her heart warm and she nodded to herself and reminded herself one last time that she's fine
Bruno is also in the painting which was probably extremely controversial to the townspeople and abuela. Based on how Pepa and Julieta are painted it looks like he was painted right after abuela was so for awhile it was probably just abuela and her brunito up there and every day when she walked to town she'd have to see her son that ran away and I bet Julieta would reach up and pet his cheek with a sad smile and Pepa had to avoid that street all together bc she'd get a great big cloud at the sight of him because it's one thing to not talk about bruno but it's another to have to see him every day
also this just adds to my theory that camilo simply cannot do math. the fact that the last time he saw bruno in person he was small is completely negated by the fact that there is a painting of him down the street from their house
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oneanxiousmess · 2 years
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Anti anxiety.
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oneanxiousmess · 2 years
That's it, that's the post
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oneanxiousmess · 2 years
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Reblog if other Age Regressors can follow and message you for advice, friendship and to help spread positive vibes!
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