oneiromania · 7 months
Plot Idea #4 - Every Shade of Blood
A list of plot ideas for your (serial) killer characters!
1. The Most Pathetic People
Serial killer X serial killer, but they're both just. Really pathetic.
They both have their own reasons for doing what they do - maybe they're valid, maybe not at all, and they become flustered whenever their poor victims try to stall by asking Why are you doing this?, only to get a really silly/stupid/embarrassing answer. Maybe they don't know why they're doing this, or they know why and only do it because they have to. The two killers accidentally meet - maybe they went for the same victim, or they happened to bring their respective victims (or their corpses) to the same place, and now they don't know what to do. Never really ran into a fellow blood soaked, knife-weilding person in the profession... Maybe one of them is really bad at it, and the other has to teach them. There are a lot of nuances with this one, since it largely depends on their personalities and motivations. Regardless, their shared trait is that they're not cool about it, maybe not even super talented. It's kinda sad to look at, actually.
(Personally, I would love to do a plot like this with an MxM ship, probably modern setting, though something historical might also be fun.)
2. Oh You're A Little Fucked Up, Actually.
A serial killer x victim (?) plot, where the victim is... Not as innocent as they seem.
Maybe the victim is a fellow killer in disguise, or they've simply always thought about it but never gone through with it. Funnier option is that they're a big fan of true crime or TV crime shows. They're supposed to be pleading for their life, sobbing and clawing at the floor, struggling to try and get away alive. They're definitely not supposed to look weirdly excited, though. Maybe they want some lessons from a pro in the field, or they just want to have the front row seats, a closer look into the mind of a murderer. They're oddly fascinated, and don't seem in the least bit bothered at the thought of still not being spared.
The serial killer is... Stumped. Maybe they're baffled, flustered, excited to be appreciated and asked about their hobbies. Maybe they're angry, frustrated that their night has been ruined because their victim won't stop asking them stupid questions about things Hollywood clearly got wrong, and now they don't even wanna go through with the murder, but they don't know what to do with this weirdo. Maybe they let them go with a phone number and a promise for coffee, or they kick them out with a warning that they're dead if they let out a single peep about the serial killer, but now the ex-victim won't leave them alone.
Could have even more variations, but the general idea is that the "victim" is having the time of their life with this.
3. This Isn't You, Darling
Serial killer x detective!
There's a lot of ways it can go, but my main idea is that the two characters are already romantic partners and have been for a while, probably fiancees or married. Maybe the serial killer has been doing their work in the shadows, and the detective has been oblivious to it until they finally start working on the murders that they don't know were committed by their partner. Or maybe it's a case gone cold that the detective is now reopening for one reason or another. Cue angst, drama, etc.
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oneiromania · 7 months
Plot idea #3 – Recreating Your Beloved
Ok so. This is kind of a three in one deal since the concept is the same but the executions vary.
The basic idea is, muse A has lost their beloved - they're either dead or have simply left muse A for good - but muse A simply cannot get over it. Muse A also happens to be a scientist/alchemist/robotics expert/similar, and in their desperation they recreate their beloved. This is NOT a revival or reincarnation, not some joyous occasion where they're finally reunited. Instead, their new beloved, muse B, is something they created in the image of their love and is unsure of their own personality and reason for living. They struggle with the idea that they were made to be someone else, or they struggle to live up to the expectations of their creator.
This is a bit of a long post, so I'm putting the variations under the cut:
1. Clone / homunculus
Muse A is a scientist or alchemist who manages to clone their beloved. Muse B is the clone/homunculus, a real flesh and blood creature, so close to being human but never quite there.
Maybe muse A keeps making them and discarding the imperfect clones as if they aren't living creatures, attempting to make a recreation that's as close as possible to the original.
Maybe muse B struggles to speak and move, and muse A is frustrated but insistent on teaching them how to behave exactly like their beloved used to, stripping them of any chance of developing their own personality and individuality. (Maybe their methods become more cruel when they muse B isn't doing well.)
Maybe muse A is so far gone, that they only want to keep their new beloved as a sort of doll, as something they can shower with love and take care of. They refuse to teach muse B how to take care of themselves, or do anything really, and they only teach them words they want to hear, discouraging any attempts at saying anything else.
Maybe muse B, regardless of the circumstances above, attempts to or succeeds at escaping from muse A's grasp, only to find that muse A is after them, trying to find them, to bring them back home – and never let them leave again.
(Could also be something similar to that one episode of Black Mirror. I won't spoil it, so if you know, you know.)
2. Android
Muse A is a scientist/robotics expert (most likely, but not necessarily, in a futuristic setting) who makes an android in the image of their beloved. They program the android to be able to speak and move, and use an advanced AI so the android can "think". Muse B is that android.
Maybe muse B, having been programmed to do as told, is subservient to muse A. They do their best to follow commands and make muse A happy, not understanding that muse A doesn't want an android companion, they want their loved one back. Muse A isn't satisfied with the fact that the android is clearly only doing as told, and not behaving like their beloved, so they try to teach muse B how to do things exactly like their beloved used to. Muse B, powered by extremely advanced AI, delivers.
Maybe muse A only suffers more as a result, wanting so badly to enjoy their time with their beloved, but eaten up by the knowledge that this isn't them, and that the android is just really good at their job. Maybe muse B begins to develop the closest thing to emotions that androids can feel, and is disappointed and saddened by the fact that they can't be what muse A wants them to be.
Or, on the flip side, maybe muse A is entirely delusional and is acting like muse B is indeed their beloved, but becomes furious and out of control when muse B slips up and does something that muse A thinks their beloved would never have done. Muse B becomes worried about muse A, or maybe they're upset at how they're being treated, or perhaps they're scared that muse A will destroy them or reprogram them to be more like what they want, thus wiping them of the personality they've built up.
Once again, muse B might attempt to run away and is pursued by muse A. Or maybe they stay, trying their best to satisfy muse B despite being scared/worried/upset.
Maybe they even develop feelings for muse A, but end up going against how muse A wants them to behave because they want to love them in their own way.
Either way, I think it's very important for muse B to struggle with their personality and their purpose in life, what with being a programmed android who's not supposed to have any feelings in the first place, and explore how they navigate their life with all these complicated feelings and muse A's wishes and personality. On the other hand, muse A can range from being depressed and disappointed in themselves that they made an android and forced it to act like their beloved just for their own selfish desires, to being delusional and extremely controlling, believing they're in love with their new beloved, but rejecting any attempts of muse B to develop their own personality and individuality.
(Inspired somewhat by Detroit: Become Human, and other sci-fi settings with androids.)
3. Living doll
For a more fantasy setting, all of the above can be applied to a living doll, with some nuances. In other words, muse B is a life-sized doll given life. Could be similar to the clone/homunculus, where it needs to be taught from scratch, or it could be closer to the android, where it knows how to speak, move, and think, but muse A needs to teach them to behave like their beloved.
Additionally, maybe muse B could be one of several/many dolls, because muse A wasn't satisfied with just one, so now muse B is upset/angry that not only are they expected to behave like someone long dead who muse A yearns for, but they're surrounded by other dolls who look and behave exactly the same, thus it's clear that muse doesn't truly care for any of the dolls – they only want to be surrounded by their beloved.
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oneiromania · 8 months
30 incredibly specific aus
ghost/cryptid hunter and person who will believe any dumb shit for a steady paycheck 
roommate A grabs the baseball bat only to find roommate B eating pickles and macarons in the kitchen at 4 in the morning 
yes I am a vampire sorry no the sleeping upside down hanging off the ceiling thing was just a bit
undeniable chemistry between the two lead actors in the worst hallmark movie ever
verified purchase reviewer on multipack of toy horses that only says THE RED ONES TASTE THE BEST and customer service agent going hello???? enemies to lovers nightmare 
librarian desperate to understand what wild phase the other character is going thru rn
goofing around in ikea and accidentally spending +2 hours in there. where does it end and honestly where is the bathroom 
roped into a d&d game with someone and having a crush on them but only knowing their character name
"So what brings you to the ER today?" well I laughed so hard at my own joke I passed out and hit my head? "oh my god" I know 
made a little offering to an ancient deity for funsies and woke them from a deep slumber. oops
I don't know why you've got a ferret on a leash but at least I've stopped crying on public transportation to watch that lil guy go
the decorative fishtank at this restaurant just broke, my instant reaction was to pick one of the fish up with my bare hands, and now we've made eye contact about it
sorry for swearing a blood feud against you but in my defense you paid for your whole transaction in quarters
I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to honk at you, I sneezed and hit the honker on accident please don't be upset at me
nothing against your choices at all, honestly kind of enthralled, but the fishnets and thigh high boots and pirate blouse seem like a lot for this 8am class 
you make me sick. babe I want to make this work but I'm so allergic to your fur
i can excuse unethical science but I draw the line at skirting lab safety. you cannot be eating rn
doctor doctor give me the news, I got a bad case of uncontrollable super powers
listen it's just a mild case of radiation poisoning you don't have to yell abt it
accidentally saw their coworker's nipple piercings
hang on have you never seen the stars outside of the city? we're going on a road trip immediately
working on the moon is fine but the alien jokes are getting old
pretending to be married for this high stakes heist is kind of distracting not gonna lie
truth serum is stupid and this is never gonna work but the fact you believe it will makes me love you even more. wait. shit
you know I've been waiting for an excuse to come unhinged and I think this might be it actually, so thank you for that
hahaha no worries, it's not my blood
but what's wrong with the lyric, "baby you make me feel like the home depot light fixture aisle" ?? I don't understand 
haha don't roll up your sleeves and tie up your hair our relationship is so platonic rn haha
I would help you move. I would follow you into hell. but you cannot make me come on vacation with your family I will do an actual homicide stop nodding and smiling at me I'm so serious 
hey bud. I didn't mean to reveal that I can read minds but I gotta know what in the actual hell is going on in your head, do you live like this? always??
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oneiromania · 8 months
Writing Sample #1
Character: Strahil Avramov (OC)
Verse: soulsgames/Bloodborne inspired AU
Warnings: blood, death, gore
Writing sample from an RP under the cut, due to the trigger warnings.
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The putrid smell of death and decay in the small, suffocated hallway made Strahil retch. Even the protection of his mask did little to stop the foul invasion on his senses. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, and he let them trickle down freely; visibility was low anyway. Here, in the underground passages of the old Wyrmhart Academy, the dim crimson moonlight poured through the cracks and crevices of the ceiling, outlining only the disfigured forms of things that had long lost their humanity, and leaving the rest to one's imagination. Strahil didn't need to see them, anyway. Instead, he strained his ears, attempting to catch any sounds louder than his shallow breaths, louder than the pounding of his heart. A gulp - his own. A creak - his rusty lantern. A whistle - nothing but the wind.
There was nothing. No signs of life except for his own.
If there was such a thing as a point of no return, it would have to be this. A cramped hallway, at least a dozen rotting corpses of creatures he did not kill, blocking a single door at the end of the passage. Why? Why were there so many monsters piled up in one spot? Why were they gathered up here, in one of the many corners of the labyrinthine tunnels hidden beneath the academy floors? Who, or what, killed them?
Strahil took a step forward, and regretted it instantly when he felt rather than heard the warm squelch under his boot. After a moment of no horrendous creatures ending his life in a flash, he took another step, and another. It wasn't that he couldn't turn back – by all means, he should have, and it was not too late still – but his conscience didn't allow him to. Not when he felt a discovery at the tips of his bloodied fingers. Not when he'd survived the streets of Wyrmhart for three days and three nights, wandering the eerily empty academy building with nothing but a machete and a shotgun to protect him from things that needed but a single bite to snap him apart in their jaws. He'd asked himself multiple times, while cringing at every creak of the floor and tensing at every shadow that danced in front of his eyes, if coming back to the unwelcoming maw of Wyrmhart was worth whatever point he was trying to make.
It wasn't about making a point. It was about finishing what he started. What they'd all started. Maybe they didn't have the right to. Maybe the best apology they could have made to the people of Wyrmhart was to jump off the roof of the academy together while the dying city watched the spectacle with indignation.
But they wouldn't. The scholars were selfish people, and their deadly sin was that they didn't know when to quit.
Strahil thought he was different. And maybe he was, a little. When the academy was closed down, following the lead researcher's warning that some doors should never have been opened, he had several different choices he could make between which school to follow. He chose none. His colleagues – once fellow students, now fellow researchers – seemed shocked when he really did leave his hometown without a word. But he had already said his piece, disavowing those who played God by promising the people blessings and miracles using a power that they understood far less than they claimed. And so he owed no further explanation to anyone. He'd gotten quite a few letters from his former colleagues – some calling him a coward, some attempting to persuade him to return, and a very few who still genuinely wanted to know where the winds took him. He didn't bother replying to any of them, and was not in the least tempted to visit Wyrmhart.
Not until he'd received a letter, hastily written by an anonymous sender, that simply read: If you value your life, don't come back.
That was the last letter that came from Wyrmhart.
He was on the road the very next day.
And now here he was, head dizzy from the agonising air of death, a trembling, blood soaked hand on the doorknob, leaning his full body weight on the door to slowly push it open. Was it fear or excitement – either way, the adrenaline in his veins kept him standing upright as he forced his body through the small opening.
No, this was neither fear nor excitement. It was the thrill of finishing a fucking job.
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oneiromania · 8 months
Plot idea #2 – Your Angry Spectral Roommate
Muse A is a struggling student/graduate who, after a long period of house hunting, finally manages to find an affordable apartment for themselves. They are told that it's because the apartment is said to be haunted, and that all of the previous tenants left no longer than a week after moving in. However, muse A is too broke and tired to care, and really, if the ghost hasn't killed anyone by now, they won't go for them either.
Muse B is a ghost. For one reason or another, they cannot move onto the afterlife, and are stuck in an apartment which they barely remember ever living in. They don't remember what caused their death, nor do they know how to move on. At this point, they just want to be left alone, yet paradoxically, the more tenants they spook away, the braver the next one coming in is.
At first, muse B uses the usual methods of trying to scare away muse A, but muse A is unbothered, and even tries to get the ghost to show up properly so they can talk face to face and set up some house rules. Muse B refuses to do so, and only makes life harder for muse A. They don't have it in them to harm muse A, but they can certainly make life at home extremely inconvenient and annoy muse A into leaving.
Cue muse A trying their best to lure out and talk to muse B, wanting to find a compromise and befriend the ghost, while muse B slowly lets up and warms up to muse A, forming a tentative friendship (though muse B finds it too amusing not to at least somehow mess with muse A). All the while, the two slowly start to unravel the truth about muse B's death, and try to figure out how to finally send muse B to the afterlife...
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oneiromania · 8 months
We invite you to Sacred Heart Academy
On the day of your 18th birthday, a myserious letter arrived along with a package to your home, addressed to your name and sealed with a red wax seal. The letter spoke of your acceptance to a prestigious private university you had never heard of.
It promised a free tuition and connections aplenty, should you complete any one of their many varied programs. Furthermore, the academy boasts about accessible and free healthcare on campus, three daily meals and excellent assistance in completing your academic tasks.
For the price of nothing but yourself, is it not a deal too good to pass up on?
18+ Discord OC RP server
Tupperbox & Thread reliant || We offer assistance where need be!
Muses must be 18 || A year older due to being held back in prior education is allowed, but we prefer the muses be freshmen.
Illiterate, Semi-Literate & Literate || We welcome all kinds of roleplay!
IC Chatrooms || From group chats for the students to DMs!
Permadeath & Single Muse || We allow one muse at a time, and once they die they will be gone for good.
Dark Magical Girl/Boy || Sacred Heart Academy takes place in a setting with horrific monsters that are to be fought against by those pure of heart, or determined enough at the very least.
NPCs & Exploration || NPCs will play a role in your character's experience at the academy, presenting allies, rivals as well as possible plot hooks shall you choose to explore the setting of the server.
You may join the server here!
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oneiromania · 8 months
Plot idea #1 – Toxic Yuri Psychological Horror
Girl A is a highschool girl who's suffered a lot of bullying from her peers. She's a kind person at heart but she is truly reaching her limit with all the shit she's been through.
Girl B is the new girl at school who's pretty, popular, and overall perfect. She quickly makes friends with everyone, including, to some of her friends' surprise, girl A.
Girl B is also psychopathic. She's always wanted to do something unorthodox, but she's too much of a coward/doesn't want to lose what she has (including her reputation). So she immediately clocks the poor bullied girl A and makes friends with her. They build up a friendship, girl A is suspicious for a while that girl B is just messing with her and will eventually use any dirt she has on her to bully her or get her to do her bidding, but girl B continues to be good friends with her, seemingly an angel who shows love to all. Figuring that even if this doesn't last, it's nice to have, girl A lets her guard down and starts opening up to girl B.
At first, girl B offers comforting words and a shoulder to cry on, promising that this will stay between them. But slowly, she begins to hint at how girl A should deal with her bullies in a more permanent way. Girl A thinks girl B is just being cynical, but girl B starts talking about it more openly and in more detail, and girl A gets the sinking feeling that girl B is dead serious. Girl A protests at first, but instead of getting angry or threatening her with blackmail, girl B seems hurt and sad. Girl B tells girl A that she's only suggesting it because she cares about her, and wants to see her rid herself of her burdens, believing that murder is a just way to get back at people who will never understand how much they've hurt her. Girl B is eerily calm about it, even trying to comfortingly explain to girl A how it could work, how she'll help her plan it out, how she'll be there almost every step of the way.
Girl A is understandably terrified, but she can tell that girl B is genuine and is showing her more care than anyone else in her life. More than anything, she doesn't want to let her down after everything girl B has done for her.
Cue the psychological horror of a crazed perfect girl who wants to witness her fucked up fantasies and live vicariously through the bullied girl, going so far as to obsess over her and her ability to do what she herself never could, while the bullied girl slowly begins to spiral, ridden by guilt and the blood on her hands but unable to stop herself from enjoying the love and praise that her psychotic friend showers her with every time she does something horrific.
(If anyone wants to write this with me, I'd be writing girl B!)
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oneiromania · 8 months
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Welcome to oneiromania's RP blog!
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Hi, call me Nei! I'm a 21 year old female student with just a little over a year of RP experience, though I've been writing for a lot longer than that. Ever since I got into the RP scene, I've been itching to write with others and finally let some of that brainrot escape it's fleshy prison. I try my best to be friendly and understanding, and I don't want or plan to get into any internet (and especially Tumblr) drama. I just wanna write!
I like to chat OOC when I vibe with my RP partners, and I'm prone to gushing about the characters, sending songs and playlists relevant to the RP, making Pinterest boards, sharing memes, and so on! I'd appreciate it if my partner shared the enthusiasm, but I get that that just isn't for everyone, and as long as the RP is fun and consistent, and my partner is respectful and understanding, I don't mind a more chill OOC experience.
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Standard DNI criteria. MAPs, TERFs, racists, and other assholes, get the fuck off my blog.
You must be 18+. As I am an adult myself, I don't feel comfortable writing with minors regardless of the contents of the RP. I also prefer to write with people no older than 30.
I mainly write over Discord. I say mainly because I haven't yet decided if I'm going to make RP sideblogs for specific characters! I'll update this post if I do, but generally I don't RP outside of Discord. Additionally, I like making a private server for easier organization, and I like using Tupperbox. If you don't know what that is or how to use it, I'd be more than happy to teach you! But Tupperbox is not a must.
NO REALISTIC FCs. This might seem like a strange rule, but I simply cannot do RP when the faceclaim is a real person. This goes not only for actors, singers, and other celebrities, but really any photos of real people. You can use picrew or neka, or your own art, or even art you found on the internet. (I'm cool with using photos of real life outfits and stuff for reference, though!)
I write fandomless OC x OC, and sometimes CC x CC. I'll list my fandoms later, but generally speaking, I'm currently comfortable writing only a few canon characters.
My preferred ships are MxM and FxF, and I can also do ships with NB and genderfluid characters. I can do MxF as well, but I vastly prefer queer relationships, and I'll only do MxF if I really feel like it fits the RP. I hope you'll understand! Also: ships don't have to be romantic, I enjoy platonic and familial relationships as well, including friends, found family, and even enemies.
I write third person past and present, and I don't accept RP written in first person.
I can write anywhere from semi-lit/literate to novella. It depends on my mood and what the scene requires. Currently, I'm very busy, so I can only do shorter replies – around 2-3 short paragraphs, and likely not super detailed. Please just use good grammar.
Currently, I DON'T do NSFW. I'm comfortable with flirting and intimacy, but I prefer fading to black when it comes to sex scenes. It kind of depends on the RP and my partner if I'm willing to do more, because I need to feel comfy with writing it first!
I don't double. I know doubling means different things for different people, but however you define it, I don't do it.
My activity varies, as I am in college so sometimes life gets stressful or I get busy. I'll likely do at least 2-3 replies a week, though. At least one reply a week is what I ask from my partner.
Limits and triggers will be discussed before the RP.
Work with me when plotting! I CANNOT plot alone or figure out characters alone, if you're going into this with no plot or character ideas whatsoever, we're gonna have a difficult time figuring out what to write.
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I do both angst and fluff.
I like a lot of genres and settings! I have some plots in mind but I'd love to hear what you have to offer! The genres include: fantasy (high, medieval, victorian...), victorian settings, modern, sci-fi, supernatural, horror/thriller, futuristic, slice of life, and more.
I'm open to dark subject matter/whump. Since I enjoy horror, I also enjoy dark and gritty themes, as well as things that might be upsetting to explore. So long as we're both being mature about it, there shouldn't be a problem. This will, of course, be discussed in detail before we start writing.
I'm prone to making OCs on the fly or repurposing existing OCs, so even if I don't have an OC for our specific RP, I can make one in a matter of several days.
I reblog RP prompts and plots and make my own posts when I have an idea for a plot, so check out the rest of my blog and see if you like anything!
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This is a list of fandoms that I'm into! This doesn't necessarily mean I will RP characters from this fandom, instead, I'm listing them in case you're interested in RPing in the same or similar universe! I don't do CCxOC, but I do enjoy putting OCs in an existing fandom's universe, or making a world similar to that of the fandom. I also just get inspired by these fandoms, so if you look at any of these and think, "I'd love to do something inspired by this!", I think we can make some fun plots!
Fandoms which are bolded are those which I have CC characters I can RP, and I will write the characters I RP next to them
In no particular order:
Alice in Wonderland (the book, the sequel, the animated movie, Alice: Madness Returns)
Demon Slayer
Jujutsu Kaisen
Bungou Stray Dogs (have read the manga up until chapter 88) → can try my hand at a couple of characters!
Fate/Grand Order → Merlin (Caster), Jeanne d'Arc (Alter), Gudao/Gudako, probably more
Hades → Zagreus, Thanatos
Detroit: Become Human
Deep Sea Prisoner games (Mogeko Castle, Wadanohara, Gray Garden)
A Night In The Woods
Soul Eater (anime)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Arknights (not super confident writing canon characters right now, but I'd love to use the setting)
Spirited Away
Spy x Family
RPGs (Mad Father, Witch's House, Pocket Mirror, Ib, Alice Mare, LiEat I, II and III)
Honkai: Star Rail
Death Parade
Black Butler
Tokyo Ghoul
SCP foundation
Corpse Party
Little Nightmares (1 and 2)
and more, probably!
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A link to the overview of my current OCs! There's a short description for each of them, and a few of them have full docs ready, while for the rest, I can explain a bit more about them if you're interested in writing with any of them.
For my plot ideas, search the tag #nei's evil thoughts!
For my writing samples, search the tag #nei's evil scriptures!
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I hope to find some more RP partners on here and write some incredible stories! If you'd like to discuss RP, please reach out to me via DMs and I will send you my Discord handle! Happy writing everyone!
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