onesleeepygirl · 8 months
"Don't use Libby because it costs libraries too much, pirate instead" is such a weird, anti-patron, anti-author take that somehow manages to also be anti-library, in my professional librarian-ass opinion.
It's well documented that pirating books negatively affects authors directly* in a way that pirating movies or TV shows doesn't affect actors or writers, so I will likely always be anti-book piracy unless there's absolutely, positively no other option (i.e. the book simply doesn't exist outside of online archives at all, or in a particular language).
Also, yeah, Libby and Hoopla licenses are really expensive, but libraries buy them SO THAT PATRONS CAN USE THEM. If you're gonna be pissed at anybody about this shitty state of affairs, be pissed at publishing companies and continue to use Libby or Hoopla at your library so we can continue to justify having it to our funding bodies.
One of the best ways to support your library having services you like is to USE THOSE SERVICES. Yes, even if they are expensive.
*Yes, this is a blog post, but it's a blog post filled with links to news articles. If you can click one link, you can click another.
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onesleeepygirl · 8 months
When I was a kid, my dad hated when I hung up anything on my walls. My art, band posters, movie posters, anything. Not with taxks, not with tape (it “ripped the paint off”) not with anything. At one point in 5th or 6th grade he came in my room and found me hanging up a Diary of a Wimpy Kid poster with tacos and he was like “EVERY HOLE YOU PUT IN THE WALL TAKES $10 OFF THE VALUE OF THE HOUSE.” so when I was mad at him, I’d insert tacks into the wall in places he couldn’t easily see just out of spite. Whoever owns the house now is probably wondering about it.
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onesleeepygirl · 8 months
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onesleeepygirl · 8 months
fucking goldfish tiktok made me cry bro
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onesleeepygirl · 8 months
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Conservative men talking about abortion is pure patriarchal malware. The disinformation and misogyny are criminal.
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onesleeepygirl · 8 months
I think I’m in the minority on this but I’ve always loved how Rick Riordan never held firm on a timeline — that his books happen now whenever now is. That Grover plays Hilary Duff on his reed pipes in pjo and Leo references the Hunger Games in hoo and Nico makes a Montero joke in tsats and Percy roasts boomers in cotg. Because these characters are transcendent. They don’t exist in one place or belong to one time or cater to a specific generation. They’re adapting and changing as readers do (and as Rick does) to bring in new campers and nudge shoulders with long-time year rounders. It’s clever writing to keep evolving and let these stories exist across a wide plane to make the world expansive and welcoming without limitations. It’s just something I’ve always admired about the Riordanverse
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onesleeepygirl · 8 months
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yeah man we can tell
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onesleeepygirl · 8 months
Dear people living on your own for the first time:
Here’s some advice I wasn’t told from the myriad of posts before that I wish I’d been given before
Wash the OUTSIDE of your pots and pans as well as the cooking surface. I’ve had a few roommates now who have only cleaned the inside and I’ve had to replace a $150 set of cookware twice.
“its only one time, how bad could using metal on nonstick cookware really be?” very bad. don’t do this.
Buy a rice cooker. Buy the middle tier rice cooker. Cheap ones will burn your rice, high tier ones are too expensive. Rice is good and cheap and, really, you don’t actually have to wash it if you don’t care about making gourmet food.
Buy band-aids. You don’t think you need band-ads until you need a band-aid, and by then it’s too late. (if you don’t follow this advice, a paper towel and some tape is an acceptable solution while you go get real bandages and neosporin)
You are on tumblr, which means you probably spend most of your time in one spot on a computer or phone. if this spot doesn’t have a trash can in arm’s reach, put one there.
 I spent 4 years piling trash on my desk in increasingly precarious ways until I had a designated area to put it. Trash cans can and should go anywhere there is a frequent generation of trash, typical locations be damned.
If you live with one or two roommates, discuss placing empty boxes in the back of your fridge and freezer. You probably don’t need all the space that the standard 5-person-family fridge provides, and tupperware will be shoved back there and left to stink up the entire appliance.
Get a wall calendar, put it somewhere communal, and have everyone put their household-relevant schedules on it. Communication is by far the weakest link with roommates (even good ones!) and having something to reference for appointments is always good
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onesleeepygirl · 8 months
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I love when my borzoi does the thing
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onesleeepygirl · 8 months
"My childhood was so awesome. Kids today don't even know!"
Isn't a flex.
It's a lament.
More people should understand that.
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onesleeepygirl · 8 months
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onesleeepygirl · 8 months
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percy just gets me in a way nobody else ever will
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onesleeepygirl · 8 months
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how it started how it's going
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onesleeepygirl · 8 months
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onesleeepygirl · 8 months
I will be like "I'm fine" and then another fucking event will occur
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onesleeepygirl · 8 months
I don't think Reddit gets enough credit for how hilariously buckwild the subreddit system is.
Like it makes sense on the surface. The subreddits are all topic-focused independent message boards, each with their own moderator teams, and you can curate which ones show up on your feed. Subscribe to the ones that suit your interests and bam you're good.
Except the question of WHO is in charge of every subreddit is an objectively hilarious system. Anyone can create a subreddit. Under any name. Who holds the keys to the kingdom is strictly determined by whoever managed to camp the name first. It's like tumblr URL wars except if whoever managed to grab the URL "homestuck" got to be defacto in charge of the entire homestuck fandom.
Or at least they get to be in charge until they anger the populace and get ousted, Julius Caesar style, by the team of fellow moderators they brought aboard, or until they voluntarily sign the deed over because they don't want to deal with 600,000 angry homestuck fans every single day, or they get mutinied against and all the REAL homestuck fans flock over to "curatedhomestuck" or "homestuckcirclejerk" or "homestuckcirclejerkcirclejerk".
You get seemingly benign subreddits about things like baking or kittens that have absolutely batshit rules because the whole thing is being run by a paranoid and power-hungry 23-year-old from Arkansas. You get inter-subreddit beef where the mods of r/cutekittensdoingcutethings will ban you from their subreddit because you have a history of posting in r/genshinimpact. You get subreddits that fall to ruin and spam because the moderators in charge vanished into the night without passing power along to anyone else.
Redditors love to complain about Reddit moderators and this surprises me not at all because there is simply no possible way that the Reddit moderation system could be a smooth-running machine when its defining underlying mechanic is First Come First Serve. And that's hilarious to me. That's hilarious. Political system where the King is chosen from among the populace of people who comment "first" on Youtube videos. You can't beat that.
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onesleeepygirl · 8 months
Volume one: is about the relationship with the mother
Volume two: is about the relationship with the father
Volume 3: is about the relationship within the self
And the holiday special: is about kidnapping Kevin bacon
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