optimistictigertree · 6 years
Sugar DOESN’T make you FAT – Excess vegetables DO! ;-)
After seeing a picture online (seen above),
of a very cleverly, very misleading advertisement placed by Ferrero Rocher
in a Spar store in Australia, I HAD to speak out!
Check out the video below.
The key points i’m going over are: – Eating Sugar alone, does not make you fat, the FOODS that contain sugar do!! i.e. cakes, biscuits, sweets, ice creams etc.
– ANYTHING in excess isn’t going to be good for you! Even vegetables. The nature of the word excess means too much.
– Nutrition is an ABSOLUTE mine field, ever changing and ALWAYS argumentative! Keep to the BASICS, unless you are a pro-athlete, keep to the SIMPLE principles of nutrition.
and much more…. http://ift.tt/2AluVxI
from Sugar DOESN’T make you FAT – Excess vegetables DO! ;-)
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optimistictigertree · 6 years
After seeing a picture online, of a very cleverly, very misleading, advertisement placed by Ferrero Rocher in a Spar store in Australia, I HAD to speak out! Check out the video here. The key points i'm going over are: - Eating Sugar alone, does not make you fat, the FOODS that contain sugar do!! i.e. cakes, biscuits, sweets, ice creams etc. - ANYTHING in excess isn't going to be good for you! Even vegetables. The nature of the word excess means too much. - Nutrition is an ABSOLUTE mine field, ever changing and ALWAYS argumentative! Keep to the BASICS, unless you are a pro-athlete, keep to the SIMPLE principles of nutrition. and much more....
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optimistictigertree · 7 years
Simple Hack to get MOVING and being PRODUCTIVE!
ONE SIMPLE HACK, to make sure you can make that crucial, but difficult FIRST STEP at getting sh*t done. In LIFE, FITNESS & BUSINESS! http://ift.tt/2C96g0Q
from Simple Hack to get MOVING and being PRODUCTIVE!
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optimistictigertree · 7 years
ONE SIMPLE HACK, to make sure you can make that crucial, but difficult FIRST STEP at getting sh*t done. In LIFE, FITNESS & BUSINESS!
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optimistictigertree · 7 years
How can you make sure you stay,  FIT, HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE  over the Christmas Holidays?
Christmas can be a tough time to keep to your FITNESS and HEALTH goals right, One step at a time and you can maintain, if not better yourself over the Xmas period. Read here! http://ift.tt/2jwGWxf
from How can you make sure you stay,  FIT, HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE  over the Christmas Holidays?
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optimistictigertree · 7 years
How you can you make sure you stay, FIT, HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE over the Christmas Holidays
So we all know, and have experienced at some point, if not today even!? the draaag of first thing in the morning right? Especially after the holidays!
Years ago, I remember my mornings. Used to be getting up at 4am cycling 6 miles to work, Following a weekend working at a nightclub!
I remember even doing this in thick snow one month!
NOT Great!
I surprised myself how far I was able to motivate myself for a way of life. Cleaning up puke and cycling in hypothermia worthy weather, Even to this day I think to myself how the hell….
The main things I learnt from this? and carry through with me even today,
The “first step”, will ALWAYS be the hardest!
you CAN do ANYTHING! IF, you WANT it.
Key word “WANT”.
That’s what has put me where I am, in my life, in my career, even in front of my laptop, talking to you guys and girls right now.
I’m not going to go full cheeseball on you, and say: “you can do anything if you set your mind to it”.
BUT, I am going to say you CAN do anything, IF, you take ACTION! IF, you make a STEP!
ANY action is better than NO action.
The greatest ideas in the world. Worthless, without the courage to act upon them.
Imagine that?
No planes, No TV, No mobile phones!?!
“How can I keep FIT over Christmas George!?”
Now I could spout about some cool hacks, like drink this “magic potion” for endless energy and vitality, do this miracle exercise to feel 10 years younger, Or, do this wonderful stretch and you’ll feel on top of the world for days!
All of the above, are and can be true……. to a certain extent.
But no, unfortunately, i’m not here with some miracle cure.
This time, I’m here with cold, hard FACTS!
You want to feel great?
Then make sure you make that FIRST STEP to a BETTER YOU!
That first step will ALWAYS be the hardest, no matter how long you wait around for it to get easier!
– Go do some exercise; even 5 minutes a day!,
– Eat healthier; something simple like eating less sugary snacks,
– Put the cigarettes down; try and cut down, just because there is turkey on your plate doesn’t mean you have to turn cold turkey,
– Drop the alcohol bottle; just reduce the content, again not completely, in moderation.
– Go join the group http://ift.tt/2jyjsrw and be inspired by others, JUST. LIKE. YOU.
Whatever it may be, You know, as well as I do, What IS and ISN’T good for your body.
START doing more good actions. STOP doing bad ones, or NONE at all!
Earth shattering right?
P.S. Don’t wait till New Year to start some of these habits,
Yes you’re going to have a blowout at Christmas,
YES I AM going to have a blowout at Christmas,
BUT you can negate a lot of those negatives, by taking action NOW!
This is relevant for you business bunnies too
from How you can you make sure you stay, FIT, HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE over the Christmas Holidays
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optimistictigertree · 7 years
Christmas can be a tough time to keep to your FITNESS and HEALTH goals right, One step at a time and you can maintain, if not better yourself over the Xmas period. Read here!
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optimistictigertree · 7 years
** — http://ift.tt/2AH2HhO
from #1 SECRET to BURN FAT
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optimistictigertree · 7 years
** —
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optimistictigertree · 7 years
New Year’s Resolutions – How to SMASH them!
Check out my latest article, To make sure you SUCCEED rather than FAIL, When it comes to the inevitable NY Resolutions. http://ift.tt/2iEmQNt
from New Year’s Resolutions – How to SMASH them!
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optimistictigertree · 7 years
Check out my latest article, To make sure you SUCCEED rather than FAIL, When it comes to the inevitable NY Resolutions.
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optimistictigertree · 7 years
People are constantly making excuses to why they're not achieving: - No Time - He/She is better than me - He/She got lucky (because of genetics etc.) - It's because of who he/she knows BULLSH*T! HARD WORK beats TALENT! Some tips for you to follow TODAY:
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optimistictigertree · 7 years
I'm faced with this conversation time and time again, people asking what the best core exercises are for WEIGHT LOSS...... If you think this could help someone please SHARE
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optimistictigertree · 7 years
How to NOT Lose Weight
  For those who prefer to read:
  Hi guys,
Quick one for you today in regards to weight loss.
I was speaking to a member earlier in the gym I manage – Dream Fitness, in regards to weight loss and it triggered a conversation that I end up having time and time again with people.
What were we talking about?
He was asking about Ab exercises and how ‘lean up’ in that area, how to get nice and trim and start seeing some abs basically. And, he was like “what core exercises can I do to make this area look really good, I can see the love handles and I want to burn this off”
Now, as mentioned, I’ve had this conversation time and time again with people asking what ab exercises to do to lose the fat in that area, so a little bit of a knowledge bomb today.
Ab exercises are NOT going to help you lose fat around stomach.
Fat loss comes down to one simple thing and that’s creating a calorie deficit, whether that be through nutrition and hopefully with exercise as well, the perfect blend.
Creating a calorie deficit – working whole body, creating as much calorie burn as you possibly can, this is where you’re going to get the best result for fat loss. Doing your abdominal exercises is going to help you tone that area, it’s going to help you build muscle in that area, but not lose fat because actually the calorie burn that you get from an abdominal exercise is minimal, it’s not very much at all. Therefore you’re going to have to do a hell of a lot of ab exercises to get the same effect as, for example, doing squats where it’s working a lot more of the body.
Important things to take away from today, is Fat loss is created through calorie burn or calorie deficit and we CAN NOT pinpoint any areas to which we lose fat from. If we have more fat sitting in a certain area, our body loses fat as a whole, we will see a noticeable difference, more so, in that area. Because there’s more there to lose. But you can not pinpoint.
Add me on Facebook for more – George Roythorne
from How to NOT Lose Weight
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optimistictigertree · 7 years
Everyone knows what it means, BUT how many actually remain PRODUCTIVE? Are you Productive DAY IN, DAY OUT? Are you getting sh*t done? Or are you making excuses?
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optimistictigertree · 7 years
3 Simple Tips to be Productive
Everyone knows what it means, BUT how many actually remain PRODUCTIVE?
Are you Productive DAY IN, DAY OUT?
Are you getting sh*t done? Or are you making excuses?
I’ve been reading a book recently called:
– The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris –
If you’ve not already heard of him, or this book.
Go get it and read it!
It will BLOW your mind and will CHANGE your life, IF you listen, learn and IMPLEMENT!
Here’s a little quote by Tim Ferris himself:
“Focus on being productive instead of busy”
Let’s be honest we’re all good at being “BUSY”. We’re all very good at saying we don’t have “TIME” for things because we’re “busy” doing BLA BLA BLA!
I’ve been there myself. Thinking the fact that if I’m “busy”, I’m “productive”. WRONG!
I personally get pretty pissed off with people who say they’re too busy or “don’t have time”.
Did a video rant about it a while back actually! http://ift.tt/1yjU4oF
It REALLY “grinds my gears!”
Because the majority of time people are just feeding me, others and THEMSELVES bullsh*t! Making themselves feel better about why they haven’t achieved something for themself or others.
Think to yourself when you’re “busy” are you actually busy or just cluttered with things to do? Is your mind just cluttered from the list of tasks that need to be done?
When this happens, often NOTHING happens!
People will procrastinate on their aims, goals and objectives and actually do and achieve NOTHING!
So a few handy tips for you:
– Create a TO-DO LIST / GOALS and follow it! If something has been not done for a while? Remove it – Obviously isn’t important.
– Set Time scales for Tasks/Goals (but be realistic!)
– Create an order of PRIORITY for your tasks/goals. Start at the top and get that sh*t done.
I’ll leave you with this
  Add me for more – George Roythorne
from 3 Simple Tips to be Productive
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optimistictigertree · 7 years
I've spoken to you guys today about making sure the goals you're looking to complete are ACHIEVABLE! The Key Elements to Success on this:
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