organicsome · 5 days
AHS facing lawsuit claiming Employee Standards Code violations | CTV News
See on Scoop.it - Eye on Alberta. #ABTech #ABEd #ABEnergy #ABHealth
Alberta Health Services is being sued by a group of staff that claim the agency violated provincial employment standards for nearly a decade.
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organicsome · 9 days
Miracle material enters the limelight with European help | Research and Innovation
See on Scoop.it - #Graphene Production, Applications and Investment
First isolated in 2004 by future Nobel Prize Laureates, researchers Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov at the University of Manchester, this new material made from a single layer of carbon atoms immediately raised the interest of the scientific world with its exceptional properties. 
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organicsome · 13 days
From pink earplugs to 54 push ups, UCP leaders wear their contempt for the Legislature on their sleeves
See on Scoop.it - Eye on Alberta. #ABTech #ABEd #ABEnergy #ABHealth
Enough inside baseball! The NDP needs a disciplined communications strategy that hammers the government daily inside the House and outside on three or four key issues
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organicsome · 16 days
‘Not one shred of evidence’ bill’s arbitrary measures are needed; they could block up to 50,000 Albertans from voting
See on Scoop.it - Eye on Alberta. #ABTech #ABEd #ABEnergy #ABHealth
“Bill 20 is aimed at a bunch of boogiemen,” U of A political scientist Jared Wesley said. “From fake voters to rogue councillors to unlawful bylaws – not one shred of evidence. Just fear and feelings.”
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organicsome · 18 days
Alberta’s Fossil Fuel Fixation Is Dimming Renewables’ Bright Future
How the ideology of oil and gas captures politicians.
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organicsome · 21 days
China develops revolutionary electric car battery that can charge in 10 minutes
China has developed a revolutionary car battery that can charge in just 10 minutes and power a car for hundreds of miles before it needs to be plugged in.
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organicsome · 23 days
Graphene Week 2024 Abstract Submission
See on Scoop.it - #Graphene Production, Applications and Investment
Graphene Week 2024. Graphene Conference. Submit your abstract on graphene and 2D materials to present, discuss, and network with experts. Get recognition, feedback and awards at Graphene Week 2024, Europe's leading graphene conference.
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organicsome · 24 days
Poilievre willing to 'watch the country burn' rather than fight climate change: Trudeau | Canada's National Observer: Climate News
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre's pledges to axe carbon pricing come at a time of wildfires and other disasters and Poilievre would rather "watch the country burn" than continue the fight against climate change.
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organicsome · 24 days
Ocean mud is mighty when it comes to tackling climate change | Canada's National Observer: Climate News
It's not always the easiest sell, but the 'thick, gloopy mud' that is often found on ocean floors is what really needs protecting, according to Graham Epstein, a researcher with the Canada Blue Carbon project.
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organicsome · 24 days
Canada’s best green hydrogen play is based in reality | Canada's National Observer: Climate News
Green hydrogen can help transform chemical production and decarbonize this high-emissions sector.
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organicsome · 24 days
The great Canadian climate divide | Canada's National Observer: Climate News
Western Canada has a lot of explaining to do. Canada’s recently released greenhouse gas inventory shows that every western province has increased its climate pollution since 1990.
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organicsome · 1 month
Canada a laggard in global clean electricity race, new report shows
“Renewables generated a record 30% of global electricity in 2023, driven by growth in solar and wind.” – Global Electricity Review 2024, Ember My first tattoo, if my wife ever permits it, will read, “electricity [Read more]
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organicsome · 1 month
News on Climate Change, Environmental Issues in Canada
Internal documents revealed the closed-door push for Alberta’s renewables energy pause. Here’s everything you need to know
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organicsome · 1 month
(1) Large wind power project in Cardston County cancelled: ‘Pretty big blow’ | Globalnews.ca
Reeve of Cardston County disappointed with TransAlta decision to cancel wind farm and says province is to blame.
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organicsome · 1 month
Electricity operator CEO was pressured to support Alberta renewables pause
Internal emails show the head of the Alberta Electric System Operator was 'not comfortable' with government’s plan to pause renewables. He was told to 'support the minister without reservation'
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organicsome · 6 months
News - Government must ‘get a grip’ and deliver strategy for housebuilding and the environment
A cross-party committee in the House of Lords is calling for stronger political leadership to deliver a comprehensive strategy for both development and the environment.
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organicsome · 7 months
New global targets #ForNature agreed at #COP15 
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