otogetranslations · 3 years
Diabolik Lovers Limited V Edition English patch update
Just a quick update, Diabolik Lovers English patch is now free to download for everyone.
You can find the link on our release page here: http://otomevn.com/diabolik-lovers-limited-v-edition-english-patch/
As you may have known, the PlayStation Vita store will be taken down this August. After that, you can't buy the digital version of the game anymore. That's why we've come to this decision to make our patch publicly available.
Thank you for your support :)
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otogetranslations · 3 years
PATCH UPDATE (1.1.7): Hold it right there!
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Hey SSL fans – we have an updated version of the patch ready for you all to download! You might be thinking why this is so soon after we released v1.0 – and good question!
It turns out, after we played through the release patch and did some checks, we found out that the translations were more than 5 months old! 😱 That was before we did any beta testing for the translations!
If you could imagine this realization was Okita, our excitement in getting the patch out was Toudou, and you lovely folks are the heroine we’re trying to pull by the hand to the great world of SSL, this kind of represents what it felt like for us 😔
However, we got to work as soon as we knew what was up, and now have an update with the latest and greatest translations that we all worked hard on polishing. We hope you get the update and enjoy the rest of the game in the state it should be – the one you all deserve to see it in! 🎁
✨ Download v1.1.7 of the Hakuouki SSL patch here ✨
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otogetranslations · 5 years
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Binary Star
View a sample googlesheet format: Link
This sheet is what you  will work on in general if you become a contributor!
Request edit access:
OTOGELIB DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/tUf6Cd8 (for Asking questions, request for scripts etc…)
VNDB: https://vndb.org/v14787
When she was 7 years old, what Sorano Fuu (the protagonist) saw in her living room were the lifeless bodies of her beloved parents, who had died at the hands of an unknown culprit. Taken in by a group of people known as “Tenshi”, Fuu asks them why her parents were killed. One of the Tenshi said to the young Fuu, “Your parents were “Dealers”, who are people that sell “Hoshi”. That is why they were killed.“ Her parents were criminal vendors of the illegal-to-sell, taboo Hoshi on a large scale. This truth greatly troubled Fuu, and so she made a vow - to atone for her deceased parents’ crimes. Now, the 20-year-old Fuu is a Tenshi who protects Akatsuki, a town in Cloud. There was something she saw through the many missions she completed with her colleagues. That "something” is their sad pasts, all of which revolve around Hoshi. They are still bound by the past; will they be able to break free of the curse of their pasts?
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otogetranslations · 5 years
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CLOCK ZERO -Shuuen no Ichibyou- ExTime
Kurou Nadeshiko is the twelve year old daughter of some wealthy high-class members. She goes to a wealthy school with her childhood friend and hopes to become a doctor one day. However, every night she has a dream about being in another world. That world is full of ruins and she is ten years older. One day, a transfer student named Kaido Takato comes to her class and she gets involved in an after school extra-curricular club which they call “Clock Zero”.
Clock zero - One of the most active projects in #Otogelib right now! The scripts for it is up and if you’re interested in translating otome games in your free time as a hobby, be sure to take a look at Otogelib - A community translation project where we provide your favorite otome game scripts for you to translate in your free time, and improve your Japanese in the process :) You’re free to post your part of the translation onto your blogs/websites!
These screenshots show the translation in action!
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otogetranslations · 5 years
Introduce Otogelib! A new otome game translation community project
Hi there, Reishiki, leader of Otogetranslations here.
I started this group in October last year to gather translators to work on Collar x Malice Unlimited, I didn’t think it would grow this much from a small group of <5 people to a... group of >20 people. A lot happened but I’m glad to have a loving group of translators/members that always trust in me and help me get through all the drama and stress I have when maintaining this group.
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I know I decided to stop after Diabolik Lovers Limited V Edition English patch accident, but I thought it’s a bit unfair for you, for us, that we wasted all our efforts of hacking/managing/translating stuff. So I think of a new project that can live only with community support. I’m not the leader of this project, but you guys—the community is. In that sense, I stopped, but the community didn’t.
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So, what’s our new project?
A Public otome game translations library at https://otogelib.tumblr.com/ which everyone can view the text translation, seeing translation progress in real-time, and anyone can apply as a translator/proofreader. You can view/edit spreadsheets anywhere with an internet connection and a mobile device. And basically, you can translate any sentence/route you want without being afraid that someone already worked on it.
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That’s @otogelib! The library is still growing, so if you have friends that interested in helping, please reblog/share/retweet this. After all, this project only can survive with community support :).
This project is the last thing I can do for the otome community. That is providing scripts for you guys to translate in the most comfortable way, or to practice reading/translating Japanese, to have a way to learn Japanese that you guys can enjoy, and help other otome lovers in the progress. :)
When a game is completed translating, I might make patches for people who bought the game. Otherwise, you can just play the game and read along. :)
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What you can do for this project:
If you know Japanese or fluent in English and would like to help to translate/proofreading:
If you don’t know Japanese and just want to help:
You can go around Tumblr/twitter and message translators/fans of these projects and see if they’re interested in translating and let them know about this project :).
Thanks for reading, and remember to spread the word! If you have more questions, just send me a message via Tumblr/twitter or email me [email protected]
Current Project Spreadsheets:
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otogetranslations · 5 years
Come join us!
Hi, leader of Otogetranslations here.
Although I’ve decided not to start any projects by myself, there are some projects that we collaborate with other groups/translators. They need more help so I’m creating this post in order to recruit some translators for them.
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Those projects are:
- Hakuoki SSL: Need more translators and proofreaders. Leader: @coquettishcat-blog
- Brothers Conflict: Need more proofreaders and translators for Brilliant Blue. Leader: @passionandbrilliance
- Black Wolves Saga Last hope: This project started by me but there are some passionate people still want to work on it, so I think if you want to, why not join?
What you need:
- Japanese knowledge.
- You must be fluent in English.
- You must be an English native speaker if you want to be a proofreader.
- Internet connection.
- Smartphone/tablets or Laptops.
What you will do: 
- Work on a google spreadsheet which contains the scripts of the game, like the image below:
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- You can work from anywhere, at any time (ie. when you’re waiting at the bus/train station) as long as you have an internet connection and a smartphone/tablet using Google Sheet app.
What you can do to join us:
Send an email to [email protected] with this form:
Alias: (Name you want to be credited in) 
Email: (The exact EMAIL you will be using to edit the google sheet, Gmail is preferred since we will be working on a google sheet) 
Japanese knowledge: N1/N2/N3/N4/N5 (You don’t have to take the exam to be sure, self-learning is okay, just try to estimate your current knowledge equal to which JPLT.)
Which project do you want to work on:
“I promise I won't share the sheet and/or the translation patch to anyone else when it becomes available.”
After receiving your email, I’ll reply back and invite you to work on the spreadsheet.
- If you already owned the game, you can request from me the demo patch with the current translated lines in the sheet, I’ll pack it and send it to you.
- Who knows, if you want to translate any idea factory vita game, we might be able to help you with the hacking stuff :)
Thanks! Please reblog this post and spread the words so a lot of people could join. 
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otogetranslations · 5 years
Some quick clarification
- We’ll still be sending patch of Diabolik Lovers Limited V Edition for those who bought the game. So feel free to get the game and request from us a patch :)
- Collar x Malice Unlimited will NOT be released publicly but just for our team members and their friends personal use. Please get the official English version from Aksys next year.
Thank you!
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otogetranslations · 5 years
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To sum things up:
Someone leaked the Diabolik Lovers Limited V Edition patch, posting it publicly despite all our warnings and requests. Thus we are following through with our original policy.
We’re stopping every projects related to Diabolik Lovers, including further support for Limited V Edition, and there won’t be a patch for More;Blood.
Collar x Malice Unlimited will still be released, but privately. After all, you guys will get the English version of it from Aksys for the switch next year!
I (the leader of otogetranslations) will still be helping other translators with their projects: Brothers Conflict, Hakuoki SSL. How the patch is gonna be distributed is up to their respective leaders (coquettishcat for Hakuoki SSL, and PassionandBrilliance for Brothers Conflict).
No more Black Wolves Saga. This project I (Reishiki) started by asking permission to use existing translation from orlandoblue @tumblr, Siberia (twitter.com/bakemeatz). The patch of Black Wolves Saga Bloody Nightmare is to be completed soon. But it’s no more.
Read on if you wanted to know what really happened:
As you all know, we released DIABOLIK LOVERS LIMITED V EDITION fan translation patch this August 16th, 2019 for homebrew enabled/hacked Playstation vita, and only for people that have proof or purchasing the game.
There are over 50 people who showed us the proof of purchasing the game and they received the patch for free. All we asked was for you to actually buy the game before you can play it with a hacked playstation vita.
Our 30-people team worked on the patch for 10 months. We only used outsource translation for 8/277 total scripts. Our in-house hacker did the romhacking process, our in-house proofreaders proofed the translation, our recruited translators worked on the translation. Everything was done by us and it’s our team effort. So we have the right to decide how we’re gonna distribute it.
However, on August 20th, 2019. Rojaaalice on reddit r/vitapiracy posted a thread, asking the patch to be given to them for free (without purchasing the game). A lot of people who frequent this subreddit accused us of being Gatekeepers, while all we’re doing is asking for proof of purchasing the game (not the patch, the patch is 100% free). Is buying the game you play wrong? Is asking for a proof of purchasing something you play gatekeeping, when we could have chosen to not share the patch at all in the first place?
I don’t think so.
But, this person, SilicaAndPina (https://twitter.com/SiliCart) is not happy with how we distribute our patch. He said that we should keep the vita hacking scene free, we can’t ask for people to buy anything to be able to get the PATCH that we worked on. He doesn’t play otome games in general, and he doesn’t even know what otome games is.
He started to trick me into giving the patch to him, by making a fake proof of purchase with a cloned gmail account. I noticed the proof was fake and didn’t give it to him. Then he got mad and sent this (WARNING: GORE IMAGE) to me. He stated that he will leak the patch eventually.
He attempted to acquire the patch once again with a different fake proof this time. I also noticed this and we trolled him by sending him a FAKE patch. We left the prologue in English and put ridiculous/crack fanfiction in other parts. He thought it was real and distributed it, declared he has won over us.
He thought he tricked us but no, we weren’t being tricked by his half-assed effort. 
Today, August 22nd, there is someone from the DiaLover Fandom that received the real patch sent it over to him. I’m sorry to say that the patch would be leaked eventually, one way or another, because if someone really wants to leak it, they could buy the physical copy, take a photo with it and send it to us. Then they can sell the game to get the money back. 
So, we lost.
But to the one that sent the patch to him, lost to the malice of this world, and not to him. 
I had envisioned this would happen when I first started the project. So I’m not surprised. I had a small ray of hope this wouldn’t happen so soon, but I was wrong. 
As we’ve stated before, we will cease every project translation related to DIABOLIK LOVERS.
No more patches of DIABOLIK LOVERS will be made from us, at least when I’m the leader of that project (as well as the leader of otogetranslations): Reishiki.
I’m proud to say our patch was enjoyed and praised by people that bought the game and received the patch.
I (Reishiki) will still be supporting other translators if they need it, but I won’t start any new project from now on (in which could be AMNESIA LATER/CROWD/WORLD, VARIABLE BARRICADE - these games I completed extracting the texts with our inhouse hacker’s help, and I planned to announce we would start one of these projects soon. But… I’m sorry to say that it’s no more. At least it won’t be made available to the public.)
Thank you everyone for your support.
These are our team members opinions:
JokerTrap-Ran: I think I just lost faith in the community as a whole again, coming back after 4 years. I hope you’re happy! This was really demoralising and I hope ya’ll had fun putting us down like that. I’m not one for drama and honestly I’d very much like to stay out of it considering the bad medicine bashing that happened on otome reddit about 3 years ago. I’ll continue releasing translations for blog’s followers but that’s it. I’m whimsical, and most of my followers know it. I pick things and I drop it all the same. 
Khikari: For those who thinks that what we have committed is blasphemy and should be shut down for this, great, please take the time to learn Japanese yourself. Or learn to care about other people with emotions for once in you life. Demoralising people who were willing to work endless hours for free with just one condition sure is satisfying, isn’t it? It really hurt all of us. For those who genuinely cared and are saddened by this post, I am sorry and I wish the best for you all. I know that the few doesn’t represent all but this is a massive motivation killer, and I don’t need this drama in my life. From now on, private translations all the way! Also, Silica, attacking an idea is fine, but attacking people with malicious intent is stepping out of line. Enjoy being a rock specimen.
LoliChan195: I hope you are happy with what you have done! We only wanted to bring this out for people that had difficulties playing the game, and also help support Rejet by having more people buy their games. Its people like you that cause all these game companies to go bankrupt! (Also SiliCar, you sick fuck. Who sends pictures like that!? XD you’re probably just some edgy 12yr old XD Besides, who says WE WILL NOT FORGIVE XD what a dumbass! And is it that hard to search on google about the game? Why would we make it so it specifically needs to be the limited edition?!?! ) Seriously, the people who attacked us for putting the rule out are just as bad, like can’t you just wait and buy the game? Or even if u just pirate it, read online translations. Its not that hard! 
Hermy: Nothing much to say, except, ya’ll could have totes pirated the game and played it along the translations available on the net. Welp, I hope you don’t dislike that idea too much because that’s what ya’ll gonna need to do if ya’ll wanna play the sequels.
PS: the MB translations available on the net are riddled with errors, but by all means have fun with them :)
Anon: Oh yes, silica? Perhaps you should just lead on with your true intentions next time instead of trying to honey your words and do some "re-con"  for dots, yeah? 
Marzi: I'm a bit numb to this situation at this point, but it is disheartening to know Silica was so intent on distributing our translations that he didn't stop even when we threatened to cease all translations. It wasn't like he was ever going to play the game - he just felt so personally offended by the fact that we were "gatekeeping" for some reason - which, in my opinion, is a bit of an immature reason to ruin a translation group. You can't argue that we're "unrightfully holding something when we don't have the intellectual rights," when you're bypassing all copyright laws as well in wanting to post it PUBLICALLY. But what's done is done - whoever manages to get a copy of this, I hope you enjoy it. Please know so much effort and passion went into these translations, and that we loved working on this project every bit of the way. If the game leaves you antsy for More Blood well LOL you know who prevented that from happening.
Sonic-nancy-fan: I never knew someone could have such an illogical mindset. Silica/PSSDude made the original base repatch program, and we used one that someone had edited and added to (which Silica was fine with). But, because he made the original one, that means he feels like HE can getekeep all uses of variations of it. This would be like saying people can’t use paper to make a paper airplane because the original creator of paper said no, or you can’t print manga because Gutenberg said no. Also, who in the world thinks they can take a moral high-ground by telling us to promote piracy? Patches are already a sort of grey area, so we were trying to take the most legal method available while still making a patch. I know in modern society, piracy is very common, but I can’t imagine your average person would call us in the wrong for trying to hinder piracy. God forbid we try to get people to buy Diabolik Lovers. I can’t say I’m shocked as I expected it to get leaked sometime. I’m just saddened at certain people’s general hate and unyielding desire to leak it. So, I don’t blame the community as a whole, nor do I feel any malice toward the community (we had a lot of people buy the game and get excited). I’m just mad at very specific spiteful people. Also, if I ever hear someone say “the scene” as much as Silica, I’m going to go nuts. It sounds like something the “cool guy” in an 80’s show would say.
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otogetranslations · 5 years
[PSVita] Brothers Conflict Precious Baby English Fan Translation Demo
A project we collaborate with Passion and Brilliance Group @passionandbrilliance. We helped them with inserting the text. All translation belongs to Passion and Brilliance.
- Romhacking: [DC] - Repacking & text extract, inserting: Reishiki - Translation: @passionandbrilliance
We need your help! Since Passion and Brilliance originally translated this for PSP, we need your help to copy the text into the new format of PsVita!
You only need to have: 1. A LOT of free time. 2. A computer. 3. Microsoft Excel. 4. A strong sense of responsibility.
The work is just copying and pasting the original translation into the new format. Please send an email to [email protected] if you're interested in helping the patch to be completed sooner :)
We also need more helping in proofreading the translation, and we're recruiting more translators to help with Brilliant Blue!
Progress: - Passion Pink: 100% Translated. Proofreading in progress. - Brilliant Blue: 5% Translated.
This is just a demo version, it has a lot of errors and bugs. We will fix all of them in the final patch.
©2015 ウダジョ/クロスワークス/KADOKAWA ©2016 IDEA FACTORY
Some images of the fan translation patch:
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otogetranslations · 5 years
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At long last, we have fully completed our English patch for the Limited V Edition of Diabolik Lovers Haunted Dark Bridal. You can find all the information regarding the patch, including a list of who worked on it, how to install it, and a link to a walkthrough here: http://otomevn.com/diabolik-lovers-limited-v-edition-english-patch/
Reminder that you must be able to send us proof of your purchase of the game in order to receive a copy of the patch. There are instructions on how to do this in the link above. 
Also, note that the patch is around 2.5 GB, so your memory card must have at least 3GB or so of space on it for the patch to be able to be installed.
This patch was worked on by a lot of people (over 25!), and as much as we tried to keep everything consistent, scripts have different translators, which means different writing styles. We have done our best in editing to make them all cohesive, but if a few scripts sound a little different, it’s because they were probably worked on by a different team member.
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If anyone notices any errors or problems, please let us know! This game is fairly large, and even though we proofed it and beta tested it multiple times, we probably missed things here and there.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Marzi & Sonic
Demo video:
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otogetranslations · 5 years
To release or not: Collar x Malice Unlimited English fantranslation patch for the vita
Please help us decide by doing this short survey!
The translators worked on the patch that I asked said that they would trust my decision. I personally still want to release the patch to the people that ordered the game and had a jailbroken vita to play it. Idea factory & Otomate is the original creator of the game, if they didn't create it, then Aksys wouldn't have anything to localize, so I still think that support Idea Factory/Otomate is as important.
Some people might think that we should stop, because this would affect the sale of CxM Unlimited switch version of Aksys. But I think it's most likely not. People that have vita aren't confirmed to get the switch just for CxM Unlimited, they might not have enough money, or for whatever reasons that they decided to not get the switch. Besides, our patch is not a complete patch. There are a lot of technical issues that aren't possible to solve without editing the source code of the game. So it can't be a complete patch. To get the complete version, you must get the switch.
We also do not release the patch publicly, only to people that actually purchased the Japanese game. I doubt it would be more than 20-30 people.
Still, I want to know about your opinions. I really appreciate it if you can help us! Thanks for all your support and encouraging words!
We're still working on: - Diabolik Lovers Limited V Edition
- Side projects that we collaborate with several translators/translation groups:
+ Hakuoki SSL
+ Brothers Conflict
+ Black Wolves Saga
Note: All of them is for the vita. Also English is not my first language, please pardon any grammatical errors.
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otogetranslations · 5 years
Help please
hi all ♡
while our english patch for hdb is nearing completion, the proofreaders are working hard to keep the writing and formatting consistent … but as we all have differing opinions on which formats look better, we’ve decided to send out a poll to let you guys help us iron out a few small kinks!
if you have the time, please fill out our form here! https://forms.gle/V44YsxvryNzgtXkG7
we’d like to make this as uniform as possible but we could really use some insight!! (; ̄▽ ̄)
thank you!!
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otogetranslations · 5 years
Update: Collar x Malice Unlimited English fan translation Progress
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80% translated!
We need more help in proofreading the translation, so if you’re fluent in English and have A WHOLE LOT of time to work on the proofing, please join our discord! https://discord.gg/FaTqcdk
We need people that:
- Have a lot of free time and make sure to work on at least 2 full scripts.
- Fluent in English, to check typo, grammar, etc...
- Played the first Collar x Malice game.
We’re almost there!
And we’re still looking for more translator! So if you want to help, feel free to apply!
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otogetranslations · 5 years
Black Wolves Saga ~Weiß und Schwarz~ © 2016 Rejet. All rights reserved.
This is a demo of the upcoming patch for Black Wolves Saga [Playstation Vita only]
Translators: orlandoblue @tumblr, Siberia (twitter.com/bakemeatz) Romhacking: [DC] @ Viethoagame.com Translation inserting: Reishiki @ otogetranslations
In order to use the patch when it comes out, you need to jailbreak your vita. NOW, before Sony patch it. Follow this guide to jailbreak your vita to use fan-translated English patches: http://vita.hacks.guide
You can ask for help if you're stuck in this discord: https://discord.gg/m7MwpKA
If you want to get the patch sooner, please help me proof the translation, fixing typos, etc... Please comment below or join our discord: http://discord.gg/NFBvta7
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otogetranslations · 5 years
Credits:  Otogetranslations group ▶Okazaki route partially translated by kai & kitsune ▶Romhacking: [DC] (http://viethoagame.com)
Details on the fan translation project are in this description box!
In order to use the English patch when it comes out, your vita must be jailbroken. Guide to jailbreak your vita: http://vita.hacks.guide
Collar x Malice Unlimited © 2018 Idea Factory/Design factory. All rights reserved.
✖✖✖ We're translating the Collar x Malice fandisk into English! This is a fan translation project and we require you to buy the game to be able to download the patch when it becomes available. If you know Japanese, help us! Recruitment post: https://otogetranslations.tumblr.com/post/177659647133/collarxmalice-unlimited-translators-recruitment
Note: This is just a rough translation, the project is in progress and is subjected to change. Buy the Japanese version of the game here: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07CMCTB1J
This video is for education/entertainment purpose only. No copyrights infringement intended.
#collarxmalice #otogetranslations #otomegame #kei_okazaki
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otogetranslations · 5 years
Credits:  Otogetranslations group ▶Yanagi route partially translated by nids ▶Proofread by celebgils ▶Romhacking: [DC] (http://viethoagame.com)
Details on the fan translation project are in this description box!
In order to use the English patch when it comes out, your vita must be jailbroken. Guide to jailbreak your vita: http://vita.hacks.guide
Collar x Malice Unlimited © 2018 Idea Factory/Design factory. All rights reserved.
✖✖✖ We're translating the Collar x Malice fandisk into English! This is a fan translation project and we require you to buy the game to be able to download the patch when it becomes available. If you know Japanese, help us! Recruitment post: https://otogetranslations.tumblr.com/post/177659647133/collarxmalice-unlimited-translators-recruitment
Note: This is just a rough translation, the project is in progress and is subjected to change. Buy the Japanese version of the game here: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07CMCTB1J
This video is for education/entertainment purpose only. No copyrights infringement intended.
#collarxmalice #otogetranslations #otomegame #aiji_yanagi
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otogetranslations · 5 years
Credits:  Otogetranslations group ▶Shiraishi route partially translated by rhith ▶Romhacking: [DC] (http://viethoagame.com)
In order to use the English patch when it comes out, your vita must be jailbroken. Guide to jailbreak your vita: http://vita.hacks.guide
Collar x Malice Unlimited © 2018 Idea Factory/Design factory. All rights reserved.
✖✖✖ We're translating the Collar x Malice fandisk into English! This is a fan translation project and we require you to buy the game to be able to download the patch when it becomes available. If you know Japanese, help us! Recruitment post: https://otogetranslations.tumblr.com/post/177659647133/collarxmalice-unlimited-translators-recruitment
Note: This is just a rough translation, the project is in progress and is subjected to change. Buy the Japanese version of the game here: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07CMCTB1J
This video is for education/entertainment purpose only. No copyrights infringement intended.
#collarxmalice #otogetranslations #otomegame #kageyuki_shiraishi
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