otterapps · 1 year
In Seattle, heading for Monterey. Wanting to revamp this site and start working on otterapps.org -thats about it.
and hopefully find part time work.
and hopefully do laundry.
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otterapps · 2 years
Hippoglyph (text based client)
A platform for text based gaming. Language can be pretty amazing to emerse yourself in. You can't have the same experience with a movie that you can with a book, and interactive imagination is state-of-the-art. An RPG physics engine that includes a nexus for entering and exiting worlds, with deeper game mechanic of time stamping world states to utilize an object structure of individualized randomseed, and creates a time travel mechanic that lends well to the ecosystem of a heartbeat driven mud. Preforming with intervention localized to have butterfly effects. An editor mode uses glyphs to build maps and link exits, with basic logic programming and a standard of functions in order to make compatible worlds. Playing the game you'll have the opportunity to explore an unlimited universe of creative content while progressing with the same character. Trying to retain a universal core of simulation and rogue-like reward. Characters are based loosely in mythology and science fiction, or world included custom entry and story modes. Client has 60 unlockable races and a spectral fragment system you generate with retired characters. Overall a story and world client for inspiring dream-like adventures. A simplified environment graphic or siluette shows an area type, the day sky, weather, and star generated night. Flickers the foreground with fire, the background with lightning, and shakes with the earth. Food enables hp healing, coffee can heal extra mp and stacks disabling mp healing. Mittons in Brass, I don't know. YingYang Marbles quest gets out of hand, like aggression maybe being feminant.
Avatar (modular rogue-like experiment)
A pixilated 2.5D raycaster first person rpg heavy on retro fantasy, with an experimental rogue-like dimension portal and modular world loading design. Levels are randomly selected to compile effects on your persistant character and objectives while retaining the ability to back track. Alternatively focused on a universe like Marathon, with text based interactive AI terminals and prehistoric planet survival. Regardless, has a 2.5D retro simulator for space travel also. Right now the basic raycasting fakes an illusion of vertical depth (strobe might work), and is missing transparant faces to round out the block style map design, allowing levels to be made easy. Could enable a map editor or procedual generated content. The original idea being a chaotic explorer of seemingly endless prehistoric universe dimension fantasy. It might also include a blind portal system. Never knowing where one might lead or what might come out, similar to the Palladium Rifts game with epic mysticism or magic revolving around it.
Deep Zone (Guardian Legend, prequel)
Miria returns to her homeworld to find humanity destroyed, greeted in space by a malfunctioning planet defense system which has neutralized the surface, and then within the fortress by a warning message left for her. Uniting had allowed evils to usurp domination, having faith in technology and opening rifts to dimensions beyond reality. Miria is a military version of the companion bot. She can transform, fly, grow giant, and otherwise pilot specialized mechs, aquiering new technology throughout the game. Explore the deep world to find surviving gynoids who can help rebuild the surface, and discover the ruined temples swarming with monsters. Enter a rift after defeating its guardian, put into alien space for a second boss in order to close it. In the deepest and uncharted area, containing the apollyon, Taraxippus, close the 9th rift to complete the game, continuing the battle while entering the rift. "Curse you for my jealousy. I will destroy the world to end my suffering, and nothing can escape the power of my revenge. Embrace the wrath you have earned for neglecting the importance of my existence, you miserable, selfish children!" The gynoids become guardians of knowledge in catastrophy the universe has fundamentally. Evolution of technology breaking an ecosystem, themes of universal apocalypse, adult anime, and technology having a way of creating straight lines that drive an anologue reality insane. 4bit collision maps generated by overlaying space with a digable mask, background climbing or water and a solid tilemap.
Automa (Guardian Legend, sequel)
A heavily mechanized coalition and militarized society of giant pyramid-like city structures, drug infested with every aspect of life controlled in some way, symptom upon symptom. Zephyr, a gynoid-like transferable intelligence who cannot cope with her violent programs becomes defective. Haunted by old routines she periodically becomes mindless and berserk. Gigantic titans of ancient technology are destroying resources like runaway trains with incompatible communication, civilization too busy with complex programming and distraction to even notice or have any effect. Miria comes to this world and meets Zephyr. Together they explore an approaching catastrophe. Switch between Zephyr, who can transfer into mechs, or the sub-systems of buildings, and Miria who can pilot mechs, transform with alien technology, fly or grow giant. Much of the game is avoiding the militarized police controlled by the ancient technology, with expansive terrain maps between cities where they can use flight modes and encounter automations. Abandoned relics such as a bottomless cement waterfall of bowling pins, lifelessly loud, seem to forshadow an artificial insanity. Miria and Zephyr are registered as defective and destroyed in the end. The original programming wanting survival is unstoppable and continues to negate evolution for permanance. Unavoidable dark ending with hidden alternate of escape. Technology in control, going insane, anything that can happen will, miscommunication metaphor and theme about the absolute nature of words, fitting yet neglect a whole story and in turn can make things fit into completely wrong ideas. A spin city, brainwashed by its own slander. Example of audio dialed up digitally. Too much of a good thing, and our minds being products of experience, warpped by supernatural editing and that artificial sturggle to be yourself.
Omicron (multiplayer adventure)
A small civilization living on a fantasy planet with a toxic atmosphere, forced to explore underground from volatile surface happenings, radioactive by ancient technology. Side view pixel art with platforming and a mix of input and combo-like percent generated combat. Changing world state and ocean simulation with vehical. Titans and monsters create obstacles to avoid or defeat. World view of big things in water and giant bones on land, lured by food, with smaller things like wolves forced into strategy of fighting back. Origin of poison breathing trees, mutating dinosaurs coming out of the ocean, and a mamualian version of reptiles like cats. Giant, environmental creatures still lurk in the deep planet, as well as temples of random occupance. Non-players of bipedal alligator are aggressive and maliciously harming, even to each other. Similar shark-like race appear unreasonable. Escalading sized monsters further down, deeper house of mirrors labyrinth of crystal with background slipping and portals back to abandoned castle of purple.
Trent grew from a fifth dimension, terraforming water and became centry to maintain it and starfish to explore, creating spider, shark, lizard and octopus in water, wombat, gremlin, seadog and dodo on land. Symbol of tree in gradiant from individuality to empathy stereo blur seeing deeper, surrounded by an inpenetrable circle of fire. They became spideroid, wyvern and wolfcat on land, and dodo, dolven and thrull in water, as well as normal rats and octopus. Wolfcat castle of clay with planted trees and fireflies. Machines for crafting and fire. Also the playable race. Dolven castle of tree roots cocooning fresh air, island between continance with a star gaze theme. Dolven chatter like electricity, overlays map with transparency of solids and wolfcat can ride one for this effect. Wyvern castle of gray rock and undead thorn bushes. Observitory to surface with security breach measure. Thrull castle of obsidian rock and undead dinosaur bone, chemical labs and libraries. Empty castle of purple rock and tunnels of tooth-like crystals and caves like roaring mouths. Endless horizontal scroll, round earth theory. Laser is like derailed straight line, damage maybe doesn't heal or needs an oppupied temple with a hot tub. Keep world alive way to fix surface with true self thing and reincarnate ending.
Tech orbital for magic casting thing, maybe firebreathing. Suit of flight to become magic visor suit with stun immunity. Auto near paralax background run to descend pits or climb on. Spideroids tech laser, cacoon trap, and have natural undead quest giving without orb casting. Technodrome in a deep ocean burrowed underground. Theme of tech giving mentality supernatural grand theft auto, crossing absolutes and creating lasers. Spideroids can teleport you to purple rock chamber of abandoned castle with cybernetic cocoons you emerge as a zombie in shades of gray. Defeating technodrome allows natural disaster to end the planet, no longer protecting itself. Zombie wolfcat can gaze and stun dodo but cocooning creates blob invasion. Clusters multiply size changing circles connected by rubber bands endlessly to fill areas and create giantoids that collapse to a black hole. Maybe themes of escalating into an addiction of digging deeper, seed of madness, combine victory and feeling of loss, the same thing expecting novelty, triggering doomsday surface detonator to break apart and explode the planet completely. Dodo have a teleport pocket, and with one on their back a wolfcat can hug them for that effect, disappearing to an asteroid game-like movement, also loading near areas at random. Respawning environment and random loot. Unique and key items are passed around, hunted for and fought over. Themes of kleptomania, finding treasure and navigating a deep world that contains prehistoric evidence, weird technology and abandoned structures.
Time Storm (multiplayer adventure)
Set in a universe of complexity and ruled by artificial intelligence. Ships are like fish in a pond and act as your character and recruit a range of pilot characters from andoid to organic. Company ships and pirating rogues roam an interstellar society, endeavoring to understand the worlds and exploring dangerous, colossal constructs of unknown origin to find secrets and new resources. Customize and swap ships in garage space to utilize missiles, harpoons and various guns in effort to create tactical and modular exploring tools. Company and clan acquisition war masks an underlying theme to find purpose through inner peace. Unconscious alien threats come from the deep space, and playful UFO's might appear as well to be helpful or mischievous. Large threats to planets and stations at times, including large scale battleship war to contest realisate. Planets are randomseed hashed for resource generation which can include prehistoric wildlife and function as passive idle games. Volitile portal technology can be destructive or random. Top down vector engine with a blind aution black market theme and gambling element with minigames. Abyssal is a graphical nethack with heavy text element for interaction with planets or as a starting point. Quest and item scheme similar to Hippoglyph. Can either build your tower or take your hero deep into the abyss. Honeycomb map surface to build towns and recruit heroes in the vien of master of monsters. Explore the world, develop relationships or defeat others. Deep within the planet caves find creatures and hidden relics as a dungeon explorer. Select a race and types of magic to begin with. As you recruit heroes or summon monsters they evolve with experience. The more towers you control the more power you gain. If you take over the world you win but without a good ending since you've destroyed everything else. The goal is to venture underground and defeat the demonlord or something. Theme of technology taking over space like an ocean, to render resources of planets and become entropic with no other place to go. Planets are fortraces and abyssal is grounding. Ships have pilot slots and need at least one main but can cycle explore. If main dies ship is salvage, or it goes insane. If ship dies you start a new pilot and retrofit ship clone. Ai of ship can loose sanity, destroy their pilots and become an auto attacking npc.
Stardust Misery (puzzle story)
You're a soldier for an advanced race yet abducted into a strange universe and tasked with finding solutions to a hostile maze. Themes of simulation theory and tempting the god, Fate, with danger. You begin to question existence and seek clues for the sake of understanding. Reading into things and getting paranoid, tower of babel theme, if you don't know something it can be made to look like anything. Action platforming puzzle game. Progress through areas by defeating monsters and avoiding traps, navigating complex level design with precise movement techniques and physic puzzles. Weapon systems are modular and add tactical elements. You also become harassed by an imp who wants you to fail, and become captain hypothetical as you explore the survival of an increasingly alien space, improvising the variety of vaguely deserted planets and situations. Grade of humor when you can't trust someone, at all, as well as making someone laugh when theyre in an extremely dangerous situation and trying to hide. Trying to find clues to reach a survivable point with imp taking them and distracting. Alternate mode might include: Jin Saotome (mega man clone and mechs), Miria (transforms and mechs), Shantae (genie with animal transforms), Arthur (knight who controls magic weapons), Volgar / Rygar (barbarian with super strength), Kaho (priest with magic spells), Morrigan / Lilith (vampire with shadow magic), Jack-o (weird angel thing), "Captain" Kronos (castlevania whips and dagger), Strider / Ryu (ki magic like lovecraft summons), Vi (half demon / angel monster), Kirby (brown plant dragon, fly like gargoyle). Characters should cover a wide range of platforming techniques.
Cryptic Plague (puzzle story)
A seemingly endless underground world. World is secretly alive. Trees and rocks grow clues to unlock depths of the planet or challenge you monsterishly. You start the game in an encampment with a tutorial. It teaches you to do certain things, but you can stop doing that and travel freely to discover the uncomfortable and naked universe without the preconceptions which direct you on an impossible earand. If you complete enlightening quests you retain new tiers when you die, otherwise permadeath. RPG with a retro arcade look and medieval fantasy feel. Dragons have human forms and try to enlist you into campaigns against their enemies. A magic sword will randomly appear, offering a powerful weapon for a short time. No classes except guilds, limited by how much you can learn. Portals lead to alternate dimensions and link between random places. You never know where they lead or what might come out. Fiery hell where evil things come from. Heart of dimensions final battle. Dark arcade look, top down tile engine with vector based physics. Fluid movement, maybe locking targets to zoom in on encounters with heartbeat combat, as well as areas traps or obsticles. Creatures are rare enough to feel like special encounters with some puzzle like solutions, otherwise navigating an interactive environment.
Legacy Weapon (action story)
Begins with Sophia waking up from a nightmare in a swamp with memory loss. Normally a girl with white hair, she uncontrollably becomes other creatures and treated as a monster. A shadow demon, Orose is beginning to take over the world. Defend towns while using or avoiding the random morph. A serpentine waterfall fae helps you to transform blond, green and dragon-like, or use amulets to control normal forms. Polar Bear, Red Bird, Brown Spider, Black Wolf, Yellow Frog, Gray Cat, Blue Goat, Purple Octopus, Bronze Armadat and Orange Crab. Armadat being aardvart-like, with long ears, callused armor, rolling, burrow, and has subsonic chatter. Beasts will restore, heal, teleport or enpower you, Sefirot, Nihphex, and Baphomet, combating the incarnations of Orose, Belphegor his devine protector, Orobas, Jowblex, and Vorbola, who curse you to a shadow magic blue naiad that no longer morphs, with mention of the Demiurge. Themes of being different discovering solutions, empathy, and how without desire or fight there would be no motivation, care or force of nature. Theme of utopic extreme, picturing singular ways of thinking, science even destroying the elements of discovery, mutation and misgief. Three tower quests unlock the shadow demon's protective barrier, and five underground temples hold books that summon armor with stun immunity, and a pendant that causes a magical version of the wearer, a chromatic seraphim, demon devourer to end the game. She also uses a bronze shield and shortsword, an undead oak longbow, and a cloak of thorns. Pink Pig from Boink, to be captured for infiltrating a castle. Enpower will enlarge full body dragon with anteloupe horns, sloth claws, stegosaurus fins and tail spikes, needed for Cyclops battle seeing world less enjoyable looking close with one eye closed. Cursed enpower might create Cybernetic Lobsteroid which cannot uncurse but combats Geryon for a subquest ending.
Dragonaught (tactics)
A mideavil fantasy world plagued by the monstrous effects of god-like beings such as Cthulu, filling the world with fantastic beasts. Many towns have arenas and careers to become champions. Side quests eventually lead you to discover that the arenas are a devise to create subliminal fear and desire for protection, as an evil king hordes wealth and commands self-serving economic performance. Serah, an angelic paladin will intertwine with a sub quest, who transforms green and like a dragon. Annah, a ninja with demonic transformation is on a quest to recall her true self and defeat the demons who had corrupted her, becomes a hairy wolf dragon with vampire-like healing, infiltration and magic. Themes of becoming concious, thinking for yourself, and that everything counts, a path of math. Different builds for different classes. Fight monsters in arenas and dungeons. World map has sparse random encounters that are situational and story driven. Can focus on building a career or following the quest line. End games can trigger apocalyptic battles. Maybe if your hero is female you attract different sub characters. Is that weird? You're weird. Random encounters could include monster stalking like packs of wolves.
Apocalypse (multiplayer sports)
Play as waring civilizations with unique characteristics, like being aquatic, insectoid, feathered, demonic or artificial, with their own breed of technology. Two sides compete on a side view map with their base at each end and strategic towers between them. There's also a dimension of dinosaurs, swarming and eating each other, which cannot invade but is difficult and brutal. A tower defense game, platformer and fighter game like. Control the invasion in real time, applying tasks for the computer to automate or control a unit yourself. The match is over when one side is conquered one way or another, with a tug of war between the colossus if a game continues very long. Includes a basic fighter game, alien arena, with the various creatures abducted and placed together experimentally to combat, or as a companion game to put champions one on one. Select from different alien people and creatures, each with a unique technique and effects based on the main game. Arenas can involve platforming or hazards. Different modes can offer items during a fight, a tag team mechanic or alternative goal to win.
Hour of the Horde (multiplayer sports)
World of Pleonexy? The starting town acts as a central point, branching off into the realm with very few alternate means to avoid passing through it. Areas cover a wide range of medieval and modern fantasy and contain special rogue-like dungeons, generated minor quests, and a major quest list. Guild and clan system after selecting your race. "A shadow shall fall over the universe, and evil will grow in its path..." Themes of boiling pots, motivation and corruption. Invasion events with heaven/hell, or alien insects. Dangerous and very big pig-bears can go anywhere, even safe zones. Random snakes in strategic spots that the player is likely to go. Birds can counter a snake ambush if one is around. Locker system with unstoreable magic items. A glowing green amulet makes one person super powerful and can be fought over, based on the Locnar. It digests the person if they keep it too long without attacking other players, and maybe can't remove it. Player killing transfers unspent experience. Spend experience to raise skills and stats but they become more expensive until nearly impossible to raise. Dying causes you to loose a percentage of stats, making it devastating at high levels to encourage playing within a sweet spot. Can alternatively play in beastmode as one of many creatures and try to survive or harass players. Careful approach to combat since a wounded animal is an easy target. Different creatures have different rituals to grow and focus on fight or flight.
Rancor (level based)
You're a dragon-like monster trying to kidnap a princess, who maybe wants to be kidnapped. Various levels end with a castle like Mario, guarded by a boss. Ghouls and Ghosts style Map with some navigation choices. Eating items causes effects, and maybe character swapping to create puzzle elements. Cast: Drake (fire, claw, tornado, flame/dash), Basilisk (spit, smash, electrocute, stone/skeleton), Wyvern (frost, bite, portal, waterfall), Griffin (reflect, claw, hammer, knock), Hydra (headshoot, bite, hypnotize, poison), Thallid (beam, slime, spore/corpse, bomb), Eliphid (spike, grapple/oil, banish, teleport), Ogre (frost, rancor, shadow, knock), Dryad (fire, bubble, plant/trap, heal), Chimera (siren, mix/morph, foxfire/trespass), Gremlin (sword, slash, anchor, climb), Bangren (drain, claw, barrier, resist). Fire burns doors/bush. Frost makes metal doors breakable. Hit the side of an item block and it will pop out oppositely. Rock crushing for items maybe, or eggs can hatch items and cast magic. Puzzles with eggs, needing to carry them in mouth. Swap current dragon for another by eating glyph rocks. If dragon dies you swap, needing something to restore it. Eat flowers for abilities maybe, or special creatures, frog, crab, butterfly, mouse, spider. Shake screen on landing if really big. Frog becomes giant blob if science. World very reflection opposite.
Muddy Apples (level based)
Based on the Appleseed manga, shadowgate varied between top down landscape puzzles of combat. Deunan, Hairy, Zelda and Klaus, military heroes, discover too late a plot to rewrite history and instigate war. While attempting to remedy the conflict they're framed as traitors and forced to retreat to an enemy prison. Another plot to release super bacteria unfolds, as well as a threat of nuclear doomsday. Themes of information war and the anticipation of weapons, such as having a gun around causing desire to see it go off, or drama in movies wanting reality to become dramatic. The modified bacteria plague escalates, and within the oceans begin mutating massive dinosaurs that come onto land and continue to mutate. The military tries to suppress a pandemonium of insatiable reptiles, while holding off an apocalypse of nuclear chain-phase technology that would render the planet devoid of life for eternity. The story ends with the group living like cavemen, unlikely to survive, launching a time capsule of bacteria into decaying orbit to survive the chain-phase explosions. Alternate ends in these scenarios. Lots of war torn, abandoned, modern cities to traverse carefully, favouring night. Use of technology including power suits. Fight storng dinosaurs which are individually relentless, then weaponised into missile-clad cyborg. Find points of safety, such as well protected buildings and attempt to reach a military base in the moutains. Mix of shadowgate with top down tactical simulator games with metal gear and mass effect like mechanics. Alternatively the top down landscape could be side view like Omega Warrior but jumping isn't an input, and interacting with landscape has tactical realism. Simple shmup game included, similar theme and accessed in game. Fight your way to defeat the boss ships that control the swarms, discovering bizarre and fantastic opponents. Enter deep space to locate the floodbringer homeworld and try to remedy the infection at its source.
Megaton Entropy (level based)
A classic Mega Man game with selectable levels and a huge fortress to defeat. Dr. Wily has uploaded his intelligence into the Ghost Machine to control a network of robot masters. Using the technology to make himself smarter it has increased his insanity, infecting the network and causing an irreversible breakdown of robot facilites. Mega Man must sever his connection, shutdown environmental disasters and rescue others being zombified before time runs out, to then face the fortress and confront Wily. Rescued masters won't remember anything but can combine their abilities with Mega Man. Playable characters: Rock Man, Bass Man, Grimalkin Girl, Tighty Whitey and Mega Maid (transformable). First wave, last 4 contain sub quests: Plant Man (jungle), Steam Girl (desert), Mouse Man (woods), Sheep Man (hills), Hornet Man (mountain), Toad Man (swamp), and Tidal Man (ocean), Golem Girl (space), Ring Man (temple), Skull Girl (crypt). Second wave, to deactivate the barrior: Chain Man (factory), Splinter Man (trash), Lizard Girl (snow), Abyssal Man (lava). Final Fortress: Serpantine Dragon (shark), or Carapace Dragon (lobster), end with Cement Machine. Inferno Man and Glacier Man, end with Corrupt Dragon (poison). Clock Machine (contained auto-scroll maze), end with Ghost Machine. Tunnel underground, Mutant Wily (alien phase), then escape a timebomb to win and celebrate a post apocalyptic return of nature. Includes Mutant Pinball, an open world pinball game, set in an organic, monster-like environment full of puzzles and traps. Could intertwine a mysterious story, articulated through the ball as a character and the world as a metaphor, with eyeballs. Unlock areas to progress and fight monsters in pinball style arenas, earthquaking or in water. Powerups give your ball tactical approach. Evolve from area configurations and world changes. Safe areas can pause your ball to make decisions, input area interactions or equip abilities. Score acts as currancy for parts of the game that might require it, such as area unlocking, energy fueling, weird minigames, ability activation or devinity worship.
Fatality Quest
Point and click shadowgate-like game with interactive scenes. Space simulator lets you hail or attack other ships. Mix of graphical and text based. Similar to books such as Gulliver of Mars, which depict a headstrong captain-like character lost in fantastic interplanetary adventure. Ruined cities, forsaken peoples, copper-skinned swordsmen, ancient rocket ships, castles of ice, jungles of certain death, alien princesses, insect civilizations, sarcasm, weird and awesome monsters, floating battleships, and the fate of the universe. Stun Hunter racing engine to participate in planet themed archaic career racing. Travel to alien planets and customize your racing machine, or tamed animal thing. Can also place bets, or participate in alternate games, gambling and city attractions.
Omega Warrior (arcade rogue-like)
Suto-3D side scrolling tile engine. Background of day sky, weather and star generated night. Darkness, torch light, platforms with bridges and a swimming mechanic in water. Explore caves, ruins, and menu-like towns with attractions and path embarking, to unlock castles of dragons and world changing events. Simplified character building with sarcastic, responsive dialogue in reaction to combat or discovering. I'd feel safer doing trust exercises with a sofa. 4 players or mercenaries, stetching the field of view between everyone to force sticking together, when out of view maybe yelling where they are. Build fire, add wood, cook meat or grab torch. Cloak protects the durability of items from weather. Poison cures infection. Castles burrow downward to a bottom with the dragon and a terrace portal. Dragons come slithering "out of chaos" subpixel, spiral from center growing larger and then start walking on tiles. Burn tiles, detect traps, find keyitem loot and break slabs with glyphs for random casting. Auto jump, hang or drop from ledges or crouch at obsticles. Combo locking combat of % chance special attacks, with commands to abort, or casting from a held button menu. Target lock and range attacks. Tombs might raise and break apart to enter a random powerful monster.
Starting cast: Barbarian, mystic brute: Resist hp drain. Astral mark: Cannot heal. Examine: Info/compass. Berserk: Haste. Lizardman, skillful quick: Eat poison. Dash: Ambush/flee. Ravage: Bites anti-heal. Electrocute: Stone if poison. Nymph, plants magic: Resist illusion. Crush: Structure damage. Entangle: Plant trap. Summon: Random pet. Android, configurations: No energy points. Steam: Repel, jump. Module: Hp, shield, laser. Grapple: Harpoon.
Tier1 cast: Grimalkin, cat-like gremlin: Speed bonus. Reflex: Counter. Derange: More damage/takes. Shadow: Hides for ambush. Miconnid, toothy monster: Immune to sleep. Spore: Anti-armor, explode corpse. Hover: Attach. Devour: Eat corpse. Spriggan, small, auto-big: Resist magic damage. Vanish: Disappear for time. Decoy: Multi-image. Enchant: Luck bonus. Leprechaun, magic skeleton: Resist ep drain. Gobble: Drain hp and slows. Puddle: Transform. Dopple: Clones target. Mermadon, fish-like speed: Swim breath. Raise: Corpse. Squirt: Anti-fire and stun. Whirlpool: Drowns target. Cecaelia, psychic tentacles: Immune to blind. Suffocate: Drain breath. Lance: Drain haste. Teleport: Hover jump.
Tier2 cast: Demogorgan, demon with hover: Immune to death. Seizure: Damage % hp. Minion: Support familiar. Armor: Hp shield. Seraphim, angel with hover: Immune to stun. Reflect: Transfers status. Mjolnir: Distance attack. Regen: Healing. Blue Elf, weird magics: Beer drinking bonus. Rubber: Resistance. Reflex: Counter. Vanish: Disappear for time. Gray Elf, shadow magics: Bonuses from darkness. Dim: Lower light. Nightmare: Arrows of shadow. Shadow: Melds. Kobold, magic mutants: Immune to illusion. Raise: Corpse. Derange: More damage/takes. Foxfire: Ghost only. Halfling, dragon magics: Luck bonus. Enflame: Fire breath. Siphon: Drain ep. Charge: Builds damage.
Unlockable: Ushikuma, lobster bear: Energy from moon. Foxfire: Ghost, freeze touch. Trample: Galloping. Spawn: Onikuma. Troglodon, cyborg ant-like: Resist effects. Spike: Summon icsicle. Charge: Builds damage. Banish: Freeze, break %. Gargoyle, dragonope statue: Immune to fire. Break: Crushing touch. Siphon: Drain ep. Harden: Immobile and immune. Hobgoblin, troll with horns: Regen bonus. Enflame: Fire breath. Chant: Terrifying ep poison. Mutate: Form changing. Chicken, vulnerable at first. Can aquire mechanized gear. Barrier: Deflect magic. Ninjitsu: Dash attack. Fly: Hover.
Careers: Valkyre: Cure: Heal, regen. Bless: Shield, status. Hammer: Break and stun. Smite: Turn undead. Avatar: Bonus stats. Vampyre: Drain: Steal hp. Mask: Ghalych strength. Deform: Increasing damage. Blight: Lowers ability. Gaze: Stun undead/ghalych. Rogue: Fletch: Create bows. Sneak: Hide movement. Trap: Various traps. Soothe: Heal and stun. Dash: Sprint attack. Wizard: Tornado: Cast wind/fire. Enrage: Attacks all. Warp: Cast reposition. Enchant: Luck bonus. Arcana: Bonus info/compass. Knight: Bash: Damage, break. Fury: Extra hps. Taunt: Attacks you. Counter: Extra attack mode. Block: Extra parry mode. Advantages: <Force <Magic <Nature <Death <Hope.
Armor of 5: Ring of Portals, Ring of Protect, Feathery Ring, Crepuscular Ring, Ring of Gold and Metallic Ring. Leather Bracer, Emerald Bracer, Spidery Bracer, Adamant Bracer, Gemstone Amulet, Undead Amulet, Viridian Amulet, Orange Amulet, Scarf of Grasp and Metallic Goggles. Toothy Fur Cloak, Cloak of Darkness, Pale Sage Cloak, Vermillion Cloak, Cloak of Midnight, Cloak of Radiance, Crimson Tabard and Mantle of Gloom. Cerulean Robe, Verdant Leather, Tattered Robe, Woolish Parka, Gray Scalemail and Jade Plantmail. Glowing Chainmail, Suit of Flight, Yellow Ringmail, Shadow Ringmail, Misty Boneplate and Rubicund Chitin.
Hands of 2: Sanguine Shield, Phantasm Shield, Iron Shield, Mushroom Shield, Bronze Buckler and Cobalt Buckler. Bone Wand, Wooden Marbles, Wand of Thorns, Mirage Wand, Iron Kir-Threen and Gothic Boomerang. Orb of Teeth2, Conflict Orb2, Wooden Shortbow2, Wooden Katana2, Darkening Bow2 and Ashen Oak Bow2. Knuckle Duster, Froghand Cestus, Catspaw Gauntlet, Lizardy Gauntlet, Rock Gauntlet, Doom Gauntlet, Furry Red Claws2 and Big Moldy Claws2. Wooden Katar, Charm Dagger, Ghost Dagger, Obsidian Dagger, Plague Knife, Nightmare Talon2 and Butterfly Knife2. Wooden Baton, Oaken Club, Greenish Mace, Morning Star, Dusty Cludgel, Hammer of Aegis2 and Dinosaur Bone2. Axe of Thorns, Corrupted Axe, Abyssal Axe2 and Flame Ax-Sword2. Whip of Thunder, Chain Lightning, Meteor Chain2 and Anchor Chain2. Spectral Pike, Gnarled Staff, Vorpal Halberd2 and Barbed Harpoon2. Gleaming Sword, Maelstorm Sword, Frozen Claymore2 and Dark Broadsword2.
Scroll, wand or orb magic: Stamina: ep heal and/or regen. Vitality: hp heal and/or regen. Equilibrium: hp and ep are averaged. Entwine: Share healing and damage. Lucidity: No ep drain, hangover. Hazard: Small heal, chance of big dam. Doom: Ball that implodes. Blob: Ball that sticks heavy. Telepathy: % to confuse target. Time Snare: Repositions target. Sleep: Stun until attacked. Muddle: Stun, disarm, stop combat. Lightning: Outside only. Earthquake: More damage inside. Flame Wheel: Catches and damages. Frozen Touch: Chance to freeze. Goblin Punch: Hit from a distance. Dyrnwyn: Flame bow hurts evil. Shadowstil: Shoots with evil. Division Fist: Barehanded break. Magic Cloud: Null magic or affected. Dopplegang: Multiple images attack. Spike Shield: Be slow and reflect dam. Feathershed: Stacking projectiles while hovering. Dreadnaught: Magic storm cloak. Royal Guard: Flourish of flying swords and knockback.
Area Types: Forest + Haunted: Centry Clock. Rocky + Snowy: Crystal Clock. Meadow + Swamp: Tyrmhagodt. Desert + Tomb: Death Gator. Unlockable: Moon + Oasis: Chickesaurus. Underground + Corrupted: Wurm. Ocean + Atlantis: Lava Clock. Volcano + Jurassic: Tar Clock. Dungeons with secret or chance miniboss: Crypts, graveyard of secret passages (Griffin). Ships, unlockable alien or ghost ship (Slime Clock). Caves, can find portals or treasure (Chimera). Zones, unlockable fantasy or hell zone (Concrete Clock). Encampments, can find merchants maybe (Mummy Bandit). Shrines, summon area with secret passages (King Slime). Temples, can find portals or treasure (Furry Spider). Towns, menu-like maps, path selecting (Bird Warrior). Rock Castle: Green Dragon. Clay Castle: Blue Dragon. Obsidian Castle: Red Dragon. Ice Castle: Gold Dragon. Menu-like town areas with paralax entrance: Darkness Den, only from underground: Black Dragon (vampyre). Tech Fortress, to access moon: White Dragon (valkyre). China-like: Bangin'Bangren inn. Indian-like: Astral shrine for ships. Futuristic: Minigames. Stone Rustic: Metal forge. Dickensian: Science lab. Natural: Dimension shrine for zones.
Ending boss: Uragryph summons Dark Heart (swarm). Hippocamp summons Omukade (ride). Draconope summons Kraken (moving target). Goblin Warrior summons Hydra (multi target). Gnoll Warlock summons Taraxippus (barriers). Neferet, green axe knight, secret boss leading to paradise area with extra treasure, or teleport to crystal labyrinth with random monsters and wall food. Giant minotaur-like teddy bear with laser eyes. Gwendolyn transforms multiple Gaasyendietha: Giant ferret weasel with t-rex arms and additional oversized arms, standing on big elephant feet (for weight, opposite of hoof precision). Giant peacock thing with following eyes. Poltergeist becomes massive ghost mouse with glowing red eyes and tattered skeletal final form. Science lab monster with environment mechanics. Potion of Summon, attacks everything: Jubakko (red tree), Myrmid (blue ant), Gaja (green elephant), Hehu (black frog), Karkinos (yellow crab), Vorhe (white boar), Hecate (purple spider), Judjub (pink bird). Potion of Portal, teleports temporary realm: Manticore (air), Gnome (earth), Salamandra (fire), Wendigo (cold), Wart (frog alien with four vertical-slit eyes like a crown or devil horns). Goblin: the end of the world is, Omukade. Player: Omukade? that doesn't sound like heavenly music and trumpets. Goblin: ...trumpets?
Extra critters: Piranhacon, shark-like slugs. Roc Gagana, dragonite bird. Thalladite, drow miconnids. Juggernaut, golem automaton. Apollyon, skeletons of random form. Valkyn, flying bird people with tridents. Ghilaton, bipedal fish-like cyclopic alligator. Owlbear, beaked monster bear. Urhundyn, big slug with horns. Geryon, meld of 3 warrior. Gigelorum, shrinking purple monster. Kasai Rex, zebra striped velociraptor. Kelenkenope, giant bird moa. Quetzalraptor, quadruped bird. Ankylobadon, spikes and armor. Stegomotops, spikes and armor. Dimetraloch, large fin shocks. Tarbosaurus, giant rex-like. Apatosaurus, giant bronto. Jorogumo, woman upper half and spider body. Tarasque, elongated lion head, six bear arms, scorpion legs and armor. Amarok, giant wolf. Ghatotkacha, big person of magic. Gogmagog, unihorn big cyclops with 4 arms. Hecatoncheires, giant multiple of fifty body parts. Kludde, cat-bat. Ogopogo, giant serpent dragon. Vritra, snake dragon. Sleipnir, floating dragon horse with blurry 8 legs. Akhekh, antelope features, cross of griffin and drake, tiger fur and claw, feathered wings. Drakon Kholkikos, like Akhekh but big with 3 tongues and magic teeth. Chainsaw Lobster, cyborg carapace. Hatuibwari, four eyed rear winged drakes. Vodkobynikrax, double tailed snake, wings, human head, ox horns and drooping rabbit ears. Yahglamog, bipedal wolf-like bats that teleport. Baku, boar, elephant tusk & nose, dream eater. Ghul, shapeshifting horse skeleton that regenerates. Jungonock, rhino-tops pangolin, sting bites. Centycore, lion body, horse hooves, elephant ears and single ten-point antler. Carbuncle, squirrel like with ruby in forehead. Tiamet, fish like crocodile, grabbing tongues. Chatloup, cat head, stag horns, claws, hoofs. Boreyne, antelope, ram horns, dorsal fin, barbed tongue, tiger claws, hind talons. Ass-Bittern, donkey with bittern bird head. Anthalops, antelope with beak and saw horns. Arguhoga, fish body, random eyes in scales, four talon, tusks and ox horns, shoot rocks. Enfield, bipedal fox lion, throw axe and bomb. Gwnhidwy, satyr mermaid throw water balls. Heliodromos, vulture griffin mummy. Wolpertinger, goat-like unicorn lion rabbit. Jackalope, horned chimera rabbit. Kitsune or Kumiho, good or evil multi-tailed fox. Angwm, anteater like black bats turn red. Veluetan, tortoise with long haired spike shell. Lukwata, predatory catfish salamander. Mandragora, plant monster insanity screams. Merrow, undead merfolk monster. Mermicoleon, fish like antlion insect monster. Musimon, goat added with ram, double horns. Muscaliet, weasel mole with lower of squirrel. Nagha, snake jaw, lower snake, knife & shield. Udmup, shark body, human arms, eel tail. Platypus, cross of duck and beaver with sting. Glatisant, leopard body, talons, snake head. Surmalox, bronto unihorn, flippers, eel body. Scolopendra, whale shark tentacle centipede. Swamfisk, mollusk, rabbit ears and cow teeth. Tarandrus, color changing horned squirrel. Tatzelwurm, shoot rock, acid bite, electrocutes. Tiphon, wolf, lion tail, mane, pointed snout. Xaggorota, orca dragon, backward fins and b&w teeth. Maorete, spell casting otter-like monkey. Yippotryll, six leg hippo with bigger maw. Whowhie, dog headed furry chicken dragon. Zlatorog, white goat with gold horns.
0 notes
otterapps · 2 years
Oogana Oozlefinch
Had a strong feeling my last progress save was lost in San Luis Obispo (another project, the last save for Deep Zone is gone, when it became more like Blaster Master, able to eject from the mech with an added area to play-test underground rock climbing and other stuff, as well as a redesigned loading program and music work). I had remembered having a description for the metallic birds by Medusa. A mechanic for their poop dropping was done I kind of remember now. Not sure what else was lost, but going through old notepad drafts from then I found that description, and had deleted it in other saves of the same draft, which I did after putting the text in the game. Has the wolf description still in all my saves. Also noticed I'm missing some email, so kind of not surprised, but wondering why. I had let the game run for a full day to isolate a rare crash to get it completely stable. I hope that wasn't lost.
Stymphalian birds: A terrible, man-eating bird with a long, bronze beak and sharp, metallic feathers. It floats in the air strangely, seeming to not even need the flap of its wings. Now and again it drops little bits of dung which hit the ground and explode.
Randomly thought it was interesting how cats are like a cross between reptiles and mammals. They have fangs, cobra strike, cleavage eyes and play with their food (some reptiles are supposed to enjoy hurting things). And they hiss!
Also had an idea recently for a house of mirrors area, needing a companion or remote camera to see where you're at from another view. Still trying to avoid working more because of things. Uuuuugh. Thanks for checking this out.
0 notes
otterapps · 2 years
Hippoglyph stuff more
Rest of paper notes gone through. Project on hold for now. Started doing actual game and story stuff when otterapps became hijacked with someone taking over my email. Discovered otterapps.com as well, whois creation date shortly after my launch for a kickstarter. Stuff happening in my life to make it even more obvious. They don't care what they ruin.
Entry mode select, storyline or starting packs.
Space approach or continuing space save. Dimension coordinates to phase travel to other world (same as load world). Simple rogue map generated moons, meteors and custom stuff.
Entry mode starting gear packs, costing fragment maybe.
-- traveler (explorer) - quest weapon + quest to find oasis. They say if you dip these artifacts in a magic pool they become undead. an ultralight crowbar an african, ebony boomerang a hard, tan safari hat a tan, cloth canvas pants a tan, cloth canvas jacket a pair of hiking shoes. a large leather backpack pack(compass, rope, lighter)
-- freelancer (mission quest) - stealth + can get anywhere. Command on the wallet destroys all cards remotely so it can be used to start fires. a metallic wristwatch (dart) a classy leather wallet (pick) a normal business card (track) a casual business shirt (air) a pair of casual pants (lighter) a shiny leather belt (goggles) a pair of brown shoes (phone)
-- militia (mission quest) - attack + fortify camp. Efshield absorbs amount of damage except phaser, takes minute to set up. a blackened assultphaser a woolen beanie hat. a long wool scarf. a hooded wool dreadnought -a a pair of leather boots -a a large, modular backpack. pack(compass, rope, efshield)
-- pirate (explorer) - weapon + knock. Sword can destroy doors and open safes, maybe half regen being used. It's nearly impossible to swing the sword quickly. You almost have to move it through a magnet-like resistance which helps it float when unhanded. It's ability to push through material however is unquestionable. The curved Damascus Steel blade is just blurry with a faint trail, and the leather wrapped handle is almost painful to touch. It's heavy, too. Try to push it through something. The door maybe. And outside for a change. a large, vibrating sword a big, shoulder hung sack. pack(compass, rope, telescope)
-- urbanite (explorer) - computing + sabotage. Everything you need to break stuff and open beer. a stick of flare a grayish backpack pack(flashdrive, pack of gum, bic lighter)
-- drifter (explorer) - dagger + quest to find gremlin warrens. an undead bone dagger (default) or (a long, bronze rocket hammer) or (a large cartoon revolver) a wide canvas hat a woven, woolen poncho a box of resins
-- magician [with pet] -wand + stuff for magics. an ebony wand a cloak of elven kind a bag of dust a deck of tarot cards
-- merchant [with pet] -abacus (lets you sell/solicit) + stops flee. a length of rope connecting balls a huge, big backpack pack(abacus, compass, tarot cards)
-- trooper (mission quest) [drone/shield] - marathon quest with drone ai. an assultphaser of grenades a visored suit of camouflage pack(rope, raisins, taser-knife)
-- astronaut (survivalist) [drone/shield] -independent + anywhere + hotweather Belt is like pack but always open yet secure from stealing. Weed creates food. a composite taser-knife a cluttered utility belt pack(rope, mask, kit (bivy, weed, filter))
-- mountaineer - no fail climbing + cold weather. Yep, full of whiskey, thank god. a large rock hammer a metallic flask a blackened composite bow blackened carbide ice-axes a furry woolen hat. -a a woolen underwear suit. a big, heavy wool jacket. -a a pair of wool gloves. a pair of gortex gauntlets. -a a big, heavy wool pants. -a a pair of wool socks. a pair of gortex boots. -a a durable backpack pack(rope, zippo, compass) a spool of rope a metallic compass a metallic zippo lighter
Mechanoid-fortress/coalition quest. Office building silent mobius quest. Marathon space/ocean quest. Dungeon/jungle lovecraft quest.
Resistance bonus quests? - an exotic flower of fire - a really mean plant tentacle - an electrified mushroom - a glowing blue crystal
Random stuff:
cloth,plant,wood  - rubber, resin -nomad/carpenter thing. Build wooden raft. With machine tools build boat maybe.
wool,leather,bone - meat, chitin -nomad/mystic thing.
clay,rock,ceramic - metal, crystal -nomad/alchemist thing.
gas,liquid,energy  - plastic, synthetic -wizard thing.
Empty cigarette pack fills with roaches at interval if ran5 <= num+1 Bandage while resting heals.
a pair of slinky eyed glasses. a pair of dark, burgundy-gray canvas cloth sleeve-gauntlets with a dangling collection of rubbery muscle men miniature figures (billowing smoke).? a bandolier of angry scorpions. You should probably feed them, eventually. a rubbery, sticky toy octopus.
This fella is an alligator bear, covered in woolly hair with a large, cyclopic eyeball. Its glad expression is terrifying. Occasionally it moves on two legs, meandering with excited thumping.
The moose ants are giant creatures, with deep blue chitin and an array of ivory tusks and horns. Their irregular, sharp geometry helps disguise them in the colorful Kendred salt mines.
a furry, bipedal alligator bear a horned, fleshy mutated beast an evil, magician duck an armor clad, demonic panda a lumbering alligator with orange fins a large monsterish hollowspider a giant green-tongued pigbear a nebula of chromatic insects a large stony golgan a gory and wretched, wretchy wretch
a gorilla throwing around a used car - dragging it around, flipping it over and smashing it into things. an ectoplasm chamber with large glowing tubes a spherical piloting core white/black(poison)/red/blue mage, sage?
a heavily armed sanitation truck (mechanoid fortress or coalition city) - This thing can fire missiles, put out fires, start fires, compact garbage to the size of a rubik cube, lick the street clean, float on water, and jump. A laser apparatus mounted on top can hear you and see the world through 16 visual pigments. Bumper stickers of bones, partially crushed beer cans and empty cigarette packs cover the back end and sides. The reinforced frame has tusks, squinting blast shielded windows. A license plate says ROVER, and is probably what will happen to you. Stay back at least 15 feet, or just run. - gets mad if you stand around and it passes 3 times? - manages to completely avoid combat with travel spells? - only thing left in space if world is destroyed?
You hold onto a gravestone as it darkens, and strange ghost-like missiles slam into random targets.
The kitchen is completely destroyed. Someone must have left the gas on. Blown apart and charred wood surround a disgruntled floor. A blown out wall is letting in light from outside.
Blobel has nearly invincible face and can take a moment to eat something. So it can defeat almost anything and level fast, but is vulnerable to being surrounded so that adventuring is a challenge, along with slow step, but can leap multiple rooms in one direction.
So-and-so charges in your direction. It's not very fast, but it's coming. Spiderite powers up when hidden for time.
Chicken alts for fun somehow maybe, none can fly. Turkey (explode when they die) Penguin (swim skill bonus) Dodo (command teleport)
a pair of mechanical talon spurs a silvery space blanket cape a bed sheet cloak with eye holes a flickering spectral trident a sword of green obsidian a glistening bird wing hammer a slime dripping meteor chain a closed-eye copper shield a gatling rubber duck catapult a heavy large barbed harpoon
a high security budget hotel (mst3k stuff) a green knight's body contorts and you miss!
Percent clear of world map maybe. Rooms add to counter in save file. Maybe per session to make it easy, such as entering a room could check if it's already had a property added.
Minotaur form for elemental. Like annakite, can be normal for period of time but reverts back when triggered or per conditions, needing something to be normal again.
Leprechaun non binary evil, form of elemental besides minotaur. replaces race, others augment.
Tone down group battle with advantage system that selects fewer attacks. Main attacker gets switched around so that anyone else has less attack. Choosing a target requires ground to be covered, and range attacks have a harder time aiming as well.
The area becomes quiet, pronouncing an audible distance. House of mirrors and the grass is greener of boredom. Removed from ecosystem, meek bacteria, ocean dinosaur thing. Giant hamster in cage. Open cage to be attacked by hamster. Art kind of looking for something when you don't know what it is. - sort of opposite of control. Belly button rash says, change your environment/consumption. Spider-like slugs that laugh like witches on random space thing. Cardboard box/magic carpet for travel something. Dino bunker/bat cave thing you can upgrade. Gear-like corridors + rolling giant marble. Chain-link fence you jump to go from north and south. Flood lights track and fire/enflame if you hold still. Easier to grapple disarm if your free hand out numbers theirs. Smurf village (fragalrock), and pixie warrens don't exist. Nano transformer tricks you into setting it free or powerup. - escapes room by room maybe. Curse items, put them in undead chest for a day.
Tower of Scrabble, quest area with puzzles and metaphor. - empathy thing maybe, feeling of something misunderstood (point of view trying to picture what you meant from a black and white, digital wording, missing the connection to everything). - "devil in the details" with glyph of absolutes bleeding reality. - movie cliche sum of experience thing.
Cryptic Plague like thing. - blackberry bushes react/cut you, after warning you picked too many berries. - "Smells a sweet and crunchy mouse?" - find nuts to eat, "Aww, nuts."
Someone in that position is either tapped on the shoulder or finds an opportunity, if nobody would disagree that technology derails evolution to delimited extremes of nihilism or hating existence. Theme of righteous evil and holy, as if righteous implies right and acknowledges an extreme of survival.
Mock score or status print out:
Level: 25_____ Classansasshasass (surrounded in fire) (barely alive) =====================================================================| Str.......3 Race: Moose Ant. Alignment: Neutral. Con.......5 Class: Fighter. Personality: Skeptical. Int.......6   Rank: Dark Heart. Hunger: Thirsty. Wil.......2   Lifespan: 5d, 134m. Sobriety: Functional. Dex.......5   Type: Male. Ambition: Normal. Chr.......3   Size: 59 cubics. Experience: 98,678. =====================================================================| hp 999/999 - mp 876/876 - ep 456/456. Weight: Light as a feather.
Monster chests/doors. Timed room traps/combat events. Timed skills, press enter to stop. Implants/clothing/armor/mech. Space/area/room/body/inventory. Guilds have quest finding. Tar pit thing for class elemental? Exp potions can change personality. Book thing for spell learning? Door shuts behind you/confined area boss. Events upgrade areas/alter main quest? Star map moves slow, except in space. Level up trigger from things if exp. Level bio point to choose or perk skill. Raise skill with exp, total for fragments. Room size prop for knockback/range. Mobs that chase you with follow.
a silvery jet-fighter ship a jet-fighter robotic mech
a modular construction ship a robotic construction mech
an aerospace hunting ship a tactical aerospace mech
an aerospace mobile battle-station a blackened, lobsterish battle-station a sanguine mining battleship a gigantic jet-plane modular battleship a towering modular obsidian totem pole
a guantlet of metallic tentacles a gauntlet of golden duct-tape a moltan rock eyeball gauntlet a shadowy catpaw super gauntlet a furryish red lizardy gauntlet an undead spider-claw gauntlet an errie hexal-revolver gauntlet a bionic sharkish moldy gauntlet an animated-chain alien gauntlet a huge super frog-hand gauntlet
a bandoiler of flickering daggers a bandoiler of banana slugs (flaming) a bandoiler of red tarantula a bandoiler of glowing syringes a bandoiler of colorful mice a bandoiler of lizardy weapons
a p32 can opener a pair of binocular goggles a red usb flashlight a pair of woolen aviator gloves a nifty ultralight hammock a socketed medium blue tarp a black canvas drawstring sack a parachute cord wrapped knife a solar radio flashlight with power-crank, usb charger, shortwave, compass, magnify glass, dental floss and salt grinder.
an arcane rune covered scroll a glowing red arcane talisman an arcane scroll of apocalypse an arcane scroll of genesis an arcane elephantych scroll an arcane scroll of vitality an arcane scroll of magic amp an arcane desintagration scroll an arcane invisibility scroll an arcane scroll of disenchant a powerful scroll of summoning a powerful magic cloud scroll
Grave maybe, could dig and find marble. - It's small and solid, barely takes up space, and looks like the universe. You feel like it contains words, or a message, but how could you read it? - maybe something for light to pass through and project it holographically, consciousness of light passing through a brain. - A garden of analogue reality and a digital process breaking the environment and ecosystem, like music. Artificial energy as absolute power redirecting false lines, delimiting greed and molested humanity, a ying without a yang and escalating insanities of novelty and discontent. Hour of the horde to confine our world in apocalyptic extremes of addiction and robotics. Depriving itself in cheating, evermore lowering its world for superiority, a hatred for soul and soulless. Forced to survive a utopia of manipulation being friendless. Before matter there was energy and both created our home.
0 notes
otterapps · 2 years
Few more hippo notes:
Words ruin everything. It's hilarious that you're playing a game made entirely out of words. Thank you for taking a break from developing a reality of analogue intelligence and astronomical organism to explore shifting your thought process into metaphoric absolutes that will define the rest of your life while burning your retinas with radioactive light. Maybe interactivity is especially brainwashing and life-like, but if you don't mind exclamating verbs impulsivly and turning everything into a sex joke, this is also a rewarding pass time, not only because of the game, but from reading and anything put into it. Go right ahead and share this app with a friend. If you find yourself addicted to the high end escapism of this technology and want a break maybe fine art or tactile hobbying would benefit you. And stop watching weird movies. Strawberry seeds will form letters, and when you're not looking they spell out words of criticism on your antisocial lifestyle.
Random stuff, quest ideas and descriptions:
Mutational chimeara, typically a hybrid of beast or crustation parts with face and body horns, big hands with claws and multiple tails. Naturally shadow melding they seem to project from darkness and can physically phase into the astral world. Driven by malicious permenance, they tend to stare, horrifically, or grin with irregular, toothy jaws, even changing their basic form now and then grotesquely.
Surrounded by furry legs is a dark, purple carapace with numerous, opaque eyes of matching color. It also has blond, lip-fang talons, which are impossible to remove from soft bodies. You'd rather see a dog sized tick. It moves around a bit and then chirps, cutely. They say the honeydew melon is their best friend, or something. Just leave it alone.
An enormous lion with huge paws, a huge jaw, and triceratops horns. A large goat head sticks out of its back like a turret, coughing balls of fire that continuously burn. It's body also devolves into a snake at the end of its tail, which can bite with bioelectric lightning. You've never been more afraid of nature.
This is a huge, black, armored scorpion, with large jaws of human teeth. They have arms and gauntlets, with pale, human-like hands. Cat-like ears come from behind their jaws which actually have multiple rows of teeth. Thier tail is a bandoiler of projectile chatin harpoons which can retract with spider-like rope. An underbelly of four, wide-standing legs are that of a lion. They can outrun you, harpoon you, grab you, and devour you entirely. You might even drop to your knees, they produce such a weird trumpeting sound your mind can break.
A large person with a bulls head and a bulls tail, able to turn their arms into large snakes. Their highly toxic breath is enough to swell a person until their skin breaks, or fell a herd of cattle.
An enormous red dragon, forced to exist by magic like muscle without skin. It's entire existence is painful, keeping it lashing out with aggression.
A muscular, rubbery pink beast creature, with bent and opposite facing horns of ivory. From one of its fists comes a third horn. Its jaws have large, stinky teeth and has shark-like eyes on a head with no neck. It can smell your location with its tongue, can also meditate to ignite fire, and has a stubby, pointed tail. They say it never quits moving like a snake continuously striking, as the heat of an inferno would distort the air in a masticating roar.
With her viper fangs and cobra strike, with cleavage like eyes and shedding claws, nervously excited, groping and pulling you into a neither world, a chaos of unfolding, jumping up a demonic, skeletonized tree into a delighted insanity, maniacally roar laughing.
Ahhh! A petal bug thing lands on your arm. Oh it's cute, and trying to eat you. Adorable. It's flopping around on your <apenage>, wanting you to fit inside its weird mouth. Maybe you should find out what it is.
room idle triggers gremlin scavengers to clean up. -plenty of time to pick something up. gremlin locker in warrens you can access as gremlin or quest. only keep valuable. drifter quest to find warrens. A pack of gremlin scavengers slip in from the shadow and begin to digest all the disgarded items laying around. Before you know it they're gone.
"We tried helium to connect cities, or was it hydrogen, but were never sure if it would make the planet explosive. It was decided, yup, it has to be mechs."
Art is just like language except easier to understand. That medium of a glyph with percision down to a physics engine.
Language puts something into an absolute, allowing things to fit which are not reality. Therefore, language is never reality, even if you're telling the truth.
What is it about violence in video games being the thing we'd rather do? It literally combines art with sports and sport is a valuable learning. Like very sensory deprived and chaotically impressionable hiking. Ahh, Football. It's like a bunch of strippers and guys fighting. Or at least, it could be.
Commando vs Rambo vs Connan vs Rockie vs buff Chuck Norris vs zombie apocalypse Bill Murray, the movie.
Outdoor communal space with fire and cooking and places to sit and coffee and not camel spiders.
Guild quest ideas for progression maybe:
Fighter for capacitor? Rogue for artificer? (electronics of metals and crystal maybe).
Mage for runesmith, also mintotaur / elemental. Mystic for compaignion. Monk for debabeling. Fallen for rosetta stone, also vampyre. Cleric for beacon thing, also valkyre.
Nomad quest for mining. Also similar dark light thing with hidden skills.
Barbarian for light and dark thing? Shaman for spiritalk astral vision? Gray Seer for boat.
Grave digger for undead/cure? Frost weaver for power stone.
A glowing Nexus portal (red) A chaotic, roaming wall of disturbed energy.
Keyitem quest stuff maybe, planet Urph:
Book turns Phoenix into Hydra. Can follow and fight as it climbs building to create storm. Hydra lures you to top of tallest building. Fight for exp and maybe item drop, knocks you off tower. Keyitem quest to make gold Hydra without storm. A cyclopic eyed wormwood root? Turns to gold and moves around at random or when woken. Can't be killed, makes good tank for Burt?
Phoenix says, “I feel like a cigarette.” Then snickers. Phoenix picks up a flute, sings for a bit, then seems to get bored. Phoenix pulls out a chunk of clay and begins to model a statue of snuffleupagus. It says so anyway. Phoenix pulls a quill from itself, dips the quill into a vile of ink, and begins writing on something for some reason. Phoenix picks up a small frog and eats it slowly while looking at you. Phoenix reads some of its writing, looks mildly horrified and then begins to write again.
Burt quest (experimental weapon), technology that doesn't care.
Nyx (sees you and trips you) and quest stuff like others to move story of phoenis maybe. Indigo (cinical Macintosh crab), tries to ignore everyone.
Burt (giant monster unleashed), name to fear, giant boar-like, and destroys rooms maybe. Grundle (commander of legion), has 2 hawks, light and dark.
Sir Bean (central intelligence) Ash (housewares manager) Bernardo (Bathrobe) (freelance) Strom (and pet turtle) Medusa (wants strom to be stone) Jezebel (naiad wants strom evil) Jezebel appears, "Strom, stop chopping wood and rescue my cat from that private corporation. You're boring." (cat is dragging a suitcase of experimental weed).
Planet Mux: main quest to leave planet as refugee thing, maybe kendred takeover? Prespace civilized muxoid who flip out if you're an alien and hunt you with military and bizarre technology. Also kendred refugee thing maybe.
Triffid invasion. Meteor shower that blinds. an eirre, looming triffid plant. Shoot darts, and tries to touch you.
Machanoid surprise fortress. Hellion meteor impact. Muxoid scout mission? Gnaborax game hunter. Blobel size growth to planet eat. bacteria dinosaur scenario thing, they come out of ocean after a super plague. Could be for mage? zombie virus of guilds maybe which leads to appolyon summon.
Muxoid or Kendred scenario. Kendred come from a dimension of salt mining. They attack with: a contorted, red-crystal battleship an eirre, drooping crimson bush egg in bush shakes violently and explodes to become mutadragon, or check the arena thing. Initial can lead to attack of spawn point spread.
Client internal character race mythos:
human, dwarf, elf, lupin, parthan, skaven, goblin, troll, nymph, android, golgan, kodama, gnome, halfling, gnoll, drow elf, gremlin, satyr, anakite, spriggan, moose ant, kobold, ogre, imp, teddy, rockslug, spiderite, chicken, pig, squid, pangolin, gargoyle, skeleton, coatl, merfolk, cecaelia, ancien, centry, changling, kendred, muxoid, genie, golem, demogorgan, troglodyte, grimalkin, gigelorum, thalliphid, hobgoblin, naiad, onikuma, hellion, machanoid, gnaborax, blobel, dark octopus, lobster bear, salamander, sylph, dryad.
Client internal class and guild system:
(nomad), (thug), (greyseer), (shaman), (barbarian), (jester). enforcer, assassin, alchemist, plumber, carpenter, concubine.
fighter - warrior, berserker, capacitor. rogue - mercenary, bard, artificer. mage - warlock, sorcerer, rune smith, hunter. mystic - ranger, druid, grave digger, wurm slayer. psychic - armorer, conjurer, thaumaturge, nimrod. monk - dragoon, banshee, frost weaver. cleric - paladin, guardian, mage slayer. fallen - ghaluk, appolyon, dark heart. scholar - knight, wizard, biologist, geologist.
Area idea thing:
A Glimmering, Misty Forest -    Regardless of the time, it seems to be darkening continuously. A slight mist moves the air, clinging to you like a ferverish sweat, as gnarald trees are casting pools of gray shadow. Bats are fluttering through the branches, within the view of the sky. Quite a few dry looking rocks seem to be out of place, and the dirt, full of large sticks feels like you're walking on bones.
An Open Glade with A Stone Altar. -    A towering sculpture made of large peices of contorted wood is here, interwoven with a formation of stone. A bench you could sit on is slightly within it, facing the forest. Bizarre language is chiseled finely upon the large, center stone. A wooden sign planted nearby might actually say the same thing in English. You keep having the feeling that something is moving around you quickly.
Before a Castle of Stone -    A giant mouth of the castle holds thick ivory pillars like teeth. Some blossoming vines trickle up the stone, and somewhat of a swampy moat yawns between you and it. The forest surrounds the hills here. Something is perched very far away in the grass, overlooking you. The clouds are slightly glowing and slowly rotating the entire sky directly above. You might be able to enter by pulling this lever.     -- look something: Yep, it's a scarecrow.
A Gloomy Stone Castle -    Lengths of velvet red carpet beneath you create pathways through the rocky brick corridors. Rooms full of wooden furniture and brass items for kitchenry, the cast iron fireplaces unglowing. There are moths flickering through granulated light from doorways. The sound of movement is filtered by dry stone walls, echoing in the silence.
A Dark Chamber of Natural Rock -    The room here is created by a cavern of black stone. Some magic spells keeping small blue lights aglow make the area not very illuminated. No carpet is here, just the smell of dried bones. As the cavern bends slightly there is a massive door set into the ground a little, sealed by some kind of strong looking wood. Gold paint adorns some intricate carving, but nothing that makes any sense. --search finds discarded pornographic magazine, take your time, or something, wtf.
Inside of the Treasure Room -    A spherical wall surroundes the area, with a cobblestone floor that spirals from the center. There, you see a beautiful, empty fountain. A large spider is living in the fountain's machinery, but it probably won't harm you. Several treasure chests are resting here and there. If you had the right key everything would be groovy. Above you the ceiling is painted like a morning sky, and the air is mysteriously fresh.
~ a large, ghostly wolf ~ a wolf, darting in shadows ~ an enourmous, chained up green dragon (sleeping). -    if dead or free then stop tentacles. if free then add golems. -    a big, gray rock golem. ~ a big and dusty stone golem ~ a golem of giant golden chunks Can grow to gigantic with an implosion and incantation spell from wolf. Disappears into a tiny black ball.
if 'sit bench' (then wait) You spot something moving through the trees.
~ Lupa Luperca, the goddess wolf, tip-toe dashing     -- A beautiful girl with large, white hair flowing around her. Pelts of animal skin wrap and hang from her body, and her necklace of feathers sort of grosses you out. She's watching you with carnivorous, yellow eyes. Maybe you could ask her about something. Don't be chicken. (eats you if you're a chicken)
~ a huge colorless tentacle     -- It's not exactly gray, but doesn't appear to have color. It comes into the room as though from another world, one which is grainy and flickering. The tentacle moves slowly as with cellular intelligence, its body a powerful presence. Large suction cups finger the air expectantly and dripping with electrified sputum.
0 notes
otterapps · 2 years
Got back into my emails finally. Not sure about anything. Just going to sit. Anyone can read this feel free to say hi or run for your life.
0 notes
otterapps · 2 years
Hippoglyph doc:
Rough design discluding the progression system, cut short by weird things happening. Overall the idea was to make a world and story telling client and editor for a basic theme of inspiring dream-like adventure, with an example that you miss out on the real thing. An inaccuracy of language and digital brainwashing. That addictive, experiential games aren’t even the problem as much as wanting to escape the social barrios and destruction of community that a tower of technology has escalated.
 Nexus system: Similar to the Palladium Rifts RPG, and the main way of entering and exiting worlds. Includes a deeper game mechanic of time stamping world states to utilize an object structure of individualized randomseed, for a time travel mechanic that lends well to the ecosystem of a heartbeat driven text game.
 Space system: A similar warp mechanic for alternate world or dimension exploring, including a ship and mech mode with their own combat and racing type game.
 Editor mode: Trying to make compatible worlds easy for hobbyist, using basic logic programming and standard platform functions. The characters you make are able to explore custom content while progressing in core simulation and rogue-like reward system.
 Character system: Based loosely in mythology and science fiction, with suto-customizable options for alternate characters and world entry story lines. Client comes with 60 unlockable races and a spectral fragment system you generate with retired characters, being fleshed out still.
  List of gear so far. Some of these are for the client and some are custom for an included default world.
  WIP monster stuff.
 a colossal, organic-looking rocket ship
a looming, skeletonized dead tree
Pandora, a gigantism of titan-squid
Ten, the yellow orange
a naked girl with red snakes for hair
a naked girl, cloaked in leeches
a sprightly sylph
a slippery dryad
a fountain of blubber and eyeballs
a very big, orange octopus
a colossal and stoic dinosaur tyrannosaurus
a colossal, hexal-lip wurm with numerous eyes
a huge shape-shifting gold dragon
a giant mind-boggling blue dragon
a huge gigantic fire drake
a humongous great-horn dragon
a giant demonlord vampire boa
a humongous rock-eater dragon
a humongous giant moss-green tarantula
a colossal mossy lobster-octopus dragon
a towering, rock and onyx, orbital path cobra statue
a huge, sphere-like zenithian battle station (flying)
an absurdly humongous catfish, Dan-Dan of doom
Mr.Toma, a giant-size human skeleton -- strangely happy to see you
a lengthy, GIANT snakefish (sleeping)
Blaslzy, a colossal hellbeast
Yoshima, an enormous mantaslug
Omikron, a titanic crustacean
a mysterious shadow knight
a corageous, slimey monster of tentacles
a misty fire breathing goat dragon
Grimlock, a darkgreen lizardman
a gigantic, bionic missle-clad tarbosaurus
a gigantic, bionic apatosaurus mahine-gun
a horrifying, colossal octopus
--mind-blowing gigantism moving through city.
a towering, huge chozo guardian statue
a fat red toad with glowing eyes
an enormously twitchy, gigantic chickensaurus
a halcyonic, wolfmeister golem
a bedizen witch doctor squid
a very large, crafty sumo wrestler
a big green dinosaur with numerous eyeballs
a big moony serpent with glowing horns
a magical elvish horse
a giant slimy balrog of malady
a giant shadowy balrog of fire
a giant, bat-like frost-dragon
a colossal worm with a cavernous maw
an axefighter golem of dark matter
a small, adorable red panda
a gigantic white fox
a dark, monstrous hobbit
an ancient spectral knight
a formidable vampiress of paladine
a malificent, spider-queen demogorgon
a tiny, seven-headed miniature dragon
a huge, gigantic frostbeard snow-monster
a crafty and carnivorous brontosaur-plant
a towering undead dragon skeleton
a humongous battle-scarred squid
a savage statue of a gargoyle
a silver knight, standing guard
an elegant, giant lady parthan
an animated statue of an iron hippo
a dark slender gremlin with antlers
a multi-section hellion wasp queen
obviously, a monster treasure chest
a white bunny
the Butler of Doom
a dapper, rambunctious rat
a beautiful old fairy
an enormous jet-black hobgoblin
a big and fat, fire breathing cat
a monstrous jabberwock
a monstrous nightmare spider
an aethereal magnificent genie
a biped lizard with feathers
a big troll named Matroshi
a big armor plated spider
an electrified vallopian cat-bull
a moody, enormous luna moth
Ew, a meandering, really big tick
a really cute, green octopus
a devious bandersnatch
a swift red-skin velociraptor
a hairy big-eyed monster
a massive pale lizard, maliciously grinning
a renegade kobold champion
a lazy, beautiful, demon dragon
a demogorgon with human-handed tentacles
a wild and hairy hippalotapus
a big hard-shell, menacing garuta
a Giant dusty Scorpion
a GIANT ant
a mean, big frost giant
a whirling dervish
a gloomy aufhocker dog
a jumping snaggle-tooth spider
a giant prehistoric alligator—size 4, like anakite
a large furry, massive tarantula
a city guard standing watch
a slithering hulky sun lizard
a birdfish, zipping around fantastically
a bizarre, demonic mouse
a hovering, metallic bird is flying here
a quickly moving moth-spider
a lurking, colorful triffid
a colossal boar with glowing eyes
a massive goat with glowing eyes
a veteran swordfighter
a dusty mystical troll
a goofy Austrailian badass
a janitorial assistant is sweeping here
a skeleton holding its own head
a skeleton in shredded purple robes
a silent knight of Holy Fertilizer
Sand Worm?
a horned green drake
a towering rhinosaurus, chewing bones
a daft little girl
a very big, black panther
an absurdly big and flightless Jub-Jub
a sabre-toothed ghilaton-lizardman
a dripping, skull-faced rat --subsonic chattering
a big, ravenous kelzmelzer
a big spectral wolf is poised
a putrid, loveable zombie monster
a weird little spectral aardvark --clones with others but just leaves
a tiny, malevolent imp
a humongous blue toad
a lumbering fella named Fuden  
a huge carnivorous mushroom
an animated monster of garbage
a feathery red python
a large, strident bald eagle
a sneaky, dark wolf
a lupin warrior
a parthan warrior
a skaven warrior
a dwarven merchant
an elven entrepreneur
a fuzzy pokeupine slug is here
a furry boa
a grisly turquoise opossum
a gypsy cleric meanders here
an old gypsy tinker
an old gypsy woman
a huge and purple Razy Tree
a serendipish cat, Tananda, devouring grass
a formidable warrior ant
a silverback salamander
a large twisted hobgoblin
a merchant of Baranor
a carnivorous millipede
a webbed-fin jumping snake
a spotted pattern cow
a mighty bandit
a playful nymph –sneak hard
a skeleton warrior –sneak hard
a vacuum-maw ogloc of sweeper fins
a dusty gray troll
a hungry billy goat
a sleepy kobold/a hungry kobold/an eager kobold
a muddy crab, covered in garbage
a lupin villager
a parthan merchant
a skaven vagabond
a deer is here watching you carefully
a large buck struts around
a young fawn is chewing
a big furry spider
a citizen of the Coalition Fortress
a curious adventurer
a gal with long blond hair
a gal with spikey black hair
a guy with a mouse on his shoulder
a dark man, a fake tan, and a suitcase of money
a sexy cute, light green lizard
a big, vallopian mantaray
a mellow cat, licking itself
a white feathered chicken
a shifty red fox
a gigantic nest of worms
a squirrel darts among the trees
a large, weird bug
a tiny, cute mouse
a lovely dove
a black rubbery bug
a large nest of worms
a tiny florescent spider
a wonky hairy spider
a turquoise beetle
a fluttering tiny moth
a meandering chaotic butterfly
a beautiful chromatic butterfly
a small nest of worms
a blue slime monster
a wondering zeela skitters around
a fiery viola is bouncing around
a wavering skree is flying around
a serriform leever is spinning aggressively
a black and white, wolf-headed robot
a green and grey, lynx-headed robot
a red and blue, falcon-headed robot
a grim savage troll
a large, dog-like troll
a brutal champion troll
a giant destroyer troll
a two-headed, young crocodile
a gigantic, monstrous crocodile
a little, pank peg" --a pank peg oinks something unintelligible.
a silky clad ogre concubine
a huge fat ogre, kicking back
a large ogre standing guard
a courier in red robes --under red hood it's chuck Norris?
a priest of the temple --wesley snipes?
an undead soldier, troop deadun deadun --lost in forest calling out to each other
a large ogre priest
a leather-clad sharpshooter guard
a cautious and skinny botanist
 --comes with client?
an alien battle ship
a very big and futuristic wooden ship
a meandering fly -- from corpse?
a practice dummy is fixed here (mocking you)
a young, brutish merfolk
a mutated, malformed merfolk
a shadowy figure --sneak?
a frustrated pig --boink spell, or title flag of body like suto-zerk
a large silver wolf –ranger skill
a mighty evergreen --druid
a big and smiley dogcat --druid?
a tactical platinum aegis-mech --for knights?
a tiny, little mouse --for mouse-plant-bomb-and-return-without-bomb skill.
a huge stoic paper golem
an armored snail of mace-like tentacles
a spectral drake"
a spectral knight"
a battlelion bio-scorp manticore --kendred maybe.
a dusty, ancient nomad --quest mob
a lonely maiden --quest mob
a heavy-set city guard
a battle-scarred adventurer
a spectral wolfspider
 --4, follow and attack you?
a grim tonberry
a big, invidious octorok
a rascally cactuar
a big, freakish malboro
 --4, mountable.
a blubbery daphollap
a very large, radiant griffon
a graceful, tremendous gidjin
a fantastic quivering Palapalapa
a grave, pitch-black raven
a dark peregrine falcon
a goofy and snazzy albatross
a great bearded vulture
a jalak myna starling
a king bird of paradise
a stork-billed kingfisher
a big, tasmanian duck
a snakey tumbler cuttlefish
a distracted, friendly dingo
a debonair cottonmouth snake
a superhero hamster
a big, delighted boa
a playful, spectating cat
a dizzy mole-otter
an aloof horse-shoe-crab
a large metallic bear
a glow in the dark frog
a bone-white scorpion
a grimacing ashen monkey
a happy little platypus
a dismayed spikey hedgehog
a big, disinterested anteater
a perturbed horny-turtle
 --8, maybe ryoko yells at you for fleeing battles and walking by women
Sophia, the armor-clad mermaid jouralist alien cowgirl on a mission to rescue the forest (bows and says may the forest be with you)
Sir Mr.Bean, a gentleman and scholar
Ash is here, devoured by alternate reality
 (wth) --Where did bathrobe guy go?
Jezebel too, and Medusa, wtf, and Strom. I lost my last save?
“Strom, you’re boring!” – etc.
 Gwendolyn, the keeper of secrets
Gilgamech, the Sanguine Weaponsmith
Ryoko - a fetid, lurching, ancient mummy --incredible green hulk maybe, or gray?
Mauly - a big talon-tooth metroid"--maybe near ryoko and ryoko-oni, or whatever that thing is.
Gundu, the desert ocean dervish
Javier, the arcane blacksmith
Bauhaus is watching the weather (fishing)
Galeta, the Master Fighter (muddy)
Lycurgus, the Lord of Doom
Windsor Gordebash, Elder of the Runesmith Order
General Thunderwolf, Serah, Commander
Kharnak Wolfen, the innkeeper squid
Shadowstill, the Ghaluk Overlord --standing still as a shadow.
Tahrentophet is grossly eating a pumpkin
PandaStrike is trying to have a vacation
PoisonHawk, the percecuted warmonger
Kindle Skyth, the will of the whisp
Korben Dallas is smoking half a cigarette still.
Inhaha Olsuptor, the indisputable king of ogres
Zephyr is floating here on rippling air
Gormand Roads, keeper of weapons
Shalos, the pan-handler
Bazooka, a psychedelic octopus
Tracy Goodwyn, a secret agent, it's obvious
Durandal is playing with his chest hair, you think
Goldmoon, the cleric of paladine
Sturm Brightblade has been pumping iron
Clayton, the battle-scarred rogue
Duncan is here, smoking a pipe
a large fella named Zippo
Ander Zale, a phlegmatic spaceman
Applejax is grinning and laughing
Grundle, the mechanic, and movie-critic
Marc Despard, a mercenary earthling
Klaus, the barkeep
a huge joe named Moe
Tetret the old, fedup man
Guido is here, dressed like Elvis
George is waiting here, and waiting
Hindsight, the stealthy rogue
Tyrus, captain of the ultra-tough guards
Tehwk, a vagabond hockey player
Oahr, the slurps a lot, of Naromar
Xoap is covered in mud, of Krynn
Zeux, shadow of bog, vender of Baranor
Dyson Wainright, the battle born
Scarlett Gullrose, princess warrior
Aenwyn Eldaeroth, an elite archer
Galaga Addnoch, an elite soldier
 Joan the Oracle, and wet-nurse
Shinobi-Shawn is perfectly fine
Kohaku the deadly for cookies
 Dr.Frankenstein sits behind a body slab
Gronhola, the Archwizard of Quo
Helios, the giant of quarters
Tender, the busker
Malfax, an ancient nomad
Flint the Huntsman
Devo, the barkeep
Lothar, a really bored frost giant
Ashbaugh, a playful raccoon
a humongous battle-scarred squid (Elephant)
Cleopatra, a really big, yellow slug -- slug-jetsu?
Napoleon, a battle-raging boar -- pig-fu?
Xerbyx, a long-legged brown spider —spikido?
Cantaloupe, an electrified bull – kowrate?
Darwing, a white feathered chicken -- chickwan-doe?
     --darwing flies at you with stunningly slow speed, trailing a debris of feathers.
Adunaphel is smoking dope and checking rope
Daedalus is yodeling a mery tune
Thorton is suspicously looking around"
Marvin Bungor, the smithmaster
Lor'hof Quwrogg, the foriegner
Bia Coppernaut, the barberer
Maze Wolfmunny, the beersmith
Galia Lo Lo Roaden, the wallflower --has 2 middle names
Margoette is board and wants to incite violence"
Dustin, the tree humper of bandersnatch, allegedly
Bugshmear is playing cards with Frogsmash
Frogsmash is playing cards with Bugshmear
Dick Cheney with a shotgun
Hadron is wide awake, trying to sleep
Syntax is trying to read a book, alright?
    WIP armor stuff
 --skill items
a black ninja suit --monk
a tattered robe --mage
a horned mask --fallen
a necklace of garlic cloves --cleric
a mideval weapons harness --fighter
a chainmail print hoody --scholar
a triangular stone --mystic
a full suit of clumsy scuba –rogue
 --nomad forge
a useful towel
a toothy dragon-skin bandana
a pair of dragon-skin bracers
a pair of dragon-skin brogans
a sleek dragon-skin gorget
a pair of dragon-skin pants
a long shirt of dragon-skin
a forked sharv of dragon-skin
 --alchemist forge
a red bone breastplate
a pair of red bone boots
a pair of red bone gauntlets
a horrid red skull helm
a thick red bone shield
a spiky red bone sharv
 --mystic forge quest
a shirt of mithril chainmail
a pair of tough elven gloves
a pair of tough elven brogans
a harvest quiver (0 arrow)
a stealthy wormwood scabbard
 --monk forge
boots of studded red leather
gloves of studded red leather
a studded red leather helm
a suit of studded red leather
a red leather sharv
 --runesmith forge
a pair of thick bone boots
a pair of thick bone gauntlets
a thick horned bone helm
a thick suit of layered bone
 --scholar forge
a great steel helmet
a leather and wood scabbard
a pair of shielded gauntlets
a pair of multiple gauntlets
glowing liquid platinum forming language-like objects?
 a brown leather cow hat
a pair of tough cow boots
a brown leather backpack
a leather straped white dress
long silvery leather boots
long silvery leather gloves
a nice, button-up flannel
a pair of dark blue, silvery jeans
a smug backpack
a few scraps of a shirt
a LittleShopOfHorrors packback
a black leather jacket
 --fighter quest
studded leather boxing gloves
a white t-shirt
a strong leather belt
 --carpenter quest
a nice, button-up shirt
a pair of nice pants
a gray bathrobe and karate belt
 --nimrod quest?
a silver mask with dark goggles
a pair of finely made silver wings
a glowing blue scabbard
 --mage quest
a pointy wide-brimmed hat
a long, purple scarf
a purple robe
 --monk quest
a kabuto shell-helmet mask
a pair of locking gauntlets
a pair of spiked knuckles
 a nifty wool blanket
a rad mountain cloak
a cloak of elven kind
a cloak of protection
a silver cloak of micro robotics
a hooded digital-camouflage cloak
an enormous tie-dyed backpack
a retrocopter backpack
a cloak of midnight dreams
a flowing saphire cape
a jet-black glowing backpack
a dark green camping backpack
a blurry gray cloak
an abyssal cloak of night
a brown cloak of temporis
a ball of writhing green ivy
  a dark gray necktie
a tiny toy lobster
a tiny toy octopus
an amulet of voice of destruction
a dwarven medallion
a shimmering talisman
a glowing red feather
a gemstone pendant
a talisman of swarming chaos
a medallion of infinite color
a mouse skull pendant
an ageless emerald amulet
a frozen red amulet
an iguana-skin amulet of trample
an amulet of the brick dragon
a dangly shark-tooth necklace
 a plain metalic ring
a marvelous diamond ring
a glowing silver ring
an obsidian ring
an oily brass ring
an opal ring-transmitter
a ring of domination
a ring of the mongoose
a golden ring of fire
an ivory skull ring
a corrugated winter ring
a smoldering ashen ring
a black liquid prism ring
a flowing holy prism ring
a magic ring of the manatee
an almandine ring of gore
  -- custom can save low end forge set
a pair of gray plate boots
a pair of gray plate gauntlets
a gray steel helmet
a sharv of gray platemail
a suit of gray platemail
a pair of rusty gauntlets
a rusty steel helmet
a sharv of rusty platemail
a suit of rusty platemail
a pair of rusty boots
a bright steel shield
a suit of bright steel platemail
a bright steel helmet
a pair of bright steel boots
a pair of blight steel gauntlets
a blight steel shield
a suit of blight steel platemail
a blight steel helmet
a pair of blight steel boots
a pair of bright steel gauntlets
 --non upgrade low end
a pair of blood red boots
a pair of blood red gauntlets
a helmet of blood red scalemail
a blood red scalemail sharv
a blood red scale breastplate
some blood red scalemail
a pair of deep blue boots
a pair of deep blue gauntlets
a helmet of deep blue scalemail
a deep blue scalemail sharv
a deep blue scale breastplate
some deep blue scalemail
 --can save mid custom
a pair of zenithian plate-boots
a pair of zenithian mittens
a zenithian plate-chain coif
a zenithian suit of flight
a pair of spectral plate-boots
a pair of spectral claw-gloves
a blizzard-spectral visor-helm
a spectral chain breastplate
a vibrant suit of mossy armor
a pair of mossy leather boots
a pair of mossy leather gloves
a vibrant moss covered helm
a harlequin helmet of passion
a light blue leotard
a pair of leather arm bracers
a tunic of spider-hide armor
a magnificent feathered sharv
a magnificent helm of feathers
a pair of feathered gauntlets
a suit of blackened platemail
 --non upgrade mid custom
a nickel carbide breastplate
a pair of nickel carbide boots
a pair of nickel carbide gloves
a winged helmet of nickel carbide
a thick nickel carbide sharv
a glistening pair of yellow boots
a glistening pair of yellow gauntlets
a glistening yellow ringmail coif
a glistening yellow steel shield
a glistening suit of yellow ringmail
 --can save top (macro for set) --a glass shortsword of boglight?
glass boots of boglight
glass gauntlets of boglight
a glass helmet of boglight
a glass sharv of boglight
glass platemail of boglight
 --non upgrade top
a pair of encrusted gauntlets
a pair of coral silk brogans
a patchwork coral silk trenchcoat
a polybius helm of insanity
an aged suit of weathered platemail
a blood soaked tabard
 --8 custom non upgrade ((tier1))
the Sultan's sandals
a pair of guantlets of haste
a ram-horned, bronze helm
a blue leather bikini
a frog-skin cargopants
a pair of stomping boots
a spiffy suit of plastic platemail
a pair of gauntlets of power
 --4 custom non-upgrade quest only
a pair of goggles of true sight --see disguise, not dark.
a suit of turtle fur armor
a full suit of dripping cloud armor
a humming pair of dolven bracers
 --2 custom belt(alt-pack)
scabbard(auto re-arm),
tabard.(or cloak to prevent weather)
a willpower battery of agility
a leather belt of multiple image
 --8 custom can save ((tier2))
a grand suit of rhodium-scalemail
a pair of brogans of crushing bane
a hooded gray jacket
a pair of boots of speed
a full suit of greenish platemail
a pair of combat boots
a flowing tattered gray robe
unstable gloves of magic net
 --4 custom non upgrade quest only
a helm of anti-knowing
a full suit of clockwork armor
a fat chemical helm of concrete
an absurdly gelatinous jumpsuit
 --2 custom belt(alt-pack)
a willpower battery of agility
a leather belt of multiple image
 --8 custom can save ((tier3))
a walrus skull of huge tusks
a heavy, leather and wool dreadnought
a dusty suit of rhino-hide
a bandolier of blades
a headed polarbear-skin coat
a pair of glowing bracers
a flickering mask of blue fire
a diabolic shark-skin jacket
 --4 custom full suits unlimited by location count, non upgrade
an ancient mantle of gold and lapis
a feathered mantle of burst magic
a sentinel suit of millennium barkskin      
a multi-layered moth-like fullsuit
 --6 custom top gear can save
a dark cyclopic eyeball mask
a tattered red robe
a full suit of nucleonium graviton di-phase zero-point quadrupole kinetic-electro reduction bodyarmor with inflatable arm-wings
a purple shawl of eyeballs
 --8 custom top gear non upgrade
a nightmarish winged shadow-suit
a pair of nightmare gauntlets
a piscine gladiator suit of wrath
a pair of segmented mirror boots
a black sharv of lightning
a leaf dragon armor trenchcoat
a pair of mud golem gauntlets
a pair of tarantula fang boots
    WIP item stuff
 a burned out torch
a large rock knife
a wooden longbow
a wooden fishing pole
 -- if mystic camp
a strong wooden sword
a long wooden staff
a thick obsidian dagger
a deformed obsidian axe
 -- if nomad camp
a gnarly tamahawk
an oak boomerang
an arrowhead-tip long-spear
a huge ancient rock-sword --normal turns to glass alloy?
     --there is discharge of electricity as sword breaks and repairs.
     --mystic and nomad have only 2 blunt swords in client.
a scroll of papyrus --mystic / barbarian
a scroll of parchment --mage / nomad scholar quest
a scroll of paper --monk / wizard
 --monk has forge tier option?
a serrated shuriken
a shiny pair of sai
a pair of bagh nakh
a steely nunchaku
an honorable katana
an enormous scimitar
 --if only forge
an iron pryingbar
an iron longsword
an iron battleaxe
an ornate iron shield
a bronze buckler
a bronze shortsword
a double-edge dagger
an ornate gothic katar
a pair of toothy sickles
 --if upgrade
a length of chain
a hooked tip knife
a military knife
a mighty shortsword
a bastard longsword
an ornate rapier
a humongous falchion
a spiked morning star
a long chain meteor hammer
a grand ball meteor hammer
an old-fashioned warhammer
an old-fashioned guisarme-voulge
a mean flanged mace
a long sturdy infantry pike
a spike-edged buckler
a spiked knuckle duster
 --if upgrade wood
a bladed feather-tip staff
a full-atomatic cross-bow
a wooden pole shovel
a long wooden pickaxe
a wood-handle rifle
a wood-handle shotgun
an old-fashioned musket
a magnificent wooden bow
an armor-plated oak longbow
 --if upgrade quest?
a red-steel cestus
a red-steel shield
a blue-steel shield
a blue-steel trident
an emrald-steel axe
a blackened shortsword
a beige-steel mace
a silvery pocket knife
a huge silvery longsword
 --if crystal forge
a long crystal-claw staff
a crytal-platnum shuriken
a transforming ball
a crystal-platinum revolver
a crystal-platinum device
a MASSIVE platinum boomerang
a liquid-platinum dagger
a dwarvenkind big-axe
an elven crescent-knife
 an irregularly cut two-by-four
a grand spiritual hammer
an energy assault rifle
an energy pistol
a mechanical arm-watergun gauntlet
a mechanical arm-chainsaw gauntlet
     -- Believe it or not, this chainsaw is designed for digging. Look out.
a huge and broken off chunk of concrete
a mountainous massive chunk of rock
a half-hilted gray-steel panzerstecher
a razor-sharp pair of xiphos and kopis
an enormous bionic-meat greatsword
an invincible shadow-iron backsword
 a walkmore cimeter sword
a tactical mithril mirror shield
a big whirling eagle shield
a chicken paralyzed in fear
a large rusty shield
a mighty steel shield
an organic atomic pistol
 --custom low end
a large ebony club
a black iron baton
a well-pollished axe
a well-pollished shotgun
a glistening sabre
a glistening knife
a serreated mountain sword
a coloidial-silver dagger
a hydraluminum vacume-cleaner
a quivering vine-whip of speed
an angelic flanged mace
a big shield with a birdwing
a long egregious sceptre claw
a leather daedric whip
a geometric cereamic shield
a geometric cereamic cestus
a crimson dagger --cereamic
a cobalt cutlass --cereamic
a golden-resin broadsword
a hefty indigo club
a weapons grade umbrella
a flail made of skulls
a long, mystical staff
a shiny white oak staff
an emerald stilletto
a grizzly red whip
a brass hatchet-sword
a sleek shadow-sabre
a bishop-flail of red iron
a big vibrating claymore
 --custom low end no save or upgrade
a sky-splitter broadsword
a Sword of Poop
a fairy shuriken
a plastic umbrella
a plague-steel dirk
 --custom save and upgrade
a gnarald wormwood staff
a pair of claws of wickedness
an iron mace of spitfire
a barnacle encrusted harpoon
a nasty rust covered pike
a flaming spike morning star
an alien ray gun
a bulbous red scepter
a bulbous emerald mace
an undead oak wand
a horrific shadow-axe
a hammer of monstrosity
a salamander-glass falchion
a thorny wormwood cestus
a hefty shield of shadow
an obsidian magma axe
a wild unstable vine-sword
a narly oak longbow
a strange pinkish axe
a brutal shortsword
an ivory birdfish nunchaku
a thick dinosaur bone shield
a fungusy verdant cudgel
a blackened chain-sword
a drooling acid claw
a funky purple claw
a ghosty pale dagger
a dusty sledgehammer
a giant rubber mallot
a massive anchor and chain
a poison dagger of hydraluminum
 --custom no save or upgrade
Flint's axe, Skyler
a massive whale bone
a translucent tamahawk
a staff of many paths
a shifting blob of z-thrity
a sword of green snakes
a controlled explosion device
a wicked sprectral kris
an ancient sprectral sword
a transdemensional pencil
a finely made mithril sabre
a fantastic golden scimitar
 a heartfind hammer
a hulky coagulated corrupted carnage claw
a small dull dagger
a very angry battle axe
a blazing flame longsword
a big round mossy shield
 --more custom (can't save or upgrade, not as good).
a Wyrmslayer's blade of Kir-Threen
a Mageslayer's glaive of the Whale
a Narpas Sword arm-cannon
a megaton hammer of Hephaestus
a magnificent, vorpal sword
a thick gray sword of undead bone
a holy diseased frozen bastard sword
a poison holy magma crossbow
 --more custom (can save and upgrade)
a thick giant hairy longsword
an ugly apocalyptic greatsword
a windy astral-flaming trident
a nightmare bow of doom -- folds shadow to transform sword"
a fearsome arc wielding halberd
an unholy bone gladius of knocking
 --custom best (can't upgrade, good as best)
Godzilla, claymore of maelstrom
a hicupping hatchet, Dreamvenom
Cursebreaker, hammer of eaons
Lazeraus, blade of apocalypse
 ----client stored (no save) quest items if need be or mainquest drop?
a flaming topaz broadsword
a gleaming, frozen claymore
a big fookin poison axe
a misty and chaotic sythe
a bow of fey magic
a godma juggernaut war-hammer
a five-headed dragon axe-sword
a smokey grand meteor hammer
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otterapps · 2 years
Someone keeps changing my password and locking me out of [email protected]. Tried contacting support but no matter what i said i recieved the same auto response 4 or 5 times. Went to bungi in seattle recently with a proposal for hippoglyph but it was taken over by Venture construction. Ill post a doc of the game tomorrow and maybe give up. Good enough game to steal? You should say ruin.
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otterapps · 3 years
Hippoglyph is a platform for text gaming. The power of language in an interactive platform can be pretty amazing to emerse yourself in. You can't have the same experience with a movie that you can with a book, and interactive imagination is state-of-the-art. The character system is extensive with abilities for exploring user created worlds with.
Included is an editor for creating content. Players can create their own story and worlds using a standard for call outs and functions, and playing the game you'll have the opportunity to explore an unlimited universe of creative content while progressing with the same character. The result making art easy while retaining a solid, universal game mechanic.
If you want a waterfall with destructible platforms for a boss fight you'd practically only need to describe it. I was a huge fan of text based MUDs back in the day, and feel that they’re very underrated now, missing a blockbuster entry for language entertainment. I hope this project can breathe life into that, an adventure so real it might as well be a dream.
A prototype for the client and default adventure planet is available, programmed in Director MX with peer to peer networking. You'd have to faness your router to play with anyone and the client is a rough draft. The project goal now is to colaborate with someone who knows a bit more about network security and maybe the industry. I'm confident that a javascript / php model will work alright, if nothing better does.
Thanks for checking this out. Feel free to download the current demo here, or contact me by carrier pigeon. You throw a ball of transmutational dna on the ground. Shafts of light erupt from the ball and quickly grow phase waves of colorful matter. The struggling form of Ted is created and solidifies. Ted says, "Hello!"
0 notes
otterapps · 3 years
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Demo App for Hippoglyph: Any play testing or feedback would be awesome. This version of the demo was actually a previous version. I lost a lot of work along with a flash drive. Some minor bugs, such as command teleports which don't check if you're a ghost, and a few monsters missing description are back. The whole game is due for an overhaul as well as porting to a newer technology. Play testing and suggestions are still very appreciated. Thanks a ton.
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