outism-odyssey · 6 months
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Her handsome hag swag has left all my clothes on the floor
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outism-odyssey · 6 months
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i'm going to blow myself up
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outism-odyssey · 6 months
I fucking love these videos
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outism-odyssey · 6 months
you wake up in the dead of night and she's sorting your balls alphabetically
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outism-odyssey · 6 months
ended up in thaleia with a couple of moby dick RPers
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unfortunately, the fight with llymlaen did not contain any whales
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unbeknownst to captain ahab, between battles i quickly edited my usual party greeting macro to work for alliance chat
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videogames are good actually im going to be giggling about this all night
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outism-odyssey · 7 months
Farmwatch ID
Their is something funny about the Fandom playing Detective and arguing on who is the best Candidate for the Farmwatch ID, only for PM to not make one at all.
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outism-odyssey · 8 months
My stomach hurts I was wondering what would be Outis and Penelope's ship name be called and the first thing that came into my mind was "penis" and I doubled over wheezing why am I like this
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outism-odyssey · 8 months
Mobydick Ishmael was an oarsman and not a harpooner. So, would this mean that the one our lcb Ishmael uses in her base ego can be very likely Queequeg's?
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outism-odyssey · 8 months
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rereading the odyssey again and. well. they sure do keep mentioning that one detail about odysseus.
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outism-odyssey · 8 months
Oh shit right, I have this blog! Swear Ill post things again eventually
In the meantime, crackpot 2am theory: the sinners EGOs seem different than EGOs that are fully manifested. They only last a few moments, aren't as strong as, say, Farmwatch Dongrang or Spicebush Donbaek are, and using these EGOs messes with their sanity.
What if that's because sinners are only manifesting these EGOs through the light from the boughs, rather than manifesting it on their own like others do?
Being exposed to the light made the reverb ensemble distort, perhaps the sinners also have to actively fight that with each ego use?
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outism-odyssey · 10 months
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outis :)
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outism-odyssey · 10 months
Context on Project Moon discourse
I did some digging and watched some internet slapfights between Korean users, and collected as much context as humanly possible, trying to avoid hearsay where I can:
Misogynistic dudes start complaining about how sexless and non-waifu-female-heavy the game is, feeling the skimpy Sinclair outfit with the thotty little collar VS the fully covered Ishmael outfit is pointed feminist jeering (a law Hawkeye Initiative). Korean anti-feminists are really sensitive to pointed feminist jeering. More on that in a bit
Upon learning the identity artist is male, they trawl the rest of the staff to prove their stupid-ass theory.
They latch onto the lead CG artist, who has tweeted about feminism before.
Project Moon receives countless threats and people marching on their office IRL demanding to speak to the CEO.
The resulting hate campaign leads to Project Moon firing the lead artist for violation of contract; it was specifically requested by the company that all users delete political statements and controversial topics before joining, and the tweets the incels are using seem to prove that the worst case scenario for not adhering to the request has come to pass.
The thing is, she did delete the tweets.
This user has screencapped incels scrambling to justify their belief the game is for man-haters, including a statement that he had dug up deleted tweets. These are old records.
These are the retweets, all made before joining the company (but again, the policy was that the tweets like this should be scrubbed). Most of them are just being catty. The most extreme statements are a scathing satire even a child could understand, and some general feminist sentiments which are not incendiary in any way. It seems they were screencapped to cement a pattern of passionate feelings on feminism.
In Korea, feminism is considered a wedge issue, which means basic activism becomes extremely politically charged. Think of it like how trans issues are being treated in America at the moment, or how "Critical Race Theory" was a wedge issue like 2 years ago. Nevertheless, the most hateful statements in these tweets are not "feminist", but rather annoyance at misogyny, and pretty obviously jokes.
The tweet that the incels are latching onto here states "if being a feminist makes me Megalia, I am Megalia. If being against patriarchy makes me anti-social, I am anti-social". Megalia was a scumbag leftist radfem group originating from Korea's 4chan (anonymous messageboards). It was bad enough that banning gay slurs created a splinter group. Megalia was well-known for mirroring misogynistic behaviours back onto men. They were reviled. An actress lost her job for wearing a T-shirt this group sold, even though the funds were going to supporting women seeking legal actions. Association with Megalia was reputation poison.
Notice I refer to them in the past tense, because Megalia shut down in 2017. The tweet was in 2018. You could not get any more obvious that the statement being made was "you can insult me by calling me Megalia, but I still believe in feminism". There is no association with this incendiary group.
Incels "supported" their argument with an image of Yi Sang holding a vial in basically one of the only 2 ways you can hold a vial, calling it a reference to 🤏, an emoji used as the Megalia logo interpreted to mean "men have small penises". This insane interpretation is being used to cement the whole company as misandrist.
Therefore: Project Moon fired their lead artist even though she didn't violate her contract because insane incels did a "how dare you say we piss on the poor" bad faith misinterpretation of deleted tweets in order to justify their belief that Project Moon is a man-hating company, and as a man-hating company deserves to be annihilated, leading to threats to staff.
The artist for Leviathan later stated that Project Moon pushed the comic forward with no buffer, and when the schedule became unbearable, they just cancelled it. They were told there was an issue with production (supported by the fact the company dropped the translation in favour of focusing on the game), but this news has made the artist pessimistic about the company's treatment of their art team.
Here's the artist Vellmori's twitter if you would like to support them through this period.
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outism-odyssey · 10 months
I woke up like an hour ago and this hour was fucking horrible. I feel so betrayed, even understanding that it's stupid and I shouldn't have trusted a big company on the first place. But still it hurts.
I still have naive hopes that they rethink their decision and do something else, but it's hard to be optimistic. Not sure if I continue even to play right now, with them, now seems capable to change everything on a whim of fucking incels.
Well at least I'll finish reading Wuthering Heights, it turned out to be way more interesting than Moby Dick
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outism-odyssey · 10 months
I found what I personally believe to be the best summary of what is going on with PM with everything we currently know
Here is a link to the tweet but I will be posting the images here anyways for ease of use
Please note that even with this we don’t know the full story. No one is stopping you from being hurt and justifiably angry with PM. But spreading misinformation is not going to help anyone.
Also please and I can’t stress this enough. Read this carefully. Way too much misinformation is caused by lack of proper reading comprehension.
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If any of this turns out to be false please DM me and I will take it down. Just figured people could use an explanation before too many narratives gets spun around.
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outism-odyssey · 10 months
To talk about Outis' sinister suspicious evil-advisor-scheming lookin ass smirk, what if she just. smiles like that normally. It's a family thing.
One of sinners manage to catch a glimpse at the pocket watch she keeps around and they see inside a weathered, crinkled but well-loved photo from two decades ago of her smiling menacingly at the camera, holding her year-old son Telemachus and. good god above he has his mother's smile. This is not a positive thing. (At least, to the sinner's perspective.)
And bonus if Penelope also has it. Their wedding day photos looks as if they successfully plotted a mass murder and they're really damn happy about it.
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outism-odyssey · 10 months
Someone in our PJM server pointed out how the hospital themed abnormalities you can encounter in the mirror dungeon are all named specifically after Greek mythological creatures, and was wondering if that may connect them to Outis.
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(in order, Nymph, Centaur, and Hydra)
Then we realized. Outis has a symbol of caduceus on her uniform in To Páthos Máthos, as well as shadow of it cast over her cell in the art for it.
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From Wikipedia; "The caduceus is the traditional symbol of Hermes and features two snakes winding around an often winged staff. It is often used as a symbol of medicine, [...] despite its ancient and consistent associations with trade, liars, thieves, eloquence, negotiation, alchemy, and wisdom."
Even if they aren't using the staff to denote that Outis was at one point medical personnel, its worth noting that in the Odyssey, Hermes assists Odysseus multiple times.
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outism-odyssey · 10 months
okay this is a little deranged but hear me out for a sec
Athena’s a pretty important character in The Odyssey, yeah? I’ve never read The Iliad so I can’t say anything about that but she definitely pulls lots of godly things in The Odyssey
I think that an Athena does exist in The City, and that she'll be part of Demian's squad. Why?
Athena is to Outis as Demian is to Sinclair.
shit Demian does:
recognizes and favors specific people with potential
shows up spontaneously at unusual times to give advice of varying helpfulness or to act as a deus ex machina (and this is a major stretch, but the deus ex machina did originate in greek theater...)
is such an enigma that characters can't tell whether he's human or... some higher power
And that's all stuff Athena does to make sure her most favorite mortal and his family make it through the events of The Odyssey! She (actively) interferes with everything way more than any other god
Now, we don't even know what Demian's doing, nor what kind of allies he'd have, but look I love The Odyssey and I love Athena and Outis's chapter is a long ways off so this is how I'm coping
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