owo-goddess-uwu · 7 hours
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This “feel-good story” video is spreading misinformation for clicks and is DANGEROUS for seals. Most people aren’t familiar enough with safe seal interaction and their care to realize the captions are not only blatant lies but encourage behavior that will get seals hurt and killed! It’s more dangerous than the other problematic videos of people inappropriately interacting with seals because it falsely claims to be a credible source on proper seal care & interaction. This was likely done to keep people from questioning if the behavior was safe because “If an authority did it, I’ll trust their judgement.” In reality it shows just about everything you shouldn’t do to a baby seal and there’s a fair chance this seal may have died because of it. 
When you see this video posted on media sharing sites please report it for misinformation, and animal endangerment.
Feel free to link back to or quote this post to combat the misinformation.  First I’m going to go over the video and explain what parts are obvious lies so you know what I’m telling you is credible. Then I’m going to tell you why this video is creating misinformation that’s very dangerous to seals.
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Field scientists and seals rescue centers are two different things.(1*) The video does not show any actual rehabilitation.(2*) The seal in the video isn’t emaciated and doesn’t require rescue.(3*) Seal rehabilitation takes months, not 3 days.(4*) Contact between the seal and humans isn’t being minimized.(5*) The behavior shown is dangerous for multiple health & safety reasons. (6*)  Seal rescuers don’t use dogs as therapy animals for seals(7*).  Each section has been explained in greater detail if you expand this post.
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If people see this video and believe it is a credible source they will think this is acceptable and safe interaction with a seal, when it is not. Just approaching and petting a friendly baby seal can mark it for death. You won’t see the slow painful suffering of starvation you caused when you approached the seal pup still too young to eat anything but the milk of its mother. The mother who you didn’t see, but she saw you and fled, abandoning her pup which will now starve to death needlessly because you wanted to pet it and take a selfie. Hundreds of pups die needlessly every year already because people keep doing this!  Playing with a seal isn’t safe for you, your pet, or the seal. Even a baby seal can slice your hand open and cause severe bleeding that requires stitches. I’ve seen it happen to rescue workers.   While some dogs are friendly, all dogs carry bacteria in their mouths that is normal for dogs but cause serious illness and even death if other animals are exposed to it. Dogs are also capable of having their own thoughts and behaving unexpectedly; your dog is not an extension of you under your complete control. They can and do bite and attack, especially other animals.  Seals don’t understand “sometimes”. So if they are taught humans and dogs are friendly, they think all are friendly. When they go up to the wrong person or dog they’ll be attacked with a chance of being severely injured or killed- many people find abusing seals fun, and plenty of video evidence of it happening regularly. The most easy to find evidence I have on hand are the sea lions who are abused, and injured (sometimes to the point of death) on a daily basis at La Jolla. Trampling, injury, and stillbirths are the norm due to humans being careless- either for a selfie, their own amusement because they “paid for this vacation so they are going to hold that sea lion!” or other intentional maliciousness. (See either my prior post here https://bit.ly/SlushyLaJolla or this blog that posts videos of the abuse almost daily https://bit.ly/DailyLaJollaSealVideos ) And that’s just what we see due to the diligent efforts of one person’s reporting. People will act like people everywhere especially when no other people are there to witness it, the only way to keep seals safe from them is to let seals believe all humans are dangerous and to avoid them, not socialize with them. Seals that learn they can get food from humans are sometimes classified as pests by authorities and often get put down. Seals that go to fishermen for food get shot- you won’t usually see videos of that side of it posted to social media for obvious reasons, but it happens regularly. 
If the person who made this for attention actually cares about seals? Do the right thing and make a video telling the truth. You misrepresented animal rescues. You are endangering what you claim to save. If there is an ounce of decency in you, set the record straight; you don’t actually represent any scientists or rescue, admit you made a mistake and did something wrong, and that your original video is a lie.
Keep reading
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owo-goddess-uwu · 12 hours
me trying to keep a straight and polite face every time the queer people around me start shitting on neopronouns, knowing damn well i have a set of neopronouns
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owo-goddess-uwu · 15 hours
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Wonder how long before the Israeli media tries to claim that these folks were affiliated with Hamas.
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owo-goddess-uwu · 22 hours
good morning, remember that when you're doing pride solidarity stuff on tumblr that You and Your Friends and Your Supporters are simply using tumblr as your platform. do not ever give credit to tumblr itself. down to its core, its foundation, its ceo and its staff, tumblr is a irrevocably transphobic platform that routinely shuts down transgender people and hits them with undue censorship at every opportunity. this is the site whose ceo personally perma banned a trans woman, leaked all of her sideblogs and chased her to twitter to continue harassing her. do not fall for the vivian celebration posting, it's all a smokescreen. it's all corporate damage control. don't buy it for a second. stop buying badges and paying for blazes.
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owo-goddess-uwu · 23 hours
Tumblr will be like “we got your report of you being mass spammed by transphobic asks! Teehee we are working as quickly as possible to address this!” and then it takes 4 weeks for them to even respond with “ermm we didn’t find any community guideline violations in this person calling you a tranny and misgendering you!”
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owo-goddess-uwu · 1 day
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hey guys please give what you can https://ko-fi.com/emilygwen
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owo-goddess-uwu · 1 day
do not forget the patron saint of these weeks that we celebrate ourselves proudly and openly in the streets
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her name was Marsha P Johnson, and we have her to thank for so much.
remember, the first Pride was a riot, and she was one of the brave souls who endured it to help carve the path which so many of us walk today. she helped found several activist groups regarding LGBT safety and wellbeing. and she was absolutely radiant, too.
thank you, Marsha. we remember you.
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owo-goddess-uwu · 1 day
Before Tumblr rolls in its Pride update remember what it's doing to transfem blogs
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owo-goddess-uwu · 2 days
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owo-goddess-uwu · 2 days
Nightmare Kart:🏁OUT NOW FOR FREE🏁
🏎️Zoom through gothic city streets in this combat kart racer!
💉Full campaign mode complete w boss fights! 🕵️21 Racers! 🏍️13 Karts! 🏁15 Tracks! ⚔️Split Screen Multiplayer!
⬇️DOWNLOAD HERE⬇️ Steam (once the game is out of build review jail 🙃) Itchio
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owo-goddess-uwu · 3 days
everyone knows that the last person you should ask about the experiences of trans women is a trans woman. they're all biased & can't be trusted
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owo-goddess-uwu · 3 days
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owo-goddess-uwu · 3 days
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owo-goddess-uwu · 3 days
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(both plushies dont exist irl, lets hope one day they can be created. if you wanna support tho, commissions are open)
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owo-goddess-uwu · 3 days
whatever man, you're a fake creator. you're not playing spore, you're playing something else entirely
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i made this anon in spore [2008]
next time show your face
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owo-goddess-uwu · 3 days
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Hello! I am opening commissions for Palestine. Donate to any of these charities (PCRF, Heal Palestine, ESims for Gaza, Operation Olive Branch), send me the receipt, and I'll make you a drawing.
I specialize in character portraits, happy to draw your OCs, DND characters, or favorite characters!
$5 - sketch
$15 - sketch + shading + simple background
$30 - painting
$50 - paining + background
0/5 slots filled
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owo-goddess-uwu · 3 days
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Palestinian father Fadi Al-Sharif is trying to help his family escape from Gaza.
They're raising $62,500 to evacuate 11 people. This includes Fadi's 9-month old baby, his parents, and his wife.
Today, they are almost halfway to their goal.
Let's get them all the way.
Will you help?
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