pacisparrae · 4 hours
I think that it’s important, as consumers, to avoid letting the visual and mechanical shorthand language of video games color our reactions to real situations involving real people, as much of that shorthand can reflect and reinforce the destructive knee-jerk prejudice of the culture that produced it. As an example, let’s take Fallout. When you’re dungeoneering in Fallout and you come across a space where there are flayed, mutilated corpses strung up all over the place, that’s the developer using visual shorthand to frictionlessly inform you, without breaking the loop of play, that you have the moral high ground over whoever lives here, and thus moral license to kill them and take their things. But in real life, when you go over someone’s house and they’ve got flayed and mutilated corpses strung up all over the place? I mean, maybe that’s from the last tenant. Maybe they have a roommate. Maybe they were all just jerks. I mean you literally just got here, you don’t know, you gotta let this play out for a minute
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pacisparrae · 4 hours
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ahdjakak oh my GOD!!
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pacisparrae · 4 hours
‘there’s no platonic explanation for this’
buddy you wouldn’t believe what kind of platonic explanations im capable of
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pacisparrae · 7 hours
you ever have a good time laughing with your friends and think this is it. this is actually the point of it all
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pacisparrae · 7 hours
controversial opinion, but characters are so much more interesting when you are able to forget about shipping them for a moment and actually appreciate their unrelated personal plot/arc. if the most interesting thing you can think of about a character is the ship you like them with, then I don't think you actually like that character very much
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pacisparrae · 11 hours
Me Giving a Pressed Conference: our advocacy for the disabled must include the addict, the imperfect victim, those we despise; the right to autonomy and life cannot devolve into a popularity contest
Reporter I Hate (Not Sexual Tension): Does that include all the attendees of the Bored Ape NFT event who went blind
Me: *Blood streaming from my nostrils and eyes* david, it includes everyone
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pacisparrae · 11 hours
Where's that post that's like "I can't buy expensive things like plane tickets on my phone, I have to use my laptop, big purchases are for the big screen"
Because apparently this is a literal actual thing that retailers hate cuz you think more before spending a lot of money, they want you to spend a lot without thinking about it so much
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Keep buying Big Things on the Big Screen, it's healthy for you financially to think before spending a lot of money!
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pacisparrae · 13 hours
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Once I’ve finished pondering my orb I begin orbiting my pond
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pacisparrae · 13 hours
I have been ignoring my Father's calls. I already know what he is calling to yell at me for. If he did not want me to defecate on his doorstep he should not have forced me to grow up in Bucephalus' shadow. You prefer your horse son? Well now I shit on the ground. Much like a horse. Do you like me now, Father?
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pacisparrae · 20 hours
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pacisparrae · 20 hours
i simply need everyone to understand that i am tired all of the time. literally at all moments. if i ever go somewhere and do something, it is not because i am somehow full of energy, but instead that i have carefully stored up all of my little bits of energy like a dragon collecting jewels, and am now vaporizing them all at once
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pacisparrae · 21 hours
happy pride month to one of my favorite straight guys. like top ten at least
Being top ten straight guy to the gays:
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pacisparrae · 21 hours
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pacisparrae · 21 hours
All this time... we thought we were queer... turns out this is where the queerbaiting began...
I was cleaning up my bookmarks and I stumbled into my favorite homophobic "are you gay" poll that I found in an ad once
This 6 question poll is obviously the most accurate way to tell whether or not you're gay. Everyone here must take it immediately.
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pacisparrae · 21 hours
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pacisparrae · 22 hours
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You can now die to TRANSGENDER bullets
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pacisparrae · 23 hours
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I have something to tell you too....
I was cleaning up my bookmarks and I stumbled into my favorite homophobic "are you gay" poll that I found in an ad once
This 6 question poll is obviously the most accurate way to tell whether or not you're gay. Everyone here must take it immediately.
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