pattonist · 4 years
Dream Ballet: The Perfect Pokérap
So in case you missed all my other posts, I contributed to the @1yearofbdglosinghismind zine and it was a lot of fun. I did a bunch of art for it, but my absolute favourite was the Dream Ballet rotoscope. IT’S 250 FRAMES OF ANIMATION MY DUDES. 
If you like this art, you’ll definitely love the zine (links in the notes coz tumblr hates links)! 
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pattonist · 4 years
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An alignment chart for White Guys with Chaotic Enegy
This is 100% scientifically accurate I would know I’m a scientist
(Feel free to add any on)
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pattonist · 4 years
my sense of humor is just deranged english majors in suits
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pattonist · 4 years
since my health leave from school I've been working on my painting and I'm really proud of how it's getting better!
@fandommess-x2 better do it!!
everytime you see this post you gotta compliment yourself!!!!!!!! at least once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha
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pattonist · 4 years
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Doctor Who Season 4 but it’s Buzzfeed Unsolved
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pattonist · 4 years
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i apologise in advance
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pattonist · 4 years
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Cinderella’s dress, shoes, and hairband change color with your blog!!
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pattonist · 4 years
waving through a window (noah galvin) - dear evan hansen
audio is not mine
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pattonist · 4 years
WELCOME FOLKS…. to the first chapter of my kravitz-lup friendship fic. jump on this train with me
summary:  “Taako,” Hurley asks, “where’s your magic umbrella?” Taako looks behind him. He had tossed the Umbrastaff in the path of a neighboring vehicle, which was beginning to catch up to them. He sees them now, far in the distance, and he sees his Umbrastaff, too, lying dangerously close to its wheels. As if on cue, he watches the tires crush it to pieces. “Whoops,” he says. - Lup is trapped. And then she isn’t. — In which Taako breaks his umbrella during the Petals to the Metal race, unknowingly freeing Lup, who is almost immediately captured by Kravitz. After becoming a member of the Raven Queen’s retinue with Kravitz as her trainer, she has two missions: 1) find her family, and 2) ruin Kravitz’s afterlife. A story about enemies becoming friends and lost families finding their way back to one another. * im going to gauge interest with the first couple chapters, so please leave a comment, some kudos, or give me a reblog if you’d like to see more!
a lil sample for you:
Taako wants his fucking gold already.
Nowhere in his job description does it say he’s obligated to enter a battlewagon race in order to recover some scrap of glorified cloth that the Bureau calls a relic. And yet, here he is, rapidly running out of spell slots trying to defend himself from racers on a murderous rampage. He’s so sick of this.
Hurley speeds up, but the metal boar chasing them is faster. Before it gets too close for comfort, Taako turns around, carefully crawls on top of the seat, and points his Umbrastaff at it, preparing to cast Fireball.
And then Hurley slams on the brakes.
Taako is yanked backwards by his harness and slams into the windshield. The Umbrastaff flies out of his hands and onto the ground below.
“Hurley, what the fuck?” he yells as she begins to reaccelerate, attempting to gain on their opponents.
“We were about to hit Merle!” she replies over the howling of the wind. “He rode that phantom binicorn thing in our way!”
“Then run over him!” Taako shouts. “He has the hit points!”
Hurley opens her mouth to respond, but then closes it upon glancing at Taako’s empty hands. “Taako,” she asks, “where’s your magic umbrella?”
Taako looks behind him.
He had tossed the Umbrastaff in the path of a neighboring vehicle, which was beginning to catch up to them. He sees them now, far in the distance, and he sees his Umbrastaff, too, lying dangerously close to its wheels. As if on cue, he watches the tires crush it to pieces. He almost feels it snapping, almost hears the faint crack it makes underneath the weight of the battlewagon despite the roar of the engines and the hollering of the racers around him. Before long, the umbrella’s remains disappear behind a curve and Hurley has reached her preferred speed of 197 miles per hour.
“Whoops,” he says.
Lup is trapped.
And then she isn’t.
read the rest on ao3!
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pattonist · 4 years
Writing a first novel takes so much effort, with such little promise of result or reward, that it must necessarily be a labor of love bordering on madness.
Steven Saylor
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pattonist · 4 years
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this is the text of good fortune, reblog in 60 seconds and $1200 will spontaneously materialize in your bank account🙏🙌💪🏻😤
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pattonist · 4 years
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pattonist · 5 years
hey you guys know what’s shitty!!!!
my ace/lesbian friend went to a pride festival today!!! im super happy for her!!!
the shitty part is that she left an hour in because she was scared of getting punched. for carrying an ace flag. at pride.
someone threatened her. at pride. because she was ace.
i dont wanna dabble in ~discourse~ but hey!!! maybe don’t make people scared of the community that should make them feel safe!!!! thats my hot take!!!!
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pattonist · 5 years
when people ask where you see yourself in 10 years
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pattonist · 5 years
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pattonist · 5 years
pre-t trans guys be like…
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pattonist · 5 years
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some people on insta said i should post my workout routine since i mentioned how im so happy with the results, so here’s my little workout guide for my fellow trans folk! I focused on getting a more masculine body because obviously that’s what I want. I’m so happy with the results, this workout is saving my fucking life!!!! I can’t get on T soon so this has really been keeping my dysphoria in check. I barely get body dysphoria, i love how my clothes looks on me, i love feeling confident for once in my life!!! HOWEVER Don’t go overboard with working out my friends. Do not work out in a binder, you MUST take days off to let your muscles heal, and you CAN’T starve yourself! Fitness is all about health and diet! Take care of yourself. This is also MY workout routine, you may not get the same results as I have! Every body is different. 
EDIT: ahh I really didn’t expect this thing to blow up….A few people have brought it to my attention that some of the nutrition here could be wrong/not work for everyone. I apologize if I caused any harm. I think I stressed enough that you shouldn’t starve yourself to lose weight. That’s very dangerous, and if you’re prone to such habits I suggest don’t count calories, etc, and just make sure your diet is very nutritious. I just provided a way to lose weight that my doctor told me about. You don’t need to lose weight if you don’t want to. Obviously if you’re already thin there’s no need to make a goal to lose weight; that’s dangerous. Also, some of this may or may not be helpful depending on your body type. I was underweight before working out so I have no idea how it would affect someone overweight! Please don’t hold this post to such a high standard; this was just my own routine and things I do to stay in shape, I obviously can’t cater to everyone. I literally didn’t expect this post to blow up like it did, this was literally just for a few people. Sorry for any harm it caused!
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