paula-in-dreamland · 13 hours
You're literally gay??? And it's pride month??? And Israel's our only safe haven in that region???
There's no pride in genocide
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paula-in-dreamland · 13 hours
Since it's pride month I'm going to say. Can we stop making fun of adults who don't have sex. Not even particularly asexuals, just general people who don't like sex personally or don't want to have it for whatever reason. It's just not great to portray people who don't have sex as weird losers or naive little kids or whatever, even as a joke
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paula-in-dreamland · 13 hours
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paula-in-dreamland · 13 hours
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paula-in-dreamland · 13 hours
I think some people forget that some literature and some media is meant to be deeply uncomfortable and unsettling. It's meant to make you have a very visceral reaction to it. If you genuinely can't handle these stories then you are under no obligation to consume them but acting as if they have no purpose or as if people don't have a right to tell these stories, stories that often relate to the darkest or most disturbing parts of life, then you should do some introspection.
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paula-in-dreamland · 13 hours
task manager kill this man
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paula-in-dreamland · 13 hours
If you have Spotify reblog this and tag what your number one song on your “on repeat” playlist is.
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paula-in-dreamland · 15 hours
wait ok now i’m curious how old were you when you joined tumblr and how old are you now
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paula-in-dreamland · 15 hours
Suzanne Collins really has the protocol down. On average twice a decade she writes a press release that's like "in one year there will be a new book and in two years there will be a movie based on said book. Here is the one philosopher I'll be referencing, and here is what upset me this time on the news enough to write another book. Enjoy!" and then she collects her millions, drops another banger, and doesn't go on twitter ever
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paula-in-dreamland · 15 hours
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A lucky capybara has given you a blessing! ✨ May it last the whole year and more!
Chibird store | Positive pin club | Instagram
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paula-in-dreamland · 15 hours
Instead of apologizing for liking "trashy" media, consider: what is it doing well? If you like it, if it's making you feel pleasure and interest, then it must be succeeding at something. Is it shaping a set of emotional beats that you find satisfying to watch play out? Did it craft a character you find really compelling? Is something in the styling and aesthetics speaking to you? Did it unexpectedly resonate with a mood or experience you needed to see reflected right then?
However shallow or flawed a piece of media is, if you like it, it's because of something it did well - at least well enough to affect you, on the day that you encountered it.
There are a lot of good reasons to acknowledge this. One is about gratitude and manners: someone worked hard on that thing, and if they provided something that gave you happiness and pleasure, it's nice to honor that. Another is about breaking down the insidious habit of sorting everything into simple good/bad boxes. A piece of media, like a person, can do a lot of things wrong and a lot of things right, and the things on one side do not magically erase the other.
But the most important reason, I believe, is to get in the habit of celebrating what brings you pleasure and happiness. All your life there have been and there will be people telling you that you find joy in the wrong things, that if a particular thing makes you feel good it shows that there's something wrong with you. I reject that utterly. If a particular thing makes you feel good then there's something right, about you and about that thing. I'm not saying that pleasure is the only important thing or that every pleasure should be indulged indiscriminately. All I'm saying is that pleasure is in and of itself a good thing, and deserves notice.
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paula-in-dreamland · 16 hours
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darkness exists / to make light truly count
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paula-in-dreamland · 16 hours
When reading fanfic keep in mind that for professional literature: 
Short story: under 7,500
Novelette: between 7,500 and 17,500
Novella: between 17,500 and 40,000
Novel: over 40,000
Fics over 40k are literally a novel written and shared for free.  If you have written a 40k+ fic, you have literally written a novel.
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paula-in-dreamland · 16 hours
how to fix grainy gifs
you won’t 100% but this helps a little 💕
idk how many of you are using this already but hopefully it will help someone out when saving gifs. but basically in this tutorial kinda thing i’ll try to explain how to play around with your colour palette to have your choice of 256 colours bc PS can be a b*tch. 
Keep reading
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paula-in-dreamland · 16 hours
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Addams Family Values (1993) dir. Barry Sonnenfeld
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paula-in-dreamland · 16 hours
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paula-in-dreamland · 18 hours
using this tumblr note counter
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