pavorazzi · 8 years
What is Pavo Post?
Summer at Pavo HQ has been wonderfully productive and we are very excited to introduce you to our newest program, Pavo Post. Have you always been interested in trying a Pavo, but weren’t quite sure where to start?  Did you just hear about Pavo and are eager to try wrapping with one of our wraps?  Already own a Pavo, but have always wanted to try something with different wrapping qualities?  Then Pavo Post is for you! Pavo Post is a program where we will be randomly surprising people with wraps to try*, based on their personal preferences.  Having experience with Pavo Textiles is not a requirement to be considered for Pavo Post; Pavo Post is open to everyone.  To apply for Pavo Post, all you need to do is submit the Pavo Post Request Form. *Wraps have a trial period of 30 days.
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pavorazzi · 8 years
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Pavo Textiles, Cobalt Etini Photos by Jem @craftingoutloud
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pavorazzi · 8 years
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How Babywearing Is Useful To Me
Photo and text by Bri @theboysandb
I have been a babywearer since my older son was a newborn, but I found wrapping out of necessity when he learned to walk and demanded that I hold him all the time (and I mean ALL THE TIME) when I was home from work. From the moment I walked through the door (though dinner prep, clean up, evening walks, shopping, prep/organization for the next day, answering email or other work demands on the computer, etc.), I had to carry him.
I found woven wraps and it changed how I managed parenting and a demanding job. Wraps are a way that we get through the practical matters of the day (and, most importantly, through that first espresso) and reconnect. I love to hear the observations over my shoulder and the sweet songs that my boys mutter as they get sleepy.
When my second son was born, I could not take a true maternity leave and did a lot of writing from home. We also went into work together a few times a week starting at three weeks. I cannot image how we could have navigated time at the computer, in meetings, and on public transportation without wraps. Wrapping has also been essential for travel both for work and vacation.
Now that my younger son is a toddler, he will sometimes ask to be wrapped and knows to stand in front of me with his back to me to be wrapped. It is the best part of the day.
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pavorazzi · 8 years
How Babywearing is Useful to Me
Text and photos by Jem @craftingoutloud
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When you're wrapping a toddler, you're wrapping a wild ball of uncertain energy who might explode at any moment. Is she walking? Is she running? Is she sleepy? Does she need snuggles? Wait, where is she!? All of this will happen in a 10 minute period.
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Soleil, when on the ground, is generally running. A not-quite two-year-old running on steep mountain trails you've decided to hike, isn't on my Top Five Favorite Things To-Do list.
But you know what? There's a wrap for that!
Not only does it carry your snuggly baby, it works as a great leash for the tornado of energy known lovingly as "your  baby". And then when they've gotten to the point of complete and utter exhaustion, they will curl up and snooze and leave warm, sleepy breath on your back, as you hike back UP the mountain, because of course running is only fun downhill. Of course. 🙃😉
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pavorazzi · 8 years
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What Works: Wearing in Southern Florida
Written by Novia @lillychang1
Florida, particularly South Florida, is not very seasonal. Our summer seems to last year round: mild summer from January to March and extreme summer for the rest of the year. Babywearing in 90+ degrees with high humidity can be unpleasant and a thinner, airier wrap can help tremendously in keeping both wrapper and wrappee more comfortable. While I love double hammock for the support it provides, single layer carries are a necessity in the heat.  My favorite wraps for our weather are Keshi, Scalene, Middle Chair, Otomi, Parallax, and Confetti for single layer/ruck carries.  
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pavorazzi · 8 years
What Works: Wearing in Massachusetts
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What is Bri @theboysandb using to enjoy the last bit of summer wearing?
I grab breathable wraps for base carries and cushy but thin wraps for short carries. In base size, I love Double sling shoulder 2 shoulder, Double Hammock, and Double Hammock with slipknot finish with a long tail (I'm pretty tall so it isn't a tripping hazard).
Shorties really shine in the summer and my absolute favorite carry is a knotless ruck - it is quick, comfortable due to the chest belt, and just a single layer around the baby's back.
Some of my favorite summer wraps include: Keshi, Phlox, Andalusian, Parallax, Ring System, Etini ("thin"), and Futurism.
And looking forward to.....
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pavorazzi · 8 years
What Works: Wearing in Puerto Rico
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Living in Puerto Rico has allowed me to become *quite* familiar with what does and doesn't work for us in summer temps, 80°F+ year round will do that to you. Keeping in mind my various needs for carrying both my 20lb 9 month old and my 29lb 3 year old. I present to you my hot weather trifecta: Keshi, Galax, and Ring System.
Keshi: the cool, crisp, papery texture doesn't hold heat and the forgiveness is nearly unmatched. If you are wearing a big kid, I don't think it gets better (though I was VERY pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it when my infant was a wee one).
Galax: thin, light, and airy like WHOA yet somehow genuinely cushy. Moldability and stretch give it ultimate obedience. Humidity meets its match.
Ring System: whether heading on a hike or munching on blueberries, ring system hides all of our summertime messes with ease and keeps us supported and comfortable while the mercury creeps us. The summer version of workboots.
Written by Cleo @motherlilove
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pavorazzi · 8 years
We can't wait for action shots!
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It’s here!
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pavorazzi · 8 years
Hot Days Still Ahead?
What Jem @craftingoutloud​ is using to fight the heat:
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Top to Bottom: Pavo Textiles Filligree, Keshi, Vertex, and Ring System. I couldn't survive summer without one banging shorty - for me that is Keshi; one workhorse ring sling - for me that is Filigree; and one or two long wraps like Ring System or Vertex.  I love the texture and weight of Ring System and I love the stretch and pull of Vertex. 
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Some of my favorite carries are a good torso carry with a nice stretchy wrap and any variation of a ruck, my preference is usually tied Tibetan with the passes spread to add a little extra support for long hikes.  During those long hot months that we are experiencing right now, single layer carries are what I need for baby and I to stay cool. 
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pavorazzi · 8 years
Wrap Review: Galax
Courtesy of Cleo @motherlilove
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If you've spent any time in The Pavo Society as of late then I'm sure you've seen my not so small love affair with Galax Cobalt. Like the other wraps out of the Dobby collection, Galax is thin, light and quite airy, even see through! (though phlox is a bit thinner/airier).
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If you are into stretch and recoil; Galax will be right up your alley and moldability is a given. As if this wasn't already super well suited for hot weather, the supportive and forgiving nature of its wrapping qualities knock it out the park. (I don’t often use the word cush but I think it's applicable here.)
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Texture wise it feels like soft, thin, stretchy denim and gets softer with ease; I've likened it to a Pavo eating a Storch Leo. I don't have much of an opportunity to give it a go in cold weather in Puerto Rico but I imagine it may also make a great wrap to have to use over layers in the cooler months in colder climates. Equally excellent for both infants and tots alike, Galax is a crowd pleaser!
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pavorazzi · 8 years
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Drum roll please......
And the winner of the Pavorazzi for a Day contest is.......
@tinabbabywearing /IG tinabmarie
Check your messages here on Tumblr to claim the size 7 Galax Aster.
We can’t wait to hear what you think!
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pavorazzi · 8 years
Keep Cool and Carry On
Pictured below Pavo Textiles Galax Fiddlehead (top) Galax Aster (bottom)
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The temperature is rising and babies still want to be held. Cleo @motherlilove gives you some helpful tips for keeping yourself comfortable this season.
What to wear: Loose, light tops with a bit of sleeve are my go to shirts; the sleeves give a comfortable barrier between carriers and my skin, and the shirt itself helps keep sweat at bay. My primary wrappee is a 20lb 9 month old and she's usually sporting a cotton onesie–easy peasy. Sun hats that strap on, give her personal shade and keep her cool and protected from the sun.
Cool carries: For quick ups or when I want max breeze access, there's nothing like a comfy ruck. When I'm anticipating a nap or otherwise extended period of time I default to a double hammock and when it's time for nursing or general front snuggles I opt for front wrap cross carry or traditional sling carry. I honestly don't change my carry repertoire for the heat– I just choose wraps that will best accommodate my needs.
Preferred wrap qualities for hot weather: Lightweight, thin, and airy are obvious choices but I also heavily consider moldability and forgiveness. Moldable wraps help me execute precise wrap jobs that allow lasting comfort and forgiveness comes in handy when I'm wrapping a cranky kiddo that doesn't want to cooperate–ask me how I know. Cotton or linen for easy washing checks off all of our boxes!
Snacks: Snacking while wrapped is part of our regular routine but when it's extra warm out I like to pick snacks that help keep us hydrated and also aren't much of a mess/easily wash out. Grapes, apples, and watermelon slices are all tasty and healthy summer snacks that don't make me cringe when I see juicy fingers and mouths being wiped on our wraps.
Skin protection: Keeping our skin well moisturized and protected from too much sun is a must! A lightweight moisturizer that won't stain or cause UV spots keeps our skin healthy without worry–100% African Shea butter works really well for us!
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pavorazzi · 8 years
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It’s hot y’all! Starting tomorrow, join us here for some tips to make wearing in the heat a bit more tolerable because... these babies ain’t gonna carry themselves. Let us know: Got a tip you want to share, got a question you need answered?
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pavorazzi · 8 years
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You could be.....PAVORAZZI FOR A DAY
You know what we love, selfies.
You know what else we love, babywearing pictures.
Oh and there’s this other thing we really love, talking about wraps.
You too?
Did we just become best friends?????
So bestie… How would you like to play Pavorazzi for a day?
It’s really simple. Just reblog this post and you will be entered for a chance to receive a Pavo Textiles, size 7, Galax Aster to selfie it up and get geeky with it. No need for a technical term review, just tell us what you think, how it feels in hand, what carries you used it in, and anything else you want to add.
*High Five*
Your photos and review will be posted on the official Pavorazzi page and could even be posted on the official Pavo Textiles page or blog. *More details will be provided to the winner.*
You have until midnight EST Saturday, August 6th to enter.
Don’t have a Tumblr page? Enter on Instagram by posting a babywearing photo and using #pavorazziforaday to get our attention.
Do you have both? Enter both places to double your chances at winning!
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pavorazzi · 8 years
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Pavo Textiles, Miel
Photo story courtesy of @mikasphotomama
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pavorazzi · 8 years
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I am Alli @mikasphotomama​ a professional photographer and linguist. I have been living in the San Francisco Bay Area for the past 10 years.  I am the amma of Annamika (2.5 years old, 26lbs) and Sidhartha (one month old, 9 lbs) and wife and partner-in-crime to Santoash.
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I have been wrapping Annamika since she was a month old, and was fortunate to fall in love with Poinsettia Etini, when Annamika was only 3 months old, starting me on an epic journey of Pavo love.
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My wrap quality preferences are quite varied, and depend on the size of my wrappee, the carry, the weather, my mood and my very picky toddler's preference of the moment (for the moment Sidhartha is happy with whatever he goes up in).
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I have "favorite wraps" all over the spectrum of gsm, density, stretchiness, etc. However, my favorite carry for my toddler is a Double Hammock TUB, and I prefer a more sturdy, stretchy wrap (diagonal stretch helps me to get a nicer chest pass on my larger chest).
My top Pavos for Toddler DHs are Farrand, Perigee, Sparkleberry, Lofi, Lovebirds (full cotton) and Trillium. For my squish, I prefer a thinner, softer, more moldable and less textured wrap (Form wraps, especially swallowtail and Acanthus have been my go to so far, though my very broken in Perigee and Miel are favorites too!).
Sidhartha is very lucky to have a big sister who is happy to share her wraps and wrapper (me) and has so far only claimed one wrap that he is not allowed to go up in so far, Sparkleberry Geranium, her most favorite wrap.
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Santoash, who has mastered the FWCC, Ruck and DH, refuses to geek out with me on wrapping characteristics. He does have a strong preference for the "whitish wrap with white stripes on it" (Miel) because he likes the feeling on his shoulders and how easy it is to tighten. ​
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pavorazzi · 8 years
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Our next special guest is Alli @mikasphotomama. Follow along to learn more about her.
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