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Saying thank you as we have more than 100 viewers who watched @sitisalma_official and me on our IG Live. I received so many dm on how people are looking forward for this project and wishing us a huge success! Thank you very much❀ I am also excited to bring forward our mental health warriors and speakers to speak off better to give glance of view in mental health both from people who experience it and in expert view.
Mental health care is really important. Just like how you take care of your outer appearance or inner health by eating good food and having supplements for health care... You should equivalently look into your mental care as well. Let's not look down to this anymore. Let it be part of any other illness and need to find supportive community to this topic.
and Natasha❀~
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One part of the IG Live when @sitisalma_official mentioned how she feels torn apart when people comments her publicly about her figure or to be told "too fat" in fact how it was mentioned by someone who suppose to be her support system. Despite of that, the mentality that she is put on with "You are not thin enough to find a man and get married" this is draining and cause of loosing self confidence and lacking to love our imperfections more.
Like the #bodyshamingisnotcool I really want to address that every women should be comfortable, happy and feel filled by her own body. I know being obese is not a good thing in terms of health and there is always a way to address it to someone in order for them to realize how important it is to keep yourself fit.
Do you know there is people who struggles to lose weight even how much they hold and starve their hunger and exercises till they pass out? It's not them who is not trying it's just their body is not adapting therefore they need to seek professional help such a nutritionist or coach or any related field to help them know their body better with proper diet. (But most of us know how pricey this can go! Therefore people can't afford to seek professional help to achieve their goals to better living lifestyle)
Body shaming someone without knowing their trial and errors are equivalent to asking a women why is she not pregnant after years of marriage. You wouldn't know how many times this couple could have tried, faced miscarriage or even seeked professional help to go through IVF or any fertility doctors for consultation (But this is pricey to and that is why people can't afford to go through this process)
Rather than looking into someone and commenting their figure, tell how beautiful they are as a person. Their language, their knowledge, their brain, their kindness or even their hair or eyes! Let them love themselves more. Nothing beats self love.
Stop judging someone by:
-their weight
-their height
-skin color
-feature or maybe anything that is not similar to you!
Let's be a supportive, loving community and stop body shaming!
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A community project initiated by us to create awareness to a dangerous killing seasonal which we call mental illness.
Video part 1: featuring on 1/10/2020
Will be interviewing 4 people (2 from India and 2 more from Malaysia) and a Model from Malaysia sharing their mental health state and healing process they are taking step from now.
Video part 2: featuring on 2/10/2020
Will be reaching experts such as Counsellors, Psychologist or activist of Youth led mental health awareness both from India and Malaysia (LOOKING FOR COMMITTED SPEAKER FROM INDIA AS FOR NOW) and we will like to interview and throw some questions given by public to them.
Video part 3: featuring on 3/10/2020
A short video (2 min)from public to break the stigma and recapping the previous video on what we learn from them.
We have @natashaelena____ to host and conduct this programme accordingly as we other members from #phj will be featuring this for 3 days campaign.
Stay tuned, follow us and our YouTube page for more!
You can also participate in this campaign by:
Making a video duration of 2 min or less saying how society should look into mental health and end the video with "Let's break the stigma!"
Hope to hear from all of you soon!
#phjproject #mentalhealthawareness #positivevibe
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●||Sound of Anklet...||β—‹
Her eyes shines so bright
No, don't be fooled by it
She is just like waves of the ocean
Her emotions are unpredictable
When she thought she has it all
Finely wrapped in her fist
She slowly lost the grip
And she decides to let go the pain...
Her mind, wide as the forest
Instead of the map, she choose to be the one
Sketching her own path
Using fear of hers as the guidance
She fly fearlessly just like the Eagle
Even she doesn't know the destination
She believes the sound of her anklet
As it brings her hope to brighter side...
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