pearlrebs · 1 year
Also uh what do you mean acephobia?
I assume you're the person who tried to report this blog recently, which alerted me to your message, which I guess is pretty old at this point.
To answer your question: the original Pearlrebs used to post/reblog about how ace people do not belong in LGBT spaces. And, perhaps, that is not "acephobia," so much as "incorrect" and "a dick thing to say." But I feel that way about transphobia too — it's rarely "-phobia," rather, it is ignorance, either willful or otherwise. But language is cultural, and that's the shorthand we use.
As an aside: why are you messaging me? Did you even want a sincere answer? What are you hoping to accomplish? If you're still wanting me to delete this whole thing: I haven't posted on this blog in since 2018 (haven't calculated it out but that's like 5 years as of now), so you'd basically gotten that. The show this is all predicated on hasn't had a new episode in even longer than that.
In that time, I have:
-graduated college
-gotten a six figure job
-gotten married
-gotten into quilting
-gotten formally diagnosed with autism after a lot of resistance
-adopted several pets
-am in the process of expatriating after watching a coup attempt that, let's be real, hasn't been resolved
And during that, I haven't been bothering anyone (and basically deleted most of my social media anyway), or even thought about this. Except you have, for some reason. And it's not like anything I say is ever going to change your mind about me or Rebekah. So, is this virtue signaling? If so, by all means, here's the post you can point at, I genuinely hope it helps.
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pearlrebs · 6 years
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Omfg gross, get the fuck out of here with that shit. I am off-put by tj//lc in my FICTION, but US Republicans/meninists/anti-feminists/people that continually suck Trump’s ego are actually fucking disgusting, scum of the Earth that are having REAL, LIVING PEOPLE KILLED. I would spend years with a tj//lcer, talking about the finer points of tj//lc before I listened to someone like that. I would sooner give back this URL.
What gave you ANY indication you’re welcome here? Because whatever that was, that was my mistake, and I’m sorry. You and I are not on the same side about ANYTHING.
Before anyone asks, no, I didn’t just judge on their URL. I thought maybe it was a joke, so I checked their blog. So much nope.
Edit: And Ronald Reagan is a fuckface.
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pearlrebs · 6 years
Sometimes I pop in to see this blog just to remember the absolute clusterfuck that was then s4 johnlock fandom
Every now and then, so do I. At the height of hatred for this blog, I was having a good guffaw that people would take time out of their day just to send hate to someone for snatching a URL that once belonged to one of their cult leaders (who clearly wanted nothing to do with it after they figured out they were wrong, but go off I guess). 
Now... where are they? I wonder if any of them regret saying such awful things over something so trivial. What kind of people they must be, outside of this personality they built around — what they, by their own labelling, call — a conspiracy.
It’s kind of funny, the person who stole welovethebeekeeper’s URL (before the vitriol became too much for them and they deleted) told me that they actually did send me hate way back when, but sorely regretted it after they took a step back and realized how far things had gone. It’s just a show, a real person is on the other side of this blog, yada yada. 
I do have a sneaking suspicion that I might get hate again if S5 ever happens (it probably won’t), and jxhnlock doesn’t happen (it definitely won’t).
Regardless, I’ll forever keep this blog, just so everyone is held accountable for the things they’ve said, and that part of fandom history can’t just be handwaved away with no receipts. I’m still chapped that no evidence of the original pearlreb’s acephobic posts can’t be screencapped and plastered all over this blog, but alas, the problems with deleting, right? 
Have a good day!
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pearlrebs · 6 years
Hi. How are things?
Things are fine, thank you for asking. Ordered a Steven Universe shirt during the sale. Seems the hate for this blog died down, so I just haven’t had much reason to be here. 
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pearlrebs · 7 years
This just in:
Replying to hate is "hateful." Taking a URL that someone ditched after spewing acephobia and misogyny is "hateful."
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pearlrebs · 7 years
(which includes you, btw)
@pearlrebs go away and stop reblogging my posts and adding passive aggressive shit in the tags. If TJLC is as bad as you say they are, you are literally doing the same things they “did” right now. Find something better to do with your time. I’m not anti TJLC nor am I with TJLC, but I am anti being a really shitty person.
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pearlrebs · 7 years
Lol I don't "spew hate." People send me hate and I reply sarcastically.
@pearlrebs go away and stop reblogging my posts and adding passive aggressive shit in the tags. If TJLC is as bad as you say they are, you are literally doing the same things they “did” right now. Find something better to do with your time. I’m not anti TJLC nor am I with TJLC, but I am anti being a really shitty person.
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pearlrebs · 7 years
Some people just can't handle that other people are allowed to say what they want.
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pearlrebs · 7 years
Lol you know nothing about me, yet you're being shitty. Enjoy going through life like that!
@pearlrebs go away and stop reblogging my posts and adding passive aggressive shit in the tags. If TJLC is as bad as you say they are, you are literally doing the same things they “did” right now. Find something better to do with your time. I’m not anti TJLC nor am I with TJLC, but I am anti being a really shitty person.
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pearlrebs · 7 years
Lol block me then. The only reason you would respond is to tell the world you disapprove of me.
@pearlrebs go away and stop reblogging my posts and adding passive aggressive shit in the tags. If TJLC is as bad as you say they are, you are literally doing the same things they “did” right now. Find something better to do with your time. I’m not anti TJLC nor am I with TJLC, but I am anti being a really shitty person.
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pearlrebs · 7 years
Update for welovethebeekeeper and pearlrebs
They have deactivated and deleted their accounts. Two individuals have taken over their usernames to be cruel and annoying. Any posts I have archived from their blogs WILL click through to these new “blogs”. I recommend not clicking through to reblog from the source as the source is not really there anymore (if that makes sense). I’ll be keeping up their original posts and those are tagged welovethebeekeeper and pearlrebs.
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pearlrebs · 7 years
(you rn)
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if you can fill out an abuse report form for the current holder of the pearlrebs account here’s where to do it
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pearlrebs · 7 years
lol as if you’re anything else O:) 
@pearlrebs is fucking horrible
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pearlrebs · 7 years
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@pearlrebs is fucking horrible
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pearlrebs · 7 years
And I'm terribly sorry that some of us TJLCers are rude and act shitty about other characters. But not everyone is like that, you know. Some of us just believe what we want to believe, because everyone's allowed to do that, and so are you. I'm also trans, and some of the things you've said do seem pretty questionable. I'm just wondering why you feel the need to say things like that about us, since you may know what it's like to receive hate because of who you are. Again, I'm not "hating."
Why are you bringing up being trans? Honestly, aren't we people like anyone else? Why do my actions against jxhnlockers have anything to do with being trans?
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pearlrebs · 7 years
I didn't like xer blog. I don't believe Johnlock is canon, but I still support it. I'm also not sure why you feel the need to take this URL and spend your days doing exactly what xe did. If you're so upset about the way xe acted, why make it even worse with this blog? Not trying to be rude, just a suggestion.
(btw Rebekah uses "she" or "they" now.)"Exactly what she did." Uhhh I'm sorry, do you see any acephobia here? No? Do you see any gross misogyny? No? Do you see any low tire pressure? Do you see any attacking smaller ships? No? Do you see me encouraging people to make something that's complete bullshit a huge part of their personality, then cry when it doesn't come true? Nooooo. This has always been bullshit, I've never pretended it's anything else. Everyone can ignore me (which I've actively encouraged), or follow me (which people do). I don't tag my posts, and the block button exists.Have a nice day.
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pearlrebs · 7 years
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@pearlrebs is fucking horrible
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