petitfarron · 3 days
Hair Problems
So now that the updated benchmark has come out, it's time for me to contemplate Dusk's hair in earnest. I have never, ever changed his hair (outside of being silly for prog nights or whatever). Every screenshot of him I've taken during his MSQ, he's had his hair. It's his hair.
But! The new derplander hair looks good on him, I think, and Dawntrail is very New Adventure, New Me feeling.
I have visual aids, of course. It kills me he doesn't have his glasses, but these things happen.
Dusk Classic:
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Dusk Reborn:
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I was tempted to have a 'I don't know they're both fine' option but no! No slipping out of having an opinion in this poll. I am doing enough waffling for all of us.
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petitfarron · 3 days
Junelezen 3: Breakfast
Dusk is an insomniac, which means mornings are usually terrible.
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Farron tries to make them a little better by making sure he has a ton of food to eat in the mornings - and Dusk does really like pancakes - but it doesn't always work.
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petitfarron · 5 days
Junelezen 1: Hello
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Yes, hello, this is my elezen dude, Dusk. And his friend, Duck.
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petitfarron · 8 days
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petitfarron · 8 days
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petitfarron · 10 days
Agape 4 - Does your OC have a religious faith which emphasises the importance of a love for all people? If so then do they try to follow these teachings authentically? Or do they just pay lip-service to them? If not then do they follow a more martial or mercantile faith? Or none at all?
Philautia 5 - Has your OC always had the same opinion of themselves or has this changed over time? Have they learned to love themselves - perhaps with the help of others - as their journey progressed? Or have the consequences of their actions only served to erode their sense of self-worth?
Dusk's love for his fellow man isn't religiously motivated at all, when you get down to it. His religious beliefs are kind of a mess, to be honest. He nominally still worships Halone, because some of the cultural aspects of that are really hard to shake, especially when most of your family still worships Her in earnest. Organized religion makes him skittish, though, what with Ishgard having been all ... Ishgard.
Obviously She is a martial goddess, and it's hard to deny that is ... probably the goddess whose protection he could use when he's adventuring. Not that he usually asks for it. While he can squint and see love in some of Halone's tenants and such, it's not the focus, and he'd like to stop thinking about religion at all now please.
The other question is a thinky one ... I think Dusk's opinion of himself has been fairly steady over the years. He was a lot less confident as a child and a teenager, but that's pretty normal, and he's been an adult long enough (he's pushing 40) that any of that sort of uncertainty has long since been discarded.
While he sometimes has trouble forgiving himself, even when he was at his worst and manifesting corporeal representations of his guilt, he never tipped into actual self-loathing. He wouldn't go around telling people he's a good person, but he does like himself, and he's very confident in his ability to Fix Things now.
Thank you for the asks!
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petitfarron · 10 days
Are your OCs particularly skilled at flirting? Have they had to practice this or does it just happen naturally? :3c
Hmm, this is sort of a difficult question for me to answer, because my gut says Dusk isn't that good at flirting, strictly speaking, but I'm not sure that's actually true. It might depend on what your definition of flirting is.
He's not good at the type of flirting that happens before two people have acknowledged they're into each other, especially if he doesn't know them well. He errs on the side of 'this person is not into me' so they have to get pretty blatant before he'll realize that's what's happening, and as such he tries to be Polite and Respectful and does his best to put the other person at ease. He has no idea why they're acting so nervous and blushy, goodness.
Once it's confirmed the other person is into him, though, he gets a lot better at it. He particularly likes teasing people by saying true things he likes about them, so many people he's been with are just not good at taking sincere compliments, and he finds it an easy way to make them blush. He means everything he says, and it would kill him to not tell his partners how great he thinks they are, so it's a win-win for him, really.
Thank you for the ask!
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petitfarron · 10 days
Does your OC have any particular favourite chat up lines? If not for themselves then perhaps ones they have suggested to a friend? How effective do these tend to be?
Dusk doesn't really have any lines, unless "so tell me about yourself" or "what's something that makes you happy?" count as lines. He doesn't really hit on people directly in general, in part because it doesn't usually occur to him to do so.
And honestly, that would be his advice for a friend, to just get to know the person. He's found that people usually like sharing things about themselves, and appreciate when someone else is interested in being shared with!
Thank you for the ask!
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petitfarron · 11 days
How closely is their opinion of their own beauty (or lack thereof) linked to their confidence? Do they see themselves as more or less worthy of love or sex based on how attractive they feel?
Dusk doesn't think about it, usually, but if you actually asked him this directly and he did think about it, he would definitely say if he thinks he looks good, it does give him more confidence. He doesn't think he's particularly striking, looks-wise, but he is aware that he's handsome, and he has strong opinions on what sort of outfits make him look extra handsome.
But he would never say that makes him more or less worthy of love or sex. The idea would make him a little uncomfortable, really.
Thank you for the ask!
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petitfarron · 12 days
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petitfarron · 12 days
Is your OC able to build close friendships with people very different from themselves? Perhaps in terms of culture, age or personality?
Dusk tries to be as open-minded as possible when meeting new people, and I think most of them can tell and appreciate it. As a result, Dusk has a pretty easy time making new friends. How close they get after that ...?
I don't think culture, at least, makes much of a difference, even if he struggles to understand some things, or they might misunderstand him at first. He's pretty quick to ask for clarification, or apologize, or explain himself further if he can tell something is going off the rails, and that helps a lot.
As for age ... I think he does tend to gravitate towards people closer to his age or a bit older. He loves the twins to bits, for example, and they're close ... but more in a sibling way, than a friendship between peers. They could come to him with anything, but he would be very reluctant to open up about his own problems with them.
There's definitely personalities he has trouble dealing with, generally people who are ... well, mean. Cruelty bothers him tremendously, and he would definitely chafe when dealing with someone who has those sorts of tendencies.
Thank you for the ask!
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petitfarron · 12 days
Does Errol have a way he likes to unwind when he’s not currently dealing with the fifth world ending Catastrophe of the week? 😲
When Errol actually gets time to himself, aside from spending time with his wife (it's not as codependent as I probably make it sound, but her presence really soothes him a lot of the time), he enjoys playing guitar or tinkering with the Ironworks boys. He's not an inventor by any stretch of the imagination, but he's a quicker study than people would think, and is quite good at being a mechanic. He never gets to construct anything major, because he never has the time to dedicate to it, but he'll happily lose himself in maintaining whatever needs it to help them out.
Thank you for the ask!
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petitfarron · 12 days
Have you made your wol(oc) outside of ffxiv? What did you change? What did you keep the same?
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petitfarron · 13 days
Farron mentioned he's never celebrated Starlight 'properly' to Dusk, and Estinien hasn't really bothered in a long time. It's a huge holiday in Dusk's family, so obviously he's excited to drag them both to their celebration of it. It will be loud, have all the food and drink, and probably leave them all exhausted.
But there's a quiet part of Starlight too, for just them.
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petitfarron · 14 days
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welcome to coerthas, boy
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petitfarron · 15 days
I’m assuming Dusk kisses his partners- does he have a place he defaults to smooching if it’s not on the lips? Or is he more reserved with his affections? 🤔 (seeing the poly prompts has been delightful 🥰)
Dusk l o v e s smoochin' his partners to show affection, although he tries to be reasonably mindful. He's pretty physically affectionate in general, when he doesn't feel like he has to Be Professional because he's doing stupid Warrior of Light things.
With Farron, he defaults to the top of his head much of the time. It's right there and feels cute. He's also big on kissing Farron's temple or the tip of his nose if he's on his lap or something.
With Estinien, it's generally cheek kisses, since they're pretty much the same height and it's the most convenient if it's not a good time for a proper smooch instead. They're early-ish in the actually-finally-admitting-they're-a-thing part of their relationship (it was the world's slowest fuckin' burn) and Dusk's still figuring out the affection level that's okay there, otherwise he'd probably be just as sappy smooch-wise.
Thank you for the ask, and I'm glad you've been enjoying the prompts! They've been fun to do. <3
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petitfarron · 15 days
Role Changes/Outfit Swap
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Given Estinien is a dragoon and Dusk is still capable of being one, poor Farron got shoved into dragoon armor and he hates it. Too heavy! Too restrictive! Too everything!
Dusk got stuck as a monk, and since he can't wear viera starter gear like Farron does ... he's stuck in the Ravel set instead. He feels naked and is not excited about it.
Estinien has no idea how any of this gunbreaker stuff works, but at least he's in relatively normal clothes, and he's trying his best not to be too smug about it.
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