pevensienet-blog · 6 years
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Get to know me meme - [2/5] tear at my heartstrings
⤷ almost losing edmund (and peter’s reactions) 
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pevensienet-blog · 6 years
On Edmund
For @pevensienet “get to know me” challenge 
(A/N: I wrote this in my notes on my phone as I was taking a bus back to Bangkok to catch my flight home. I have been wanting to post this for awhile.) 
Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen
 - Those first few years in Narnia were difficult 
 - Especially for Edmund 
- He had to gain momentum forward away from his past
- He could probably admit that the people he serves were very accepting of him 
- But to himself he always felt he had something to prove 
- He also had to learn 
- And learn was what Edmund did 
- He sought refuge in countless books and lessons from Cair’s tutor 
- Tumnus and Oreius were also great aid for him
- He took to laws, history, economics, and even the practice of eloquence
- Peter cannot remember how many times he had found him face down in his desk during the wee hours of the morning
- And how many time he had to nearly carry him to bed
- “I’ll be at practice, I promise.”
- He certainly was at practice every time no matter how little he slept 
- Some days, Oreius could not tell that Edmund stayed up late
- Other times it was obvious 
- Susan had finally put her foot down after two summers of this and made sure he was sleeping in his own bed by midnight  
- By sixteen he was a force to be reckoned with 
- Not only in the civilized rooms of diplomacy, but beyond 
- He was respected in his skills in military 
- It was during his time at Avenard with King Lune and his Queen wife Queen Lana was head of a secret network of espionage 
- Edmund was quick in nearly everything: mind, speed, and adapting 
- He was often sent out to gain information if there was tensions between the countries 
- Often in the mostly human inhabited ones as he could blend in obviously 
- There was one summer where he had a mission in Telmar 
- It was the farthest he had been away from Cair It was first to negotiate about lumbar and silver trade 
- This mission even worried the High King, as he knew if something were to happen in was going to be a difficult rescue 
- But at night Edmund went undercover as a new squire to one of the lords to gain information about matters the Telmarines left out of the counsel 
- It was then he found out about their desires to gain more prosperous lands
- Narnia 
- Edmund warned his brother, but Telmar was not by any means prepared to do such an invasion 
- Edmund and Peter were just very careful in their trade agreement
- Those 1300 years later Edmund was caught in absolute horror of what eventually happened after they had left Narnia
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pevensienet-blog · 6 years
Study Buddies [Edmund x Reader]
Summary: Studying for college exams is taxing, but it gets a little better when a classmate of yours studies with you.
Ship: Edmund Pevensie x Reader
Word Count: 1132
Warnings: None
Note: For my wonderful friend, @lucypcvensie who wanted to read something I wrote.
You stretched on your toes, arm reaching high above you for the textbook that sat out of reach. Your fingers brushed against the wood of the shelf, but you just couldn’t reach the thick, heavy book.
“Need help?” someone asked.
The masculine voice made your heart jump in fright and a rather undignified sound left your lips as you whirled around—
And came face to face with a handsome, dark haired male. A college student, you knew, since you had seen him in a couple of your classes.
He was smirking at you, probably because of the startled noise you made when he had asked his question. “Which book are you trying to get?” he asked again after your lack of response.
“Oh,” you replied, stepping back so he could get closer to the bookshelf. “That one—the one with green binding.”
He got the book down with much less difficulty thank you had. As he handed the textbook to you—which you took with a small grunt from the weight of it—his face scrunched up in distaste. “That book? You know how much time I’ve spent studying for that class? It’s terrible.”
You quickly nodded in agreement. “Definitely. The professor gives us so much work and expects us to get it done the next class. Doesn’t he know we have other important things to do?” You huffed in anger, making him grin.
“I’m Edmund, by the way.” He held out a hand for you to shake.
Keep reading
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pevensienet-blog · 6 years
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pevensienet-blog · 6 years
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@pevensienet Peter Pevensie Challenge:
Favourite Moment in the Movies
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pevensienet-blog · 6 years
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@pevensienet challenge #7: the lww challenge
~ Favorite quote #1 (of ?)
Edmund believing in his brother:
“Then you’ll have to lead us. Peter, there’s an Army out there and it’s ready to follow you. … Aslan believed you could, and so do I.”
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pevensienet-blog · 6 years
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Random Edmund Pevensie moments: 1/?
His struggling attempt to rescue the boat.
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pevensienet-blog · 6 years
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Castle Battle [3/?] → You’re not exactly what I expected.
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pevensienet-blog · 6 years
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Narnia Week 2018 ─ Day Two: Favourite Male Character
                                                    KING EDMUND PEVENSIE - THE JUST 
“…We have still that sorry creature Rabadash on our hands, my friends,   &   must needs resolve what to do with him.“ Lucy was sitting on the King’s right   &   Aravis on his left.  King Edmund sat at one end of the table   &   the Lord Darrin faced him at the other. Dar, Peridan, Cor   &   Corin were on the same side as the King.      "Your Majesty would have a perfect right to strike off his head,” said Peridan. “Such an assault as he made puts him on a level with assassins."       "It is very true,” said Edmund. “But even a traitor may mend. I have known one that did.” &   he looked very thoughtful.
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pevensienet-blog · 6 years
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@narniaweek day two ➤ favorite male character
peter became a tall and deep-chested man and a great warrior, and he was called king peter the magnificent.
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pevensienet-blog · 6 years
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but that made no difference to what he had to do.
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pevensienet-blog · 6 years
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(challenge no. 7)
Hello everyone, and welcome back to Pevensienet’s next challenge! To commemorate the discovery of Narnia by the Pevensies and the lead up to the coronation of High King Peter and King Edmund, the Narnian Council have decided to celebrate the adventures the two Kings had during that perilous time, naming it: the ‘Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe Challenge’.
Q: What is the challenge about?
A: In this week’s challenge, we ask our members and anyone else who wishes to participate to publish a range of creations to showcase Edmund and Peter in the either the book or any film adaptation of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Here are a few prompts to get you started:
One scene from the movies
One moment from the books
Favourite quote
Favourite relationship
These can be in any form (gifs, graphics, fanvids, fanfiction, moodboard, etc.)! They also can be done in any order that you want to post them in.  
Q: When is the deadline?
A: The deadline for this event is the 31/10/18 At 23:59 GMT.
Have fun creating! We can’t wait to see what you present to the Court!
All participants, please ‘keep reading’ to see rules and layout:
Keep reading
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pevensienet-blog · 6 years
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Random Edmund Pevensie moments: 10/?
His peaceful sleep after crossing the river.
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pevensienet-blog · 6 years
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to the Clear Northern Sky…
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pevensienet-blog · 6 years
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Random Edmund Pevensie moments: 9/?
His confusion at Lucy tucking her hair behind her ear.
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pevensienet-blog · 6 years
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(challenge no. 7)
Hello everyone, and welcome back to Pevensienet's next challenge! To commemorate the discovery of Narnia by the Pevensies and the lead up to the coronation of High King Peter and King Edmund, the Narnian Council have decided to celebrate the adventures the two Kings had during that perilous time, naming it: the ‘Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe Challenge'.
Q: What is the challenge about?
A: In this week's challenge, we ask our members and anyone else who wishes to participate to publish a range of creations to showcase Edmund and Peter in the either the book or any film adaptation of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Here are a few prompts to get you started:
One scene from the movies
One moment from the books
Favourite quote
Favourite relationship
These can be in any form (gifs, graphics, fanvids, fanfiction, moodboard, etc.)! They also can be done in any order that you want to post them in.  
Q: When is the deadline?
A: The deadline for this event is the 31/10/18 At 23:59 GMT.
Have fun creating! We can't wait to see what you present to the Court!
All participants, please 'keep reading' to see rules and layout:
caption it along the lines of:
@pevensienet challenge #7:
 the lww challenge
(You can either copy and paste this caption or completely make up your own one! Remember to include the original title of the challenge and tag the network please.)
post your creations on your own blog
tag the post with #pevensienet
don't forget to organise and tag it #challenge7 too!
That’s everything! We look forward to seeing all your lovely creations soon!
(If you have any problems or questions don’t hesitate to send the network a message or our admins: @highqueenlucy or @aravvis.)
@marvls @pedvensie @telmarines @pevensiethejust @jumpingthroughfandoms @lucypcvensie @rhindons @passeurdaurore @luxaofherperides @aleksanderkohler @alwaysinnarnia @narnianroyalties
EDIT : Due to lack of initial interest, we are extending this challenge. Sorry for the inactivity.
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pevensienet-blog · 6 years
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Peter & Lucy Pevensie
Random Parallels 3/?
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