pheonixember777 3 hours
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pheonixember777 3 hours
I hope western leftists know that standing for a free Palestine is not the end of decolonization. I've seen far too many white leftists who proudly stand for freeing Palestine which is good but then get nervous and apprehensive at the idea of decolonizing the very land they are on. Norway will recognize Palestine but actively tear down S谩mi liberation. Liberation for one people means it for us all. If you support Palestinian liberation but deny it for the Indigenous people of the land you're on then you didn't stand for Palestinians or any of us to begin with.
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pheonixember777 3 hours
This is an open letter to the trans community, as an intersex person; please advocate for us in ways other than trying to use our existing as a gotcha against transphobia.
Boost our voices and acknowledge the violence we face in contexts outside of their relation to trans issues.
Please realize the fact that we have been violently erased from society in a way perisex people will never experience. We are still considered malformed and disordered in a professional medical context. We are seen as nothing but a disease to be treated and fixed. With violence. And this is accepted and normalized in our society. And we will only ever be seen this way as long as the sex binary remains.
The number of countries where our mutilation is illegal can be counted on one hand. Our mutilation. Imagine if the government allowed for and endorsed the act of surgically altering your body as a child because of the way you were born. Because the sex binary is more important to endosex society than the bodily autonomy and human rights of intersex people.
Please, all we ask is the bare minimum amount of effort in understanding our experiences. Stop forcing us into terms not made for us. Stop misusing AGAB language. Stop reinventing binaries. No, not every intersex person feels they are trans or cis. These words were only made with endosex experiences in mind. As were MOST queer labels. Stop fetishizing our bodies and perpetuating stereotypes. Stop saying shit like "gender isn't binary, but sex is". Stop calling us futas and herms, stop saying "people with both parts", Stop conflating being trans and being intersex. Actually listen to what our community says. Please. The amount of intersexism in the trans community breaks my heart.
If you want to stand with us, you need to acknowledge your privilege as an endosex person, regardless of whether or not you are trans.
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pheonixember777 3 hours
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Big brain move
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pheonixember777 3 hours
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a mummy who broke out of his sarcophagus wrote this
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pheonixember777 3 hours
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pheonixember777 3 hours
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Tricky thing, psychic paper. Yeah. Can't let your mind wander when you're handing it over.
The Empty Child // Rogue
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pheonixember777 1 day
Reblog and in the tags put what colors you鈥檝e dyed your hair before, and whether or not it鈥檚 dyed currently聽
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pheonixember777 1 day
supernatural is so funny. sometimes they'll look for God and say things like "try new mexico, I hear he's on a tortilla" "no, he's not on any flatbread" and then you get bangers like "freedom is a length of rope and God wants you to hang yourself with it".
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pheonixember777 1 day
Reblog and in the tags put what colors you鈥檝e dyed your hair before, and whether or not it鈥檚 dyed currently聽
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pheonixember777 1 day
they should invent a crush that is on me
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pheonixember777 1 day
you want me to watch a video? the thing that killed the radio star?
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pheonixember777 1 day
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pheonixember777 1 day
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pheonixember777 1 day
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pheonixember777 1 day
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pheonixember777 1 day
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