phoenixfl3009 · 1 day
And now Zenith!Talanah!
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phoenixfl3009 · 1 month
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flirt with me like it’s 2001
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phoenixfl3009 · 1 month
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Looking over case notes, most likely in one of Edgeworth's villas in Europe ❤ Wisteria is my favorite flower, one of its flower meanings is devotion to a cause or a person - which I think fits them so well. It also symbolizes new beginnings, among many other things. Wips under the cut!
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I love painting chaotically. I also usually have so many layers going on that... at some point I'm too lazy to figure out where everything is and I just paint on top... On a side note, I know Edgeworth is supposedly allergic to pollen but please ignore that ❤ (actually I'm allergic as well but wisteria doesn't give me any problems so...)
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phoenixfl3009 · 1 month
Honestly, if narumitsu could ever become canon, I would like it the best if it were off screen, and just sneakily implied. Like maybe during a case, a piece of evidence is a tube of toothpaste and Phoenix points out that while all the other tubes of products in the victim's house are squeezed unevenly, only this specific toothpaste isn't, so that means someone that isn't the victim used it - and Edgeworth would say something like 'So you're suggesting the victim had the same barbaric tendencies such as yours, but was involved with someone that didn't' 'A reason to kill indeed' and then Phoenix's animation sweating bullets. ....Or other stuff like that. It would just be both extremely cute and extremely funny to me.
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phoenixfl3009 · 2 months
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RadioDust Week 2024 Prompt 3: Camp
he's cheating wtf
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phoenixfl3009 · 2 months
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Day 6: Victorian Era/Human for Sir Pentious Week on Twitter
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phoenixfl3009 · 2 months
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It's Pentious Week over on Twitter! Today is Day 1: Daddying the Egg Bois
He's a tired single dad trying his best Reference is from OKKO
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phoenixfl3009 · 3 months
Happy fake Valentine merch🥹♥️
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phoenixfl3009 · 3 months
I’m obsessed with her, my fizzarozzie bby 💙😭
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phoenixfl3009 · 3 months
“I found somethin’ to live for.”
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phoenixfl3009 · 3 months
As soon as I saw these introduction cards, I knew I had to draw her 💜
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phoenixfl3009 · 3 months
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phoenixfl3009 · 3 months
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I hope they can meet up again 🪽
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phoenixfl3009 · 3 months
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ozz's other faces giving him away: a compilation
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phoenixfl3009 · 4 months
Some random light-hearted Fizzarozzie comfort following the events of Mammon’s Mid-Season Musical. Not sure what I’m gonna do with it yet, but I really wanted them to have a talk about “what’s next” and I liked it too much not to share. Enjoy!
Ozzie hummed solemnly whilst drawing his index decadently along the rim of his own glass. With every passing swipe, Fizz could feel himself becoming more and more entranced, indeed to the point he very nearly forgot they were having a conversation. It was only when Ozzie decided to break his silence, his voice as soft and as fragile as glass, that Fizz’s senses returned to him.
“Are you…having second thoughts? About everything?”
About us. The words, while unspoken, hung heavy in the air, weighing on Fizz’s mind and body alike, to the point he felt as though he couldn’t breathe. His heart physically ached at the mere notion that Ozzie would ever wonder such a thing.
“No!” Fizz answered, instantaneously. His voice reverberated clearly throughout the confines of their personal bath and Fizz outwardly cringed, partially at the sound of his voice, but more-so in response to just how obscenely loud it was against his own ears. The change in temperament was so drastic, Fizz all but witnessed his tail create a vice around the chimera’s wrist, to the point he was all but certain it was obstructing Ozzie’s blood flow. Ozzie didn’t appear to notice, seemingly more taken aback by Fizz’s words than his actions. Closing the distance between them, Fizz brought a hand to cup the side of Ozzie’s face, relishing in the blessed warmth of the other’s body. “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. You saved my life. You gave me purpose again. I’ll never regret that.” He said, sternly, his eyes brimming with emotion. “I’ll never regret you.”
Ozzie blinked, brow furrowing. From his current vantage, Fizz couldn’t discern what exactly the Sin was feeling in that moment as his features betrayed nothing. His other heads, however, weren’t nearly as discreet and Fizz could see the concern shining through their eyes as they beheld the demon they adored more than life itself.
Water rippled as Ozzie brought his hand to overlap Fizz’s own and Fizz openly preened underneath the Sin’s proferred warmth. “So, what are you worried about then?”
Fizz worried his lower lip between his teeth and turned away, staring out into the vast cityscape, as if it would magically provide an answer. Then, he uttered a sigh before surrendering himself to the Sin; his face finding sanctuary within the space between Ozzie’s neck and shoulder.
“I just don’t know what to do now.” Fizz confessed softly into soft, navy plumage. “I’m a performer. It’s who I am, it’s what I’m good at. I used to think I would perform until the day I died, but after everything that happened at the pageant, I’m not so sure it’s what I really want anymore.” Fizz’s breathing hitched wetly as the lump in his throat expanded, cutting off his airflow briefly as he desperately clung to the Sin. “And that scares me because if I’m not ‘Fizzarolli, the jester,’ then who am I?”
A hand, firm but gentle, came to rest along the curve of Fizz’s back, serving as an anchor of sorts as the imp surrendered himself fully to his own emotions; his worries and anxieties; his fears. His body trembled, sending minor ripples throughout the bath as he fought to maintain his breathing. Through it all, Ozzie remained steadfast, whispering gentle reassurances while drawing soothing circles into a patch of unmarred flesh.
“You want to know who you are?” Ozzie asked, and that same softness from before returned tenfold. Except this time, Fizz was relieved to find none of the pained uncertainty; there was only love and tenderness in the other’s voice.
“You’re you,” The Sin supplied evenly. “You’re not Mammon’s brand baby, and you’re so much more than ‘just’ my boyfriend—you’re you, and you’ll always be you, no matter what.” Ozzie went on to say, speaking with such conviction that his words couldn’t be construed as being anything less than objective fact; he truly believed everything he was saying and would gladly lay waste to any who opposed him. To be regarded with such sincerity, and by the man he loved no less, was more than Fizz felt he deserved.
Instead of pulling away, however, Fizz leaned further into Ozzie’s touch and clung to the Sin tightly, relishing the silken glide of feathers splaying across his cheek with a dreamy sigh.
“You think so?” Fizz asked, a touch uncertain, to which Ozzie proceeded to flash the imp with a small, intimate smile and brought his head down to rest against the other’s temple.
“I know so.” Ozzie said, causing a tuft of flame to escape from between his lips. It briefly took the shape of a heart before dissolving into thin air—mere seconds before the two met each other for a tender kiss.
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phoenixfl3009 · 4 months
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The Tv is buffering! is now available~!
11 x 17”
The final print of course it's a matching one for Val!
Dm to place ya order!
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phoenixfl3009 · 4 months
“I found somethin’ to live for.”
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