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The first occasion when we met, I could see, That you and I, were intended to be. Your eyes were so tender, your grin so genuine, When you first held my hand, I just knew. Presently the time has passed by, through giggling and tears, Nowadays I might esteem, for a considerable length of time upon years. Those recollections we have, should never blur, For those are the strides, that we have made. That was the past, what's to come is close, I tensely hold up, for what will show up. New homes, more chuckling, and kids so dear, Everything will be awesome, insofar as you're close.
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A spot we go to tell us that our adoration is constantly valid also, that we will never be blue. 
A memory on the edge of time
A spot where we are so brilliant,
A far off dream on a midnights eve
some place a long way from recognized takes off.
A period in which we fell more profound in affection
much the same as to turtle birds.
We sang our tunes and gave our token
to recollect that one single minute.
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Forever And Always
It began straightforward
like somthing new
I knew from the earliest starting point
there was simply somthing about you.
I cherished the way you grinned
what's more, the way you chuckled
We were on various streets
until the streets came to one way.
When you asked me out
the butterflies came
they came in my heart
what's more, I was never the same.
We got to be one
in the meantime we were closest companions
You said "Everlastingly and dependably"
what's more, I thought it could never end.
It was similar to that for some time
what's more, I lived for your kiss
you let me know I was excellent
what's more, I felt such aggregate delight.
Be that as it may, one night, your brain changed
also, you turned it all around
You brought me up so high
just to tear me withdraw.
After that it was never the same
also, I weeped for every one of those days
presently I think I at last figure it out
everlastingly doesn't mean for dependably.
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My Dearest Love
I see you in my contemplations and dreams,
When I wakeful, how genuine it appears.
You aren't here to solace me,
In any case, soon I trust you will be.
Nobody genuinely knows or gets it,
You have my heart in your grasp.
My adoration is the thing that you really own,
Come soon and make our home a home.
Inside those dividers you are doing your time,
Not being here with me is your just genuine wrongdoing.
Others in your life will travel every which way,
In any case, my adoration is genuine, and I'm certain you know.
I may not be rich or the prettiest one,
Yet, I adore you so much, you are my sun.
You illuminate my life each time you call,
At the point when the time is up I start to fall.
You are my stars, you are my moon,
Being with you will come soon.
So when you rest, take this to heart,
Nobody or nothing will keep us separated.
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Days Without You
I miss you so much day and night
I can't understand why you're no more
I simply think I treat you right
be that as it may, now I'm again alone
The days without you are so long
nowadays - without your kiss and grin
what's more, I don't comprehend what I've done off-base
I've been thinking about this for some time
A couple inquiries that I have to know -
why does my heart feel so awful ?
why you would ever hurt me so ?
why wouldn't i be able to get you out of my head ?....
Presently I'm remaining here alone
with this weight upon my heart
asking why you're no more
recalling our sentiments from the begin
In my brain I have every one of my recollections in an extent -
every minute went through with you
is extraordinary
in any case, I can't understand what rolled out you improvement
for me this is just un-get-capable
I know I won't pull trough without you close by
so infant come to me - don't run and cover up
The main thing I need is to be with you
if you don't mind nectar - make my wish work out as expected
Don't you realize that you make the most of my days?
What's more, I'm generally glad when you're around
it doesn't make a difference what we do
for whatever length of time that I'm here with YOU.
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Trust me, if each one of those charming youthful charms,
Which I look on so affectionately to-day
Were to change by to-morrow, and armada in my arms,
Like pixie endowments blurring endlessly,
Thou wouldst still be worshiped, as this minute thou workmanship,
Let thy perfection blur as it will,
Furthermore, around the dear demolish every wish of my heart
Would lace itself verdantly still.
It is not while magnificence and youth are thine own,
Also, they cheeks unprofaned by a tear,
That the intensity and confidence of a spirit can be known,
To which the truth will surface eventually make thee all the more dear;
No, the heart that has genuinely cherished always remembers,
Be that as it may, as genuinely cherishes on to the nearby,
As the sun-blossom turns on her god, when he sets,
The same look which she turned when he climbed.
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Do You Remember Our Love?
Between our little battles and our laughs
Do you recall that you were the main lips I touched?
The direct I held,
The first I nurtured,
The one and only I ever adored.
Do you recall that you made me grin when I first saw you?
The first occasion when I did I knew there was something there.
A sparkle between us that I felt just when I was with you.
Do you recall that you were the first to put your arms around my waist?
The first to lift me noticeable all around.
You were my Romeo, I was your Juliet
Do you recall that we weren't permitted to see each other?
Yet at the same time we got it going.
We weren't permitted to talk, yet at the same time, we oversaw.
Do you recall when we happened you held me so tight?
We would not like to give up
Do you recall when I would take a gander at you and simply grin?
You expressed gratefulness to God regular since he place me in your life.
Do you recollect when it was over?
Regardless we tended to each other.
You let me know you wished the best for me.
Do you recall that you were the first I ever sobbed for?
Other than my daddy when he cleared out me.
Do you recall that we had something that no one had?
Something individuals searched for, yet didn't discover.
You were the best I ever had. (:
You were my first love.
On the off chance that I had three wishes the first would be,
To see that excellent grin I want to see.
The second would be to be in your arms only once again.
The third would be to have you back in my life,
To have you perpetually child.
'Till this day you're still in my heart. What's more, I don't lament a thing.
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A Soldier
He says he's clearing out. He'll be gone around a year. He's took off to battle the war, What's more, his time is moving close. I have no useful tidbits, To facilitate our hurting hearts. He'll be gone and I'll be here, A thousand miles separated. The risk that fighters face, He knows it great. Still, he keeps our spirits up, As our throats swell. The morning comes very quick, I'm not arranged by any means. Since I know there is a shot, My trooper won't get back home. My trooper is a solid man, One that is overcome and genuine. He's not perplexed of passing on, He battles for me and you. So on the off chance that you see a fighter, Give him heaps of applause. Let him know that you're grateful, You see the value we pay.
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I recollect your grin, so brilliant and warm, lighting up my day with cherishing fondness. I recollect your kisses, so sweet and delicate, immersing my being with joyful euphoria. I recollect your touch, so tender and fragile, setting my ablaze with blazing sensation. I search you out, attempting to get an impression of your excellent face in the pool of dreams. I search for your sparkling heavenly vicinity, you're giving it a second thought and adoring qualities, your substance. I see you now, my heart ripples, again entirety, furthermore, I know that I am so fortunate to have met you. I cherish you, my dear, with my entire existence and soul.
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A BRAND NEW DAY Rest your head and close your eyes There is no reason to worry For when you wake with the sweet dawn It will be a fresh out of the plastic new day Turn down the lights and draw me close Feel just the pulsating of our souls as we lay For when you wake with the delicate morning breeze It will be a fresh out of the box new day. Unwind your body and stroke my delicate hair Give the greater part of life's stresses a chance to dissolve away For when you wake with the warm summer fragrance It will be a fresh out of the plastic new day Fall sleeping soundly and dream with me Whisper "I adore you, I'm setting down deep roots" For when we wake in each other's arms It will be a fresh out of the box new day.
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“its you ,its always been you”
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“These hands will never let you down “
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Un conto e svegliarsi con un messaggio e un conto e svegliarsi con un sorriso  e un bacio....>3
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“Even the most beautiful days eventually have their sunsets..”
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Remember that life is
full of ups and downs.
Without the downs,the 
ups would mean nothing..
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My problem is givinig
 people my all and expecting
 them to do the same...
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When you give yourself to someone, understand who you are, what you’re giving, and how much that’ll take from you.
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