pilesofpillows · 10 days
Um… I guess we’re praying I write some smut 😭🤣🤣
All Love, No Pressure: @mamajankyy @theeblackmedusa @gaelic-symphony
first 5 faceless emojis are how your summers gonna go
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pilesofpillows · 23 days
Omigahd I gotta put myself back in the pocket… but also Bucky going below deck on the boat and remembering that he fucked Sarah on those very steps 🤷🏾‍♀️ just an idea ya know…
Umber asks the Kattz:
Writer Ask Game! I'm sending you a made-up fic title. Tell me what you would write to go with it (Please and thank you/No pressure to answer)
"Remember The Time"
I possibly already have a Sarah/Bucky fic idea that matches this. Also, I'm extremely addicted to amnesia as a plot-point.
When FATWS happens, it won't be the first time Sarah's met Bucky but Bucky doesn't remember meeting Sarah at all. Immediately after CATWS, a glitching WinterBucky heads down to Louisiana, somehow confusing Sam's info with Steve's. Sarah Wilson finds an almost-dead, extremely fragrant WinterBucky in the shed. I'm not quite sure yet how it goes down but when there will be shenan and shenanigans.
Also, this happened while I was fic-jamming with @pilesofpillows
Bucky's going to think he's having inappropriate thoughts about his friend's sister 🤣🤣🤣 I mean in the show, he absolutely was LMFAO Canon!Bucky's inappropriate thoughts were relatively PG-13 to R. Fic!Bucky's memories will be Dolby Digital Sound in 4K. She's gonna pass by, he's gonna smell her shampoo, and BAM! He knows exactly what she tastes like and I do not mean those cheeky 40s wrist kisses. He REMEMBERS being betwixt them thiiiiighs Sam's gonna give him one of those manly shoulder pats that means "you are my best buddy" and Bucky is going to instantly die. Bucky remembering the moan Sarah let out while he ran his tongue ran up her spine as he was 8 deep and then here come Sam like HEY BESSFREN
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pilesofpillows · 2 months
@xenokattz help me out?
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pilesofpillows · 2 months
BWAHAHAHA I ALMOST CHOKED ON MY GUM @xenokattz I think you would die if you ever had that many siblings 😭🤣
And idk about @umber-cinders… you’re definitely violent enough for the stabbing, but considering you hate ketchup I think the sweet potato fries fits. So I suppose that leaves elevators…
Now let’s see…
1. I’ve been to 6 continents and lived on 3
2. I’m allergic to chocolate
3. I almost caused an international incident climbing the German Embassy in Tokyo on dare when I was 15.
Who to tag when all your friends are friends????
Um let’s see all love, no pressure: @palettesofrenaissance-main @dillie60 @richonne4life @chaneajoyyy 💕😁
Let's play a game
Two truths and a lie, reblog with what you think prev's lie is and your own set of truths and a lie (and tag some people if you'd like)
I am a writer
I am an archer
I am a swordsman
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pilesofpillows · 2 months
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COWBOY CARTER Beyoncé — March 29, 2024
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pilesofpillows · 2 months
Reblog if you write fic and people can inbox you random-ass questions about your stories, itemized number lists be damned.
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pilesofpillows · 2 months
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🦀 Kudos Crab 🦀
If you are scrolling and see Kudos Crab, your fics will be blessed!
You will get good comments and kudos!
You will beat your writers block!
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pilesofpillows · 2 months
@mamajankyy cuz she’s a clever girl 💕
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pilesofpillows · 2 months
no 'see results' option because i want you to vote for science
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pilesofpillows · 2 months
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pilesofpillows · 2 months
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your seas sing of halcyon
ii | ix
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Okoye doesn’t remember dying, but she’s learned how to live.
Tags: @umber-cinders @mamajankyy @xenokattz @princess-of-gondor @cantstayawaycani @theemfingmenace @karisomk @iccedays @dillie60 @sharonrb @black-pussy-supreme @jbarneswilson @dontruinmymorning @tvreadsandsleep @theeblackmedusa
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pilesofpillows · 2 months
your seas sing of halcyon
ii | ix
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Okoye doesn’t remember dying, but she’s learned how to live.
Tags: @umber-cinders @mamajankyy @xenokattz @princess-of-gondor @cantstayawaycani @theemfingmenace @karisomk @iccedays @dillie60 @sharonrb @black-pussy-supreme @jbarneswilson @dontruinmymorning @tvreadsandsleep @theeblackmedusa
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pilesofpillows · 2 months
your seas sing of halcyon
i | ix
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She is a Star, fallen into the Sea. The price of her salvation is costly and exacting, but he spares no effort. After all:
What belongs to the sea will always return…
The gods & goddesses AU no one asked for 😁
Tags: @umber-cinders @mamajankyy @xenokattz @princess-of-gondor @cantstayawaycani @theemfingmenace @karisomk @iccedays @dillie60 @sharonrb @black-pussy-supreme @jbarneswilson @dontruinmymorning @tvreadsandsleep @theeblackmedusa
Jeez it’s been awhile… anyone still alive in Attoye Land? 😭🤣
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pilesofpillows · 3 months
I do talk all my shit in the tags— life’s funnier that way 😌
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pilesofpillows · 3 months
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*insert the most feral scream here*
challenge -> you’re starring in a movie with the last person you saved in your camera roll and the last song you listened to is the title
Tagged by: @soft-girl-musings Ty I love this 🫶🏻
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So in my mind it’s like a secret romance 👀 like a coming of age in love with my friend’s older brother situation??? Catch me sneaking around with cosy hoodie Oscar hello yes please
No pressure tags: @hon3yboy @my-secret-shame @ominoose
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pilesofpillows · 3 months
Pillow Productions in Progress
Just a quick look at what we got cooking in the kitchen almost all of these are Attoye with one or two side pairings that I shall not disclose 🤭
Stars Aglow [T]
Status: Ongoing
Okoye & Attuma have babies. Part 3 of 3 of A Sea of Stars.
An Angel, Drowned [E]
Status: Ongoing
The Feathered-Serpent God King and The Shark General of Talokan attempt and succeed to court the first Ambassador General of Wakanda. NOA - OT3
Like Real People Do [T]
Status: Ongoing
The Arranged Marriage AU featuring a Touch-Averse Okoye and an Overly Honorable Attuma. Bast help us all.
If I Had A Boat [M]
Status: Upcoming
After the events of BP:WF, Okoye finds herself struggling to reconcile her past with her present. When the pain of her losses becomes too overwhelming, she must step away from what she knows to heal and find solace in a new place. If a Great Blue Shark Man happens to be a part of that, so be it.
Won't You Bring Me Whiskey? [E]
Status: Upcoming
Old West AU featuring an entirely made up town and some serious history bending because we all need some more Cowboy Attuma in our lives.
Kiss With A Fist [E]
Status: Upcoming
A Hate Sex fic that was supposed to be released for Kinktober 2023 but life happened. It's DD though, violent and nasty.
Seas May Burn [M]
Status: Upcoming
Tragedy strikes leaving Attuma lost and Okoye fighting to stay afloat. Set in the A Sea of Stars universe.
Carry Me Down [M]
Status: Upcoming
AU Canon Divergence - Okoye and Attuma cross blades once more during the Invasion of Wakanda leading to her capture. The repercussions of her unwilling visit to Talokan have further reaching consequences than anyone could've anticipated.
Drown With Me [E]
Status: Upcoming
DD Dark Attuma AU - Homicide is a Summer Activity
There will likely be some others, but this is what we’ve got for right now. I’ll probably also still do some smutty lil oneshots from time to time 🤭 There’s also no timeline on these, they’re just the WIPs I’ve committed to 🤗
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pilesofpillows · 3 months
Back to the WIP asks:
Bigger Than Love - Another Arranged Marriage AU
Bigger Than Love || Another (Happier) Arranged Marriage AU
Aahhhh... Bigger Than Love... because who doesn't love an Arranged Marriage Trope? 🤭 Let's Get Into It!
So this was Like Real People Do before I had the bright idea to turn it into the absurdly long fest of angst that will end with one single kiss 😅 but it has since pivoted to be what I hope is a fun twist on the Arranged Marriage trope.
It'll be set about 2-3 months post-canon, so feelings are still fresh all around. Wakanda and Talokan are both on the verge of civil war within themselves, and the alliance isn't going exactly the way leadership might've hoped. If you know me, you know I don't believe in doing things the easy way, so Shuri is still mad (and a little homicidal), Namor is unwilling to work with anyone other her, and M'Baku is ready to fully revert Wakanda back to T'Chaka levels of seclusion (Talokan and Western Powers be damned).
In all of this, our leading duo have found themselves as unlikely friends and equally matched sparring partners. There's just one rule though— no politics. They spar in the training arena, by the riverbank, in Okoye's backyard... but under no circumstances do they discuss the growing tensions between their two kingdoms. What happens in the throne room, stays in the throne room.
Until it doesn't of course...
Things are looking bleak for the alliance, and even finding moments to spar has become difficult with the pressures they're both facing. One night, Okoye jokingly suggests a marriage alliance might fix all of their problems. They both laugh it off, but when he's alone, the thought won't leave Attuma's mind. Peace matches are arranged all the time in Talokan; he's the product of one such marriage himself. Would marrying Okoye really be so bad? She may be a surface dweller, but she is the first equal he's met in far too long. But worries still linger: if they do marry, can he accept the potential risk of losing another so dear to his heart?
Okoye keeps trying to convince herself that she was joking. She couldn't possibly be willing to get married again— not after W'Kabi. But the more she thinks about it, thinks about him, the more she finds herself wanting. Her uncle has not relented in his quest to see her remarried, no matter how lacking she finds her suitors. Attuma wouldn't be marrying her for status, or money, or connections to her uncle or the crown. Theirs would be a mutually beneficial arrangment— the treaty could finally be formalized, they'd have peace in both their kingdoms, and maybe, just maybe, Attuma might end up wanting her too.
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