pixelslr · 2 months
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some screenshots i got during beasts class
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pixelslr · 2 months
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Arithmancy classroom & office
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pixelslr · 2 months
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Hufflepuff common room details
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pixelslr · 2 months
hi, so I wanted to do an intro of sorts. super basic info that I need people to know is I'm 29, so if I unknowingly follow a minor please block me or whatever. I'll also block any HP/HL haters because I'm too old and tired to care about anyone else's opinions and moral posturing. super long intro under the cut bc I'm long winded that way
I mainly play sims 4, and have a sideblog for it that I'm not active on, but I also play Hogwarts Legacy, No Man's Sky, I used to play Blade and Soul and miss it. I also played Planet Zoo like three times and might try getting back into it. I play ACNH and sims 4 the most but might keep ACNH to my dedicated sideblog for that. I bought Baldur's Gate and haven't gotten past the character creator lmao
I'm not sure how often I'll use this, as I don't play pc games so much anymore, partially due to health problems. I used to have friends to play with but now I don't soooo it's quite lonely playing games despite being a solitary person. Anyways, I also have an ACNH and pokemon sideblog I may link if anyone asks, but they're connected to my main blog. They need to be asked for because I don't want to get hate from here spread to my main like what happened last year upon release of HL. I ended up deleting that blog because of it. I super don't appreciate death threats over enjoying a video game and fandom, and I can enjoy said content and media while still being able to criticize the creator for their bigotry. I'm marginalized in multiple ways that she messes up with her franchise if it means anything.
I'm not sure exactly to what capacity I'll use this blog, I may get more involved with ~fandom~ style posts ie art and HP lore etc to keep it off my main blog, but I'm not sure tbh. I'm not a great content creator, I just like taking photos/screenshots of pretty things and putting the screenshots somewhere I can keep them other than the black hole that is my computer files. HP is one of my longest lasting special interests and I've tried to distance myself from it over the years as JK gets more and more bigoted but I can't. I'm autistic and it's the only thing I've consistently been able to ground myself with over the years. At this point I just read fanfics and sometimes play HL.
I have health probs that make it difficult to consistently tag, but I'll try. I'd love connecting with other gamers in the future, but I'll have to be more active for that if the time comes.
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pixelslr · 2 months
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pixelslr · 2 months
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