plant-based-feeder ¡ 13 days
If you guys want to see me be a little feedee slut, go follow this account.
They call me the food burglar
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plant-based-feeder ¡ 13 days
Guess what came in the mail today…
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plant-based-feeder ¡ 14 days
I took a trip to the vitamin shop to buy some hair health supplements for one of my feedees.
I was just wandering for a bit, but this caught my eye.
Fuck the supplements. Should I buy the massive drum of mass gainer and force my poor feedee to gain 50lbs this month?
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plant-based-feeder ¡ 17 days
And @highpriestoffeedism has won the first part of the competition! Thank you for your submission!
Now it’s up to you feedees to devour this meal to win the second part of the challenge! All this food looks so good that if you guys don’t do it, I will.
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Alright, I have a challenge for all of my followers.
I want you all to come up with the fattiest, most calorie laden meal you can possibly think of.
The challenge is that it had to be 100% vegan. It also has to be one entree made of multiple ingredients. You can’t say “200 impossible burgers”. It would have to be one burger, or one lasagna, or one pizza. The entree can also come with a side, a drink, and a desert, with the same rule applying.
I would also really appreciate it if you could give a rough estimation for the number of calories.
Entree: a double impossible sausage pizza with a cup of garlic butter dip (2600 cals)
Side: bread sticks with a cashew ricotta and olive dip (1700 cals)
Desert: a vegan molten lava cake (1400 cals)
Drink: an entire 2 liter of Pepsi (840 cals)
Whoever sends me the meal with the most calories will get a shoutout.
I will then post the meal with the most calories, and whoever eats the entire thing with proof will get 3 free personal feedings over discord where I will encourage you to gain over voice chat.
You can start sending in your ideas now, and I will post the meal in a few days. Then we wait until a obese pig brave soul finishes the challenge.
Good luck, and may the best piggy win!
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plant-based-feeder ¡ 19 days
Your past the point of no return
You allowed gluttony into your life with open arms. At first it was little things. Maybe a desert after dinner, or buying a few too many snacks at the grocery store. You enjoyed the freedom that came with these indulgent treats. Plus, you had a great metabolism. Nothing was going to happen to your skinny body.
It was all so harmless. Or so you thought…..
So you let in just a bit more of that gluttony in. You started smoking weed a little bit more, and learned just how delicious food became and how hungry you could get when you were high.
Midnight bowls of ice cream, ordering enough takeout for two and watching a comedy, and playing Minecraft while stuffing Cheetos in your mouth replaced your usual club trips with your friends.
After a few weeks, the physical changes became too evident to ignore. Your breasts were bigger, your thighs spread out more when you sat, and your clothes were now uncomfortably tight, as if they were glued directly onto you. No matter what you wore, your tummy would poke out from underneath trout shirt, and over the top of your pants.
You could have turned back here, and gone back to a normal life. But you thought the tummy was actually kinda cute.
You started to live in sweatpants and crop tops. You didn’t expect to get any bigger than this, so there was no reason to buy new clothes. As your belly fixation continued to blossom, you began to eat more.
It was simple. More food equals bigger belly.
Normal portions were thrown out the window. Every meal became a banquet. Entire pizzas, pans of baked Mac and cheese, and bags full of cheap hamburgers became the regular. With your new goal of stuffing your belly as full as possible at all times, you started to smoke more to increase your capacity and keep you hungry.
It became a dangerous cycle. You would smoke so that you could eat more, then eat until you felt like you would pop, then smoke again so that you could eat even more.
Each day, you would wake up noticeably chunkier than the last, sit on your couch, smoke a bowl, and stuff your face until your belly was drum tight. You would then nap while rubbing it, or watch a show, then as soon as there was any room in your stomach you would eat again, making it even larger than it was. This would repeat until you were beached on the couch, belly so big and tight that you were unable to move. You would lay there, panting and groaning as your poor belly churned and sputtered, desperately trying to digest the mountain of food you had just eaten. You would grip your poor, stretch mark covered belly, and masturbate, finishing again and again from the feeling of being so big and full.
Within only a few months you had gone from a normal person to a constantly starving, burpy, stretch mark riddled obese mess. You were so entranced by the need to get bigger that you didn’t even notice when things started to get scary.
It all happen at once. Your mobility was wrecked, self care was non existent, you would get headaches and mood swings any time you were even minutes late for a meal, and you swear you could feel your heart begging for you to stop.
By the time you started to notice these things, they had already been affecting you for weeks.
You were scared, and went into a full panic mode. No more weed, no more junk food, no more stuffings.
That lasted about 3 hours, until your entire body was sounding the alarms at you because instead of it’s normal 20 cheese burgers, literal bucket of fries, 2 sausage pizzas, and a platter of fried chicken, you decided to try to eat a turkey sub and a bag of chips.
It was the equivalent of giving a starving lumberjack a single grape for lunch.
You held out like a real trooper. As you laid in bed, you were tortured by the constant thought of all the food you could be eating. Your poor, food addicted tummy was aching so bad that it felt like an animal was clawing at your insides. Somehow, you were able to touch it out, but then came the final straw.
You got horny.
The idea that you were so big and fat that it scared you was so fucking hot.
It only took you a few minutes to call up your local Chinese restaurant and order one of everything on the menu for delivery.
You waited in nail biting anticipation for your sustenance. You could hear the delivery driver making trip after trip to your door, laying the food on your porch on a massive stack.
Finally, when you heard the car drive away, you pushed yourself up and waddles as fast as you could to the door. You hauled in all the food as fast as you could, only taking a few breaks to sit and catch your breath.
Finally, you sat down on the couch, the mountain of delivery boxes stacked so high on your coffee table that you couldn’t even see the television.
Unable to take another second you began to eat like a ravenous animal.
Like a factory, you ate and belched, your body barely able to keep up with your innate desire to shovel in more food.
For hours you just sat and consumed. Your belly grew and grew, pushing over your thighs to your knees. It was so full and tight, but not tight enough.
You could only sit and pant, your belly weighing like a boulder on top of you. You were so full and nauseated. The last few boxes of food taunted you, just out of reach.
This didn’t stop you. Grabbing the back scratcher that you now needed to reach your new crevices, you used it like a hook to scoop the rest of the food closer to you.
The feast resumed. You struggled, feeling the food in your throat struggling to pack into your stomach. With each bite, your stretch marks grew deeper and darker. You ate and ate and ate as if in a trance, with your stomach thinking more than your brain.
Finally it was all gone. You fell into an food coma for 14 hours. When you finally awoke, you immediately ordered more food.
Trying to go on a diet was so horrific and traumatizing to your mind and body that you didn’t leave that couch for weeks. All you did was order food, eat, fall into a food coma, try to use the restroom, then order more food.
After 6 weeks, you had gained 97 pounds.
Your belly now draped over your thighs during the brief times you weren’t stuffed full, and when you were full it was like you had eaten a yoga ball. Your fat tits now draped over your massive belly, so fat that they can’t hold themselves up. Every part of your body was covered in stretch marks and cellulite. You had a double chin, cheeks that puffed out and changed the way you spoke, and fat stubble little fingers that looked likes sausages. Your ass and thighs were massive, taking up two whole couch cushions.
Still you ate, faster and in larger quantities than ever before. You didn’t know if you could walk, and didn’t really want to try. You had fully accepted that this was everything to you. With everything life had to offer, you chose to become a fat blob that sat in your trash filled, greasy apartment and eat until your body can no longer take it.
Maybe they’ll have to bring you out of the apartment with a crane.
The thought only makes you eat even more.
247 notes ¡ View notes
plant-based-feeder ¡ 21 days
Your past the point of no return
You allowed gluttony into your life with open arms. At first it was little things. Maybe a desert after dinner, or buying a few too many snacks at the grocery store. You enjoyed the freedom that came with these indulgent treats. Plus, you had a great metabolism. Nothing was going to happen to your skinny body.
It was all so harmless. Or so you thought…..
So you let in just a bit more of that gluttony in. You started smoking weed a little bit more, and learned just how delicious food became and how hungry you could get when you were high.
Midnight bowls of ice cream, ordering enough takeout for two and watching a comedy, and playing Minecraft while stuffing Cheetos in your mouth replaced your usual club trips with your friends.
After a few weeks, the physical changes became too evident to ignore. Your breasts were bigger, your thighs spread out more when you sat, and your clothes were now uncomfortably tight, as if they were glued directly onto you. No matter what you wore, your tummy would poke out from underneath trout shirt, and over the top of your pants.
You could have turned back here, and gone back to a normal life. But you thought the tummy was actually kinda cute.
You started to live in sweatpants and crop tops. You didn’t expect to get any bigger than this, so there was no reason to buy new clothes. As your belly fixation continued to blossom, you began to eat more.
It was simple. More food equals bigger belly.
Normal portions were thrown out the window. Every meal became a banquet. Entire pizzas, pans of baked Mac and cheese, and bags full of cheap hamburgers became the regular. With your new goal of stuffing your belly as full as possible at all times, you started to smoke more to increase your capacity and keep you hungry.
It became a dangerous cycle. You would smoke so that you could eat more, then eat until you felt like you would pop, then smoke again so that you could eat even more.
Each day, you would wake up noticeably chunkier than the last, sit on your couch, smoke a bowl, and stuff your face until your belly was drum tight. You would then nap while rubbing it, or watch a show, then as soon as there was any room in your stomach you would eat again, making it even larger than it was. This would repeat until you were beached on the couch, belly so big and tight that you were unable to move. You would lay there, panting and groaning as your poor belly churned and sputtered, desperately trying to digest the mountain of food you had just eaten. You would grip your poor, stretch mark covered belly, and masturbate, finishing again and again from the feeling of being so big and full.
Within only a few months you had gone from a normal person to a constantly starving, burpy, stretch mark riddled obese mess. You were so entranced by the need to get bigger that you didn’t even notice when things started to get scary.
It all happen at once. Your mobility was wrecked, self care was non existent, you would get headaches and mood swings any time you were even minutes late for a meal, and you swear you could feel your heart begging for you to stop.
By the time you started to notice these things, they had already been affecting you for weeks.
You were scared, and went into a full panic mode. No more weed, no more junk food, no more stuffings.
That lasted about 3 hours, until your entire body was sounding the alarms at you because instead of it’s normal 20 cheese burgers, literal bucket of fries, 2 sausage pizzas, and a platter of fried chicken, you decided to try to eat a turkey sub and a bag of chips.
It was the equivalent of giving a starving lumberjack a single grape for lunch.
You held out like a real trooper. As you laid in bed, you were tortured by the constant thought of all the food you could be eating. Your poor, food addicted tummy was aching so bad that it felt like an animal was clawing at your insides. Somehow, you were able to touch it out, but then came the final straw.
You got horny.
The idea that you were so big and fat that it scared you was so fucking hot.
It only took you a few minutes to call up your local Chinese restaurant and order one of everything on the menu for delivery.
You waited in nail biting anticipation for your sustenance. You could hear the delivery driver making trip after trip to your door, laying the food on your porch on a massive stack.
Finally, when you heard the car drive away, you pushed yourself up and waddles as fast as you could to the door. You hauled in all the food as fast as you could, only taking a few breaks to sit and catch your breath.
Finally, you sat down on the couch, the mountain of delivery boxes stacked so high on your coffee table that you couldn’t even see the television.
Unable to take another second you began to eat like a ravenous animal.
Like a factory, you ate and belched, your body barely able to keep up with your innate desire to shovel in more food.
For hours you just sat and consumed. Your belly grew and grew, pushing over your thighs to your knees. It was so full and tight, but not tight enough.
You could only sit and pant, your belly weighing like a boulder on top of you. You were so full and nauseated. The last few boxes of food taunted you, just out of reach.
This didn’t stop you. Grabbing the back scratcher that you now needed to reach your new crevices, you used it like a hook to scoop the rest of the food closer to you.
The feast resumed. You struggled, feeling the food in your throat struggling to pack into your stomach. With each bite, your stretch marks grew deeper and darker. You ate and ate and ate as if in a trance, with your stomach thinking more than your brain.
Finally it was all gone. You fell into an food coma for 14 hours. When you finally awoke, you immediately ordered more food.
Trying to go on a diet was so horrific and traumatizing to your mind and body that you didn’t leave that couch for weeks. All you did was order food, eat, fall into a food coma, try to use the restroom, then order more food.
After 6 weeks, you had gained 97 pounds.
Your belly now draped over your thighs during the brief times you weren’t stuffed full, and when you were full it was like you had eaten a yoga ball. Your fat tits now draped over your massive belly, so fat that they can’t hold themselves up. Every part of your body was covered in stretch marks and cellulite. You had a double chin, cheeks that puffed out and changed the way you spoke, and fat stubble little fingers that looked likes sausages. Your ass and thighs were massive, taking up two whole couch cushions.
Still you ate, faster and in larger quantities than ever before. You didn’t know if you could walk, and didn’t really want to try. You had fully accepted that this was everything to you. With everything life had to offer, you chose to become a fat blob that sat in your trash filled, greasy apartment and eat until your body can no longer take it.
Maybe they’ll have to bring you out of the apartment with a crane.
The thought only makes you eat even more.
247 notes ¡ View notes
plant-based-feeder ¡ 23 days
Alright, I have a challenge for all of my followers.
I want you all to come up with the fattiest, most calorie laden meal you can possibly think of.
The challenge is that it had to be 100% vegan. It also has to be one entree made of multiple ingredients. You can’t say “200 impossible burgers”. It would have to be one burger, or one lasagna, or one pizza. The entree can also come with a side, a drink, and a desert, with the same rule applying.
I would also really appreciate it if you could give a rough estimation for the number of calories.
Entree: a double impossible sausage pizza with a cup of garlic butter dip (2600 cals)
Side: bread sticks with a cashew ricotta and olive dip (1700 cals)
Desert: a vegan molten lava cake (1400 cals)
Drink: an entire 2 liter of Pepsi (840 cals)
Whoever sends me the meal with the most calories will get a shoutout.
I will then post the meal with the most calories, and whoever eats the entire thing with proof will get 3 free personal feedings over discord where I will encourage you to gain over voice chat.
You can start sending in your ideas now, and I will post the meal in a few days. Then we wait until a obese pig brave soul finishes the challenge.
Good luck, and may the best piggy win!
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plant-based-feeder ¡ 25 days
Alright, I have a challenge for all of my followers.
I want you all to come up with the fattiest, most calorie laden meal you can possibly think of.
The challenge is that it had to be 100% vegan. It also has to be one entree made of multiple ingredients. You can’t say “200 impossible burgers”. It would have to be one burger, or one lasagna, or one pizza. The entree can also come with a side, a drink, and a desert, with the same rule applying.
I would also really appreciate it if you could give a rough estimation for the number of calories.
Entree: a double impossible sausage pizza with a cup of garlic butter dip (2600 cals)
Side: bread sticks with a cashew ricotta and olive dip (1700 cals)
Desert: a vegan molten lava cake (1400 cals)
Drink: an entire 2 liter of Pepsi (840 cals)
Whoever sends me the meal with the most calories will get a shoutout.
I will then post the meal with the most calories, and whoever eats the entire thing with proof will get 3 free personal feedings over discord where I will encourage you to gain over voice chat.
You can start sending in your ideas now, and I will post the meal in a few days. Then we wait until a obese pig brave soul finishes the challenge.
Good luck, and may the best piggy win!
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plant-based-feeder ¡ 25 days
It really is incredible how differently Feedee see food compared to normal people
When a normal person goes to a restaurant, they peruse the menu looking for the meal that they think would be the most enjoyable.
Not feedees.
As soon as that menu opens, all they look for is the numbers underneath the food. Within minutes they know what they want, because they have to have whatever item has the most calories. That’s just how their brain works.
If the pulled pork platter had 2300 calories, they have to get it.
Don’t even like pork? That doesn’t matter.
They barely even taste the food anymore, they just shovel it down as fast as possible before their body can tell them their too full to eat another bite.
Restaurants can be limiting however. Your kinda stuck with whatever they have on the menu. You can’t add a whole pack of bacon to the Cajun pasta, you can’t have them inject the meatloaf with a whole jar of duck fat, and you definitely can’t ask for a big glass of heavy cream to wash it all down.
That’s why most feedees learn that staying at home for months with their feeder is the best way to go. Just let them cook massive pots of fatty slop so they can chug it down like a massive, blobby conveyor belt.
They don’t care that the food is destroying them. Making their blood pump with more grease than blood and riddling them with diabetes.
They just want MORE.
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plant-based-feeder ¡ 26 days
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Are you really surprised that you got so fat?
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plant-based-feeder ¡ 26 days
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This feedee wanted to stay anonymous, but was DYING for me to make fun of them.
I’m not surprised. You know that gaining weight is supposed to be wrong. You know that your supposed to be punished for allowing yourself to go this far. Yet you struggle to take responsibility.
You told me that you had gained all this weight thanks to your need to stuff your belly. You tried to play it off like an accident, but you knew that eating so much all the time would blow you up like a balloon.
The reality is, you knew this was going to happen. Deep down, you may try to cope, but you sealed the deal as soon as you let stuffing yourself become the priority.
At this point, it would be best to just give in. Eat as much as you want, feel your belly, thighs, arms, breasts, and everything else grow faster than you though possible. Feel the stretch marks form on your stretched thin skin. Become what you were always supposed to be. Become unrecognizable.
You said you were once the thinnest out of all of your friends. What will they think now that you’ve developed a pot belly. As we know, your not going to stop here either. Eventually the thinnest girl in the group will become the massive whale that stands out from the rest. How will you explain yourself? You can’t tell them what really happened. You can only brush it off as they slowly start to talk behind your back and make fun of you for clout.
Just let it happen. It’s your destiny
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plant-based-feeder ¡ 27 days
Are you at all into death feederism?
Absolutely. In my mind, the perfect feedee is one that fully gives in to their hedonism or lets you do it for them. If your not eating until you either pop or die from being too damn fat, your not fully giving in.
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plant-based-feeder ¡ 27 days
Thank you @fatlittlepig for being a good little piggy and letting us all see your chubby tummy. It makes me so happy to see such an attractive young person dive headfirst into gaining. Of course, everyone around you is probably worried. They’re probably asking themselves how someone like you got so chubby so fast. Little do they know, your not going to stop soon, and will gain as much as possible like the fat little pig you are. They will go from worried to horrified. They will start to buy you diet plans, make accommodations for your massive size, and eventually will come the day that they hold the intervention. Of course, all of this will do nothing but push you to gain even faster than ever before, like a good little pig.
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plant-based-feeder ¡ 27 days
how is the vegan diet thing good for feeding?
I think it’s about time I answer this.
I’ve been a vegan for well over two years now, and I can say for certain that if done correctly it can be super healthy and ethical.
Notice how I said “if done correctly”
Vegan foods have a tendency to either be very very healthy, or so fatty and unhealthy that they should probably never be eaten by a normal person.
Basically, if vegan food is processed, it is probably the least healthy thing on the planet, but if it isn’t processed, it can lead to amazing health outcomes.
For example, let’s talk about vegan cheese. I eat vegan cheese made from cashews, oat milk, nutritional yeast, and lime juice.
That’s it.
My feedee eats a processed block of oils, chemicals, and emulsifiers that is basically 100% fat. It doesn’t taste, or act like real cheese.
This can be said for all processed vegan foods from ice cream to impossible burgers.
It’s literally like drinking straight vegetable oil.
My diet is based on whole, mostly unprocessed plant proteins, whole grains, and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
My feedees diet is based on zero protein, refined carbs, Oreos, plastic cheese, impossible burgers, and margarine.
That’s why I love plant based feedism. It creates an amazing dichotomy where the feeder can be in peak health, while the feedee literally has grease pumping through their veins instead of blood.
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plant-based-feeder ¡ 27 days
Lowkey jealous of any feedees you have had! You seem so…intense and fun!~
I’m not doing anything special. I’m just giving you what you’ve always wanted, whether or not you know you want it. Deep down, everyone wants to be a fat blob with no responsibilities, thoughts, or emotions other than eating, edging, and begging for more food.
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plant-based-feeder ¡ 27 days
Just wanted to say that I love your posts, they're very wonderful, can feel myself getting hungrier reading them lol
Good. All I want is for every last one of you to get fat as fuck. I don’t care if your already a massive glutton, if your just starting your feedism journey, or if your just a lurker. Eventually, all of you guys will become massive blobs thanks to my influence.
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plant-based-feeder ¡ 27 days
Send me some asks!
Maybe you want to submit a writing request, or maybe you want to send me a pic of your massive gut so I can make fun of it in front of everyone. I don’t really care, I just wanna talk to you guys.
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