playnights · 2 months
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Still bummed out that not a single version of Photoshop I've downloaded will cooperate with me on icons the way the version I had before (which escapes me) does, but.
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playnights · 7 months
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In honor of Halloween being literally hours away for me and having recently finished his new game, here's a Hellboy Starter Call.
Give this post a Like for a starter of varying length.
Multimuses please Reply to specify whom you want it for.
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playnights · 7 months
There it was again, that shift in tone striking out as quick as a whip, tone turning to ice as soon as the slightest challenge to her escape was made. Gone as quickly as it'd returned, but no less noticed.
He leaned a shoulder against the wall, golden eyes narrowing as he stared down at her for a moment, brow furrowing in thought. Was it a mask? Is this a trap? Was the 'story' he'd fallen into some obscure variant on a tiyanak folktale? Some silly morality test? What?
Possibilities raced through his mind, even as she argued on why he'd be better off letting her go as if she hadn't all but threatened him with her tone just moments earlier. Not that he was worried, not yet. Even if he couldn't shake the feeling that something wanted him to be.
No, he's just thinking, taking a long inhale of the inhale of his cigar as he stared in silence... letting smoke seep out in an exhale.
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"Whelp." He answered, more of a grunt than a word, as he stood himself up straight, crushing the remaining bit of his cigar in his hand and tossing it aside. "Can't say I understand the reason to rush, but I ain't one t' go and make anybody else's choices for em'.
Curl up and cover your ears, your highness."
The cambion said, rearing his stone right hand to the side- giving the princess just enough time to do as he instructed before it'd come swinging at the base of the chain like a wrecking ball. Fully intent on shattering the metal, outright.
Gotta see how things go one way or another, right?
His inquisitive gaze didn't go unnoticed, of course, but she wasn't entirely sure what to do with it. It wasn't as if she could do much where she was, truly, and that was all the more evident when he turned and she got a better peek at the weapon beneath jacket. A handcannon of some sort, with a barrel about the size of her head. There's a moment where she's worried again, of course, but he didn't seem particularly interested in killing her.
With that, after all, he could've just done it the second he'd rounded the stairs and left without saying a word. Not that he couldn't change his mind, with the way he was looking at her like every move was something to be studied.
"Well, not the kind of key I was talking about." She admitted, frowning as her gaze followed his to the chain. If they had to, she supposed, he could go get it and cut her out...
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"Well, the alternatives are either I stay here, or you kill me; you can't exactly blame me for thinking being a bit uncomfortable is a necessary sacrifice. I am getting out of here."
It came with more of that cold from his initial assessment of her. The implication that she wasn't leaving doing more than just upsetting her, after all, with the mere implication that she wasn't going to be leaving because it would be 'inconvenient' for her to do so in these conditions.
Though it's once more as gone as quickly as it had returned, as volatile as her personality seemed to be under scrutiny.
"Besides, you got here, didn't you?" A pause, glancing down to heavy boots. True, they were definitely better than her heels, but... "I can't imagine you'll be much better off on the return trip."
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playnights · 7 months
B.P.R.D. Investigations: Book of the Dead.
Cannon-like gunshots pierced the air, chased by the monstrous howling of the possessed undead as they were blown apart.
A still-gnashing head landing bouncing on the ground, letting out one last demonic cackle before being crushed underneath the cambion's boot... a snarl rumbling in his throat as he painted the floors & walls in deadite viscera, baring his teeth at those that still surrounded him.
He'd always wondered just how much those dumb movies that were cooked up as part of the coverup exaggerated, but from what he'd witnessed so far? Seemed like, if anything, they'd held back.
Only thing he hadn't encountered so far in this blood-splattered casino was a someone swinging around a chainsaw for a hand, so there was at least some semblance of (relative) normalcy here...
That was, of course, until he sends one of the larger undead crashing through whole rows of slots and a wall beyond them with the swing of his right hand, barely surviving from the sound of it but well out of his mind as it screeched and scurried at something else beyond his view... the familiar sound of shotgun blast greeting his ears.
Followed by, much to his widening eyes, the revving of a chainsaw.
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"... you've gotta be shitting me."
// A Starter for @spkyscry (Ash). //
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playnights · 7 months
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When you're in the dead of night, and underneath the pale moon light,
A Mystery Unfolds, It's a thrilling, eerie sight.
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playnights · 7 months
B.P.R.D. Investigations: Daimaou.
"Make a habit of checking out every alleyway you fly past, or do I just reek that bad?" A gruff voice spoke out from behind, accompanied by the audible flip of a lighter; aroma of smoke sneaking into the air.
Upon spinning to face it, the other would be met with what to most would be an odd sight; a figure of crimson red, towering to the point of being eye-level with him, a pair of shaved horns atop his head and a lit cigar between his lips. Carrying a carved boulder for a hand. Certainly an explanation for any sensed demonic ki.
Curiosity of the encounter aside, the cambion hardly seemed hostile as he unlit his lighter and put it back in his jacket pocket.
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"I ain't no threat t' you or the folks you were visitin', in case that's any concern." He prefaces, raising his more comfortable hand up straight, empty to show any lack of ill intent. Something he knew he'd better do based on the case file, even if it was very much out of date...
// A Starter for @dyavol (Piccolo). //
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playnights · 7 months
Finally watched the FNAF movie with some friends.
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Overall really enjoyed it, but some character rewrites didn't really appeal to me. My Vanessa certainly isn't getting a verse for it.
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playnights · 7 months
B.P.R.D. Investigations: Man Hook Car Door.
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"... and you're saying you're on a roadtrip," Gruff voice spoke around the cigar between red lips, pen held to notepad in hand. "- with a ghost, a werewolf, and more. All of whom are currently serving the night shift at this Soup-er-ia here?" The cambion continued, gesturing at the 'Simon's Soups' whose lot the car was parked in.
Where he'd found the pile of fears cowering in fear of the hook-handed killer outside, whom big red had clobbered & captured.
The Bureau only had him out here to catch the idiot currently laying unconscious on the ground after taking a stone fist to the skull, and if this were standard routine, he'd already be gone... but, standard routine didn't usually involve other paranormal forces just. There.
This was one of the few times he didn't need to make himself as scarce as possible, and thus, could actually perform normal agent duties this time around. Like taking witness testimony.
// A Starter for @fullcfphobias. //
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playnights · 7 months
He watched the other's motions attentively, every flinch and sigh, the flow of her emotions... the girl was scared. Anyone would be in her position, of course, but she seemed far more so now that she knew he wasn't with whoever put her here than she had when she didn't. Something was off with her, that much was certain.
The eventually accepted act of kindness did at least seem to help to ease the tension in the room, even if he couldn't shake the thought that the woman he'd met when he walked in wouldn't have coughed.
Nonetheless, he did his best to focus on the her in the here & now, as the worrisome little lady locked in a dingy basement.
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"There was nothin' up there but a knife. Meant for you, I'd imagine." He said, already looking to the chain in question as he spoke. It wasn't that impressive of a thing, not for him, at the very least. He could shatter the aging metal like glass, he was sure.
Thinking on it for a moment as he stared, before turning back to her. "I could get your arm free if ya want, but there's nothing out there but forest for as far as my eyes could see. Going through all that under the cover of the cold, dark night doesn't sound like the most comfortable thing to be doing... least of all in heels."
The Princess paused again from the inner turmoil, when he had begun riffling through pocket. For a moment, of course, she looked a touch worried. A sliver of that cold and calculated woman returning before it was revealed he was taking out a pack of cigarettes. A soft sigh of relief, that it wasn't a weapon, as she reached out to take one. Not too quick, no, as her hand still shook like she was expecting him to use it as bait to grab at her.
Her retreat with the cigarette was faster, though, glancing to him somewhat worriedly before relaxing when she wasn't hurt for the action. Trying to replicate how he held the cigar earlier as cigarette came between fingers like she actually knew how to even use it.
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"Ah, um, thank.. you?"
The lighter does, naturally, make her tense for a moment, before moving to let the flame light the cigarette. She looked at the lit cigarette for a moment, as if wondering how one used it. Someone that looked like she did surely wouldn't, after all, but she does her best impression of what someone that doesn't properly know how would do it.
A brief drag, pausing, and letting out an exhale that ends with a bit of a cough at the end.
"Sorry, sorry. That.. did help a little, though, thank you." Voice came more centered now, at least, an echo of the more calculated one from before. No longer quite as shaky and scared as moments before, but nowhere the ice queen she had been at his entrance.
There's several moments where she just sat there again, looking down at her hands and the heavy shackle that rested on one arm. She wasn't sure what to say now, of course, as she'd been admittedly taken quite off-guard by not remembering who had been the one to put her down here. She just knew that someone had, surely, because people don't just... appear shackled to walls in basements, after all.
"They wouldn't have happened to've left the key to this laying around anywhere upstairs, would they?" She asked, clearly somewhat in jest given the rueful smile and tug on the chain.
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playnights · 7 months
It was something that came like the turn of a switch, a light fizzling off and another turned on in it's place. With just a simple question, one he'd asked in half-jest, that defensive position the other had been holding seemed to melt away into confusion & second-guessing. Her eyes looked away, confidence in her stance fading.
As she continued speaking, he could swear it sounded like even her voice had changed, softened and bewildered as she struggled to provide him an answer through her apparent lack of information.
The cambion didn't say anything as she sat there getting lost in her thoughts, he just watched on and listened... taking a long drag of his cigar as he did, doing some much quieter thinking of his own.
Eventually, he dug his smaller hand into one of his jacket pockets, rustling for a moment before pulling out a pack of cigarettes. Flipping it open with his thumb, and offering it out to her.
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"Here, you can take one if ya want." He said, speaking around his own larger cigar in-between his lips. "They always help calm my nerves." The offer, if accepted, would be followed by him once again flicking his light and holding it out to light it for her.
Truth be told, he was thinking less about who the princess was or why she was here after that shift than he'd been when he'd walked in... putting whatever tragic backstory she had aside, for this moment, just so he could focus on the now.
And right now, he felt like she needed a bit of respite to compose herself more than she needed answers to his questions.
There's a moment of awkward silence as he stood there, apparently absorbing all the information. About her, and about what she'd said. She didn't figure someone sent down here to do what they couldn't would be asking questions, after all--
Her entire train of thought came crashing off the rails when he finally spoke, though, and asked who 'they' even were. So.. nobody had sent him here? That had to have been the case, though, who would stumble upon her by complete accident? Surely, they...
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She hesitated, now.
Some of that cold and harsh visage frayed at the edges, as confusion took it's place. Gaze shifted from him to some of the many nondescript stones in this nigh-featureless basement; scanning along them as if they held the answer. Who were 'they'? She... surely, she should know who had locked her down here, shouldn't she?
"I can't recall. I've been down here so long, I simply must have... forgotten."
Was it her wicked stepmother? It didn't sound wrong, anyways...
"Maybe... maybe that is it? It's hard to say. I can't remember the last time I've seen another person, let alone spoken to anyone"
Hands drum against dirty fabric, what must have been a once nice dress tattered and covered in dirt. She looked the part of a princess, yes, so maybe her Queen of a mother didn't want her usurping the throne...? It made sense, in a roundabout sort of fairytale way. She could even feel the crown on her head, nestled in all that hair. She looked like a princess, and who else could lock away a princess and not be in trouble over it?
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playnights · 7 months
The sight was an odd one, to be certain- a solitary woman resting on the floor, half-shackled to the wall. Adorned in an aged dress and a simple crown, the image of a fairy tale princess flashed briefly in his mind. Something that'd make perfect sense to see, if he truly were still within the Wyrd, but... that just didn't rattle right in his head.
He'd read a great many Germanic folktale, but even the earliest versions of Rapunzel or Sleeping Beauty did not see their royalty locked away in the meager basement of a featureless cabin.
He was able to put aside his confusion at the lack of a grand tower for the moment, however, as he heard her speak... while his burning yellow orbs betrayed little as he listened, but the raising of a brow at her response certainly did; an inquisitive look crossing his features.
Cigar simmering in silence for a moment, before it was slipped away by two fingers of his much less dangerous-looking hand.
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"Well, you can call me Red." He answered, cocking his head to the side as he stared down at her, like a tourist examining a piece of art they just didn't get. "Who's 'they'? Your wicked stepmother?"
They were a large person. That much could be assumed rightly from the heavy trudge of boots coming down the staircases. She'd almost wondered if they were going to chuck some oil down with the flick of lighter and just set the whole place ablaze. Instead, no, the smell hit her first as the plumes of smoke came down. A cigar? After a long moment of contemplation, at last, her 'guest' came into view.
A man, she thought, looking at him. Face as cold and indifferent as her voice made her out to be. Eyes scanning over him more out of cautious curiosity than shock. No, the other being some form of... non-human hadn't even phased the Princess in the slightest. Gaze stops where many expect it to linger, of course, at the hulking hand. A weapon? Potentially.
Her gaze flicks back up, stopping briefly again on what might also be a weapon. The hilt of some sort of firearm, perhaps? There was a trigger, it seemed, yes. So was he here to...?
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"I thought they'd forgotten about me down here by now; to what do I owe the pleasure, then?"
She rather doubted a person so readily armed was here for good reasons, of course, but they weren't simply waving said weapons around, either...
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playnights · 7 months
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In honor of Halloween being literally hours away for me and having recently finished his new game, here's a Hellboy Starter Call.
Give this post a Like for a starter of varying length.
Multimuses please Reply to specify whom you want it for.
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playnights · 7 months
Something had gone wrong, he could tell that much immediately. The fall had felt different this time, rapid descent having been interrupted by him just... hitting something, for lack of better words, in the nothing, and being abruptly lurched in a new direction. Landing somewhere else.
'Somewhere else' being, apparently, in a cold dark forest. Only thing there to meet him being a lonesome cabin on a hill.
At first he thought he'd somehow ended up back in the material version of Europe, but the radio silence on Altman's end confirmed he must've still ended up somewhere in the Wyrd... ... or, at least, somewhere like it.
He was half-expecting to find wolf wearing the skin of a grandmother lying in bed on the inside, but no- there was nothing but a dagger, now resting in his jacket's pocket, and door leading to a basement.
The apparent inhabitant of which was quick to catch onto his presence as soon as he'd bumped the heavy wooden thing open with his shoulder, the voice of a woman ringing up the short stairway, icy and brash... the first response, of course, being the flick of a lighter.
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"Don't have t' tell me twice." The words came out casually as he lit the cigar between his teeth, very nonchalant about the rude welcoming. Soon enough, heavy footsteps followed, stairs groaning under his weight as he did as requested... smoking making it down first.
Followed by the hulking red cambion stepping through it. Into the basement where the princess sat.
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"That door's just as loud as you think it is, you know."
It's a curt and cold response, of course, but she can't imagine many other reasons someone would come down here; save, of course, for a nefarious purpose. It's to be expected, after all, as she's been down here so long. Surely whoever had put her down here had left to get someone to do what they couldn't and, now, they were here to do said job. Took them long enough, she'd been down here... however long, it was hard to say.
She shouldn't be here. She knew that much. Something about this place didn't sit right with her and she wanted out. That could wait, though, someone was surely here and wanted something from her. What, was the question.
"You could speak up instead of just keeping me in suspense."
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playnights · 8 months
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"One more job done, and one less fascist the world needs to worry about." Words spoken through a puff of smoke, cambion relaxing in his seat. "All in a day's work..."
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playnights · 1 year
@atropaanimus replied: "You... weren't... before??"
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"Oh, for sure! But now it's formally recognized and on paper." And also has a price-tag attached, but that has connotations to it...
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playnights · 1 year
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"I am OFFICIALLY fuckable."
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playnights · 1 year
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There they are, on cue.
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