pluto247 · 1 month
Just so you know… I am working on pt 3, life just caught up a little bit
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pluto247 · 2 months
Yes that’s exactly what I’m trying to see.
Side question: Are Katie and Caitlin dating in this or just friends?
I know it has been somewhat ambiguous, but yes Katie and Caitlin are dating
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pluto247 · 2 months
Can you do a part where Caitlin finds out about what happened to Y/N?
Trying to see Caitlin with material instincts are we now? 🤨
But like totally! I was thinking about that when I was writing.
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pluto247 · 2 months
The Four Mistakes - pt 2
Thinking about doing a part 3...
Katie McCabe x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Injury
It seemed like every step was a chore, even with Katie supporting your entire body weight. You groaned with every step. Katie was basically dragging you, at least that is what you felt was happening as you could barely lift your feet. 
“I know y/n, I know it hurts but we are almost home.” Katie would reassure you, although you were pretty sure she was scared shitless and trying to keep you calm. Fun fact, you were anything but calm. 
The 10 minute walk back to Katie's house felt more like 2 hours with how slow you felt you were walking, but you have to give Katie credit, she can most definitely drag a 60 kg 17 year old like there is no tomorrow. When we did get back to the house, Katie practically threw you in the back seat and jumped in the driver's seat. Driving like a mad woman to the nearest hospital, you took notice of her right hand. It could have been broken, it was swollen with dried and fresh blood flowing down her arm. It seemed as though she hadn’t really taken notice, it was the least of her problems to be fair. 
“Don’t fall asleep on me back there, ya hear?”
“I’ll try my best” you whispered. Gosh, even talking hurt. 
“You’re going to be just fine y/n. Ya gotta be.”
Katie pulled right outside the emergency doors and threw open her door to grab you from the backseat. Once you were safely tucked into her side, the both of you made your way to the entrance of the emergency room. Surprisingly, the emergency room seemed to not be as chaotic as they portray in drama shows. So a nurse was on us the moment we came through the doors. 
“We will take her from here ma’am” she said while getting on my other side, “Tell us everything you know.” 
“Um.. I.. He..” Katie stuttered out, as they transferred me to a gurney and wheeled me away.
“Ma’am, your hand. You are hurt, let me help you.” She said gently grabbing Katies right hand,
Katie recoiled a little bit, hissing at the contact, finally realizing that she in fact was in a great deal of pain. Her pain only became relevant now that you were in the hands of people capable of helping you. 
“Ma’am, do you know who you brought in? Do you know who we can call? Can I please help you? I think you broke your hand” The nurse asked
“Um, she's my kid. I am the one who you would call.” She responded shakily
“Ok, good. Is there anyone we can call for you? You don’t seem to be doing ok.”
Katie thought for a few seconds before fishing out her phone and handing it to the nurse “Uh, yea me best mate. And yea me hand hurts help would be appreciated, if ya wouldn’t mind. Is she gonna be alright? What are they going to do?”
“We will not know until the doctor comes back, but we will let you know as soon as they come back. Now let's go over here and take a look at your hand.” The nurse said while leading Katie back into an examination room. She began to look at the hand in more detail before reaching over to grab some cleaning supplies and clean her knuckles.
“I’m Nancy by the way, what’s your name?” The nurse said after starting to clean Katies wounds.
“My name is Katie, do ya think my hand is broken?”
“Straight to the point I see. Well, we will need an x-ray to say for sure and what kind of treatment would be needed, but I am 80% sure you indeed have a broken hand Katie,”
“Damn, I was hoping you wouldn’t say that. Do I at least get a cool cast?”
“Of course, in any color you want. But let me go and put in for an x-ray and check up on the status of your child. What's her name? Nancy said while standing up
“Her names y/n, y/n McCabe” Katie responded tearfully
A half hour had passed before another person burst through the emergency room doors. 
“I’m looking for Katie McCabe? Where is she?” Viv asked the front desk
“She is just about to come back to the waiting room, looks like she just got her cast done so the nurse will send her your way if you will just have a seat ma’am.” 
Viv nodded and turned around to look for an open chair perfectly positioned to see everything but not be so far away that she couldn’t hear if the nurse called your name. In the middle of her consideration, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her torso. She looked over and saw Katie, so she wrapped her arms around her shoulders. 
“Hey, are you ok?” Viv spoke after a minute
“I don’t know, I will be once I see her. Viv… she was in bad shape… I …” Katie said before being caught by a wave of emotion. 
“Hey. Look at me, she is going to be fine. She’s a McCabe, you all are a stubborn lot. Now lets sit down and tell me what happened”
Katie was currently tucked into Vivs side, her leg bouncing in anticipation, impatiently waiting for the doctor to say your name. 
“So, why did you have them call me instead of Caitlin?” Viv wondered out loud 
“Well, Cait is out with Steph and Kyra. I didn’t want to ruin her night, and ya were the next person I could think of to help me.” Katie confessed. “Where's Beth? Ya guys are attached at the hip.”
“Ah, Steph called like 10 min before I got the phone call. She got invited to hang out with the Aussies.”
“God, that's trouble.”
Finally, your name was called, “Family of y/n McCabe?” 
Katie  and Viv shot up and made their way to the doctor.
“Hi, yea that’s us. Is she ok?” Katie rushed out 
“Yes, y/n is alright. If you follow me, we will go back and see her. She is a little out of it because we gave her some strong pain meds, just a warning.” They said while walking down the corridor. They walked past a few more doors until the doctor turned left and went through the door.
“y/n, how are you feeling?” The doctor greeted you.
As they walked in the room, Katie was finally able to see you. You were sitting up and looking at the door with a dopey look on your face. She took note of all the physical injuries she could see, you had a black eye, a few stitches around your eyebrow and a cut adorning your lip. As well as a bandage around your right hand. 
“I’m okayyyy. The funky juice ya gave me is makin me feel fuzy, but its all goooood becuz ya brought me Mum. Oh! And Auntie Viv!”
The doctor chuckled a little bit, “Mhmm, I sure did. They are gonna take you home soon, I just need to tell your mum a few things, is that alright?”
You looked flabbergasted, “pfffttt, of course. She already knows everything about meee”
“Alright, so I am sure you can see most of the damage. She has a few stitches in her face and quite a few in her hand. We have it covered so that nothing gets into her… incisions. You will have to come back to get all the stitches removed in about 2 weeks. We checked her torso area, and found that she has no broken bones, she did however have a few fractured ribs and severe bruising. That is the reason for the strong pain meds. I imagine she will be in quite a bit of pain for about a week or so because of that. Any questions?”
“Um, is there a way I can get you to send both my report and hers to our work? And I can take her back home tonight?” 
“Yea, that shouldn’t be a problem. Just need a medical release so that we can send those over and those can be there by the morning. Yes, you can take her home tonight. We don’t need to keep her for observation, but if anything changes please do come back and we can take a look.” 
“Ok, thank you very much.” Katie replied and then turned to you. “Hey kid, ya really gave me a scare there.” She continued, gently cupping your cheek.
“I’m sowry, I didn’t mean to” You replied looking tearful
“Hey, no. It’s alright, I… I just hated to see you like that, but you are alright now. Auntie Viv is going to take us home” She softly smiled before leaning in and placing a light kiss on your forehead. You leaned into her touch, closing your eyes briefly. 
You all had arrived home far too late for Katie’s pleasure. It was nearing 3 am when you stumbled through the front door.
“Hey, careful there kid. Lets not have to go back to the hospital, alright?” Katie said, worry laced in her voice
“I am like sooo careful, ya don’t even know. Now where is the boi??? I am in need of cuddles” You retort back, head swiveling in search of cooper. 
Viv chuckled, as she grabbed your arm and pulled you into her side “God, she’s so high.”
“C’mon, we need to go to bed. Ya can sleep in my bed with cooper too.”
“Yayyyyy, now where is he??? And what about auntie Viv, where is she going to sleep?” you say, determined and confused.
Katie turned to Viv, “I actually did not think of that. We have practice tomorrow… Ya can sleep over obviously, I think Cait said something about spending the night at Stephs”
“Yea, that would be great. I can drive you both in tomorrow, you will have to talk to Jonas and the Physio. I can do that if it would make it easier.” Viv said while practically dragging you to Katie's bedroom.
“That would be great, I don’t know if I could talk about it again without breaking down. Would you mind taking us later, so everyone is on the pitch already, I don’t want the kid to be overwhelmed.”
“Yea, I will text Jonas now. I am in no shape to train tomorrow either, I am so tired.”
Viv helped you lay down in the middle of the bed, where you were now picking up cooper from where he was and placing him on your chest. Your quest of finding your furry friend now over. 
As Viv was sending a message to Jonas, Katie got into the bed and pulled the covers up. Cooper moving off y/n’s chest and onto her own. You however, were sad that cooper had left you so you moved to your side and cuddled into Katies side sighing contently as Katie wrapped an arm around you protectively. When Viv had turned around, she chuckled.
“May I join the cuddle pile?” 
“Of course, auntie Viv. Come on my other side, so that I am a sandwich!”
“What kind of sandwich?” Viv asked as she got into the bed, spooning you
“A love sandwich, silly” you said tiredly.
 “My bad, now go to bed kid, you have a long day tomorrow.” Viv said as she felt herself being claimed by the warmth of sleep. 
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pluto247 · 2 months
The Four Mistakes - pt 1
Katie McCabe x Reader
Warnings: Physical violence
I was by far the youngest player on the Arsenal squad at 17. I signed with Arsenal about a year ago when my foster parents decided that they did not want to have me in the house anymore. So when Jonas called and said that he wanted permission to have me sign a professional contract with Arsenal they immediately said yes. I was fine with that, they only gave me the bare minimum to take care of me besides signing me up for soccer. That is the only thing they did for me that I appreciated, even if it was to have me out of the house more often. 
I obviously could not live on my own, so I moved in with Katie McCabe. Jonas thought it would be nice for me to live with another Irish person. Probably thought it would make the transition a little easier for me, and it did. I feet comfortable living with her and cooper (I absolutely love cooper, he is the bestest boy). Living with Katie felt like home, I know that seems cliché but it was, she was like the older sister I never had. She cared for me, loved me and made me feel special. So after a year of living with Katie, I asked her to become my legal guardian and when she said yes I was ecstatic. I don’t think anything could top that feeling.
My foster parents were more than happy to transfer all legality to Katie, they never truly cared other than the fact that it made them feel better about themselves to adopt me. So when the day came that everything had finally gone though, and she was officially my legal guardian, I felt complete. 
Training had just finished up, and Katie was finishing getting ready to leave the locker room.
“Kid, are you coming home with me?” She looked over while grabbing her bag.
“No, I think I am going to study in the media room for a little bit. You know if I go home I will get distracted by the boy and not finish my homework. I need to finish my physics homework tonight so I can be on track to finish this module.” 
“Alright, let me know when you finish up and I can meet you halfway. I have to feed cooper and do our laundry.”
“Ok, I will.”
“See ya in a bit kid.” Katie finished, coming up to me and messing with my hair
“God Katie, I just brushed my hair!” I say while pushing her away, while she left the locker room.
“She only does it because she loves you.” Viv stated
“I know she at least likes me, but could she do it in a less annoying way?”
“Uh, no. Annoying is her love language.” Viv fired back. “Alright, good luck on your studies.” She said standing up.
I waved her and Beth goodbye and made my way to the media room. School was honestly quite easy for me, so when Jonas said that I needed to complete high school I was fine with it. I actually quite enjoyed it, especially since I was in an online school. I could do my coursework whenever and I didn’t have to interact with teenagers my age. So, I dove right into my homework. I was brought out of my head by hearing my phone ring, I blinked for what felt like the first time in two hours. I picked up the phone.
“Kid, are you coming home soon? It is dark outside.” 
“Shit, right. Sorry, I will pack up right now.”
“Oi, thats a pound in the swear jar.”
“That is so unfair, you curse all the time!”
“Just because I do it, doesn’t mean that you can do it.”
“What do you mean? That is totally how it works.”
“No swearing! What would Kim think? Anyways, do ya still want to walk or do ya want me to come get ya in the car?”
“Kim is Scottish, she doesn’t care and if we can still walk that would be nice, I need to stretch my legs a little bit, they are stiff.”
“Yea thats good, I will meet ya halfway. See ya soon kid.”
“See ya soon Katie.”
With that I hung up, finished packing up my bag and put it in my locker. I didn’t really like to do any school work at home because I always get distracted by other things I could be doing, like petting cooper or talking with Caitlin. Caitlin had made plans to hang out with Steph and Kyra earlier so she would not be at Katie’s, which was quite upsetting because Caitlin lets me pick the evening show whereas Katie puts on football every single night. 
Katie's house was only a twenty minute walk from the Arsenal facility and I was thankful that Katie allowed me to have some independence and walk around by myself. It made me feel like I was an adult without actually being an adult and have to worry about adult type things, if you know what I mean. The only thing that she required was that you not walk home by myself in the dark, so she always meets me halfway after the afternoon study session I so often did. 
I was in my own little world thinking about what I needed to finish tomorrow to still be on track to finish the module. That was my first mistake. 
All of a sudden I feel pressure on the back of my neck, and the next thing I know, I am being dragged into an alley and slammed face first into a brick wall. I grunted in pain as I tried to gather my bearings and understand what was happening. The right side of my face was being pushed into the brick wall, and there was still the pressure on the back of my neck.
“Oi, listen closely ya wee lass. Give me all your money and I won’t hurt ya.” A scruffy deep voice said
“I think it is a little late to not hurt me ya bastard.” I retorted. This was my second mistake
I hear a deep growl and that's when I feel myself being spun around, my back now roughly being forced into the brick wall. The pressure on the back of my neck moving to the front of my neck, redistricting my airflow just enough to be bothersome. I could see the man now, he looked homeless, he had a scraggly beard and wild eyes. The thing that really caught my attention was the knife he had in his right hand. This was bad, so bad. Silently, I was hoping Katie was just around the corner so that this interaction stops sometime soon.
“Don’t be a cunt now, give me all your money” He said, waving the knife in front of my face
“If ya would have asked nicely, then maybe, but ya threatened me ya dickhead. So no!”  I responded coarsely. That is when I made my third mistake, I raised my right hand and decked him as hard as I could. Honestly, this wasn’t the smartest move on my part given the current situation, but there was no way I was backing down now and showing weakness.
He stumbled back away from me, dazed. He had let go of me and I took a much needed gulp of air. He turned back slowly toward me looking a lot more unhinged than I could have thought. It made me afraid, so deathly afraid of what he might do to me now.
“Ya little shite, ya gonna regret that!” He yelled as he raised his knife. I tried to back up, but my back met the brick wall. 
I was cornered, shit. He lunged, trying to stab me in the leg. I tried to grab his wrist and prevent any stabbing but I missed, and the knife went straight through my right hand. Everything from that point on went in slow motion. I was so shocked that I  had a knife in my hand that I made the mistake of looking down at my hand. That was my fourth mistake.
 The man took that moment to punch me in the face with enough force to cause me to stumble and land on the ground. With my body against the wall, the man started to repeatedly kick me in the ribs. This was it, this is how I die. Attacked by a homeless man, I wasn’t even a legal adult. How could this be happening to me? The attack seemed to last a lifetime, but in actuality it was probably only a few seconds. Then all of a sudden, it all stopped.  
It took me a couple of seconds to look up, afraid he was waiting for me to look up. However, when I did you look I saw Katie absolutely demolishing this man with no clear intentions of stopping. She was repeatedly wailing on this man like her life depended on it. 
“Katie…” I managed to quietly voice. I am not even sure how she heard as I barely heard myself. But she was next to me in a second, cradling my face gently in both her hands. Her right hand, bloodied and bruised.
“Kid, oh my god. Are ya ok? Shit, um let's hurry up and get ya to a hospital.” She rushed to say, her voice strained holding her emotions at bay.
She helped me to your feet, it hurt like a bitch. My ribs were at least bruised, if not broken. I was incredibly unsteady so she wrapped an arm around my waist to support me. I leaned heavily on her as we hobbled down the alley in the direction of home.
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