poems-shortstories · 4 years
They Want to Express Their Authority. Instead They Expess Their Impunity
Listen to what I say,
I don’t follow the same rules as you,
the law is laid out, you read it and you follow,
I enforce it, so I decide,
will the punishment fit the crime,
I am an authority,
I choose win or lose
the worth of your life is how well you listen,
your worth of life is based on my morals and values,
cross me and you’ll die,
do as I say and you might live,
I have been given this authority,
your life is my decision,
I don’t see many consequences for my actions
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poems-shortstories · 4 years
When I Was Born
When I was born,
I won the lottery,
I was born a male,
Didn’t experience misogyny,
When I was born,
I won the lottery,
Born in England,
Where war is just history,
When I was born,
I won the lottery,
A white little boy,
No racist attacked me,
When I was born,
I won the lottery,
We should all feel this,
In a world of equality,
When I was born,
I won the lottery,
I would trade it all in,
For a world filled with unity.
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poems-shortstories · 4 years
Tribute to Great Poet and Friend   Palapie
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It is with great sorrow that I announce the death of a great Poet , Mr Palapie . He was a friend to everyone he met and a source of strength for all who knew him. His Poems were deep and inspiring ... 
Poetry and Fiction was a empty place, the Great Man Palapie,  just visited and never cared for the dirt or emptiness ... For Him every place which is related to Poetry was  a divine place.He was like God and nature which expressed itself through   poems ... He kept writing till the end... ,His poems will live forever and he will live in it like a Baby.
I will Share Palapie’s Poems from time to time... 
We respect you Sir..
Desolated Streets
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I have walked along this street so many times. Seen so many faces dear, and some so strange. Through windows I could sense pulsating hearts. Read the words on steamed-up window panes, like little footprints on the wetness of my eyes.
How I want to know them, embrace them all! But I’m a lonely wanderer, slowly walking by. Trying to share his heart by writing in the snow. Leaving whispers on the wind that gathers leaves, in an endeavor to reach another lonely heart, who, silently, will understand, because it knows.
And that would be enough for me to carry on to silence and to say, “Bless this night, dear Lord, and thank You Lord, for the friend out there.”
But recently all shutters have been closed. My image returns from little mirrors in the lights and reflects the face of a fool; but an old fool. One who refuses to wear a mask of indifference. One who yearns for hearts who’ll sing of kindness. Who, once again, will break the chains of fear.
I still walk the street, up to the stillness of the park. Still read the words written in the sky by yesterday. And then I wonder, where had everybody gone? Am I the lost one, or did they lose their way? I’m still me, wandering the desolated streets. I still yearn to share the stillness of the street.
Poem By Palapie
Posted on :  May 1st, 2020
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poems-shortstories · 4 years
We Can Never Be Friends
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Ennui and I
We are not on good terms
She had tried to befriend me
But that had made me squirm
Whenever she had paid a visit
I had no time to entertain her
You see, I'm always occupied
With something or the other
In my spare time (if I get any)
I am happily daydreaming
My musings make a good company
They are far too engaging
Besides, I can daydream whole day
Whole night too if I may say
But she doesn't like my musings
To death she gets bored
I think she should give up on me
And accept this once and for all
That she and I do not blend
And though it breaks my heart to say
We can never be friends!
PC: Shuvro Mojumder
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poems-shortstories · 4 years
Birdseye floating
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Birdseye floating in the morning breeze Bugle calls and gunshots fields of white stones Dreamcatcher caught in the thrall of these bones Dreams they never realized and peace we hope they find Live your life the way they'd wish feel peace and please be kind.
Poem By  Indigenous Soul.
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poems-shortstories · 4 years
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Feelings float on memories diffused in slow motion Voices stagger between lines of fanciful passion laws Night is blue with ruby reflections Time starts here dripping in doubt We stand hand in hand to live & love forget & leave come back dance & die one more time.
Beautiful Poem By  Sanya R
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poems-shortstories · 4 years
You Are Not Gone
Last melancholic poem for a while – promise. I’ll write something else next time.
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You are not gone from me, In my heart I will not forsake The hazy memory swimming In deep, divine forest lake; As I see the shimmering image Smiling in the reflected bliss, Kneeling to let lips caress Waters in remembrance kiss.
Walking through special woods White clouds swirl in silken lace, Soft tears gently blur my eyes In autumn skies I see your face, While circling birds herald a song Drifting melody from high above For this is where I first confessed My heart is yours in eternal love.
I feel you in my soul and head, In my room, where now I walk, Lonely days and long dark dawn I sense you there, I hear you talk; Where is the place you have gone? Across the divide of soul sought sea, How long must I exist without you? Promise, my darling to wait for me.
Shifting shadows of long night, My fingers reach for form so fair Hoping time can reverse its fate But my beautiful angel is not there; So, I close my dampened eyes And in my dream, it is you I see, Once devoted soul who is now lost Yet love, you are not gone from me.
Beautiful Poem By Cysgod.
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poems-shortstories · 4 years
When You’re In The Arms
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When you’re in the arms Of another Remembrance flows Stained in scarlet ink From words in Souls and flesh alike From a heart Not used to colliding And breaking apart When another’s touch Takes you further from me Know I mourn...
Poem By  Sain Is Me
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poems-shortstories · 4 years
*Sleep This Night
Neither wishes nor hopes were answered, so it was meant to be. I post this poem with lachrymose feelings
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Sleep this night sweet angel I am always by your side Let me take this heavy burden from pain I will not hide, Dreams caress your slumber I’m a castellan of emotion So, no harm will befall you With sword of devotion; Oh, how you saw me bravely to kiss away your fears But when you are sleeping floodgates flow the tears, Silent drifts this lengthy night with love I will implore Vows you will never be alone I’ll wait for ever more: Aegeus seeking his white sail then plunges into the sea Bull dancing from Cretan Isle take Golden thread to me: I can hear you softly breathing breast rising in perfect grace Recalling many nights we spent In sweet love’s fond embrace, Come to me in muffled thoughts so I know no fear I will listen to your beating heart says you know I’m here, Do not go until one more time we taste our special bliss My tears purify your lovely face in this our one last kiss.
By Cysgod A.L.
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poems-shortstories · 4 years
Archangel (A Villanelle)
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In ominous spells, when fear ascends its throne, covered with words of evil blasphemous names, he will stand his ground and face the fear alone.
His skillful mind will assure that dark’s outshone. With unsheathed sword he will dictate the game, in ominous spells, when fear ascends its throne.
In darken pits where the devious demons groan and with fear attempt to lay their claim to fame, he will stand his ground and face the fear alone.
The warrior prince so formidable all on his own will never retreat from evil forces that he maims in ominous spells, when fear ascends its throne.
Courageous angel who wears the Light as crown. While safeguard souls from the accuser’s blame, he will stand his ground and face the fear alone.
Merciless he’ll fight until the war has been won, until such a time as his victory is finally claimed. In ominous spells, when fear ascends its throne, he will stand his ground and face the fear alone.
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poems-shortstories · 4 years
I Peeled Back My Face To Find
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I peeled back my face to find grey matter wondering why then carefully displaced my mind and asked if souls can cry
I sat there as a shoulder buried memories and scenes discarded everything I carried thoughts, ideas, dreams
What am I? A machine? No, an echo on a screen.
Poem By   G.Y. Vague
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poems-shortstories · 4 years
I Still See The Blue
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I still see the blue just as you left it dancing playfully upon the canvas of my heart I still see the moon just as you showed me soaring effortlessly above my dark I still hear the words just as you created them but they still can't bind my restless spirit....
Beautiful Poem By  Carol Roberts
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poems-shortstories · 4 years
The First Full Moon In June
The first full moon in June
Everyone sings that tune
You plant the seed and hope it grows
And harvest everything to which you soughed
5 weeks ago i wondered aloud
Should I plant and would it grow?
They said to feel and touch the soul
But then it came, the darkest of cloud
Everything was planned since start
Except the sky, and the weather chart
It became so cold and from the north
and that was shockingly, April the 4th
And now it seems the time has come
To strengthen my arms and my greenest of thumbs
To plant the seeds and let her know
That I bow to her between row and row
Everything it comes down to this
The soil, the rain, mother nature's kiss
If she wants, she'll destroy it all
So bow to her and her wherewithals
Did she hear me on this day
As I thought of her on the brae
On my knees and shovel in hand
I give to her....my demand
Make it grow and watch from me
I'll make you see from sea to sea
That from this seed I give today
A thousand more to come your way..
Beautiful Poem By Justanothernickname.
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poems-shortstories · 4 years
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It’s midnight and the wind still howls. The sun is halfway through its night. While counting sheep the sandman came, and slumber lifts me out of sight.
Past cloudy skies up to the stars, where miracles are not so rare, I travelled thought-ways in the hope to find a moment we could share.
As if you read my deepest thoughts, you gently moved into my space, and touched me softly from behind, almost too shy to show your face.
The warmness of your breath attest even in dreams our love’s so true. Somehow inside I’ve always known there will never be another you.
Anticipation at the new day’s dawn. Innocence and honesty in sleep is so divine. I lay and watch your peaceful slumber as you sail the seven seas on ivory sheets. Soon the golden fingers of an early ray will creep through panes and kiss you gently. Slowly, you’ll return with an almost smile. The windows to your soul will appear when you slowly opens the veils. In those dreamy eyes I will see myself. A true reflection of your love.
(Dedicated to my wife; Mientjie for 49+ years of marriage)
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poems-shortstories · 4 years
Night Is The Barking Dog
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Night is a barking dog
Explosive in its call of darkness
Haul of haunches, and belly down
Black has fallen now on all fours
bounding on feet, foraging around for provisions;
the scraps of day’s end, the scent of fresh dreams has it salivating
We think it rain
We, consumed....
Poem By Lady Owl
Hi Buddies, How are you ?
Please Share your thoughts....
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poems-shortstories · 4 years
A Wind called Delores
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A Wind called Delores
Where smoldering magma once blinded the sun, and forces of nature built strongholds so tall, stand silent rock statues, and exploring the far, and eagles find shelter on these castle-like walls. There, high up above, where pregnant clouds wait, there, Delores lay dormant and wait out the fall.
But the cycles of seasons will come and will go, as the season of cold puts her slumber on hold. In a temper display she commanded white clouds: “Open your storehouse, feed my blizzard, so cold.” Through gorges and valleys to wide open plains her freezing cold breath brings on misery untold.
But Delores’s temper like the winter won’t last. She calms down and retreat to her haven above. Let living beings sleep in this cold winter’s night. In the heart of the earth burns, on new life’s behalf, insurmountable desires for this new life to start. A new season will whisper; “new life and new love.”
Through the snow laden earth new creation emerge, as exuberantly Spring halts the cold winter’s song. Then Delores descents and caresses the young. with the same hostile fingers which directed the storm. Now she fondles new life like a young mother’s arms, and with passion appraise the unconceivable reform.
From her throne in the sky, where laden clouds wait, Delores, with compassion, will replenish the plains.   To nourish and to quench, with a gift from above, She’ll bring crystal clear drops of a generous rain. Without asking for praises, she will nurse every sprout, While rock statues watch o’er her precious domain.
As the summertime ends, hear the sound of a cry. Will Delores finds peace in the yonder above? Will loneliness still force her to wander about in search of the someone who will answer her love? Hear Delores’s voice as the wind hums along, She’ll whisper her secret between obelisks rough.
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poems-shortstories · 4 years
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In the dark far corner of a room
Cowering from fear of demons unknown
Anticipating the nearness of her own doom
And sanity as she knew has flown
Is her state of being
From the coldness that groped her
Until her whole being is shaking, shivering
For the unknown holding her in fear
To someone inside her head
Begging for another chance at sanity
But she expected what she feared
The pleas resulted only in futility
The pitiful creature huddled more in the far, dark corner
In her mind, she has a battle that she needs to fight
Bringing her to the edge of an abyss, deeper and farther
In her mind, she dropped in a pit without a hint of light
Oh! How her soul wanted to be freed
Her mind was in constant war with demented confusions
And her body unhindered, but neither living nor dead
For her world revolves around the never ending delusions…
Poem by: Ms~Took
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