pokehxme · 4 years
(oh I may have something coming pretty quick)
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pokehxme · 4 years
Hope you're doing aight. Is this gonna be your first Christmas in your own place? I kinda lost track, hah!
//Ah, thanks, haha.  I’ve been better in all honesty, but I’m hanging in there.
Yeah, though, it is!  I’m still going to go see my family for Christmas but I kind of have a... work family now that I’m going to do Christmas with as well, I think?
It’s really nice.//
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pokehxme · 4 years
2019 is almost over!
With the final month of the year here, it’s your chance to send the mun or muse something you’ve wanted to tell them! Whether you haven’t had the chance to or you’ve been too shy, now’s the time to say what you feel, and don’t hold back!
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pokehxme · 5 years
//Alright, something had to come up and throw a wrench in my plans.
To make a long story short (and keep from going too much into personal detail)...
I moved house.  I’m now living with two coworkers of mine.
I’m not super worried about privacy or anything of that nature.  It’s just been... very, very stressful.  You wouldn’t believe it.  Thankfully, I have everything I need moved already, and my computer is here and set up.  Everything seems to be in order.  I have a roof over my head, internet access, friends who care for me within arm’s reach at all times...  It’s going to be weird for a while, but I’m hoping it works out.  At least my commute to and from work is now two minutes as opposed to 30.
It’s probably going to take a little bit longer to get things running around here.  Please bear with me!  Hopefully once everything’s fully sorted, I can give the blog some of the focus it deserves.  Stay tuned.  <3
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pokehxme · 5 years
//Yo, is this a bad time to announce this?  Probs.  Am I doing it anyway?  Yeah, ‘cause it’s on my mind.
So as we all know, SWSH are right around the corner, and in other news, I’ve been getting super annoyed lately with my lack of motivation to do stuff here, so I’m gonna try to let that help me kick things back into gear, because I’ve got a plan as well.
I’m gonna give this blog one more revamp. 
Hopefully this is the last one.  With this change it’ll become an all-inclusive blog that’ll house everyone—existing Tumblr muses and (selectively chosen) Discord muses alike.  I think I subconsciously decided at one point that the sideblog was a crap idea and just... never finished it, so I’m going to axe that and gradually bring everyone here if I decide I can give them enough development to warrant it.  I’ve actually had a few muses that I’ve wanted to bring here for a REALLY long time, but with the sideblog dead in the water and my motivation in the toilet, I haven’t gotten around to it.  Again, though, I’m looking to change that.
At the same time, whether it’s with the new muses or the ones already present here, I want to branch out a bit more, so if we haven’t properly interacted in the past, and you’ve wanted to, feel free to get in touch!  I’m sure we can at the very least plot something out.
I know I’ve made a bunch of promises already that I’ve dropped the ball on, but I’ve had this blog for ages now, and it means a lot to me, even if I’m not as active as I probably should be.
Hopefully this is the attempt that sticks.
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pokehxme · 5 years
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“Heheh, don’t mind if I do…” The dragon was never one to turn down this sort of opportunity, really. He casually walked around the Blaziken, carefully inspecting his body; he snuck a few squeezes here and there on Alder’s back and chest. “Very very nice. Always nice to see more hunky guys around, heheh~”
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Over the years, Alder’s learned to recognize when he’s being fawned over.  His response to said attention depends on the company... but this happens to be a case in which he’ll gladly accept, and even encourage it.  As the Dragonite thoroughly examines his form, the Blaziken’s hands come to rest on his hips, and a faint whistle slips through his beak in response to the not so sneaky gropes.  With a laugh, the avian flexes his chest out, only then cross his arms over it and step a little closer to Levi with a smirk.
“Ah, you’re tellin’ me, pal--been a good while since I’ve seen somebody who looks like he could give me a run for my money~.  ‘s a welcome change~...”
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pokehxme · 5 years
  Cue Boz staring, his face is a little bit flushed,...
“He’s pretty much a perfect size for us to… maybe squish that cute face of his between our chests~” Levi, no. He’s just going to make it worse.
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“As much time ‘s he spends with ‘is face in mine, I‘m sure he’d be pleased... though, ‘f he’s between us, I‘m bettin’ he won’t be satisfied with jus’ that~...”
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pokehxme · 5 years
"Well, of course I'm having ideas, watching one hot guy, feeling another up!" He says, and shakes his head! "I'm just saying, if you guys end up fucking, I wanna watch at the very least!" How very blunt, which is just like him!
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“...Tch.  Duly noted~.”
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pokehxme · 5 years
Cue Boz staring, his face is a little bit flushed, and he gives a bit of a cough. "You, uh, remember how I'm polygamous, right? The Dragonite there is one of my mates, and uh...." He says, eyes staring at Alder, and going back and forth between Alder's bicep, and Levi's bicep. It seems, the normally composed, cool Lycanroc is tripping over his words!
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“Seems like you’re gettin’ yourself some ideas there, Boz~…  Go on, tell me what’s on your mind~.”
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pokehxme · 5 years
  �� From Alder, because he is The Big Gay and likes...
“Believe me, I am. Result of years of training. You’re quite the sight yourself~”
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Alder doesn’t mind taking a turn to flex himself.  Toned to the core and littered with scars... more than enough to see, and perhaps more.
“Time, effort, ‘n’ championships, pal~.  G’on, ya’ve earned yourself a good look~.”
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pokehxme · 5 years
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“Very nice, very nice...  Ya’ done a lotta great work, ‘nd it shows.  Be proud’a whatcha got there.”
💪 From Alder, because he is The Big Gay and likes big muscles
And the Dragonite is happy to let him get his fill of muscles to fondle. “What’cha think?”
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pokehxme · 5 years
Boz, being the cheeky bugger that he is, slaps Alder's ass! "Happy daddy day, babe! Expect to be called that later tonight!"
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Well, Boz–big mistake.  Alder is quick to turn, lunge, and grab the Lycanroc by his sides, lifting him up into the air with a nasty glare…
…until a smirk breaks his features.
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“…Keep that shit up and it’s gonna be more’n my dick goin’ up your ass t’night.”
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pokehxme · 5 years
Hey!  I decided I want to give this a shot and see where it goes.  You can find me over here for the time being!
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Alright!  Think we’re ready to get this underway–
Gentle here, capitalizing on the SWSH hype with a new Zacian/Zamazenta blog!  Please like/reblog if you’re interested in interacting with two legendary guardian doggos and I’ll check you out!
Rules          Zacian          Zamazenta
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pokehxme · 5 years
  Bede and innes ;3c
(Whooo, face fanning required over here, Innes goodness. Bede is definitely the lucky one here, Innes is perfection)
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Always her best for her lovey-dovey guardian of the seas~
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pokehxme · 5 years
Bede and innes ;3c
This last step had been a step too far... in just the right direction.
It began like their normal meetings.  Innes arrived in that way that she did--spontaneous and without much warning, but welcome as always--she and Bede exchanged pleasantries, and they sat together for a time... but then, at the unintentional behest of the sea guardian after a notion of how delightful the Salazzle smelled this evening... they kissed.  And they kissed.  And they kissed.
Seconds crept on into minutes... and they continued, for what felt like an eternity.  Beak clashed with muzzle and tongues intertwined and connected in such a passionate and deliberate way that the difference in their size became nigh irrelevant.  Before long, they’d made a mess of their faces, but that hardly mattered to the two of them.  All that was important was the unbridled feeling and love that they poured into this moment together.
It was only after an indeterminate amount of time that the kiss separated, and Innes began to take note of the... rather delightful sounds Bede was making.  Familiar... yet she’s gone long enough without hearing them that they’re fresh in her mind.  He really does appreciate her company...
Doesn’t he~?
“Lie on your back, sugar~” she’d asked him.  From there, it was as simple as climbing up onto his stomach, her stance wide and her tail lifted to keep herself steady--and plenty visible--as she faced the issue at hand.  Sadly, far too large to ever fit... but devilishly enticing all the same.  It’s not the end of the world--she still had two hands and a mouth that could work plenty well.
Her pleasuring of him began in earnest.  Light touches, brushes of fingertips, caressing with palms, squeezes, nuzzles, kisses, licks--to the best of her ability, she shows Bede just how delighted she is to be in his company as well... all while spurring him on with the gentle rocking of her hips and the sultry sound of her voice, well within range of him to lean forward and return the favor... should he desire.
She has a feeling he will.
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pokehxme · 5 years
//Y’know what...
I don’t really feel like trying to dig up any specific memes, but...
Send me two muses (and possibly a scenario if you’ve got one) and I’ll see if I can write a **NSFW** drabble for them.  I’ll probably be a bit selective and length and quality will vary depending, but I feel like trying to write a little bit of something if it’s not threads for the time being.//
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pokehxme · 5 years
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"Silence, bottom."
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