pokemon-go-kids · 2 years
Admin: Welp
I didn’t forget the password to this blog or anything...I’m back
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pokemon-go-kids · 3 years
Team Harmony: Silence
“Nobody comes by to talk during this season....”
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“While I normally like the quiet, it has been boring with only you two for company...”
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pokemon-go-kids · 3 years
Elizabith- Sleep
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This bitch runs on energy drinks and crashing. She literally will smash energy drinks to stay up for days at a time, and crash.
Her record is 4 days no sleep, and then she slept for a solid 12 hours.
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pokemon-go-kids · 3 years
Elizabith: Drinks
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“Just tried this new ‘Chill Out Relaxation’ drink, I don’t think it did anything though.”
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pokemon-go-kids · 3 years
Quinn: Hello?
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“I haven’t seen your face around here before, are you new?”
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pokemon-go-kids · 3 years
Swift: Theft
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“So you wrongfully accuse me of somethin’, then have the gull to try and play it off huh? While I normally respect big balls, yours aren’t of my favorite variety. Either you cough up some Poke or you get yer ass kicked, Kapeesh?”
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pokemon-go-kids · 3 years
Admin: Absence
Sorry for the weird post I'm on mobile browser tumblr
But sorry I've been busy lately, dads getting married.
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pokemon-go-kids · 3 years
Open starter
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“You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself, it could have happened to anybody.” Elizabith offered as she returned Hack to his Pokeball. “I’m just happy I was nearby to help before things got too out of hand!”
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pokemon-go-kids · 3 years
Swift and Love
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Swift has been in love quite a few times, but she doesn’t feel like she truly deserves it. It goes well for a while, but then she slowly starts to feel like she’s getting too attached.
“How long until I have to leave them behind, how hard will it be?”
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pokemon-go-kids · 3 years
"Look, I'll be honest with you. The grunts that guard the PokeStops are top tier stupid. What kind of moron thinks taking free samples is actually stealing??"
"That's what I've been saying, but nobody ever seems to listen!" Swift threw her hands in the air. "I mean, yeah it prevents trainers from getting items and wiping out their pokemon means they have to actually buy potions and revives, but at most its a minor inconvenience!"
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"I'll tell you where the real prize would be. Taking over their damn gyms, so they can't get the money to do buy their stuff. At that point we could move in on the pokestops and actually have an impact! All your Pokemon are wiped out, and you can't afford to buy potions because you don't have any money because we took your wittle gyms? Awwww.....Sucks for you!"
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pokemon-go-kids · 3 years
Ace: Leon
What the fuck is Leons outfit? I wanna battle this man, but his clothes, his fit....Thats...Thats not it
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“Man looks like he was inspired by a Peter Pan Jr production on the lower half, and then his mom tied a sponsor blanket around his neck and he added furry lining to make it a cape.....I mean the facial hairs on point though....”
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pokemon-go-kids · 3 years
Team Harmony and Skarmory
“SKARMORY INCOMING!” Ace dives out the way.
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“ACE, YOU’RE DEAD WHEN THIS IS OVER, IF IT EVER ENDS.” Quinn jumped into a bush as the Skarmory swooped down towards them. “WHY WOULD YOU EVEN TRY TO GET THAT CLO- ACK!”
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“IT’S NOT ME FOR ONCE, IT’S NOT ME FOR ON-!” Elizabith stepped back as Quinn got dive-bombed by another Skarmory. “......I’ll call Willow and tell him that the Skarmory can defend themselves, no need to protect this habitat.” No sooner had she said that did a Skarmory unleash Brave Bird at her.
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pokemon-go-kids · 3 years
Quinn: The world is quiet here
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Quinn is my favorite muse in terms of interactions.
Their playful banter with Ace, the fractured relationship with Elizabith.
We haven’t even gone into their jealousy, fear, or toxic traits yet.
I’m feeling generous, here’s a peek into that below.
Their jealous of Elizabiths’ relationship with her pokemon. While Quinn plays it off as finding it unhealthy, their actually envious of how close she is to them, how in tune their emotions and thoughts she is. Elizabith could tell you her Pokemons reaction towards something before they even know what it is.
Quinn could never do that with their Pokemon, at best its a cordial coworker relationship. There is a bond there, and its obvious Quinn cares deeply for them, but its only that. The bond is mutual, but even still its not as strong.
Quinn is jealous of how strong Aces’ Pokemon are. Ace spends most of his day working with and training his team so their always at their peak performance. He can go hours working with them to achieve this, sacrificing his eating and sleeping if needed to help strengthen his team.
Quinn can’t afford to sacrifice time away from the lab to do that on top of research, their chores at the sanctuary, and taking care of the Pokemon in their care. If their lucky they can spare a few hours to “research ways to help this Pokemon achieve its greatest potential” but then comes the guilt of wasting time and resources. 
Quinn keeps this jealously hidden away in the back of their mind, only letting it out when their minds in the darkest of places. Sometimes, the acid slips from their tongue and they let loose a remark so harsh it could cut stone perhaps, and because of this they try to keep quiet during actual fights.
One of the few times they didn’t bite it back, cost them dearly.
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pokemon-go-kids · 3 years
On mobile
But if yall ever wanna rp just shoot me a dm, ask, or starter. Hell even like this post and we'll start plotting.
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pokemon-go-kids · 3 years
Ace: Losing
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When Ace loses a battle, he tends to isolate himself internally. He gets into his head almost as soon as he hears his opponent declared the winner, and can sorta block out days at a time to his thoughts. You can tell when you talk to him best, as he seems confused and dazed most of the conversation.
He mostly things strategy, but sometimes its about how he’s gonna improve his team for the next battle and raise their spirits after such a loss.
Another common thought is if he’s a good enough trainer, especially if its a trainer battle on a route. Losing to a gym leader or the elite four is one thing, but just some random person? Salt in the wound.
This isn’t to say he’s a sore loser though, as he always congratulates his opponent on a fine battle, shakes their hand, gives them Poké and leaves.
If its a casual battle with one of his siblings, he playfully suggests they cheated, but quickly follows up with, “Looks like you’re getting stronger, so I shall too!” if they seem hurt.
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pokemon-go-kids · 3 years
Admin: Appletun
Nothing fucks with me like the Appletun shield pokedex entry.
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“ Its body is covered in sweet nectar, and the skin on its back is especially yummy. Children used to have it as a snack.”
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pokemon-go-kids · 3 years
Team Harmony: Growlithes
“If you didn’t want a Growlithe to eat your shoes, you shouldn’t have left them where they could get to them!”
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“Bruh, that's even worse. How didn’t you notice them eating your feet?”
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