pole-dyane-blog · 3 years
The Similarities and Differences of the Doodle Fiction, Manga and Graphic Novel using the Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizer
The new generation has a strong connection to technology. Millennial had such early exposure to technology , it is easier for them to adapt and learn how to operate it. All topics, literature included, are on the internet. Today, i will encourage and learn the three modern literary genres that 21st Century writers currently use. But there are originally thirteen literary genres of the 21st century. 
Doodle Fiction -  A literary presentation where the author incorporates doodle drawings and hand written graphics in place of traditional font.
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Manga - These are comics or graphic novels originated from Japan. Usually printed in black-and-white.
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Graphic Novel - is a narrative work in which the story is conveyed to the reader using sequential art in either an experimental design or in a traditional comics format
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Differences in terms of elements 
 Although they have their many elemental similarities, in arts, style and narrative, they must have a common elemental distinction. Doodle fiction writes its text and sketches using handwritten elements. Manga uses the very unique style of Japanese art to draw the graphics, they are often read exclusively to the Japanese from right to left. Such Japanese elements include culture, people, atmosphere, behavior, and the likes. Whereas, the doodle fiction and graphic novel can be form any country. Lastly, Graphic novels use a very Americanized art style in drawing the comic and must be read from left to right.
 In telling a story, all of these genres incorporate sketches, illustrations, or graphics. This is merely a fundamental description of each genre. For a more humorous and/or engaging effect, Doodle Fictions use Doodle, whereas both the Manga and Graphic Novels use a comic book design. To be even more evident, both of these types contain images that effectively engage viewers. 
Differences in Terms of Structure 
Doodle Fiction follows a form of storytelling novel or storybook. It displays both text and photos much like how papers are written, while on the opposite, Manga and Graphic Novel have panels to distinguish a scene from another scene in comic book style. Manga and Graphic Novel, the vocabulary they use and structure in the formality of the pieces are distinct when it comes to text.
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