poppybros-jr · 22 hours
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The plant mage known only as Bug has been dead for a very long time, but they were so determined to learn all they could about their craft that they refused to stay in their grave. They specialise in healing magic and potion craft. They can’t talk due to their vocal chords deteriorating, but they’re always happy to help any traveller in need who doesn’t try to slay them on sight.
Tagging: Any followers who want to give this a try!
Tag game!!!
Do this quiz
And this picrew
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And tag people(obviously)
@anartistwithamask @gummy-axolotl @shadowthegay @auseryoumayknow @copper-ichor @moonysfavoritetoast @alexthescaredenby @invaderxeya @fungal-boy-witch-yay @artists-void @hazbin-hotel-lucifer-simp @ka1-the-pr0ot @theautumnalcat
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poppybros-jr · 5 days
Important post!
I think I need to take a break for a day or two.
I’m trying not to take the loss too personally, since it is all just fun and games at the end of the day, but since Cosmo was winning for a bit, I got my hopes up a bit too much. No shade to Pink Lemonade Driblee, though! She’s a fantastic character who deserved the win. I’ll be rooting for her next round!
That said, once I feel better, I will still be answering asks for Cosmo! People have been so kind about my silly little fluffy noddy, and I really want to keep the asks going once I’m back in the right headspace for it! So please keep sending them in! I also plan to continue drawing art for any competitor who sends a question, and hopefully a few more bits of surprise propaganda too, since drawing the magic show was fun (if exhausting!).
I would especially like some asks about things other than magic, since it gives me more opportunity to explore him as a character. Heavy hitting questions or lighter questions, all are welcome!
To everyone who’s supported Cosmo, voted for him, drawn art of him, answered his questions etc…. Thank you so, so much for everything and for helping me get involved in this event. It’s been an absolute blast so far.
By the way, if anyone wants to add me as a friend on Discord, please hit me up! If you’re on the tourney server, you know how to find me.
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poppybros-jr · 5 days
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Rip to the world’s biggest loser😔
@george228732 @moonverc3x @quanblovk @giantchasm @zprite-x @heiressofdoodles @poppybros-jr
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poppybros-jr · 5 days
Hi Moroshi! Good luck in the tournament! What other cool places have you visited when you’re exploring? And would you like an ice lolly? I’m sharing them with everyone!
- from Cosmo @poppybros-jr
Moroshi: I've visited a very beautiful grassland full of lovely flowers. Some of those flowers tasted so delicious! I'm actually considering living there from now on, but I'll just wait a while before I make a decision.
Moroshi: Oh and thank you so much for the popsicle!
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poppybros-jr · 5 days
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ROUND ONE: Cosmo VS Pink Lemonade Driblee
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poppybros-jr · 5 days
Last ditch effort to promote Cosmo! Please vote for him if you can!
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ROUND ONE: Cosmo VS Pink Lemonade Driblee
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poppybros-jr · 6 days
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It seems like all the interest in Cosmo’s magic has made him confident enough to try putting on a show for the other contestants!
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Wait, what was that about not sleeping for two days? Isn’t he a noddy? Eh, I’m sure it’ll be fine. He’s a trained professional, after all!
Many of the characters in the audience are (or were, at the time of drawing) struggling in their polls, so I’m using this post to promote them. Please check out their polls and spare them a vote if you can! And if you have time, please vote for Cosmo too! Polls are listed below, just click the character’s name to go to them!
Ideena and Pixie @tazmilygray @moondust-artz
Strawberry Von Fru @pageofthemicocee
Dolos @nightcovefox
Peony @giantchasm
Dawn @nautical-nova
Seabunny @seabunny-humaniod
Olympea @pinkestmenace
Necro Knight @dark-mega
Reclusa @waddledoodledee
Wolfbell @zombiecicada
Finally, Aphelion belongs to @hadopelagicpsi (he’s doing okay at the moment, but since his creator was one of the askers I included him anyway), and Piojo (not a contestant) belongs to @isaackkkbunn !
I wish I could have included more, but unfortunately I’ve hit my limit. ^^; I’m very sorry for any art mistakes, and I wish everyone the best of luck in the tourney!
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poppybros-jr · 7 days
Cosmo Backstory Post!
When I first made Cosmo’s intro post, I was nervous of putting too much about his backstory. I’m feeling braver now, and he’s had enough asks now to start hinting that he’s not entirely just a happy lil fluffball without a care in the world, so here, have the Forbidden Cosmo Lore. @kirbyoctournament
This post is completely optional for interacting with Cosmo! Most questions and interactions will still get lighthearted responses from him. The subject of his family is the only one likely to get a less happy response.
(WARNING! There’s lots of unhappy stuff in here. Before reading, please bear in mind the following content warnings: parental emotional abuse/neglect, sibling bullying, childhood trauma caused by the disappearance of a sibling, mental health struggles and divorce.)
Cosmo is the fourth of five siblings, born into the Poppy Bros Travelling Circus, which performs all over Dream Land. His mother was an acrobat, and his father was a clown. His older siblings were Soleil, Marx and Stella (half an hour older still counts as older!), and his younger sister was named Celeste.
The siblings’ mother played very clear favourites with her eldest, emotionally neglecting the rest of the kids while putting a lot of pressure on Soleil to succeed. This led to Soleil developing severe issues with anger, anxiety, jealousy and her own self esteem, which she would take out on her younger siblings. Meanwhile, their father was a pushover and went along with whatever their mother said. Marx would misbehave to get any scrap of attention he could, and would constantly and gleefully mess with Soleil to draw her attention away from the younger kids. Stella and Cosmo were the ignored middle children and began to spend time with their magician aunts instead, which led to them developing an interest in stage magic.
After meeting Kirby, Marx became fixated on the idea of becoming a ‘hero’ like them and going on exciting adventures, though purely as a way to get away from his home life, relieve his boredom, be able to do whatever he wanted without getting in trouble and get the attention he craved, not out of any desire to actually do heroic things. Eventually he decided to go about it in the worst way, and the family was suddenly down a member. 
Marx’s disappearance affected everyone in the family very badly. The mother started becoming very controlling towards her children, especially little Celeste, trying to hide her own failings as a parent, and resisted even acknowledging Marx’s existence. The father became more withdrawn and began avoiding his family. Celeste, who had been a reasonably happy kid before, became very quiet and shy.
For Stella and Cosmo, the grief over the loss of their older brother hit them hard. They started having nightmares whenever they were too far from the Fountain of Dreams, and Cosmo in particular became very depressed, barely even reacting whenever some crisis threatened Dream Land even as his family were panicking. Not only that, but with their brother gone, there was nobody left to protect them from Soleil. They found themselves becoming her new main targets, and began purposely staying with their aunts as much as possible to avoid the bullying while refusing to say why. 
This continued for a while, until one day they found out that Celeste had started to become a target too. While Stella was scared of getting involved at first, hearing that Soleil would go as far as to pick on a small child made something snap inside Cosmo, and he decided that he was going to do for his little sister what Marx did for him, no matter what. He managed to convince Stella, and the two began standing up for Celeste, which quickly spiralled into them pranking Soleil relentlessly to draw her attention away from the youngster.
On a more positive note, this drive to protect his sister helped Cosmo cope with his depression and become a bit more like his old self again. Marx also returned to Popstar not long after. While Cosmo initially resented his brother for abandoning him, Stella convinced him to give Marx a chance. It took a couple of years, a lot of arguing and many, many reassurances, but they eventually reconciled and became even closer than before. Cosmo would go on to become a bit too forgiving of his brother’s faults.
Stella and especially Cosmo quickly became the family’s new ‘problem children’. They started to rebel against their mother, ditching the ‘hidden twin’ gimmick that had always been part of their act, differentiating their appearances and performing as a double act so Cosmo could get some credit too instead of just being an uncredited, unacknowledged secret ‘assistant’. Their aunts, who were starting to become aware of how bad the toxic family dynamics were, supported them and helped them. Eventually, even the father had had enough of his wife’s controlling behaviour and started standing up to her, and their marriage fell apart.
The three youngest siblings are currently living with their aunts while divorce proceedings are happening. Soleil is staying with their father. Cosmo still has depression and anxiety, but is coping with it a lot better and has far more good days than bad. His protective streak has started to grow into wanting to help protect Dream Land, though it’s also partly because he’d get an excuse to hang out with his brother more. He’s usually very friendly and cheerful most of the time, but he’s very sensitive to perceived danger and tends to panic if he thinks someone is a threat. He also feels overshadowed by his older siblings and isn’t sure how to overcome that yet.
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poppybros-jr · 8 days
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@dizzy-dudd @poppybros-jr @kirbyoctournament In all seriousness, please vote Rifty and Cosmo, they're so close to winning
(You should also vote for Dazor, but this piece ain't about him)
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poppybros-jr · 8 days
Sir Uther: Good morning, little one! I for one support the magic ability, how ironic is that?! But unlike FILTHY THAUMATURGY, this ability is perfectly "natural"! Just as all copy abilities! The universe meant for it to exist in balance with any other element! Now, you may be wondering: "Sir Uther, get to the point already!!" and yes! I shall!
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That’s rude! Some of my family and friends are mages! Really good ones, too! I wouldn’t accept your offer now even if I wanted to!
And let’s make it clear, I don’t want to! Do you have any idea how creepy it is to come up to some kid who’s a novice magician and offer to promote them that hard? I’m a beginner! There’s no way I can possibly live up to that hype! Not to mention I’m a minor! I’m not ready for that level of fame and pressure! I don’t even want to be famous across the galaxy! I only want to perform on my home planet!
Besides, I don’t want to have my career be completely based on some weirdo I don’t know blowing my name up everywhere! I want to build my career myself! With my own skills and hard work! You are scaring me and I will NOT be voting for you! Now please leave me alone before I’m forced to use my special attack!
@quanblovk Thank you for giving me a reason to have Cosmo get upset! Things had been way too happy around here :D
(By the way, don’t worry, guys! I’m not just being a jerk to someone’s OC for no reason! Quan encourages people to bully Sir Uther, make anti-Uther propaganda and vote against him. I would never be mean to/about someone else’s character without knowing it’s 100% okay with their creator!)
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poppybros-jr · 8 days
Aaaaaaa, thank you so much for promoting my lad!
Since you even went as far as linking his poll, it’s only fair I return the favour! Especially since I’d been hoping to draw Noir propaganda before his poll ends but the ask I’m working on is kicking my butt ^^;
Hi Noir! I’m Cosmo, I’m a competitor too! From one big brother to another, good luck in the tournament! Oh, and I have a question. Are there any flowers you like a lot? Personally I think bluebells are really pretty.
-from Cosmo @poppybros-jr
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"...Okay, that's a good trick. But you'll never fool me, MIDDLE CHILD. You've got as much little brother energy as you do big."
"Back home, in the city, we didn't see a lot of flowers in the wild. Some rich assholes would keep them to show off but..."
"...and the rest were usually fake."
"I don't know if it's a favorite or not... but my little sister..." "She's been sending me forget-me-nots..."
...it's dark here...
"They saved me..."
...so dark...
"...But I think they're just hurting her."
AN: It's true... ; _ ; Noir doesn't look enough like a "Kirby" character and it's been hard getting interactions to look right! So, outside of his own angsty monologues I'm trying to draw him with more Star Allies-style proportions in hopes that it helps!
PS: Vote for Cosmo! (He's so close...!) (I adore him and if he were a plushie I would be there on preorder day)
[Noir's Field Trip Masterpost]
Sometimes I just like the sound of something in Japanese better but if pressed, it's: "...I'll never forget you, Noir..." / "Adeleine, I’m begging you... forget about me...!"
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poppybros-jr · 9 days
Rifty 🦋: So you’re a magician? Ooh! Could you maybe show us any cool magic tricks?
Sir Artemis 🌹: Just, please be careful…
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But why bother spending money on a new drink when I can just refill this one?
First, I’ll take a magic cloth and gently rub it all over the empty can. As I do this, I’m willing the drink back into being! By concentrating my magical powers hard enough, I can make it start to gradually regenerate from nothing!
…There we go. And to make sure it doesn’t lose its fizz, I’m going to reseal it, too… And done!
Now, just focus alone won’t be enough to finish the job. To fill it all the way, I’m going to need to shake it up! *shake shake* By doing this for a while, I can agitate the drink and make it fill up faster! Ah! See how the can is popping back into shape? That means it’s working!
And now, I can open the can back up, hear the hiss of the fizz escaping, and enjoy my delicious beverage! Ta-da! Thanks for the question, you two!
@dizzy-dudd @kirbyoctournament
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poppybros-jr · 10 days
hi Cosmo! I've certainly never seen a Noddy with a talent for magic, where/how did you learn that, if you don't mind me asking?
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Auntie Simmy is good at lots of different magic, not just the Mirror kind! She taught me how to levitate stuff. It’s not easy, and it took me years to even get this good, but I’m getting better every day! It’s all about concentration, focus and visualising what you want to happen. Auntie Doo doesn’t levitate things, but she’s great at stage magic in general, so she taught me how to do most of the tricks I know. They work together as a double act, just like me and my sis! You should look out for them if you ever come to one of our shows. They’re fantastic! The best stage magicians in all of Popstar! Maybe even the whole galaxy!
Thanks for the question!
@maybeher0 @kirbyoctournament
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poppybros-jr · 10 days
Hello, Mr Mapobas, sir! You’re really stylish! Do you have any fashion advice for guys who happen to be small, round and not have any arms?
Here’s a more serious question. What’s it like being a royal mage? I want to be a royal magician when I grow up, and I know it’s not the same at all ‘cause I’m just an entertainer, not a wizard… but, what kinds of responsibilities come with a position in a royal court?
Also, would you like an ice lolly?
- from Cosmo @poppybros-jr
"Hello, Cosmo! It is excellent that we shall talk again!
For fashion advice... A nice hat always helps, but you have that down, quite stylishly!
Otherwise... Enchanted items help. Get yourself a pair of magic gloves, and they'll help you plenty, while looking very fancy~"
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"Positions in the royal court vary, but I have many duties. I advise the Emperor, first and foremost, and he values my word highly. I'm also in charge of deliveries, myself, and while I am expected to exert some manual labour, I do not! I'm much better at asking people to carry things than I am actually carrying them. Then, I also handle expenses, and orders. Not exactly a treasurer, but I do work with buying food and supplies in. I imagine you yourself would have less to worry about, as court magician, so all I can recommend is honing your skills and trying your hardest, my boy~"
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"Also, thank you so kindly for the sweet treat, also!! Perhaps we shall enjoy them together, hm~?"
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poppybros-jr · 11 days
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Cosmo gained 86 Self-Confidence Points!
Cosmo grew to level 14 and learned Feint Attack!
…But he forgot to do a magic trick. Oops. ^^;
@quanblovk @kirbyoctournament
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poppybros-jr · 12 days
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I drew Cosmo with his round 1 opponent, Pink Lemonade Driblee!
Their battle is a fierce one, clearly. They’re definitely not just having fun together, no sirree! /s
Pink Lemonade Driblee belongs to @kamalemons
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poppybros-jr · 14 days
Anti: Yo, Comso. Nice to see you! Just a question. Last time, you showed me a card trick. What other cool magic acts can you do?
Also, is it okay if I hug you? I like hugging the people I trust. If that's okay with you.
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As for what magic tricks I can do… well, I mostly specialise in stage magic, of course, and most of the tricks I do are two-person because I usually work together with my sister. One of our favourites is called Assistant’s Revenge! One of us ties the other up, and then magically we swap places so the other is restrained instead! And so nobody thinks it’s just a simple twin identity switch, we’ll often mix things up by having a third person come in, restrain both of us, and then swap places with them instead!
I’m also working on potential solo acts, and I found one idea I like a lot! It involves me impaling myself on a sword! It might be too scary for little kids in the audience, though.
Thanks for the question, and good luck in the tournament!
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