poppypepp · 2 years
It had taken nearly every ounce of convincing that Poppy had within her to get Brandon out of his safe house for this ball tonight, and what happened not even a few hours into the whole event? She goes and loses him! It shouldn’t be too big of a surprise that the first chance he had to run off he was gone and Poppy should have known better than to give him that opportunity - but well, a ball as exciting as this came with just too many distractions, how could she possibly be blamed? It wasn’t the end of the world that he left and the redhead refused to let it bring her down all night - but still, she wanted to have at least a bit longer trying to show him how fun these events can really be. But whatever - he was gone now and unless she planned on going back home to drag him out again, there was nothing she could do.
So instead of moping - Poppy was going to drink. A decision that turned out the be for the best as she was immedietly greeted with a bright smile and an amount of excitement that could rival her own. “I’m having a great night,” she agrees with a little bit of a giggle, the glitter on the man’s cheeks perking her mood already. “That’s very pretty glitter highlights. I have my own to match, see.” With the words she closed her eyes and tilted her head from side to side to show off the sparkling highlight and eyeshadow of her own. “But I wear stuff like this all the time - so probably more exciting for you than me.”
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//open event starter (loc: somewhere there’s a bar)
Lumiere sat in front of the bar just to start warming up. He didn’t have a date, and he only planned on going to the ball because he wanted to see how the food was going to be served.  Of course he’ll probably flirt with a couple of ladies along the way, but that was already a given. Whether he will wake up with a woman beside him entirely depends of how he will spend his night. Hence, the best way to start it was to drink at the bar. To his amazement, the ball was even better than the parties he had before. It had more life to it, and especially more art. He took the rainbow colored cocktail and examined it. It must have been a fun experiment to taste the cocktail if he had the ability to do so. Still, he drank it and relied on the alcohol to keep him off his thoughts. 
Ever since Claude came out to them, Lumiere felt the need to be more involved. The ball was one great initiative to do so. He sat on the stool, looking around to see if his best friend was around until someone from beside him slipped in. “You having a great time or what?” Everything was all too new for him that he felt a little bit excited as the other person sat beside him. “Look, I have glitter highlights on my face. This is amazing.”
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poppypepp · 2 years
To say Poppy was amped up wouldn’t even begin to cover the amount of excitement coursing through her, it was enough to practically have her bouncing off the walls as she walked around the carnival. Normally the redhead was always perfectly aware of each and every person around her, but with the over enthusiasm to try everything that the pride fesitval had to offer, somethings slipped through. Like the fact that a man was already standing in the funnel cake line in front of her that she just joined. His disineterest and annoyance at the entire event also went unnoticed, otherwise Poppy may have had a slightly different approach to how she responded. “Oh, I’m so sorry,” she apologizes quickly, bright smile attached to the words as she places her hand on the stranger’s arm while she switches her position and moves to stand behind him. “I didn’t even notice you there! Which is really rude, like you said, but no harm really done - right?” 
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Open Starter Location: Pridemania Festival
Lucifer was not the type for these events. However, he did have to keep up with appearances. So, there he was at the pride festival with a faux smile on his lips every time he greeted someone. He did enjoy some of the festival foods and drinks though. He couldn’t complain there. Still, this wasn’t his scene and he just wanted to seem supportive. He was in line to get a funnel cake when it was taking forever. He was already impatient but as soon as someone skipped him he got pissed. “Hey! You totally just cut in line. Do you know how rude that is?!”
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poppypepp · 2 years
While Poppy was in no way a professional when it came to ice skating, it was still one of her top favorite past times, outside of singing and dancing, of course. Which is why she likes to come to the local ice rink at least once or twice a week - just to keep herself from getting too rusty in case she ever really does need her skating skills. Padding along the carpeted area of the rink, the redhead can’t help but eye the zamboni machine pulled off to the side. She hadn’t even realized she was moving closer to it until a voice called out asking to hand them something. Starling a bit, Poppy glanced around to try to find where the voice was coming from even as she bent down to pick up the few bolts near her feet. It was only when she bent over that she finally spotted the owner of the voice and offered the stranger a bright smile. “Oh, yeah of course,” she agrees, unsurprisingly considering she was already halfway through doing the task. “Here you go! Do you need any other help? I don’t... I don’t really know much about ice machines but I have been told I’m a pretty great tool hander-over person!” Okay not completely the truth - Brandon would be more likely to stay she’s the most annoying person for that job, but still it was the type of expertice she had to offer right now and Poppy was gonna sell herself up.
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Of course the zamboni had started to act up again and no one else was ever able to fix it. That’s why Riley took it upon herself to take care of it most of the time. She was busy shoving her hand into the engine to fiddle around with a few bolts when her tool rolled onto the ground. “Ah, you little fuck,” she grumbled hearing it behind her. Right when she looked back she saw someone’s feet and took the opportunity to ask for them to lend her a hand. “Hey, do you mind handing me that?” Riley said with their hand still holding a bolt in place inside the machine.
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poppypepp · 2 years
Decked out in a bright rainbow sundress, covered in glitter practically head to toe, and adorning two little bi flags on each of her own cheeks - Poppy looked like a walking advertisement for a retail store’s pride collection. Which was the exact type of look she was going for, of course. Nothing the redhead did was ever half-assed and pride wasn’t going to be the first for that either. 
Though while she loved getting all glammed up for these type of events - it was the connections she got to make with everyone around Animania that really made pride so special to Poppy. Even though she was one to talk to strangers on any given day and make new friends everywhere she went, there was something extra wonderful about doing so during a festival that celebrated everyone being their genuine selfs. So when an unfamilar voice catches her attention, there isn’t any hesitation as Poppy turns to meet their question with a bright grin. “Absolutely,” she quickly agrees, practically gushing as continues on. “This might be the best pride event we’ve thrown yet, I think. And I really do mean that this time, even if it is something I say every year. But this one just has some extra magic to it all - can you feel it?” 
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Cosmo looked like a rainbow had thrown up on him as he walked through the crowd, a wide smile on his face right between the painted pride flags on his cheeks. Falling in love and getting married young, he hadn’t had much of a chance to explore his sexuality. Which was perfectly fine! He loved Wanda with his heart and soul, and he wouldn’t trade their life for anything in the world. But sometimes it made him feel a little less… real, authentic. He didn’t feel that today, he felt a sense of excitement and belonging.
“I just wish there were more child friendly rides,” he fretted, pausing to glance down at the sleeping baby in the stroller he was pushing before moving his attention to the first person he caught sight of. “This is amazing, don’t you think? I’ve never seen anything like it before! I mean, I’ve been to carnivals, but everything is so colorful and just… just… lovely!”
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poppypepp · 2 years
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you with the sad eyes      don’t be discouraged 
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poppypepp · 2 years
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depression cw / cannibalism cw
Rarely does the name of a person so accurately match their personality the way it does for Poppy Pepp. Everything about her cheerful, bright and bouncy demeanor screams “pep” along with her sweet and flowery attitude that goes right along with being a little poppy. She is practically sunshine wrapped into a person, if we’re being honest. 
Or at least, most of the time she is. Like 97% of the time she is all rainbows and happiness… but there’s a small sliver of her that struggles deeply with remaining so optimistic. Poppy has always had a tendency to work herself too hard - she overextends herself and bends over backwards just a bit too far to help those around her and keep everyone in her life happy. And sometimes… it can just become too much. She has a tendency to shut down for potentially days on end when sparked with the overwhelming feeling of being a failure or like she’s letting everyone down. When she was seventeen she had an episode that lasted for nearly a month. Staying in her room, rarely talking to her friends, not even listening to music…it was rough. 
The episode had sparked when Poppy was rejected from all of her top colleges outside of Animania. While she hadn’t even been sure that she wanted to leave her wonderful hometown - the fact that she didn’t even have the option anymore made her feel like she simply wasn’t good enough to have a career outside of here, like she had failed to prove herself as worthy of being seen on a larger scale. It was during this time that she was diagnosed with depression - a mild case, but still a diagnosis nonetheless. It was a shock to Poppy’s father as well as multiple of her friends, but when she really sat down and thought about it… it made sense. She’d always struggled a bit with keeping herself happy all the time and she was a people pleaser to the extreme, out of fear of ever letting anyone down or being a disappointment. Since then, Poppy has gone to therapy once a month and it really has helped. She still struggles with everything and has her moments - but it’s a lot more manageable now that she’s not in it alone.
When Poppy was just a baby her mother died, from reasons that her father never told her about when she was growing up, except for the fact that it was sudden and no one saw it coming. She always assumed it must have been some kind of illness… but she was also confused as to why they couldn’t just talk about it… Until she was older and found out the truth was her mother had been murdered by a cannibal. It’s not something she talks about often, mostly because it’s a bit of a weird story to tell, but she doesn’t shy away from it either. If someone asks, she tells them but it’s not a conversation she ever inniates. Also there are a few of the local history nerds that occasionally hear her last name and remember Iris Pepp being one of the victims of the vaguely infamous Amity Park Cannibal.
But just because she grew up with just one parent didn’t mean Poppy was ever missing out. The whole neighborhood pitched in on raising her and she was constantly bouncing from house to house of “extended family” that was actually just friends of her father that wanted to help out. It made Poppy feel beyond loved and like she had a whole network of people supporting and raising her.
Her father actually started Pepp Plushies as a way to give Poppy a little piece of her mother to carry around and hold onto forever. The original designs were two flowers - an iris and a poppy, dedicated to the two most important women in his life. Those ones have never been mass produced and aren’t for sale - but it’s what gave Mr. Pepp the idea of starting the toy company to behind with.
In actuality it hadn’t even been Poppy’s dad’s idea to make the plushes for his daughter. It was a suggestion one of his friends gave to him - but when he decided to take the idea a step further and create a whole company based on them, he didn’t include that friend in the business nor in a cut of the profits. When the other man tried to sue him or claim any rights to the company, the lawsuit was quickly buried for years until eventually it was just thrown out without ever seeing the light of day in court based on the lack of evidence the other man had to prove he had been a part of the initial designs and start ups. 
That man was actually Barbra Thrash’s father. And it was this lawsuit and stolen idea that was the secret that the Bergen toy company found out from Creek to try to take Pepp Plushies down. With Brandon’s help Poppy was able to convince the Bergen company that there was no reason to take over Pepp Plushies and to prevent them from outing her father as a potential thief. To this day Poppy still doesn’t even know the full truth - just the fact that someone tried to sue her dad and claimed he stole the idea of the plush dolls. Her father told her that none of it was true, that it was blown far out of proportion and that the person who had tried to sue him had originally wanted nothing to do with the company and only made moves in on it once it became successful. It was a lie Poppy easily believed, in part because she never had any reason to doubt her father before but mostly because she was too heartbroken and devastated that Creek had betrayed her and her family. She couldn’t handle being let down by another person in her life and chose to go along with what her father claimed, despite the obvious holes in his story.
Thankfully she had Brandon with her during that time. Having a new best friend by her side eased the pain of losing who she thought had been the love of her life. The whole affair only happened about two years ago, so she’s still a bit torn up about it - but she refuses to wallow anymore and is working on moving forward with her life.
Her success in keeping the Bergen company from taking over Pepp Plushies is a big reason why her father pushed so hard for her to step up and start assuming responsibility within the family company. It’s also partially why she agreed - because she saw how much of a mess her father was at the time and knew she really could do great things for this business if she really wanted to. Which she does. Kind of. Or at least, she wants to see Pepp Plushies thrive… she just… doesn’t care so much to be the one behind the scenes pushing it forward.
What she really dreams about is becoming a pop star. An international singer that gets to touch people all across the globe with her music. It was something she was really determined to pursue as a teen - but after being rejected from musical universities outside of Animania put a pause in that plan. She stayed in her hometown instead and pursued business management as her major for college (with a minor in music theory and music production) and let the doubts convince her to give up on it for a bit. It wasn’t until after she graduated and the whole Bergen Company thing went down that Poppy really realized just how little desire she had to be in the toy making business. But she couldn’t turn down her father, so she made a compromise with him. She agreed to start learning the ropes of the business but also sought out work as a singer at The Poison Apple and local karaoke bars. All of the money that she makes from those jobs is going straight to a savings account and she plans on recording her demos with them eventually, once she has enough money saved as well as enough confidence reinstated in herself to do it.
She knows she’s a great singer - but she worries at times that other people only think so because of her magic. Her audition tapes for the universities couldn’t capture the magic - her abilities only work with live performances - so when she was rejected she assumed it was because she wasn’t good enough without her magic. She worries that she relies on it too much and has tried to find ways to rein it in to see if it’s even possible. It’s hard and she hasn’t had much success with it - but she’s determined to keep trying, to prove herself without any magical influence. This is also a big reason why she hasn’t recorded any of the songs she has written so far - because she’s afraid without the magic aspect of a live performance… they won’t be good enough to be worth listening to.
Speaking of songs - she has multiple notebooks full of songs she’s written over the years. I will… eventually figure out what exactly those are - but so far the ones I know for certain are I Almost Do (by taylor swift) and Better Man (also by taylor swift) – both of which she wrote about Creek. She’s also written Nothing New (another taylor song whoops). 
She also loves arts and crafts. Especially scrapbooking. She makes a scrapbook every year that is stuffed full of pictures and other memorabilia that she collects over the twelve months that she wants to remember forever.
Favorite colors are pink, purple, and blue.
Loves music - pop is her favorite genre but is learning to appreciate more than just that and accepting influence in her music from other genres her friends introduce her to.
Bi as hell - she loves people so much. Is just very big on love in general. A huge romantic.
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poppypepp · 2 years
tag drop.
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