porteurdereve · 5 months
The transient title suited G'raha, and rightly so. For he existed ephemerally in the Source to live perennially within the First. Thus, he'd repeat the process betwix worlds as the strange, penitentiary experienced cataclysmic schism. He would be impermenant for one world to sustain a lifetime in Spirale.
G'raha entered the unknown realm through the portal that severed Spirale's reality, charting the wooden labyrinth to seek knowledge and refuge. He followed the light bleeding through spindly trees, momentarily halting his venture when the sundered light replaced with the morning's dawn.
A familiar, youthful voice sung cautiously to his presence; her voice wielding a dull blade which she threatened purchase. G'raha maneuvered through the thick tree line, crystal staff first came into view, then his form.
"Dam-bi," G'raha spoke with relief, his tail bouncing excitably in greeting. "T'is good to see you. Are you unharmed, safe?" Then, briefly, G'raha rambled his pondering, "Is this merely a chance meeting, or mayhaps fatefully decided? The confines of our reality tend to blur the barriers of truth and lies-- but I digress."
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It's the gentle breeze and the sound of birds chirping that wakes the child up from her slumber. She must have fallen asleep while out in her makeshift camp, but...
something is different. She certainly hadn't been camping alone. Someone else had been with her, but who? Dam-bi can't place her finger on exactly who and it begins to bother her. There's a feeling of some chunk having been missing from her.
Perhaps a dream she couldn't remember?
"Hm..." The flames in the middle of the forest dances softly and with daylight up, Dam-bi doesn't need the flames to continue. She reaches over and splashes some water from a makeshift bucket onto the fire, causing it to die.
The sound jolts her and the sapling hidden in her Hanbok toward the sound. The small creature immediately crawls out and lands onto the ground, ready to attack should need be.
"I'd advice you show yourself before you lose your head." A threat that was anything BUT empty.
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porteurdereve · 5 months
Eons of stars separated their souls, existing worlds apart. Presently, the cosmic stars stretched beyond comprehension, and the separation surpassed all other. The tender touches traveled cross the great divide and transmitted minutes too late. They were alone together, the worst shade of loneliness.
G'raha rose his head with her guidance, hollowed eyes met hers. The distance bloated, and gradually, they drifted apart. Her words echoed in the empty space, prickling his flattened ears. Morning... talk... the message faded in the void. He blindly followed her, fearful to relinquish his soul into the vastness, afraid to lose the remaining fragments of his former self. He laid out upon the bed, the expanse between them grew frigid.
I love you resonated and dissolved. He automated his reply, reflecting her apology from the remaining shards of his former self. He rolled onto his side and stared at the wall. Sleep did not come for him.
The night incrementally passed until the morning dawn bled into their bedroom. He sat up and drifted out the bedroom. The promise to speak in the morn broken for he recognized the false consciousness he retained upon his return to his former body. He had yet to understand the fractured remains of his counterpart. The Crystal Exarch and the former Scion failed to mend, and in his weakened, falsified state of existence brought him shame. How could he pretend to exist when Tsuru desired nihility? How could help her when he barely knew himself?
G'raha left behind the crystal staff, the heavy weight adornment of his people and stalked the empty path towards the library. After minutes of retaining his sanity, G'raha broke. He crumbled into pieces behind a tree, freeing the anguish reflected in the fragmented shards. Shock overtook him and he hurdled into a ball, finally aware a piece of him had remained within the crystalized tomb.
Who was he and how would he return to his love?
G'raha's remorse for something that isn't entirely his fault makes Tsuru feel guilty for being so harsh, but it's too late to take back everything that she said to him. She isn't sorry for the way that she feels, but for the way that the things that she said hurt him. The distress it causes him to see her in pain is clear, and yet she couldn't be satisfied with just that. She doesn't look at him when he lowers his head onto her lap, but she can feel the pit in her stomach growing deeper and deeper as she tries to think of what to say but the words don't come.
A hand is placed atop his head, stroking his hair ever so gently as if to give him some comfort, but in truth, it was for her as well. As callous as she'd been to him, he still found it in his heart to stay at her side. She loved him more than anything for it but was also angry at herself in equal measure. Her best attempts at holding herself together had finally broken down, and they sat now in the pieces of the shattered facade.
But she doesn't cry. She can't cry. Instead, she lifts G'raha's head and leans down to meet him, their foreheads touching. There are so many things she wants to say when she sees his teary eyes. Fingers gently wiping them away as they stay there quiet until finally she speaks. "Let's...go to bed." It's said in a quiet, hushed tone. Letting sleep take either of them is as good of a solution as she can think of right now.
"In the morning, we'll talk more about it." Once her head is clear, she's not going to say more things that would only hurt him. He deserves that, deserves more than what she's giving him right now. Slowly, she gets him to his feet and moves him back to the other side of her bed before she joins him on the other side.
Though she wants to be close to him, to huddle in his warmth, she doesn't. Only keeps to her side of the bed whilst giving one last apology, "I love you, Raha." It's not an 'I'm sorry' but it's said like one.
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porteurdereve · 5 months
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the hand that reached for me.
art by the incredibly talented wawa!
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porteurdereve · 7 months
The necessary buffer between the budding partnership of the new and welcomed friend into their home stepped away to provide sustenanc . However, knowing his partner, Tsuru purposefully left, a silent, encouraging push to open G'raha up to new opportunities and friendships.
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Awkwardly, G'raha shifted on the seat, hands fumbled over one another in his lap. His timidly, ruby eyes shifted about the room, noticing moved decorations under Tsuru's hand. The gentle voice shocked the Miqo'te out of his stupor and he met Joshua's gaze. "Does she?" a warm hue touched G'raha's cheeks. He felt her love at all points, even through their difficult times her love flickered in the dark. "T'is wonderful to hear. I fear that I ramble far too often, and subject her to information overload. However, she's a challenging opponent in the realm of tomes." The hue upon his cheeks tempered out and returned to their usual color. "I am an archeologist and historian by trade. My concentration falls under ancient Allagan research." His posture relaxed and he leaned forward to rest his forearms upon the table. "Perchance you've heard of the Allagans?"
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Without Tsuru there to pad the silence with her ever-chatty demeanor, Joshua can feel what he assumes to be an awkward stillness or perhaps it's because G'raha can't really find a way to speak to him. They have that in common, that they'd both like to speak to the other but are unsure of how to. But they had one thing in common, and that would be enough for now. So, Joshua, having been seated across from G'raha at the kitchen table, finally speaks up, "…Lady Akiudo has spoken often of you, you know. Not much, but I can tell that she carries great pride in your scholarly achievements, which I know little of. Pray tell, what do you study, Lord G'raha?"
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porteurdereve · 8 months
The soul of the Warrior of Light had fractured into millions reflective shards of themselves scattered across the eons, and yet seemingly converged to the strange city. Spirale City's power rivaled that of the Source's, warranting G'raha to return to his previous conjecture of Spirale City existing as a reflection of the Source itself.
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Sheepishly, G'raha smiled and stepped forward to the famed dancer, ears and tails twitching in muted excitement. "'Tis of great import to commemorate your Nameday. If you allow me to pleasure to grant a gift from my place of work. 'Tis no libation, but mayhaps will warrant genuine and honest reflection of your honored life."
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" it pleases me so that fate just loves to make certain to keep me on my toes. of course i would be cast away just days before my own nameday, if only to keep things exciting. " she is definitely not pleased, and the smile writ on her face is nothing less than sarcastic.
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porteurdereve · 8 months
it has been a while since g'raha has done an event and i've been so busy as of late
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BUT LIKE THIS POST FOR EVENT STARTER capping it at 2, no cap for castmates
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porteurdereve · 8 months
The onslaught of words manifested a cold he was intimately familiar with. He found himself drowning in the frigidness as he listened to the razor words cut the encasing of his soul. The chill penetrated under his skin, rotting the muscles and frosting his veins. He swallowed, an unconscious effort to warm the steadfast rime. He parted his lips, a moment to assuage his partner, when the dreadful truth sliced at his soul -- romanticized. Oh, the cold felt like a dear acquaintance... when had he felt this chill before?
A vision of blue crystal cauterized his vision, in the final moments, saw Tsuru before him, defeated from anguish. She looked the same now, yet rage simmering undertow.
Her violent whiplash of vengeful words muted to irritation. She pulled away from him, sitting at the other end of the bed. How did she become so far? The memory of eons stretched between them, and only a powerful spell would hither her forward. Yet, magic and spells had no power here-- he became powerless as much as she did. G'raha reached out, his lips parting to respond. His voice rang in his head, do not forget, Tsuru, all that you are, all those you love, will fade into the abyss and you will no longer be the same, you would not be you and I love you, I love you Tsuru.
Yet, the words failed to free from his voice. His hand retreated to his crystallized soul.
The bed shifted as G'raha stood from the mattress. He stared at the open door where he could escape the misery, the truth of his folly, and alas breathe. Yet, he turned away from the door, moved to his partner's side and kneeled before her. He embraced her hands, looking up at her with tears in his eyes. Pain wrought deep in his heart, shattering any semblance of his former self; like a shattered mirror, he sat before her broken. Yet, his resolute to be at her side refused him leave. He lowered his head to her lap, cold tears poured down his cheeks and upon her cold knuckles.
"I'm sorry," he whimpered, a plead for forgiveness was all he could muster. He hurt her in ways he never desired. He shattered her violently with his reverence, ne'er once considering that she found the praise grotesque. He betrayed her in the sickest way imaginable, and all he could muster was an apology in his betrayal.
He saw his crystalized form in his mindseye and finally understood-- he never left the First, and his soul never reformed.
Her words lashed at his heart like a bullwhip. Skin frayed and flesh raw, only to be festered with the shocking application of the venom in her tone. His world spiraled into a delayed decay. Slowly, his eyes widened in the awe of her self-deprecating, vitriolic words. His lips parted, immediate to deny the lies that whispered within her brain. Then, her touch, searing his flesh as it always had, warming the chiller corners of his heart gave shove, releasing herself from his comfort.
The world underneath his weight vanished. He plummeted into the darkness depths of hellish misery. G'raha sunk further and further until the sunbeams of Tsuru's luminous beauty faded into obscurity. His delayed gasp surfaced, like fleeting air bubbles ascending to the surface. He reached towards her, grasping at the strands of her light for safety. His hands waved through her translucent rays, finding no purchase. Her words, remained vicious, clinging to his treading feet like a block of concrete. He withered and writhed in the abyssal depths.
"Y-you're quiet right," G'raha managed, barely a whisper he continued, "I cannot imagine... the torment... I cannot dare to begin... what you feel... I am--" shattered fragmented, severed by eons, unwhole, empty, lost.
"I am... sorry. I truly... had no idea," the words he spoke caused him to tense his face into a twisted expression of regret. "There are no words to salve your pain. To imagine, to understand the pain you carry, a task I had not yet considered. Forgive me, Tsuru."
A painful pause surfaced, "What would you have of me...?"
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porteurdereve · 8 months
An immeasurable distance separated the First from the world he existed. Yet, the miqo'te expended an inexhaustible amount of energy to ensure that the First would never stray far from his heart. He faithfully reminisced of the prolonged nocturn that blanketed the sky; the sanguine people of the First whose hearts remained loyal to hope; the intrepid Captain of the Guard who blossomed into a leader of commendable prowess -- and whom often stirs longing and love within his heart whenever he thought of her. The First may be a mere concept, a folktale to the people of Spirale, but it was his home.
Within a faithful invocation of the home he once lived did he hear a voice that penetrated his ears and rang loud as golden bell in his heart. He whipped his head around, tail pointed upward in shock; he stared at the darling, gallant Ryne who sacrificed much of herself to evolve into herself.
"That is a title I have not heard in over a year," he replied with a growing smile, "aye, t'is the very same, Ryne. Pray, call me G'raha Tia, the name I once banished, but t'is my true name, as Ryne is yours." G'raha refused to snuff his excitement and he gleefully trotted forward to embrace Ryne in his arms. His claws lightly pressed into her shoulders as the held became warm and fatherly. Then, after a moment, he separated. "Welcome to Spirale. You must harbor numerous questions. However, some may be insurmountable, I mayhaps can answer many."
G'raha paused, then spoke, "Answer me this first: how are you, Ryne?"
After her reunion with Thancred and Lyra, Ryne has taken to keeping an eye out for any other familiar places wherever she goes. The thought of the other scions here excites her, though there's still a part of her that worries about their home worlds.
Of course, if she understands correctly, time is not marching on without her there -- She doesn't have to fear anyone in the First missing her or being forced to make changes without her input. She doesn't have to worry about Thancred and Lyra missing out on their hard won peace in the Source.
So she manages to suppress the anxiety that once made the tips of her fingers tingle, though it takes quite a bit of effort. Instead she now focuses on how nice it is to be reunited with the people she considers her family, strange as the circumstances might be.
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And though she was hopeful to see more familiar faces, she's not quite prepared for the one she finds. He looks... Much different than when she last saw him. No longer cloaked in robes, no hood hiding his face from them all, no more crystal creeping up parts of his body.
He looks happy.
"Exarch?" She can't keep the surprise from her voice as she approaches him from behind. "Is that really you?"
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porteurdereve · 10 months
Compelling one to cry was not on G'raha's agenda, though it seemed to be his modus operandi in the recent events.. His ears and tail flatten as he observed the other chase off his tears. G'raha searched the display for an idea to no avail.
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"The bitter memories the mind clings to takes its toll, and tis a burden none can carry alone. I pray you anticipate a brighter future... as the past cannot be touched." G'raha turned to face the blonde with a growing smile. "Perhaps abandoning this wretched display for pleasant conversation?"
He physically jumps as a voice cuts into his thoughts with little warning, before turning to gaze at the stranger with a cautious glance. Any attempt at softening his own expression ultimately fails but even so—
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���I’m kinda fine, just thinking about. Personal stuff.” He actively turns away from the display, scrubbing at his eyes. It’ll inevitably mess up his eye liner, but that’s future Edgar’s problem.
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porteurdereve · 10 months
G'raha's tail flickered as he approached the display; he observed the benign intent behind the presentation, though acutely aware of the negative impact it had on its viewers, especially the one near him. "Ahem," he cleared his throat, "mayhaps tis none of my business, but I could not turn away without asking... are you alright?"
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Staring awfully hard at a father’s day display. He’s got an intense frown on, whether he realizes it or not.
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porteurdereve · 10 months
"A day where fathers are celebrated? I very much like the thought, though spending a single day seems hardly enough to express gratitude to those whom spent a lifetime dedicated to their familes." G'raha paused and thought of Lyra, "However, a day is enough for me... now then, some gracious words are in order for someone special."
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porteurdereve · 11 months
Book in hand, his glazed over eyes stare beyond the words. The thirst for knowledge remained unquenched, and yet he harbored no drive to seek the truth. The fragmented perception of his own soul manifested into an impenetrable wall that he could not bound. G'raha Tia sighed and lowered the book onto the stone bench. is eyelids fell shut, "When did the world become remarkably grey?"
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0 notes
porteurdereve · 11 months
The former Scions that had yet to enter the confines of the city had been spared the debilitating, imprisonment of an obscure realm. However, as Thancred reminded him, others may flourish, especially in the repeated, dangerous anomalies that arose in a sequence fashion. G'raha felt a tug on his lips as he cracked a thin smile.
"To be quite frank, I have only seen a fraction of Lyse's potential; however, her skills as a leader astounds me. I am fairly certain she would have recruited enough willing participates to join in the efforts in solving the mysteries that continuously evade our mind's periphery."
Suddenly, G'raha wore a contemplative expression, and in his momentary pondering, he wondered how capable he was to suck the Scions into another world-- particularly the one they resided in. When he realized the exact details of his thoughts, he flinched and admitted his guilt with his sore eyes.
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"Ah forgive me, I seemed to have gotten ahead of myself."
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"Seems like the thirst for knowledge had affected you too. I'm sure a certain avatar of destruction would be thrilled if she was in our position." Not that Thancred doesn't want to know what's going on, but... Maybe he's settled into retirement a bit too well. "Still, I'm sure if we find out something, we'll be sure to tell each other and our Warriors of Light."
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porteurdereve · 11 months
Her words lashed at his heart like a bullwhip. Skin frayed and flesh raw, only to be festered with the shocking application of the venom in her tone. His world spiraled into a delayed decay. Slowly, his eyes widened in the awe of her self-deprecating, vitriolic words. His lips parted, immediate to deny the lies that whispered within her brain. Then, her touch, searing his flesh as it always had, warming the chiller corners of his heart gave shove, releasing herself from his comfort.
The world underneath his weight vanished. He plummeted into the darkness depths of hellish misery. G'raha sunk further and further until the sunbeams of Tsuru's luminous beauty faded into obscurity. His delayed gasp surfaced, like fleeting air bubbles ascending to the surface. He reached towards her, grasping at the strands of her light for safety. His hands waved through her translucent rays, finding no purchase. Her words, remained vicious, clinging to his treading feet like a block of concrete. He withered and writhed in the abyssal depths.
"Y-you're quiet right," G'raha managed, barely a whisper he continued, "I cannot imagine... the torment... I cannot dare to begin... what you feel... I am--" shattered fragmented, severed by eons, unwhole, empty, lost.
"I am... sorry. I truly... had no idea," the words he spoke caused him to tense his face into a twisted expression of regret. "There are no words to salve your pain. To imagine, to understand the pain you carry, a task I had not yet considered. Forgive me, Tsuru."
A painful pause surfaced, "What would you have of me...?"
Though he tries to comfort her, his words do little, if anything at all. But she lets herself attempt to be comforted and stays silent for a moment as she tries to take his words to heart. What he says is true, that she's free of Zenos, that he could no longer harm her or use her to hurt those precious to her. And yet she remains skeptical over whether or not his influence over her has truly ended because if it had, would she really need to be consoled by G'raha right now?
"But what if I am like him?" It's a question that eats away steadily at her recently. The lingering venom and empty feeling she feels…surely that must be because she wasn't herself for a time, however brief that time was. "Deep down…what if I am exactly who he molded me to be?" Pushing away from G'raha's chest, she looks at him with such a defeated look on her face that's completely out of character from her usual. "I don't think you understand the torment it puts me through to even consider such a thing." It's agonizing and hard to verbalize, but she tries her best all the same.
"That feeling of being powerless and unable to protect everyone, along with his constant pursuit…I hate it. I hate all of it."
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porteurdereve · 1 year
Doubt stricken her face with his words. The divide that would once separate their hearts began with a single crack. G'raha was not prepared to witness the growing divide, let alone cross it. And in his unpreparedness, spoke plainly.
"You are not him," he reassured her with confidence. His loving squeeze enveloped her with his honest love, yet the crack began to fissure. "When he possessed you, 'tis true we all felt the fear that you would not return to us. Yet, you did, and without a mark of Zenos upon you. He is dead, and his sway no longer influences you."
G'raha stroked his lips against her cheek in a modest, chaste kiss; his clawed fingers furled around her shoulders and he eased her closer to his chest. "You are you; free of his hold. And I remain steadfast in grounding you to this bed."
"Yes, but…" He was right, in a sense, but not entirely. Though true that she'd wake up safe in her own bed after experiencing horrific night terrors, it wasn't exactly accurate to say that they didn't harm her. When said terrors are based on actual events that happened to her, she found it hard to disassociate from them. "The things I dream of…they actually happened." And she hated remembering them.
Her mind runs a mile a minute, playing back different sequences of events as she tries to calm herself to no avail. It's G'raha's warmth that keeps her anchored, but barely. She hadn't felt so affected until recently, at least not enough where she thought it appropriate to bring it up to him, but it seemed as though her own self-doubt had won out this night. "I just can't shake this feeling…" That perpetual uneasiness that comes to her on nights like this makes her remember one day in particular. "The feeling of not feeling like…me."
"I don't think I've ever fully recovered from that day, in truth. When Zenos Yae Galvus possessed me, that is. Some nights I look in the mirror and…" She sees him or rather sees him in herself.
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porteurdereve · 1 year
The night began precariously-- following evening tea, dread gnawed at Tsuru's heart. She breathed faster than a fledging bird, desperate to feel its mother's warmth, begging for security. G'raha, not one to intrude in his partner's space, found himself obligated to share a bed with Tsuru. He laid with her, his touch tender against her shivering skin, and when she drifted into the world of dreams, he remained awake, contemplating the wave of anxiety that pulled her under its crest.
G'raha felt the jolt of her affliction when she awoke, and he turned to her, hand reaching to grace her exposed back. Immediately, she shields her face, burying the shame that accompanied the fear. As she scooted closer, he shifted, embracing her.
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"Apologies are not necessary," he cooed into her ear, dismissing the embarrassment that festered in her breast. He lifted a hand to stroke her hair, fingers combing through her fields of lilacs. "The night is oft the breeding ground for demons. Nevertheless, they are apparitions, and no harm will come to you, I promise."
While she was no stranger to the vivid nightmares that often plagued her sleep, it's been a long while since she's awoken with such an anxious foreboding feeling. Already, she feels the warmth of G'raha's hand against her back as she turns to meet his worried gaze. She doesn't look at him, instead opting to bury her face in her hands as he moves to further comfort her shaking frame. When she'd asked him to stay with her for the night in lieu of earlier anxiety she felt, she didn't want him to see her like this.
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How embarrassing, she thinks. "…I'm sorry," she starts, her voice shaky. Should she really be sorry, though? If anything, she's sorry for waking him up. I don't like you seeing me this way. In such a vulnerable state, one where she feels as though she'd crumble to dust at the slightest touch. "...I get them every so often. Nightmares, that is."
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porteurdereve · 1 year
"The dull days are both a blessing and a curse for us former Scions. However, these anomalies dilate the quandary that afflicts us all. Answers still elude us-- yet we are wont to pursue, are we not?"
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"And here I thought biomes and strange creatures were the most we should worry about here. Never a dull day for us, truly."
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