power-of-plot · 1 year
Hey! Could you write Itachi x reader who's been depressed for a couple weeks (i read you write angst, this would be like hurt/comfort? but feel free to ignore if you're not comfortable!), maybe his s/o or a close friend.
They don't say anything and go on as usual but he notices them not sleeping-eating much; maybe he saw them crying and finally decided to ask but they aren't too open about it. Like how would he react overall/ be there for them.
Could there be a fluff moment of him simply giving them a hug? (srry this got a bit long!)
Please Love Talk To Me || Itachi Uchiha x gn!reader
A/n : Hello lovely anon, don't worry it wasn't to long in the contrary I prefer have long ass plot / indication to be able to write it the best I can, also I'm a simp so s/o it's always going to be unless someone tells me otherwise
Warnings : very hurt / comfort, reader is depressed but Itachi tries his best to make them feel better
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Words count : 1929
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As soon as it started he realized it, but he preferred to tell himself that it was his mind playing tricks on him
He noticed that you were coming home early from your friends' outings, then you started going less and less until you didn't go at all
At first he was happy to be able to spend more time with you, but he started to worry about why you stopped going. He wondered if you had a fight with them
And your friends too started wondering, Kakashi even came to talk to Itachi thinking that he was the one who was keeping you away from them
Itachi on the other hand was suspicious because he felt the defensive aura that your friend came to talk to him with
Finally after a discussion that started with a lot of mistrust on both sides, they both realized that there was a problem with you
Itachi had insisted to take care of it alone though
Then the house he saw you more distant with him little by little moving away from his side in the sofa or in the bed
At the beginning he doesn't say anything, he is afraid to cause a problem if it's just an impression or if you are able to solve it alone but you think that he doesn't trust you to deal with it
However, as time goes by, you talk to him less and less, you are alone more often and he feels that you are slipping through his fingers and he hates that
He hates feeling helpless
The last straw would be when he realizes that you are eating and drinking less
He's noticed that you've lost weight and frankly it worries him
He will try to bring you food and remind you to drink water often, not leaving the room until you have finished your drink
He also subtly tries to make you talk, for example by talking about something that bothers him in the village or in his missions to make you talk but nothing works
He also has a lot of difficulty to maintain a discussion with you, as you never answer
Your conversations are rather long monologues from him but he has the impression that you listen to him so he doesn't hold it against you
It's oonly an impression though because you're trapped in your own head. He'll notice it too at some point
One night when he came home from shopping however, he heard you crying and hiccupping in the bathroom. He rushes into the house, and once inside he realizes that you are crying quite loudly, long trails of tears are on your cheeks as you cry your eyes out
He takes you in his arms as soon as he enters without really having time to think, luckily you don't try to get out of his grip, too busy trying to breathe properly
You look so small in his arms like that, shivering like a cold kitten, it makes him want to tear up
And that's when he realizes that you're having an panic attack
He was trying to ground you by holding you to his chest and rocking you but he realizes that this is not the way to do it - he was not really taught how to handle this kind of situation
He rubs your back up and down trying to get your attention on something else, his forehead against yours, whispering comforting words in your ear
"Breathe, my Sweet, don't worry, the storm always fades away"
And finally after about thirty minutes he manages to calm you down
"Please Love talk to me. Tell me what's been bothering you all this time. I'll do my best to help you get over with this"
But to his despair you shake your head, you can't even look at him in the eye, and that makes him panic even more than before
"Did someone hurt you ? Did they threaten you ?"
You shake your head once more, this time it makes him feel better but he still doesn't know what's going on
"Don't you trust me enough ? How can I help you if I don't know what you're going through ?" he couldn't help but be offended and frustrated that you didn't tell him
"It's nothing serious…" you said with a groggy voice because of your sobs
Were you sick ? Were you having other problems that he couldn't imagine ? Maybe
But he hopes that if you haven't told him, it's because it doesn't directly affect your life
It's been 3 weeks now and your condition is just starting to improve
In fact just after this event where he saw you crying you didn't see any point in hiding your condition, knowing that he had seen you at your lowest point
But Itachi did his best, he had asked the ninja doctors and according to them what he described was like a depression
He took care of feeding you himself and making you drink enough
He also helped you to motivate you to take your shower and go to bed on time with him, because you didn't sleep much anymore and big dark circles had appeared under your eyes ( mini L Lawliet )
He also noticed that you liked it a lot when he dried your hair with a warm towel that he passed over your head
Or when he brushed your hair calmly, one day you fell asleep on his lap and he didn't realize it until he called you softly several times without any answer
When he leaned over to see your face he noticed that you had fallen asleep and it made his heart swell. You looked so adorable and peaceful
He has always been careful not to cross any boundaries though, but if he realizes that you need him to be with you more often he won't hesitate to stick by your side and on the contrary if you prefer to be alone he won't mind giving you more autonomy, he will still watch over you from time to time from afar
Sometimes he will suggest you to go out in the forest or somewhere else, out of sight, for a picnic or a nap in the fields
You admit that it is very relaxing
That day you chuckled when you saw his eyes widen when a ladybug landed on his nose by surprise
He also chuckled after removing the little insect and made a wish before he saw it fly away
He could finally see some real improvement in your condition and it did him a world of good
He knew that your psychological recovery could very well be short or last longer, he was aware of possible relapses but no matter how long it takes you to get better he will always be by your side
"You know there is no pressure to have, everyone reacts in a different way" he told you as he took you in his arms, poking your foreahed with his fingers before kissing it softly while you were surrounded by the fields of wheat around you and that's when you felt that warmth come back into your heart and at the sight of his smile he felt it too
You were feeling better and that's all that mattered for him
A/n : Again my requests are open 🏆🧩
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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power-of-plot · 3 years
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Source: This
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power-of-plot · 3 years
Writing Websites
1. a website with a list of superpowers and what they are
2. a website that generates random au ideas
3. a website that generates names, basic info and futures in a bunch of languages
4. a website that checks your grammar
5. website that lists types of execution in the states
6. a website with info on death certificates
7. a website with info on the four manners of death
8. a website with info on the black plague
9. website with information on depression
10. a website with info on the four types of suicide
11. website that lists famous quotes
12. website with different kinds of quotes
13. a website with info on food in every country
14. a website with a list of different colors
15. website with a list of medieval jobs
16. website with a list of fabrics
17. website with a list of flowers and pictures
18. website with a list of flowers and no pictures
19. website with a list of poisonous plants
20. website with a list of poisonous and non-poisonous plants
21. website with a list of things not to feed your animals
22. website with a list of poisons that can be used to kill people
23. website with info on the international date line
24. website with a list of food allergies
25. website with a list of climates
26. website with info on allergic reactions
27. website with info on fahrenheit and celsius 
28. website with info on color blindness
29. website with a list of medical equipment
30. website with a list of bugs
31. website with an alphabetic list of bugs and their scientific name
32. website with a list of eye colors
33. website (wikipedia sorry) with list of drinks
34. website with a list of religions
35. website with a list of different types of doctors and what they do
36. website (wikipedia again sorry) with a list of hair colors
37. website that generates fantasy names
38. website with a list of body language
39. website with a list of disabilities
40. website with an alphabetic list of disabilities
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power-of-plot · 3 years
No, foiled. My plans are foiled
I'm a dumbass for a second i read "my plants are foiled" lmao
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power-of-plot · 3 years
Ive been foiled again
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power-of-plot · 3 years
Nothing much, what's up with you?
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power-of-plot · 3 years
music asks
1. A song you will never get sick of ever
2. A song that starts with the letter S
3. Top 5 songs you’ve been jamming to lately
4. A good song most people probably haven’t heard
5. A song  that makes you nostalgic
6. 3 songs that hold a special place in your heart
7. A song you’re proud to know all the words to
8. A song that makes you wanna dance
9. 3 songs by your favorite artist
10. An underrated song thats on the radio right now
11. 5 songs you love to sing
12. A song that can bring a tear to your eye
13. 3 songs that you HAVE to blare in the car
14. A song that makes you think of someone else
15. The most played song in your library
16. 3 songs that you relate to
17. 4 songs that people might not expect to be in your itunes
18. 5 songs you think everyone should go check out
19. A song that helps you feel relaxed
20. 5 of your all time favorites
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power-of-plot · 3 years
sweet and pure asks
🐰- do you believe in soul mates?
💌- diary or journal?
✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
💕- are you crushing on someone?
💋- kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain?
🐝- describe your aesthetic in emojis
🍼- what is your favorite memory?
🌸- what is your favorite flower?
💖- have you ever been in love?
🍰- strawberry or vanilla?
🍯- describe your favorite smell
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
🍪- cookie dough or cookies?
☕- coffee or tea?
🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies?
🍂- what’s your middle name?
💫- what is your sun, moon, and rising sign?
🌧️- favorite thing to do on rainy days?
🍭- how tall are you?
💒- which show would you want to live in?
🎄- what is your favorite holiday?
🍦- what scented candle is your favorite?
🎶- favorite song right now?
💘- 3 ways to win your heart?
🍩- current mood?
❄️- what is your favorite season?
💍- your current relationship status?
📷- a photo of yourself
💅🏻- do you like being spoiled?
🕊️- 3 habits you have?
🦄- how do you perceive yourself?
🦋- how do you think others perceive you?
🌈- things I find attractive in girls/guys
🍓- one secret about yourself
🍒- how do you act when you have a crush?
💔- the reason behind your last breakup?
💬- what your last text message says?
🎥- what show are you currently binging on?
⛅- what is your morning routine?
💗- who do you miss?
🥀- last time you cried?
🎁- when is your birthday?
🔪- scariest/creepiest experience?
💤- date someone younger, older, or same age as you?
🎀- any question you want
~~Not mine
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power-of-plot · 3 years
Why ya need to shut up about "shitty fanfic"
Do you know all those posts out here about being supportive of young artists and being careful with how you talk to them about their art? Or just appreciating fanart in general and not being a total asshole?
That doesn’t exist for fanfic writers.
I am so freaking tired of seeing posts talking about “what a pain it is to rake through shitty fanfic” and memes about “shitty fanfic existing in abundance” , “shitty fanfic being the only fics that update regularly”, “popular pairings having a ton of fanfic but only a few good ones”, and all this crappy attitude towards fanfics that may not be that eloquent or fandom famous.
Don’t be an asshole. Everyone needs to start somewhere. Maybe in a few years these writers will improve and make much better fanfic. Even if they don’t, they are doing something they love and should not be freaking criticized for it. Keep your ranting and opinions about “shitty fanfic” to yourself. You’re making a majority of fanfic writers feel self-conscious, unmotivated, and even more unappreciated.
Days like ‘fanfic writer appreciation day’ are super nice, but ultimately fall short unless we fix this horrid attitude fandoms have towards fanfic. 
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power-of-plot · 3 years
Hi! I love your work :-)
Hii! AH THANK YOU SO MUCH! I've been hella unactive ._. .. i'll try to post somethin. Have a nice day ♡♡♡
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power-of-plot · 3 years
Thanks!! ♡ This is a massive "i'm not a furry but-" moment... Legosi from Beastars- the song fits kinda well and that scares me. Um @peanutbutterstuffedbagels and anyone who'd like to do it! :]
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tagged by niko! thank you!! <3 @karasunomygod
NO CHEATING: you’re starring in a movie with the last person saved in your camera roll and the last song you listened to is the title. Who/what is it?
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my whole gallery is literally just pictures of my roommates’ + my pets and kenma tbh,, LOL. this beautiful commission is done by @xavestory 🥺💖
THIS IS ACTUALLY SO PERFECT THO BC my self-ship with kenma is literally centered around comfort and that he’s my sanctuary, a moment where we can just be in this crazy world.
tagging: @xavestory @23soong @souheii @myelocin @mrs-kuroojinguji @violetsoju @wonderstar @amjustagirl @haru-senji @softdazais @vivianvampyric @wanosuns + anyone else who wants to do it! please feel free to ignore :“)
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power-of-plot · 3 years
OOF! Thanks for the tag!
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Longer hair, dark circles gone, jacket/sweater,etc open and maybe earrings (i do wear them but i don't do it often and they are small). @clemmywrites and anyone who wants to do it, have a good day/night! ♡:D
• picrew link here! og post here
prompt: make the version of you that you wanna see
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- v cute! has their hair dyed and grown out (finally lol). new wardrobe. more piercings. a few tatts to start da sleeve and a PHAT ASS 😩 -
tagging: @ackeroki @onyxoverride @ijustreallylovethem @wellitcouldbeworse @emonaculate and whoever else!
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power-of-plot · 3 years
(Anonymously) tell me what character I have the same energy as
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power-of-plot · 3 years
Well... that's insteresting- at least they all make me laugh ma ass off. @nanamn and anyone who wants to do it! :D
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roommates game!! inspired by someone on tik tok
the last four fictional characters in your camera roll are your new roommates
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tag: @sofi-yeager @jaegerbombb @eremiie and anyone who wants to. i wanna see who y’all roommates would be lmao
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power-of-plot · 3 years
can I plz rq hcs for reiner's reaction to his girlfriend getting beaten by eren? Like his girlfriend was the warhammer titan and eren ate her.
Ooohh interesting request! At first i thought.. the heck why would Eren beat up a girl then i was like "oh that's why-"
Female reader/ Angst.
Warnings: SPOILERS S4! Reiner's suicidal ideation.
Reiner met Y/N through a brief meeting the Tybur family had with the highest liders of Marley to discuss a possible alliance regarding actions against Paradis island, in a smart move everyone but the titan they possesed assisted in a noticeable place, walking around enjoying the view in Liberio she eventually bumped into the melancholic man at high hours into the night. The conversation they had turned into one then two, as weeks went by and letters went through and back a relationship bloomed.
Shortly after things were clear Reiner talks about his status as a warrior and user of the armored titan, she on the other hand keeps it a secret by law of the Tybur family, until a fatal day for Liberio came that is. All the weight his devilish and weakened shoulders struggled to hold was thrown twice as harder than before at him, the dying will he had left was barely enough to save Falco, he wanted to die.
Sheding a single tear for her brother William, Y/N transformed into the warhammer titan to fight her last encounter.
Awakened of his deep slumber in the limbo by Gabi and Falco's rather unpleasant screams, Reiner is met with the sight of no more and no less than the remainings of the warhammer titan's evaporating body, the limbs of the jaw titan scattered around, fragments of titan cristalization but no trace of his lover... besides her blood over the mouth of Eren's titan.
It all connects faster than he would have liked, he feels so many things at the same time: devastation, anger, regret, guilt.. this is all he signed up for when he decided to be a warrior, he was just a kid playing with innocent's blood as though it was paint.
His will to live weakens. He feels more exhausted and desolated than ever as there is one less reason for him to keep fighting but at the same time there is one more thing pushing him to push through so all those sacrifices don't become meaningless, a small droplet slides down the hardened cheeks of his titan throughout the few minutes he is able to fight.
He hears a soft whisper in a sudden darkness he found himself in, it was her voice saying something he couldn't quite understand, all he manages out is "I'll wait for you."
He once again opens his eyes in his room with his hand up high trying to reach for something, Pieck, Porco and others are there but he's alone.
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power-of-plot · 3 years
Hi it's me again lol ! May I have a hcs for Naruto,Gaara and Neji caught their female crush who's sleeping half-naked?
This is a holy and cast blog how dare you.
P.D: I gotta clear somethin before you read, i'm a dumbass and i wrote this as if it was a s.o we're talking about, i didn't notice until i was done writing gaara i'm so very very sorry :(-
Female reader / Fluff. SFW (had to specify 👀)
Warnings: None.
This blonde boy was the creator of the well known sexy jutsu at just 13 years old as much, it impressed an experienced pervert like Jiraiya, know what that means? He got every single detail more than right and that ain't a coincidence, those images didn't just pop in his head he had a source.
A soft pink color creeps upon his cheeks as he gently sits by her side, head up high and eyes squinting as he takes a look, a somewhat naughty smile forms in his lips as he is enjoying the view.
Now, he's a pervert but not so badly. He grabs a blanket and places it over her or pulls the sheets all the way up to her shoulders, more easily, he could even take his shirt off and cover her but! Not before he places a nice kiss on her collarbone.
If it is from waist down what's uncovered, the blush is deeper and the peak is quicker, he then places a hand over her thigh and looks at a random direction still flustered debating whether or not he should get her undies and wake her.
Either case he snuggles her with one of his sweet smiles displaying and his limbs tangling around her, sooner or later he ends up sliding the blanket over himself as well to have her closer or taking his shirt off if he hasn't already for skin on skin, he sees it as a very natural thing.
If it wasn't because she is asleep he'd have gasped in a pitch too high for the light deepness of his voice, instead, he presses his lips together tightly with his eyes widening and face turning as red as his hair.
It's matter of what is uncovered to determinate how deep the scarlet red blush gets. He usually bears with his embarrasment better but he just wanted to check on her and got a nude portrait instead, can you blame him?
Poor Gaara covers her with a blankie, his gaze averts from her as though he may be staring at hell itself, it doesn't feel right to him to look when she's just sleeping and besides. he is shy. A relationship meant MaNy first times, please don't missinterpret that or maybe do.
He goes get the clothing she is missing and leaves it there next to her before resuming the work he does from home, as he reads through docenz of documents the image just doesn't leave his head, he feels like he's mind is dirty but he's just impacted. He drinks his respect women juice.
She better don't wake up and walk to him still half naked or he's going to turn in a red mess as she naturally wanders around, he makes full and direct eye contact if he were to look at her now, imagine his eyes with no eyebrows by the way and all that eyeliner (or whatever that is) opened really wide and staring directly at you, a little bit creepy if you ask me. His eyes always caused me something.
His character shatters completely for a second as he walks in to find her clothes anywhere but over her body, he's always been very respectful and mature for his age, he was taught to respect and care for women since he was very small... all the white left in his face are merely his colorless eyes.
He would have debated if it'd be okay or not for him to look and manipulate a lady's most intimate belongings if it wasn't because he had already decided it was for a greater good.
Neji wouldn't wait for her to wake up, he is thankful for his great self-control as he manages to reduce his blush to the minimum. Even after she's dressed up he is shocked, it's awkward for him to look at her without getting reminded of that unholy image.
Respect women juice flows in this man's blood vessels.
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power-of-plot · 3 years
Hey, i was reading ur itachi headcanons like 2 seconds ago??? They're amazing 10/10 WOW and i wanted to request a headcanon of itachi having insecurities and/or trauma and his s/o making him feel better? That would be amazing if u could write that, and thank u! <3
No problemo! Also, don't stalk me <_< . This is in a non-massacre A.U, the fact that even so Itachi is in pain makes me sad-
G.n reader/ Hurt-Comfort.
Warnings: Mention of death.
Itachi has always been someone highly analytic and logical person even when he was a kid during war, he saw the advantages and chances for action he had without feelings getting in the way to the point he killed a man just a mere minute ago he was trying to save, at the moment no emotional impact was thrown upon him at least when it came to that matter as he was yet to understand what life meant but, as time goes by, there's a pain coming from an unknown source.
In the original storyline he doesn't regret killing his clan off, he first hand experienced and witnessed how far they could go with all their hatred and even so he broke down straight onto his knees after he was finished, he suffered through the blood raining down on him. In an A.U this fact doesn't change significatively, his hands have more blood that his two arms could ever hold.
He knows well where all the pain comes from, he never gave himself the time to think in detail about what he did, what was the point of reflexing on things that would never be changed? For his dismay his feelings and his mind are two separate things, both go in opposite directions.
A long time would have to pass before he considers to find any kind of release, the thoughts don't go away, the same reason he ignored thinking about it is part of what makes him suffer, no matter what he does or what happens what he did could never change. His s.o would be the one who notices, Itachi is quieter than usual and there had been times when a sound resembling quiet sobs could be heard from the shower, just this small signs are enough to tell something is wrong since it's him we're talking about.
He declines and declines when a helping hand is offered, behind the cold shell he shows is a hurt soul desesperately trying to get a hold of it while it is blocking itself from the slightest relief, it feels like the dagger inside him had grown sharp spikes all over.
The comfort he finally gets is different from what someone would usually expect, they know he is tired, he'd never let out what tormented him but that didn't mean they wouldn't be there for him "You don't have to say it, i'll be here anyways, always." Under their gentle touch sobs emerge one after another, instead of letting go they just hold him tighter.
Itachi is breathless afterwards, he can't remember the last time he let his feelings out on that level, or if he ever had... he finds no release of his thoughts but the pain is gone, this is the role he was destined to play the marks under his eyes were proof of it.
*cri while samidare plays* you made me re-live my old times when itachi was my husbando.
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