prettypinkprint · 12 days
Dutch for Joost<3
Dutch lesson for my fellow Joost writers🤭 jk just some words / sentences you can use when writing for him. I know u can use google translate but sometimes those are a little icky (coming from a Dutchie🤭) so I thought I’d be nice to give some tips and words for u guys to help out!:)
All is put in female perspective cause I write in that way and have seen more fics like that, if anything else you can ask and I can make a part two or something!:) (I wrote this in Netherlands dutch since that’s were Joost is from!:)
If you guys have any translation requests send them in!🫶 (also wanted to say since I’ve seen his ytb days and watched him, im so glad he’s growing.. like he deserves it and all the hate to new fans is just ridiculous I am so happy he’s getting more attention cause I know he’ll stay the same and won’t let it go to his head like some old fans think! He’s the sweetest and has a very big heart im so glad to see all this love for him!)
Cute nicknames;
Schat (babe/ baby also like honey)
Lieverd / liefje / liefie (sweetheart)
Schatje (same like the first but sounds cuter)
Moppie (same like honey)
M’en meisje (my girl)
Vriendin (girlfriend)
Vrouw (woman/ wife)
Liefde (love)
Kleintje (little one)
You can put “mijn” before it like “mijn schat/ mijn lieverd” is like -my love/ my sweet.
Mooi (beautiful)
Adembenemend (breath taking)
Knap (same as beautiful, literally translates to handsome but in dutch it has no gender!)
Schattig (cute)
Mijn hart (my heart)
Schitterend (stunning)
jij bent (you are)
Jij bent zo schattig (you are so cute)
Jij bent de liefde van mijn leven (you are the love of my life)
Jij bent mijn droom vrouw (you are my my dream woman/ wife)
Jij bent zo mooi (you are so beautiful)
Random words
Kus (kiss - geef me een kus <- give me a kiss)
Lippen (lips)
Hart (heart)
Liefde (love)
Droom (dream)
Gedachten (thoughts)
Schattig (cute)
Lief (sweet - je bent lief <- you are sweet)
Heet (hot)
Alsjeblieft (please)
Blijf (stay)
Ja (yes
Nee (no)
Gevoelens (feelings)
Blij (happy)
Gelukkig (also happy but more in a lucky way)
Verliefd (in love)
Verdriet (sad)
Pijn (pain)
Boos / woedend (mad / very mad)
Sentences you could use
Ik hou van jou (i love you)
Ik denk de hele tijd aan jou (I think of you all the time)
Ik krijg je niet uit mijn hoofd (i cant get you out of my head)
Ik wil niemand anders dan jou (i want no one else but you)
Blijf bij me (stay with me)
Slaapwel/ slaap lekker (goodnight/ sleep tight)
Ik wil je (i want you)
Ik heb je nodig (I need you)
Voor altijd ( for ever)
Voor jou (for you)
Mijn lieve jongen (my sweet boy)
Mijn lief meisje (my sweet girl)
Blijf bij me (stay with me)
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prettypinkprint · 15 days
story plot i will probably never act on that i thought up with @0necent during third period;
singer x singer, one night stand turned long distance. reader is being sent not very nice msgs abt their relationship so they call it quits. wuh oh eurovision, second chance romance. albums written, songs sung, crying in hotel rooms -> long distance AGAIN. month long trips to eachother, residency in netherlands "for shows". (i alr have a playlist for it but yknow) (idk if the one night stand part is set in stone yet but)
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prettypinkprint · 18 days
i haven't posted in so long and probably won't ever again but i just need the world to know that i cry everytime florida 2009 or europapa - outro plays.
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prettypinkprint · 2 months
is it bad if the only things i'm able to write for and by write for i mean actually get words down and like it are harry potter characters even though i want to write for other things? no matter how hard i try the only ones that are good enough in my eyes to post are the harry potter golden trio era ones. not even the marauder ones.
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prettypinkprint · 2 months
i fear "baby on board" and "i brake for the hell of it" stickers should not be on the same car.
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prettypinkprint · 2 months
this is so true :3
i'm a percy weasley apologist (i just like blubbering nerd boys on their knees)
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prettypinkprint · 2 months
performance anxiety because all ur favourite blogs follow u back
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prettypinkprint · 2 months
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
black coffee
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"how do you drink that shit?" you turned to find the youngest of gryffindoor's red-headed brothers.
"see here's what i do-" you started, clicking your tongue slightly before opening your mouth
"not like that, i'n not that dense." he scoffed as he sat next to you, this was one of the few times you had alone with him.
on the off chance neither of you could sleep you get the great hall almost an hour early, just sitting at the empty gryffindoor table. this is when you two really are together. this is when you two notice everything. his dark circles, your coffee-stained teeth, the mini-break out beneath his shaggy bangs, the scratch on your eyebrow from your care of magical creatures book. and somehow you two still seem to think nobody is more beautiful than the other.
"well i'm not sure, ronald. you seem to lack the understanding of certain very simple tasks." you smiled up at him
"oh shove off. that was one time."
"it still happened. you sure you dont want a go at it?" she asked him, offering her mug of coffee to him.
"godric, no. you don't even put half a cube of sugar in that disaster." he chuckled. "thanks for the offer though."
you shrugged "s'the least i can do when you put like eight cubes of sugar and a quart of creamer in yours. your not even drinking the coffee!"
"i do to! i just don't want to drink the monstrosity in that mug of yours." he said checking the clock, it's almost time for everyone else to get here. he's almost out of time.
"y'know, maybe i'll try it.. if, and only if! you come to hogsmead with me? just us?" he said, just above a whisper.
"you- i- alright. i'll go with you. you better not chicken out then." she laughed
"wow, you don't have to sound so unenthusiastic about going with me." he shot back between laughs
"wait hold on let me try again then.." you cleared your throat, pinching the air with your hands and letting out a deep breath "oh of course i'll go with you ronnikins!" you shouted, leaning on his shoulder, draping an arm over your forehead
"alright, alright shut up." he pushed your head off him, laughing.
(can you tell i like naming these after drinks? :3)
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prettypinkprint · 3 months
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
now you know
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you thought he knew. you thought he knew and never acknowledged it because he didn't feel the same way. it killed you that you were waiting for something and knew that nothing was coming.
he thought that he wasn't your type. so he kept it hidden.
everyone else thought that you were dating. so it came as a shock when dean and seamus hear
"i don't think she even likes me like that."
"what?! we thought you were dating and just never said anything!"
"no way! she's amazing, brilliant actually. and she's uncommonly kind, and on top of that she's gorgeous!" he ran a hand through his hair
"neville you're an actual idiot." his friends shook their heads. "she's in love with you! she looks at you with actual hearts in her eyes. seriously, i've seen it."
"oh my godric. are you serious?" he looked up at them
"like a heart attack." dean sighed at his friends ability to be so smart yet so stupid
"well, what do i do?" neville raised his voice slightly
"just- you should tell her." seamus suggested
"when? how? i need to plan that stuff out!"
"right now, actually. like right now, right now."
"okay.. i can do that. i have to go." he got up, grabbing his papers and booking it out of the library.
he has never cared so little about the weird looks he got scrambling through the halls to get to the black lake.
"y/n!" you whipped your head around to find neville longbottom, your bestfriend of four years, sprinting straight towards you.
"neville? what are you- oh my godric!" you yelped as he finally got to you and picked you up off the ground enough to spin you around. "what are you doing?" she shouted and laughed
as he put you down, he straight into your eyes stammering and stuttering
"slow down! what are you even saying?" she smiled, trying not to blush
"i'm in love with you. you're so wonderful, and you're so special to me and i just needed to tell you before i got to nervous about it." he said trying to catch his breath
"nev! shh!" she covered his mouth before he could keep talking so she could process what he was saying. his eyes widened, this was it. he's lost you. well, that's what he thought. but after about five seconds you uncovered his mouth and smiled before pulling him into a kiss
and now you know.
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prettypinkprint · 3 months
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
me! it's me, swansong. (but you can call me swan)
i personally would like to think that i'm cool but don't take my word for it. anywho, my ask are very, very open! i mean it, i just started doing this. feel free to suggest something i can write about, give me writing critiques (please be nice, i will cry if you're mean), or even js ask to be moots! i don't currently have any claimed anons so that's open aswell!
♡ boundaries
♡ who i'll write about
♡ masterlist
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prettypinkprint · 3 months
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
masterlist !
harry potter era
george weasley:
hot chocolate
neville longbottom:
now you know
ron weasley:
black coffee
mauraders era
pitch perfect
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prettypinkprint · 3 months
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
hot chocolate
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making your way down the common room steps at this hour was a challenge in itself. they were thousands of years old, any attempt to try not to make any noise was entirely futile. you cringed before each step, trying not to make too much noise. and as you finally got off the steps...
"what are you doing down here?" an all too familiar voice whispered. you gasped and whipped your head to the left.
"george!" you whispered, walking towards him
"can't sleep?" he asked and offered her some of his hot chocolate
"is it obvious?" you sat next to him on the couch, taking a sip from the burgundy mug.
"incredibly. you know, you're grades are going to start slipping if you don't start getting enough sleep." he said matter-of-factly despite having some.. interesting grades in most of his classes.
"oh shut up, you're in no position to talk." you said smiling and handing the mug back to him
"i never said i was a genius. i can't help how brilliant and amazing and wonderful and great and amazing and wonderful i am."
you scoffed back at him "you just called yourself amazing and wonderful twice in one sentence ."
"once isn't enough" he shrugged as you shook your head.
"you know, if you weren't so full of yourself, girls might actually like you." you whispered
"plenty of girls li-"
"any girl fred's set you up with doesn't count." you interrupted and he chuckled
"maybe, i only want one girl to like me." he shot back.
but before you could say anything, a head poked out from the boy's staircase.
"would you two shut up? it's like, 2:30!" the voice whisper-shouted.
"sorry!" we whispered back.
after the door shut he looked back at you,
"what was it you were saying?"
"it's nothing, good night george." you replied getting up and making your way to the stairs.
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prettypinkprint · 3 months
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
who i will write about:
youtubers that i know enough about
harry potter characters
mauraders era characters
pitch perfect (mostly 1 and 2)
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prettypinkprint · 3 months
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
boundaries ;
i'm alright writing fluff, smut, or angst but i will not write anything that includes drugs heavier than weed, tobacco, or alcohol (ex. hallucinogenics, narcotics, etc.)
i will not write about daddy/mommy kinks, excrement (scat/piss) kinks, or kinks which ellude to inhumane or illegal fantasies.
i will also not write about particularly sensitive topics (ex. miscarriages, abuse of any kind, or suicide)
don't call me any weird nicknames or say anything inherently weird about me. i am 15. just because i may write about more "adult" topics does not mean i'm comfortable being perceived in the same way.
be kind, if you don't like my writing you can just scroll or block me.
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prettypinkprint · 3 months
why are you, a minor, writing nsfw fics? where tf are your parents kiddo??
I've had quite a few people ask me questions like this lately, so I'd like to clarify a few things.
Firstly, my mum is a fan of my writing. She reads most of my pieces (minus the smut although she's aware I write them). In fact, she often helps edit my one-shots because I have dyslexia.
Secondly, it's adults, much like yourself, who tend to treat topics like sex, drugs, and alcohol as these forbidden subjects for minors that will cause kids to explore these things in a way to rebel against their parents. When adults aren't open to discussing these matters and teaching kids how to approach them safely, it actually makes them more curious.
In my experience, having parents who are open and willing to have these conversations has built trust between us. They've allowed me to have a drink on special occasions and have been open about sex, rather than treating it as taboo.
So yeah, that’s where my parents are and that why me, a minor, am writing nsfw fics! 😁
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