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Last night I was feeling like a big girl and really didn’t want to put my nighttime diaper on, but I didn’t really have much of a choice since I actually need to be in diapers at night due to my bed wetting issues.
It always makes me feel really blushy and little when I wake up and realize that my diaper that was completely dry before nunights became full and soggy without me even knowing in my sleep🥺
I was quickly reminded that I am not a big girl and need to stop trying to act like one
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Emily stared longingly outside. She was no longer allowed to go out alone anymore; that was for big girls. The last few months had seen Emily begin bedwetting out of nowhere. It began slow, a night here and there, but she thought they were just one-off accidents. She had no idea just how wrong she was.
Soon her nighttime control was very inconsistent. Her mother had insisted she wear goodnites (glorified diapers for bedwetters) to bed. Emily protested but her mother put her foot down. Emily refused but her small stature didn't exactly lend itself to resistance. Her mother picked her up easily, and though she struggled Emily could not escape. She was laid down on the bed and held down by one of her mothers arms while the other arm pulled down Emily's Pj shorts and panties.
Emily was so tired from struggling at this point that try though she might, she couldn't stop her mother from pulling the goodnite up between her legs. Tears streamed down Emily's face as she felt the foreign garment between her legs. It was soft and crinkled softly when she moved. Her mother pulled Emily's pj shorts back up and said "if I catch you with these off, you will get a spanking so hard you'd wish you'd never taken them off."
Emily sulked, knowing that her mother wasn't kidding. After a few minutes of silent crying, Emily, who was exhausted from struggling fell asleep. That day was the beginning of the end for Emily's adulthood. Fast forward to the present. Emily had not woken up dry since she was put in goodnights 6 months ago, and she'd even started to have daytime accidents with increasing frequency about a month prior to today. Her mother insisted that she wear her goodnites in the day too now, and Emily was embarrassed to say it was hard to argue.
Her goodnites weren't really cutting it these days, and it seemed like the daytime accidents were scattered at first like the bedwetting, but also like the bedwetting it quickly worsened and Emily was soon wetting her goodnites every day, sometimes multiple times. As she reflected at the window she felt her goodnite growing warm and heavy, a tear rolling down her cheek in silent frustration. She never knew when she had lost the ability to even feel when she needed to pee, but it was depressing..
As she continued to pee, it began to leak out of the goodnite and onto the couch. As if she could sense it, Emily's mother entered the room and locked eyes on the couch where the wet spot was clearly visible. A patient anger came over her expression and she wordlessly took Emily's hand. Emily wondered fearfully if she was going to be spanked, but instead she was sat down on a plastic mat on the bed. "A.. changing mat?" she thought. That's when she saw what was beside it and put 2 and 2 together.
A thick white diaper decorated with pink and lavender hearts was beside the changing table, and before she knew it she was being laid down and cleaned up just like a baby. She was so shocked at how far she's fallen that she couldn't even struggle. "You'll be wearing these for the foreseeable future little girl. Since you can't seem to act your age, you will be kept in diapers 24/7; no more goodnites." Emily was mortified "in the day too?? bu-"
"no buts young lady" she finished taping the diaper and made sure it was snug and fit well. Emily felt the thick padding press against her skin as her mother felt the diaper. Each movement she made was accompanied by an audible crinkle. "Everyone is going to find out..." Emily said, dejected. "I'm sorry Emily" her mother said gently "but you clearly need diapers now, and if people find out that's just something we'll have to deal with"
And so began her new life. The only girl at university who still needed diapers.
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🍼" You’re Too Little To… “🍼
” Aw, baby. You’re too little use the grown-up potty. Sit on my lap, relax, and go potty in your diapee/pull-up. I’ll help you if you need it. “
” Do you need to go potty? Oh no, you’re too little to use the grown-up potty. I’ll take you to your little potty chair. “
” Let me cut your food up for you, sweetheart. You’re too little for such big bites. You could choke! “
” Here’s your bottle, baby… lay in my lap, you’re too little to drink it yourself. We don’t want it to spill on your clothes, do we? Let me hold it for you. Just put your hands on your tummy and relax~. “
” Uh-uh-uh! Those are adult clothes! You’re much too little for those! Let’s get you in a snug diaper/pull-up–after all, we don’t want you having an accident in big kid clothes~. Stains are hard to get out. We’ll find you more age-appropriate clothes too. “
” Uh-oh, did someone make piddles in their diaper/pull-up? Aw, don’t cry. You’re too little to know when you have to go potty. Let’s get you cleaned up. “
” Nap time, baby~. What’s that? You’re not sleepy? Don’t be silly, you’re too little to go without a nap, you’ll turn into a fussypants. “
” You know the rules; you hold my hand when we’re out. You’re too little to wander around by yourself. You stay by my side at all times. Or do I need to put you in a stroller? “
” Oh no, baby. The public bathrooms are for adults. You’re too little for those. Just go in your diapee/pull-up, and I’ll change you as soon as we get back to the car. “
” You’re too little to check yourself to see if you’re wet or messy. That’s my job~. And no, you can’t change yourself. “
” In the back seat, let me buckle you in nice and safely. Of course I’m using the child-locks. What’s that? You wanna sit in the front? Nuh-uh, you’re too little! “
” Oh, you silly baby! You’re too little to dress/undress yourself! Let me help you. “
” I bought you a nice, big playpen to put you in, so I can keep an eye on you. You’re too little to wander around the house without my supervision! You could get into things you’re not supposed to. “
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Well, aren’t you just pathetic? Rushing home from work to get settled into your diaper. All your colleagues are planning for a big night out and here you are reaching into your drawer full of pampers planning to fill your pants all night.
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Strawberry can’t come to the phone, she’s a bit tied up at the moment.
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10 Things I Could Do For Daddy To Make His Life Easier
1. Use my diapies!!!! It sounds counterintuitive but Daddy wants his little girl to pack her pampers and if I don’t do it myself Daddy is going to have to help. I’ll just be a good girl and make poopies and peepees without thinking about it.
2. Be dumb, Daddy doesn’t want a conversation, he doesn’t want my thoughts, who’d waste time trying to have a conversation with a baby. No I’m going to continue to be a complete dummy.
3. Always wear extra thick diapies and plastic panties, using my diapies may be important, but changies are time consuming and I don’t want to hassle Daddy. Extra thick diapies means less changies, babies should get used to icky diapies anyway
4. Get used to being tied up and helpless, I can’t change the fact that I’m a squirmy little baby, so Daddy will always have to tie me up and lock me down for his own convenience. Looks like I don’t have a choice but to get used to it 🙈
5. Be the bestest little sucker there is, I have plenty of opportunity to practice my sucking all day long, if Daddy can’t find someone grown to to satisfy him I want to be ready to suck his special pacifier
6. Obey Daddy’s adult friends, the last thing Daddy needs is a little cucky ruining his grown up fun by annoying his date. I’ll just have to do whatever they want no matter how humiliating.
7. Learn lots of silly pathetic baby dances, you never know when Daddy might need entertaining after a tough day being a grown-up, if Daddy may just want to watch his ridiculous little girl prance around in a silly little tutu that doesn’t do anything to hide her droopy diapie.
8. Practice my humpies, edging humpies are an important part of my day, and a great source of amusement for Daddy, I need to make sure I look as much like a pathetic drooling little puppy as possible so anyone would laugh at me and not think I’m practicing for something silly like big girl sex 🙈
9. Become the snuggliest little princess ever! It’s not all naughty and humiliating, sometimes we all need a cuddle and like I cuddle my stuffies Daddy cuddles me. 😌
10. Be a little brat (occasionally), no one could resist spanking my cute lil bootie, pampered or not, I don’t want Daddy to have to come up with excuses to do it, I’ll just give him plenty of reasons myself hehe. Plus it gives Daddy the chance to unlock the dark side if I’m extra naughty…… 🤫
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My New Babysitter, Pt 8
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Maddie squeezes my hand as I desperately look anywhere but at her. I can’t bear looking at her, not as my body forces me to fill my diaper in front of the only girl I’ve ever kissed. Every grunt that forces itself out of my mouth is like a punch to the gut from Mike Tyson.
A hand finds its way to my face, turning my head to face Maddie. I don’t fight it despite my deep humiliation. I’m terrified of what I’ll see in Maddie’s eyes as I helplessly fill my diaper next to her, strapped in the ferris wheel, unable to flee in shame.
 “Jack, look at me,” Maddie urges, both authority and tenderness in her voice, “you don’t have to be embarrassed! You really think I didn’t know this would happen eventually? This won’t even be the first messy diaper of yours I changed, silly!”
I meekly look up, meeting her gaze. Her smile is disarming.
“Thank you, sweetie. Now, I want you to push, get all those stinkies out for Maddie, okay?”
I hesitantly nod my head.
“No, sweetie,” she says sternly, “I want you to say, ‘yes, Maddie.’”
I stare deeper into her eyes. Her voice was stern, but her eyes were still warm and comforting.
“…Yes, Maddie.”
“Thank you, Jack.”
I obediently push, partly to get this humiliation over with, partly because listening to Maddie feels like the right thing to do. We sit silently for the next few minutes as I finish filling my diaper.
“All done, Jack?” she asks as my grunts cease.
“Y-yes, Maddie…”
“Good boy, now turn around so I can inspect the damage.”
I do as I’m told. The back of my shirt is lifted up before my diaper is pulled back.
“You’re such a big stinker!” Maddie chides, “you sure can fill a diaper!”
I shiver in embarrassment, hoping none of our friends saw or heard what had happened—and what Maddie said, way too loud for my comfort.
“Oh, calm down, Jack. I’ll get you cleaned up as soon as we get off the ride!”
“O-okay, Maddie. It’s just—I’m sorry for ruining the moment like this…” I mutter.
“You didn’t ruin the moment! You’re in diapers. You can’t control when you go. It happens. It’s not a shock to me, Jack. I expect you to fill your diapers.”
“I know, but…it’s not how I imagined my first kiss to go!”
“Awwww, I knew you were inexperienced, but I didn’t think this was your first kiss! But don’t worry, sweetie, I’ll make it up to you once we get you out of that messy diaper! Sound good?”
My stomach flutters again. I didn’t blow my chances!
The ferris wheel slows to a stop. We’re the last ones off, and we walk to catch up with the group.
Olivia is smiling broadly, ready to burst in excitement. “Well, how was the ride you two?”
I feel the gaze of everyone in the group, knowing smiles on their faces.
“Look, even Maddie’s blushing!” Jessica teases, “I wonder why? I could have sworn I saw you two all snuggled up close! Were you just telling secrets or do you have something to share?”
“Nope,” Maddie answers innocently, “just two friends enjoying the ride. Right, Jack?”
Jessica laughs. “Interesting, I could have sworn I saw some kissing!”
Before either Maddie or I could answer, I saw Olivia’s face scrunch up. “Wait, something smells here—and I’m not talking about what did or did not happen between you two!”
Olivia marches over to me, pulling the back of my diaper and peeking into it. “I thought so!”
My face must have been beet red. I hate getting checked so openly in front of everyone—especially when I need a change this bad.
“Okay, Jack, time for another trip to the changing table!” Olivia says.
“No, I got this, Liv! You take a few minutes off and spend some time with Ryan! I don’t mind!” Maddie says, reaching out for the diaper bag.
“Oh, all right. The changing tables are over there,” Olivia adds, pointing in its direction, “I’ll let you know where to meet us!”
Maddie grabs my hand, “stay close to me, you little stinker! I don’t want you wandering off!”
I hear the girls giggle as Maddie pulls me away.
The same attendant as before is there guarding the changing tables. He looks at me, then Maddie, a smile growing on his face. “How many babysitters do you have? You must be pretty popular! Or really busy filling your diapers because it hasn’t been very long!”
Maddie pulls my hand past him, ignoring his laughing.
“Lay down, Jack,” Maddie says as she closes the door.
I dutifully get in position as Maddie stands between my legs, pulling down my shorts. I hate this position, even more so when the woman changing my messy diaper is someone I kissed minutes ago.
Maddie rips open the tabs, opening up my diaper. I shrink as the smell fills the room even more than before.
“Wow, so stinky, sweetie!” Maddie coos as she grabs a handful of wipes and gets to work.
I shiver as Maddie wipes me…down there. Maddie giggles.
“Oh, Jack, I can see you’re excited, but you didn’t shiver because the wipe was cold, did you?” she says, conspiratorially.
I look away, unable to answer her. She knows. What can I even say to her?
“It’s okay, Jack! I’d be disappointed if you didn’t react like that! Unlike you, this wasn’t my first kiss. I know what goes on down there after I kiss a boy. Don’t be embarrassed!”
“I-I-I…” I stammer, absolutely flummoxed by her comment.
“Legs up, Jack,” she says. I meekly comply, happy for the distraction.
Nothing is said for the next minute or two—maybe more. To be honest, I have no idea how long the silence lasted. Each second felt like an eternity.
Maddie finally finishes wiping, inspecting her handiwork. Satisfied, she reaches into my diaper bag, rummaging through the contents.
“Oh good, you have some baby oil!” she exclaimed.
I haven’t used baby oil in forever. Why does she want to use it now?
She drips a generous amount of oil onto my skin. She smiles, almost deviously, down at me.
She begins rubbing in the oil, slowly. Methodically. Teasingly. I can barely think straight.
Just before she touches my, well, you know, she stops, looking into my eyes. “Is there anything you want to ask me, Jack?”
It takes me a second to comprehend what she said. I was so lost in anticipation. “I, uhhh…”
“You what, Jack? Do you want me to keep going?”
“Y-yes, please, Maddie!” I wheeze, desperate for more.
“Good boy. I know you do. Except, that’s not what I wanted you to ask, not at all. Surely you want to see me again, Jack? You do, don’t you?”
“Y-yes, Maddie…”
“Well, then ask me out, silly boy!”
“W-will you g-go out with me, Maddie?”
“Awww, I’d thought you’d never ask, Jack! Of course I will!” she shouts, “I’d love to go out with you!”
I did it! I asked Maddie out, and she said YES!
“Now…where were we?” Maddie says innocently, staring at me expectantly.
“You..umm…well…” I stammer.
“That’s right!” she snaps, “you need me to tape up this diaper! Duh!”
Before I even register what had happened, Maddie finishes the diaper change, pulling my jeans back up.
“There, how’s that diaper feel, Jack?”
“Good, thank you,” I say, trying to hide my disappointment as I follow her back to the group.
“All clean, Jack?” Olivia asks as she sees us.
“Clean as a whistle, Liv!” Maddie answers for me.
“Good! Well, it’s getting late, and I promised your Mom I’d have you back in bed at a reasonable hour, Jack”
I do my best to ignore the girls’ giggling at hearing that. I hate that my Mom still controls my bedtime—and that they all know it.
“Already? Ugh,” Maddie says disappointedly, “well, don’t think I’m letting you leave without my number, Jack.”
More giggling. I stand there, unsure what to do. Luckily, Maddie walks over to me, grabbing my phone out of my pocket putting it up to my face to unlock it. “Call me, Jack,” she says after she adds her number, sliding my phone back into my pocket.
“I-I will, Maddie,” I say over the incessant giggling.
The second we get into the car, Olivia turns to me, grinning ear to ear.
“Jack! Tell me everything!”
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school sl×t pt.1
You've always been the go-to person at dchool when someone wanted to hook up with someone. No, they didn't hook up with you... you helped them get themselves a person for themselves.
The way you'd matchmake people was so... natural. Yet you'd never had someone fulfil your desires. Every night you'd lie on the bed, naked, rubbing yourself to the thought of someone using you for themselves.
And one day, it happened. It was quite the normal start. You wore a small white bikini top under your unbuttoned varsity jacket, and a short skirt. You drove to school, went through your first few classes and was at the locker to keep your books before lunch.
"Yo Vicky!!" A boy ran up to you. Jason, that was. Jason dragged along a smaller boy with him. He seemed young and short next to Jason, but he was older and taller than you.
The new boy near Jason was quiet and seemed to be shy. "Jason. I've hooked you up with 7 girls already this week. It's only the 4th day." You say, shutting the locker. The sudden wind flapped your unbuttoned varsity jacket, your half covered boobs making a short peek.
You didn't notice that, but the new boy did. "This one's Nate. Nate thinks he's gay, because he's never liked a girl before. I think he's straight. Help him figure that shit out will ya?" Jason asks you.
"There's Lily. She'll give you a boobjob if you'd like." You say, looking at the curvy girl walking across.
"No Vicky. He wants you." Jason says. You freeze. That's a first. "Never been to pound town Vicky?" Jason teases you. "Fuck you Jason." You curse.
"Then?" He shoots back. "Fine. Whenever you want." You look at Nate, who curtly nods. "Come after lunch. We can bunk the lessons after it." Jason says.
You nod and bid goodbye and go to the girls lavatory. You look at yourself, and smirk, touching all your makeup up and putting perfume on. You stay there for the rest 30 minutes, not feeling hungry. When the bell rings, there's a rush of footsteps and you wait till its quiet. When it is, you quietly slip your panties off and keep it in your small bag. You jog off to the exit and see Nate waiting.
He's sitting on a motorbike. "Come on." He says. You smile, and throw one leg on the other side, hopping behind him. Your clit makes contact eith the warm seat, and you hold back a moan.
You stick to Nate, as he speeds to somewhere. After a few minutes you reach an alleyway, with a small apartment. He has his own house, and he takes you there.
You follow, thighs clenching to give yourself friction. Wordlessly, you drop on your knees and unbuckle his pants. You pull his boxers down and take his cock in your hand. He hisses as you slowly apply pressure.
The doorbell rings. Jason walks in. "Well you two, sorry, but his tutor's coming over." He says.
Nate snaps at Jason and dresses. He angrily sits on the table. "Nate." You say, "I'll suck you off, u der the table."
He thinks, but you dive under the table anyways. You carefully pull just his hard, leaking cock out. You waste no time in pulling it into your mouth. Nate groans.
You Bob your head, swirling your tongue around his cock. You get so wet, you subconsciously hump the ground. Someone sticks a dildo under the table.
You see it. Jason waves it at you, bending to give it. You take it, sitting on it. Jason smirks as he sits on the couch with a phone.
Nates let out quiet grunts and moans, and he cums in your throat. But I stead of pulling out, you suck him with the cum in your mouth.
And then your dildo.... it vibrates. You moan muffled, looking at Jason. Its remote controlled you realise. Your moans increase and the cum in your mouth drips out.
You swallow it, gagging on Nate's cock. The door opens and you see a girl's feet walk to the other side of the table. It's probably the tutor. Nate grasps onto your hair as your throat clenched around his cock as you swallow.
The dildo quietly vibrates in you, and you decide to lay low for now. Your lips still around his cock, you take him in full and rest your forehead on his lap.
that was so hot to read!! also you are really talented at writing, speaking as someone who writes too💞💞
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Why your partner likes diapers and wants them 24/7
As a non-ABDL person, trying to understand why my successful, grown-up male partner would want to wear and use diapers 24/7 wasn’t immediately obvious. He even struggled to describe his feelings & desires to me. To make it even harder his desires seemed to change from wanting and even trying 24/7 to not wearing diapers at all for a few days.
Overall this really made me confused and worried and is what drove me to go deeper into my research into ABDL and start talking to some other couples.
He’s helped me with some of this article but the goal of it is to help non-ABDL partners understand their ABDL partners desire better. I should also say that this is our viewpoint and although I know from conversations with other couples it’s a very common one, there are obviously lots of different reasons why someone might want to wear diapers which we won’t cover here.
So firstly, you’re not in any way stupid for wondering why your partner might want this, as subjectively wearing diapers has a lot of negatives from potential embarrassment, cost, smells, extra chores in daily life… the list goes on. BUT for your partner some of these negatives might actually be positives and overall the positives far outweigh any negatives for them.
So lets get down to some of the reasons they like diapers:
It gives them comfort
This is a hard one to describe but in the same way that cuddling up to your partner or being given a hug can make you feel at ease, safe and relaxed, diapers can do this for ABDL people. 

I’ve heard the saying that wearing a diaper is like being given a hug constantly. From the moment they’re taped into a diaper many ABDL’s will feel more at ease.
It takes them back to a simpler time
Childhood is something a lot of adults look back on with fond memories where they lived without the stresses and pressures of daily adult life. Wearing and using diapers can really help in reminding them of these good times and adding some of it back into their adult life.
This is especially powerful if you take control of their checks and changes, and incorporate other elements of babying.
If you partner likes to regress and act like a younger age (age play) then diapers are a core ingredient to get them into this headspace.
They like giving up some control
I have no hard evidence to back this up but I feel that ABDL’s over-index on stressful careers and generally being “successful” people. The problem is this often comes with tons of responsibility and control over lots of decisions, so giving up some of this control can be incredibly therapeutic and stress-releasing for them.
I’m confident that all adults can relate to the enjoyment of having some decisions taken away from them, but for most using the toilet wouldn’t be their go-to thought.
We’re big advocates for 24/7 and one of the main reasons for this is I’ve seen first hand how beneficial it was saying to my boyfriend, yes you’ve got a big and important job with lots of stress but from now onwards going to the toilet isn’t going to be something you have to think about.
This year we’ve been experimenting with him giving up more control, by increasing the babying, and honestly the more I take away the better I think it makes him, both professionally and personally.
They like the smells
Being in diapers 24/7 exposes them to a lot of different smells which they can find enjoyable or relaxing.
From being taped up in a fresh diaper with baby powder scent, to the subtle pee smell as they use their diaper, to more pungent odours coming from their filled diaper, to the clean fragrance while being wiped clean. They experience this wide range of smells daily and each brings different feelings from feeling cared for, loved, embarrassed and more.
I myself (like many women) like the smell of babies and over time I’ve found that the smell of baby powder on him and his wet diaper is something that makes me feel content and relaxed too.
The feeling of diapers is great
The soft padding encasing their bum and groin is comforting, and then as they use it it gets warmer and squishy. There is a constant reminder of its presence when sitting or walking, with the subtle sound which accompanies it. Even the feeling of messing their diaper is enjoyable for many ABDL’s due to the unique feeling of it pushing out and then spreading in different directions.
The naughtiness of being punished
Diaper discipline should be more than your partner wants as otherwise it won’t fulfil the feeling of being punished and controlled which they crave.
Like other more mainstream kinks their diapers sometime being uncomfortable, embarrassing and inconvenient is a positive for them and isn’t something you should try avoid.
Many times it’s convenient
Being able to pee and not have to stop playing a game, watching a film or working can be convenient. My boyfriend used to get up in the night to pee which disturbed his sleep and mine, now it goes straight into the diaper.
On long drives and flights it can be a lifesaver wearing a diaper, the seatbelt light going on doesn’t worry you even if you need to pee.
Being changed is amazing
Diaper changes make them feel incredibly loved and cared for. It’s very intimate with some embarrassment but having your loved one wipe you clean and tape you into a fresh diaper is one of the top experiences for your ABDL partner.
Even a diaper check shows them you’re caring for them while also playing into the feeling of giving up control.
Diapers combine great with other kinks
Diapers go hand in hand with a range of other kinks including bondage, chastity, spanking & submission. If they or you are kinky you should try these with diapers involved and all make for good punishments too.
They’re cute
With ABDL and diaper discipline more popular than ever, we’re blessed to have a huge range of amazing adult diapers available. These diapers look cute on your partner and when combined with ABDL clothing it really plays into the lovely feeling of regressing to a younger age.
Why 24/7
So hopefully you can now better understand why your partner loves wearing diapers. But there are a few reasons why the idea of wearing 24/7 and then the reality of it is so appealing:
Accepting this is part of them
Many if not all ABDL’s have experienced or are still experiencing shame about their diaper wearing desires. Switching to or being forced to wear 24/7 helps them accept that this actually is a big part of who they are and they don’t need to pretend otherwise or feel guilty about it.
The loss of control
Accepting they now have to use their diapers instead of the toilet on a long term basis excites and scares them in a good way. They’re losing one of the most grown up privileges.
You accepting them
Encouraging or forcing them to wear 24/7 shows your partner that you fully accept this part of them. One of their biggest fears will be their ABDL desires cause them to lose you, so by being truly supportive it will be a massive weight lifted off their shoulders.
We’re going to do another article on this shortly but because of this I feel there is a big benefit of you forcing them into 24/7 rather than waiting for it to happen naturally.
It stops them having to decide when to wear
Many ABDL’s yoyo on their diaper wearing frequency and struggle to decide when to wear or not. Having this choice taken away from them removes this stress and helps combat the lows when before they’d have felt guilty and stopped wearing for a period.
It becomes part of their daily life
Diaper wearing is often a hidden part of their lives but moving to 24/7 means it needs to become much more normalized. From making sure their wardrobe is now designed around their padded bum to having a large stock of diapers on hand and not hidden is extremely beneficial for your partner.
I’m sure there are many reasons here we’ve missed so please add them into the comments. Also please watch out for our next long post about when is the right time to switch your partner to 24/7 and how to do it.
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Morning diapie😋
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you feel so stupid as you snap the photo and send it to your daddy.
he used to be your boyfriend until you admitted your “little secret”: you wanted to be unpotty trained.
you’d been dreaming about being put back in soft fluffy diapers for years now, and knowing your boyfriend would be open to trying anything, it seemed like you finally had a chance to make this dream a reality.
it was great at first! you both immediately went out to buy some pull-ups and any other accessories you’d need now. your first diaper chance was magical, essentially soaking your pull-up with something besides pee on first contact.
it was even so fun and hot to send him “diaper” checks throughout the day, pulling down your skinny jeans in a bathroom mirror to display a pristine and dry pull-up day after day.
when he asked you to only call him daddy, it was a little hard, but eventually fun and even thrilling.
but then, your daddy seemed to realize that you weren’t really unpotty training. coming home in dry pull-ups, waking up dry, it was silly to see a girl without potty troubles even wearing pull-ups. luckily, daddy knew just the thing.
when he first asked you about trying hypnotherapy, you laughed. it seemed so gimmicky, no way it could actually work right? what’s the harm in trying?
you choked on those words when three days after your first session, you woke up to a wet pull-up between your legs.
you panicked, naturally. but your daddy would hear none of it. this is what you asked for after all!
within a month, you were soaking through pull-ups left and right. even once at work, during a meeting! so daddy orders you real diapers…
it’s amazing at first. it feels so infantile and embarrassing to have daddy strap you into the bulky baby printed diaper. it was so soft, and could hold so much, how could there be any downsides?
suddenly you learn how hard it really is to hide a full diaper beneath any clothes, especially your sheer form fitting wardrobe. daddy buys you onesies, and new “proper” clothes, but they’re all so babyish and unsexy.
today’s your one year anniversary of wearing diapers full time. you wake up in a soaked babyish diaper, and find daddy laid out some of your old big girl lingerie for you to wear.
you waddle over to your vanity, and struggle to pull the skirt over the bloated bulk covering your ass. you scrunch your face up as the diaper sloshes cold pee on your princess parts, elastic of the skirt finally snapping over the bulk.
you turn the mirror and blush furiously as you see the diaper peaking out the bottom of the skirt. you used to look so sexy in this, but with a full diaper, you just look like, some toddler playing dress up. you try in vain to pull the skirt down, but your diaper is just too big to hide.
conveniently, daddy texts you, asking for a diaper check while you’re wallowing about your squashed sex appeal.
you snap the picture, embarrassed and flustered, you don’t even notice that you put it only your public story instead of just sending it to daddy…
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Normalise sexist behaviour
Make it normal and acceptable to talk disparagingly about girls in an objectifying manner. Belittle them and make fun of them if they take offence. Humiliate them publicly. Use terms such as “cunts” when talking about them, preferably when in company with other girls. Make them understand you view them as nothing but dumb little things, or eye candy at best. Talk to them, not with them. Yawn openly and often if they get carried away or try to come off as “intellectual.” Look at their tits, not their eyes. Compare their physical attributes to other girls, openly and publicly, and if you’re not impressed let them know. Compliment their attributes and not their “personality” or wit. Grab girls’ ass and tits.
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princess-calls-me-sir · 2 months
Older FWB but he only wants anal sex.
You always had a crush on him, but were nervous because he’s a decade older than you.
Finally you give in and ask him to take your virginity.
He doesn’t want to be a dirty old man, taking a little girl’s first time, so he suggests you do anal instead.
You let him fuck your ass because you’re so desperate to have his cock inside you.
You find out that you can take his entire length, and take a rough pounding.
You giggle and kick your feet while he groans and cums inside your tight ass.
He likes your tight young bum, and starts to come over and give you anal sex regularly.
You tell your friends that you’re hooking up with a hot guy, but you don’t mention that he just bounces your butt on his cock.
He thinks kissing would be too intimate but he lets you put his fingers in your mouth instead.
You send him flirty photos showing off your needy pussy, hoping that he’ll change his mind.
One time his cock slips out and he almost pushes it back into your drippy cunt.
You learn how to cum from getting fucked in the ass by an older man, and it starts to happen all the time.
You start to cum as soon as he puts his cock in you, and you’re a cock-drunk whore for the whole time.
He gets rougher and deeper, spanking you, spitting in your mouth, rutting around in your tiny bum.
While you’re watching a movie, he’ll stuff your panties in your mouth, push your face into the pillow, and cum in your ass without asking.
You beg him for more the next day, and promise him he can use you for anal sex whenever he wants, and can force you to take it if he needs to.
He obliges, pushing you against the wall as soon as he comes into your home and rails your little asshole.
After months of this, he finally tells you that he has a crush on you too, and wants to take your virgin pussy.
He fucks you, it feels amazing, he kisses you for the first time, tells you you're a good girl, and breeds you.
And the whole time all you can think of is…
The next time he’ll give you anal sex.
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princess-calls-me-sir · 2 months
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