princess-of-the-corner · 48 minutes
learning that apparently several hundred people have been pronouncing 'miette' as 'mighty' has actively worsened my day
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Great response regarding Chloe's sexuality and also kudos on the framing of how she recreates her parents relationship dynamics with Sabrina & Ladybug, cos yes, very much so.
Reminds me of how the author of Failed Step One (And Two (And Three)), my favorite Chlogami fic, and I discussed how Chloe's mental image of relationships tend to belike:
There is a strong personality that makes the decisions, is aggressive and leads the other, but also can reward/accomdiate them. While there is a weaker personality that provides comfort, support, affection and fawning, and generally does as they are told.
This is what she saw with her parents and likely saw with The Agreste's too. Its also (SPOILER) one of the reasons she legit struggles so much with her feelings for or even understanding of her relationship with Kagami as it develops.
Because she doesn't want to "Surrender" to Kagami and become the weaker one and has a breakdown at the prospect of Kagami doing the same. She doesn't want to 'win' this. She wants there back and forth riposte relationship, its just so far outside her context for what a relationship looks like its hard to process.
Kgami has her own emotional breakdowns and complex feelings on the matter, though from different angles. Though both do find appeal in being with someone who matches their sheer will and force of personality as opposed to crumbles before it.
Get these bitches some therapy!
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So Percy is definitely in like All the government databases.
I like to think the real reason that he and Sally faced like zero legal consequences for anything in TLT (Gabe, the Arch)—or, frankly, from any of Percy’s school mishaps and destruction of property—is that Poseidon managed to register Sally and Percy under some sort of confusing diplomatic immunity.
I mean, Poseidon is the literal king of all the oceans. I feel like his family should get a little diplomatic immunity. He’s been on-board with making both of them immortal. Legal protection just seems to fit that vibe.
I can imagine Percy’s file showing up during The Arch incident and some agent being like
Agent J: Wait a minute. Prosecuting this kid might get messy.
Agent S: What? He just committed an act of terrorism, Bill.
Agent J: Yeah, but here he’s listed as qualifying for— what is this? diplomatic immunity? This is crazy. Do you know who his dad is?
Agent S: No. Why?
Agent J: Neither do I. I can’t find it in the paperwork.
Honestly the real reason they’re never prosecuted has less to do with the status and more to do with the fact that the paperwork is So Confusing. Basically everything is redacted by the Mist and no one can figure out where any of the paperwork came from. —Teams of people getting headaches from reading over the paper trail for too long and experiencing bouts of temporary amnesia where they can’t remember what they were looking at and why —Agents determined to stay late at work only to get home and realize that they’ve left the office and can’t remember looking over the files
There’s a whole office of agents and a legal team that have dedicated themselves to working their way around the problem so that something like this Never Happens Again with their paperwork. They’ll draw straws to see who gets to pour over the paperwork today. They try taking notes but they all turn out as gibberish and foreign letters. They have a tally keeping track of how many times Steve drives home during lunch or Nancy ends up with a migraine or Emmy finds herself napping on the office couch, or how many legal documents Greg has accidentally shredded right after he filled them out.
Their office has garnered so much attention that it’s become a government-funded psych experiment. The national defense office wants to get its hands on whatever crazy voodoo they’re using to cover up the Jackson history.
There’s also a betting pool going on about what makes this kid so important and who wants to keep him off the radar.
Let’s not even start on the foreign agencies that get involved after the Giant War.
They all learned pretty quickly that technology wasn’t going to help them. Any footage they get of Percy Jackson winds up scrambled and confusing. So the best solution is resorting back to grass-root methods:
Field agents.
Sadie: Guys, I think we’re being followed.
Percy: *grabbing for his pocket* What?
Annabeth: Oh, I see what you’re looking it. No it’s alright. Weapon down, Percy. It’s the NSA.
Percy: Todd? *his eyes scan the crowd*
Annabeth: Yeah
Percy: *waves at a man in a baseball cap who freezes and ducks behind a kiosk in the mall*
Percy: It’s ok. It’s just Todd.
Sadie: Ok. Hold up. You have an NSA agent?
Sadie: Don’t they usually use phones or something?
Annabeth: Percy doesn’t have a phone
Percy: Too much bad demigod juju
Percy: I thought Todd was FBI
Annabeth: No, Seaweed Brain. FBI checks in on alternating Thursdays
Percy: Right
Annabeth: *to Sadie* FBI are the worst, honestly. I feel like we spend all day saving their asses.
Percy: Remember Vince? And the corn dog incident?
Sadie: I mean that doesn’t sound too bad.
Annabeth: There were empousai. Venom, right in the corn dogs. I’ve never seen a mortal drop that fast.
Percy: Or Elise and the subway scramble
Annabeth: That mishap with Randy on the 58th floor
Percy: *Looking back at Todd* You know, I miss Jamie.
Annabeth: Yeah, Jamie was nice.
Sadie: What happened to Jamie?
Annabeth: Oh, no. Nothing like that. They took her off the case.
Percy: She was too friendly.
Annabeth: She always waved back.
Sadie: . . . Right. And why are they following you again?
Percy: Annabeth has a theory.
Annabeth: We think it has something to do with Percy’s stint as a domestic terrorist.
Sadie: A wat now?
Percy: I blew up an arch.
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The main reason I usually default to lesbian Chloe is because her interest in guys often seems extremely artificial and performative.
Its like if a guy performs traditional masculinity so intently that it ends up coming off as insincere. The same sort of thing tends to apply to Chloe with my reads.
Especially because her rather awkward, both too extreme, and yet very at a distance 'flirting' attempts on guys can be contrasted against her much more affectionate manner with Ladybug. Which seems to lack the same sort of language, both verbal and body, that comes out with guys.
Plus there's the fact she only ever seems to express an aesthetic appreciation (Luka), a weirdly oscillating mix of formality and performative gestures at a distant target (Ali), or otherwise seems to 'pursue' a guy who is seemingly profoundly disinterested, (Adrien).
Plus like, I tend to assume that if she wanted Adrien as a boyfriend she probably could have swung that before school was even a thing. She was literally his only friend and company, the idea she never even tried seems odd if she was truly super interesting.
Plus, when fear regarding her relationship with Adrien comes up its rooted in the friendship over a potentially lost lover. The times she does lean on the idea of Adrien being her BF, tend to be more implied and usually used for a bit of social clout before being forgotten just as quickly.
It all really adds to the feeling her interest is, either consciously or subconsciously performative. More about playing a role than it is something she's genuine about.
Oh yeah absolutely!
Chloé's supposed romantic interests are in like. Safe people. Adrien is her friend and she wouldn't mind marrying him but she knows he won't return any feelings like that. While she has connections to be able to meet various celebrities, from popular-but-quickly-irrelevant idols like XY or someone genuinely influential like Ali, they're also not really people that there's hope for a proper relationship with, so they're also 'safe' for her to show interest in.
I think the thing about Chloé's seeming to be a lesbian is mostly in the way that she repeats her parents' relationship dynamic with her most obvious relationships: Sabrina and Ladybug.
Sabrina is the more obvious one because here, Chloé is playing Audrey while Sabrina plays Andre. The demanding, the devotion, the verbal abuse mixed in with genuine affection, the cold shoulder when she does something 'wrong', etc.
With Ladybug, it flips. Chloé is fawning. She's doing anything and everything to please Ladybug. To make her like her. And falls into despair when she 'fails'.
These are things she doesn't really do with the males she's showing affection with.
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As someone who buys a shit tonne of vintage and retro items all the time I need to tell you about the "shart zone" and "prime nuclear cockroach material"
when buying used items i will do anything in my power to avoid the shart zone, which is in the range of 5-10 years old, this is a short enough amount of time for especially electronic items to have not found a way to fall apart horribly but have become out dated enough to have no support and likely will not retain any value. I do however LOVE the nuclear cockroach material zone which is anything 20+ years old. If it still works after 20 years it is going to work forever. A great example of this is my pc which exists in the shart zone and has to be revved up to turn on lawnmower style, but my N64 works fine.
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adrien not everyone knows your chat noir
ive had this in my head for a while but i finally drew it
i need to draw funny things with these silly lil guys again
trying a new digital pen gonna use it for sketching eeeeee
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more stuff about becoming a god being inherently dehumanizing pls
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Other thing to think about, I never saw chloe as strictly gay, more like bisexual with a 60-70% inclination to women (Her type of guy is the more softspoken cute guys like adrien, instead of boisterus muscle guys like kim, sorry dude you just dont have the chance) which allow her some leeway as to how she presents herself to her parents (who might be homophobic, even of only minor) part of her arc might be to be a tad more open about her preferences
Honestly same!
I usually write Chloé into women and she def leans that way, but I do occasionally ship her with male characters so whenever her sexuality comes up in fics I have her say 'labels are for peasants'.
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From what I heard, the "Arrow" series that launched the Arrowverse was actually the least popular of the component shows, with the show only being called "The Arrowverse" because "Arrow" was the first.
But then again, it's pretty typical for comic book adaptations to be made by people who look down on Comic Books and want to "fix" what they see as flaws with them in the name of making them "more adult".
(Just look at the Titans series for an example of this.)
i.e. Comic Book Green Arrow has a strict rule against killing, while CW Arrow straight up plays the part of judge, jury, and executioner on anyone he feels has "failed" the city.
No but really why adapt something if you're not treating it with some love?
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Oh yeah, wasn't Gilles de Rais a serial killer?
I admittedly only know about him because of somebody else's RWBY theory, but still.
Yeah he killed over 100 children. Though I've yet to look too far into him to see what all was done, most articles mentioned that his actions were quite gruesome.
So yeah I get why ML might just kinda skip over him.
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Hey. So I already pointed this out to someone else, but I just figured I'd say this here: Gravity Falls is the only show I can think of where a character RETROACTIVELY haunts the narrative.
tbh as someone who was there during they heydays of this whole nonsense, seeing everyone on tumblr put together the clues, getting pranked by Alex Hirsch, the absolute HYPE of the reveal that I watched live.
I don't think about this as much how it is to someone totally new who didn't get that stuff pointed out to them. Because yeah if you're not- if you're not going over every little thing, then you can easily miss a lot of the clues.
And then you do see the reveal. And you go back. And they stick out so hard.
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The funny thing about changing the name to Green Arrow is that Malcolm Merlyn (Oliver's nemesis) suggested it back in Season 1 when Oliver (in civilian mode) prompted an alternate moniker to "The Hood" (before Oliver first fought his villain persona Dark Archer), and Oliver called it lame. And Malcolm didn't needle him about it when he appeared later.
(At the time of Season 1, the writers seemed to be shy about using comic book elements. It was kept completely grounded until Season 2 when Barry Allen and a super soldier serum were introduced; "Black Canary" was just nods early on; even the city was called "Starling City" instead of "Star City".
If you're going to make an adaptation of a comic book, not just a comic-inspired show but an adaptation of a pre-existing comic book, and you're afraid to actually put anything from the comic in the show?
That is just killing it from the start. Like I hear the show did end up being good, but goddamn!
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Pv Mime vs are Mime...
I honestly just wished they would connect em
honestly they could pull a little more from the PV at times
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Did you see what I Put in the Writing channel of the discord group?
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In your LadyPhantom AU
What if it was Adrien instead?
And who'd be Marinette's Red Hunteress?
tbh in theory I could yeet the whole gang into the Portal. Go whole hog on it.
I think Lila would best represent Valerie's arc, but this isn't really a 1v1 au.
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As much as I would like the special to take place between Evolution and Destruction
My boy(gender neutral) needs a nap!!!
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The idea of Marinette's identity being found out and her just making a new one like nothing happened makes me think of Arrow: In Season 3, Ra's āl Ghūl revealed Oliver's identity as Arrow to Captain Lance, then Lance told the whole city and arrested Oliver, but Roy Harper took the fall for being Arrow, and then friends fakes Roy's death and helped him leave the city to clear Oliver (Lance was not amused, blaming Oliver for his daughter Sara's death). Then in the Season 4 premiere, Oliver took on the new identity of Green Arrow, claiming to be someone who took up Arrow's mantle.
I also think of a post discussing how in Harry Potter, Buckbeak was eventually returned to Hagrid and given a new name and how the whole subplot in the third book could have been resolved by just saying Buckbeak fled and pretending he was a different hippogriff. And also they could have done the same thing with Sirius Black with the addition of a pair of glasses.
Oliver: "I'm not Arrow im...... Green.... Arrow. Green Arrow."
Everyone: "are you fuckin kidding me rn?"
Also while the Buckbeak thing would probably work, the Sirius thing would never get resolved because Dumbledore is a shady manipulative bitch wo refused to tell the authorities the truth to keep everyone where he wanted.
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