princessjae92 · 3 years
The way I just wish I could write some shit with Stephen Holder from the Killing, but then I remember it's such an underrated show nobody would read it. But like I love that man sm, I just want to
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princessjae92 · 3 years
In The Suicide Squad, the main characters have been loved and embraced by the audience for being society’s misfits. I was thinking Rick Flag is a misfit in ways as well. Of course by society’s standards he is the golden boy. He is the handsome “good guy” fighting for his country. However within his group of contemporaries (Waller, the office workers) he is a misfit. He actually believes in his patriotic ideals and can no longer tolerate the hypocrisy while they believe in the ends justify the means. While the office staff are betting on who will perish first, he is hanging out in a bar with the squad members as old friends. So in a way he was a misfit as well. Despite their glaring differences, Rick Flag had found his tribe.
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princessjae92 · 4 years
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Until True Justice Is Served.
@velvet-flame @becauseitisjohnnydepp @theroseinthedarkness @skiplo-wave @tomhardysmyspace @scottishoctopus @thatnortherner @itsseaberri @xuugu @takemepedropascal @holdmeicant @pinkandgreenroom @cleodoramer @melthemischievous @lunastar92
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princessjae92 · 4 years
What if Kai Parker wasn't the sociopathic monster we, and he, have come to believe? What if all those years of isolation scrabbled his pretty little head with truth and fiction? A fiction he tricked everyone with(including himself) for one reason... because he loved his family.
He watched them come into the world, one after the other and though he wasn't allowed to hold them, play tag with them, he loved them.
His brother Joey became his confidont, his friend, even after years of differences somehow the ugly truth pushed the two brothers together.
They always new the merge was going to be a hard moment, but to discover that not only did they plan on Kai and Jo not merging at all (you know just incase the abomination didn't die) the only reason the rest of them existed was to replace the eldest twins; placeholders, spares.
It kind of broke Kai, he always new his father detested the mere fact he was born a Syphon, but he worked so hard, studied and trained (as much as he could without his own magic), he tried damn it!
He tried so hard.
Even after he'd smashed up his father's office in a fit of rage, he still huddled and almost begged for some sort of understanding, some sliver that proved his father loved him.
He didn't find it.
Then there's Joey.
Kid didn't know what hit him; 16 years old and he was nothing, he was a throwaway.
It felt heavy and hard in his chest.
He hated them.
So they came up with a plan, they were going to get the fuck out of this messed up family. One way or another.
Telling the younger ones was too dangerous, kids can be shitty liars, and they knew Jo could never find out.
Geminis perfect Glinda?
Yeah, no.
It was scary, actually it was fucking terrifying and Kai couldn't stop shaking, making the knife in his hand rattle against his rings.
Joey got it all ready, the spells they'd spent nearly two years perfecting. It was time.
Dad was gathering the outer sectors for the merge, to convince the rest of the coven to suspend his children's birthright.
The boy's knew, took to keeping a close eye on the old man's mail, especially coven business.
Kai was almost paranoid in the belief that their father would sent them a letter to sanction his death.
His nerves had been building all week, he knew what he had to do.
Joey was just about to head into the twins room, the worn spells he spilt soda on and the elixir it took more than a year to get right in hand, when he heard the car tires against the dirt road.
She wasn't supposed to be home, those were the rules, the night before was for preparation and acceptance, they couldn't damn well do all that in the same house. She'd been sent to an elder by their father, after all every advantage is always an advantage, he'd told them.
She'd screamed so loud when she saw what she believed with pained horror to be truth.
Her siblings torn open and displayed tauntingly.
Kai rushed the stairs as her keys scratched against the outer door, meeting Joey in the hall just in time for their sisters heart piercing scream.
They were so close.
The spells were proving their worth, that's for damn sure.
Each sibling resting comfortably in a dreamless coma-like-sleep. Unaware of the glamour spell that keeps their would be corpses from the effects of Kai's unsteady hand. He'd been nervous about that, that's why he'd wanted the preservation spell, just incase he slipped, he dropped them, he just wanted them safe.
When Josette raced up the stairs, screeching ceriius names into the dark Kai turned to her.
He couldn't tear his eyes from her face, he just couldn't, the widening eyes they shared staring in nothing less than shock, perhaps a little sadness.
Then he felt her buckle, that's the moment he acknowledged the growing stain on his sisters shirt.
He saw the blood, real blood. Because he'd fucking stabbed her, he screamed and shook her as she fell to floor.
Joey had to drag his temperamental brother back through the hall, perhaps that why Joesette never saw him, or perhaps hit has to do with her 'deranged' brother screaming that it was fault, that she shouldn't have come back...
Hi guys, this was going to be a paragraph, 'I had an idea' thing. Obviously I got a little carried away. Anyway hope you don't hate it, much love.
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princessjae92 · 4 years
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princessjae92 · 4 years
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princessjae92 · 5 years
I've been rewatching Red Dwarf and something has accrued to me. Why the fuck did they send a second technician, a soup machine cleaner, a man that has failed his exams repeatedly to fix a vital part of the fucking ship!?
Seriously, they didn't have one engineer? Because I'm pretty sure that type of thing is their job.
So, Rimmer, smeghead that he is, didn't kill anyone.
The fucker that gave him the job of fixing the drive plate killed them all, then Rimmer got the smegging blame!
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princessjae92 · 5 years
In honour of this week’s TAT theme I bring you my fave subdued. 
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I have no idea who made this, but it’s effing brilliant.
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princessjae92 · 5 years
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princessjae92 · 5 years
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And then, they became best-bro-soul-mates FOREVA !
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princessjae92 · 5 years
Omg that was beautiful! Hal will always be my one and Tom... PROTECT!! Welcome to the family 👪❤️ xoxo
I know I'm late for this fandom but this video is just so beautiful I had to share it somewhere. Unlike most other Being Human tributes I've seen it shows side characters as well which just adds so much more depth and emotion to it - for me anyway.
It does contain some spoilers.
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princessjae92 · 5 years
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Parallels //
                   Jackie & Hyde and Monica & Chandler
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princessjae92 · 5 years
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“I mean, you could be a real writer someday, Gordie.” -Stand by Me (1986) dir. Rob Reiner
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princessjae92 · 5 years
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Damien Molony & Joe Gilgun, together.
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princessjae92 · 5 years
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he snapped
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princessjae92 · 5 years
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In which Holt surprises Jake with a visit at the VA, and introduces him to some family… (headcanon that Sam and Ray are related is based on this magnificent fanfic that you all need to read)
more Steve Rogers gifs /// more Jake Peralta gifs /// more Sam Wilson gifs /// more Ray Holt gifs /// all gifs /// buy me a coffee!
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princessjae92 · 5 years
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